JustVeros — Meow :3 ?Do I even exist? by-sa [NSFW]
Published: 2014-04-21 07:39:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 1319; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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A young 9 year old girl sat on a lone bench hidden in the shade of a large oak tree. The girl had tried to socialize with the other kids in her grade before, but she had given up for all she had gotten in return was an occasional glance or smile.  Instead of trying to socialize during recess she would spend her time staring and observing the other kids from her spot on the bench.  The girl's name was Calliope North but it did not seem to matter for no one ever asked or cared.  ever since calliope had turned seven, she seemed to fade away to everyone around her.  She sat sad and lonely on the bench, longing for anyone to notice or talk to her. when she didn't spend all her recess observing she would stare at the twisted oak tree that loomed above the bench.  The oak tree always seemed to watch her, she didn't know if it was the tree itself or something inside the tree. It was old and branches twisted and curved around the trunk.  Calliope laid her body gently on the bench and looked up at the branches trying to make out weird shapes to keep her mind off the loneliness. Usually when looking up at the tree she just saw branches, leaves, and a occasionally a squirrel, but this time something that her eyes could not make out moved in a dark shadow behind a bundle of leaves.  Having nothing else to do she decided to climb the tree out of curiosity.  She always wanted to climb the tree but never had a good enough reason too, but now she had a reason, the reason was curiosity. Curiosity was usually the only thing that would make her try something new now that she had no friends nor anyone to talk to. She carefully placed her steps moving quickly up the tree to the hidden bundle of leaves.  Calliope wasn't surprised to see that nothing was there. she started to turn around and jump down when something caught her eye. carved on a branch was a strange symbol.  the symbol was a circle with an "x" in the middle, The symbol wouldn't bothered her normally but something seemed extremely strange about it.  It was carved with almost perfect accuracy.  She climbed down quickly and reached her classroom just as the bell rang.  The symbol burned in her mind but she didn't know why.

The bell rang indicating the end of the day. Calliope walked down the hallway taking as much time as possible to observe everything around her. She took her time knowing that here was better then home. Ever since she started fading away even her parents stopped talking and noticing her.  Her parents had stopped caring for her almost completely, but they still cared enough to pick her up after school, at least that's what she thought.

After 2 long hours of waiting alone outside calliope figured that they weren't coming.  Her "home" was 3 miles away but she had no choice but to walk, if she didn't she surely would be left waiting for something that wont come.  She walked down the streets of small colorful suburban homes. It looked so perfect and colorful where she lived, but she knew it was all a big lie. The families inside the homes weren't as perfect as their appearance and neighborhood.  The wind whipped her hair and scarf violently behind her as she walked. the small grey poof ball hat that she was wearing flew right off her head.  she didn't even bother to try and get it knowing that there was no point, the wind would carry it far away.  

By the time she got home her scarf had lost the battle against the wind and was carried off somewhere back.  She opened the door to her pastel green colored home. Tears quickly came to her eyes as she saw a ten year old boy being praised by her parents. Calliope knew what this meant, she herself was not good enough so they replaced her.  They loved another child more than her, their biological daughter. Sadness took over her mind and it was all she could see. she understood more than others her age, and that advance in understanding tore her soul apart. knowing that they didn't love her didn't make her angry but instead made her sad. that sadness grew inside her and tried to take control. That night the sadness engulfed her mind. she lay curled up hugging her knees to her chest crying herself to sleep. sometime during the night a small creature made its way onto her bed and curled up by her chest. The creature was the family cat calypso, Calliope had named and cared for the cat alone and the two shared an unspoken respect being that they both didn't talk. Calliope loved the cat because it was the only thing anymore that noticed her existence.  She looked into the cats sea foam eyes and fell asleep. The cat made everything else go away except one burning thought, the last thing that laid on her conscience was the strange symbol from earlier.

8 years later (calliope is now 17)

17 year old Calliope North walked down the small streets and neighborhood sidewalks soaked in rain. No one picked her up from school anymore.  No one talked to her at school and her parents ignored her existence. She use to get a glance there or a smile or frown once in a while but lately its been nothing. Calliope barely talks since there is no point when no one is listening, The only time she hears her voice is when she tries to prove to her parents that she is worthy of being their daughter.  She ran to the bench under the tree to avoid the rain.  But behind the bench lay a whole sea of twisted tree's and unknown creatures. Barely anyone goes into the forest because of the rumors of people disappearing, but calliope never believed them, but she did like overhearing the stories when observing.  her old school that the bench was in had been closed and abandoned due to a kid's murder.  Calliope did not care about the murder though because she was to caught up in thoughts of trying to prove herself to her parents.  she sat cross legged on the bench and took out a book to study, she believed that if she became smart that her parents would approve of her or at least someone would.  

Calliope studied under the tree for hours until the rain had stopped. She walked the rest of the way home hoping for anyone to notice her, even if it was someone to mug her she would have liked the human contact that she was desperate for.  She opened the door and walked in. She saw her mother cooking for her so called "brother".  the only reason they liked him so much was because he was good at socializing and projected a good family image for them the she apparently could not.  

"Mom.... i got an A+ in every class, aren't you proud of me??" Calliope told her mother.  She stood wide eyed and waiting for a response that would not be answered. Her mother continued cooking and didn't even bother to glance.

Am i that much of a failure, im not good enough to be their daughter! i have to try harder for them to be proud, I don't deserve their love yet.  calliope would think to herself every time she didn't get a response, but this time was different.

This time calliope wasn't so determined to gain their approval, this time she was just sad, nothing less than pure sadness .  She chose not to get angry but instead just sad, if she got angry it would affect those around her, and she herself did not seem to matter enough to be allowed to be angry.  Depressing thoughts flooded her mind and tore at her heart creating an endless pit of despair.  

no one cares about me so does it really matter if i die now? will anyone ever care but does it really matter anymore? i bet someone would be sad if i was gone?  Calliope grabbed a small pocket knife that lay carelessly on the living room coffee table.  she walked up the small carpeted stairs that led to a long hallway upstairs.  she opened the door to the bathroom and locked it once inside.  calliope sat on the cold tile floor holding the knife to her wrist ready to slit it.  millions of thoughts raced through her mind. ready to end it all she looked away ready to dig the knife through her flesh, she was ready for everything to go away and disappear, she was ready to die. 
*scratch scratch* She stopped for the sound had ruined her concentration. she peeked under the door, 4 grey paws were revealed.  She opened the door for her loving cat calypso. The cats eyes locked with her own, calliope felt like the hole of darkness in her heart began to fill again. The cat loved her, but she was just a cat. The cat cuddled into her lap and comforted her. She dropped the knife and cried hard until their were no tears left.

Why was I ready to give up so easy? there are other ways.... there are other ways for people to notice me......to Love me.... _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Calliope started to skip school and tried to be rebellious. she thought her new strategy might work.  She thought that if she could be rebellious that her parents would have to notice her.  

Early in the morning, Calliope snuck into her parents room to grab there wallet. once she got what she wanted she walked to the tattoo parlor.  2 hours later she walked out with a tramp stamp that read "meow"  she only got the tattoo so that her parents would yell at her, any reaction from them to her would be good enough.... anything. after the tattoo she walked to the barber shop.  She got her bangs that swept to the right dyed purple which she took a liking to.  She had never rebelled and she hadn't really liked it, but if it got her parents to notice her than it was worth it.  

Calliope ran home noticing the ugly yellow flowers that layered the yard. the flowers were planted the day her "Brother" was brought home. she hated every inch of those flowers along with him.

She walked in her home to see her parents watching tv.  This was her last chance of gaining any response from them.  She walked pass the couch but their eyes didn't even glance at her. They didn't care.

"Am I Really That Unlovable!" she screamed out. she covered her mouth right after the words came tumbling out. shocked at her own words she ran up to her small grey room.  

Its me not them, im unlovable, its impossible to love someone like me! _____________________________________________________________________________________________

It was one week until Calliopes 18th birthday and one day until her brother moves out to college

Calliope sat hugging her knees to her chest and facing a blank wall in her room. she put a hat over her ears to drown out the arguing happening outside the walls of her bedroom. She opened the small window to let the thumping of the hard rain outside give her a distraction.  Her parents yelled and screamed for her brother not to go.  It depressed Calliope that they were so desperate for him to stay so they wouldn't be stuck with her.  tears fell down her face as she began to gaze out the window.  It was dark, rainy, and lonely for her. 

From the outside the house looked happy with its yellow lawn flowers and pastel green paint, but no one knew what really happened inside. a lonely girl thats soul is slowly dying, a pair of uncaring parents, and the perfect lovable son.

The screaming grew, calliope tried to ignore it but her soul was blackening and dying inside her trying to let emotion out, but she held it in knowing that if she lets it out it might take control.  The arguing continued, but her mother screamed out something that killed everything she was.


I cant take this! I have to go take a break! 

Calliope pulled her dark turquoise hoodie over her black tank top and put on a pair of old grey sneakers. heartbroken and emotionally destroyed she climbed out her window.  she walked alone down the horrible colorful neighborhood now soaked in rain and sadness.  she walked 3 miles until she reached the abandoned school.  she made her way down the empty hallways to out back where the bench under the tree was.  she laid down on the bench and stared up at the tree.  The strange symbol with the "x" in the middle of a circle was carved on every branch and seeped a weird black tar like substance.  Calliope moved quickly away from the tree.  The black goo frightened her a little bit, but most of all it made her curious.  She reached her hand out to one of the carved symbols, tracing the etched lines and allowing the black substance to run down her hand and under the sleeve of her hoodie.  She moved her hand away and observed the goo.  It fascinated her, it squirmed as if it were a living creature, a creature that moved towards her.  She felt as if it wanted her....as if it needed her.  Calliope sat down on the bench allowing more of the goo to fall on her.  She liked the feeling of something "living" being drawn to her, even if it was something that looked like it reeked of something ominous and dark.  

. *crack*  Calliope's head snaps back towards the direction of the sudden noise.  Her green eyes try to focus wildly on the forest behind her. darting her eyes rapidly, struck with fright she catches a quick glance of a small dark shadow quickly moving behind a tree.  Her fright quickly goes away and morphs into curiosity. over the years Calliope learned to turn fear into curiosity.  She hated fear, fear always made her feel more alone than she already was. but also struck something worse than the feeling of loneliness, it made her feel vulnerable.  She was constantly on the verge of being vulnerable by just being around her family.

Without any thought of any consequences calliope ran after the shadow.  Anything to get her as far away from home as possible.  She would never dare to run away but she didn't want to go back. she kept on running after the unknown shadow, part of why was because she wanted to be away from home, but she also did it out of curiosity.  Calliope ran quicker but her foot landed in a deep puddle causing her face and body to slam against the ground. her head hit a random seemingly out of place tree root causing her vision to blur and delay. She used her arm strength to begin to get up, but the wet ground beneath her caused her hand to slip causing her face to slam on the tree root again. disoriented and wet, she got up to search for the shadow again. she should've stopped and headed back to the bench, but this seemed important for some reason. she walked further towards where she last saw the shadow but after an hour of hobbling and trying to steady herself as she neared, she realized that she had gotten a concussion.  She stepped one foot back to head back to the abandoned school. *snap* a stick under her foot gave away and snapped. her foot didn't just snap the stick, it went through it.  without any solid ground beneath her she fell backwards onto a thin layer of forest floor that gave away under her weight.  She reached out her arms to grab anything solid, but there was nothing.....nobody there. as she fell down the pit, branches and large pieces of rock that poked out of the sides of the pit struck and mangled her body.  bits of clothing and flesh ripped and remained on branches hanging above.  Her mangled body struck the ground with brutal force making her spine along with most of the bones in her body shatter.  barely alive and thinking Calliope said her last words that burned inside her head, the words were saddening but explained everything everyone ever thought about her and she questioned herself.  

"We all die alone, but only I never seemed to exist..."  One tear dripped from her eye.  She looked up at the sky not able to feel a bone in her body.  At the top of the pit looking down was her cat Calypso staring at her wide eyed.  Calliope and the cat locked eyes, she smiled knowing that her cat loved her and that she could die in this moment content. She took one last look at her cat and let go. 

Calliopes eyes drifted open to a misty morning.  she looked up at the sky which was a light grey, fog drifted above the top of the....pit.  she remembers what had happened.... it wasn't a dream but did it matter?... she didn't.  she got up from her sprawled position on the ground. she smiled and kneeled."IM ALIVE" she screamed at the top of her lungs in joy.  she had no pain, no broken bones, no cuts, only old dried blood and small tears in her clothing.  she looked at her skin which was now a light grey, like it hasn't seen the sunlight in a long time, but it didn't matter she was just happy to be alive. "theres no way that I'm alive, i couldn't feel a single bone in my mangled body" calliope questioned.   "what happened had to be a dream, theres no way i would be alive! " her joyful smile faded. "...or am i dead?" calliope held her hand to her chest waiting for a heart beat.  1 minute passed and not even a single beat.   " Im dead aren't i? but how is that possible?! why wont it beat!" she screamed and frantically tried to feel a heart beat. nothing came. how long have I been down here?  calliope remembered the watch on her wrist that told the time along with the date. she looked at the watch almost not wanting to know the answer. " I'm dead" she murmured softly. the date was january 14 2014, she had fallen in the pit in 2013, she was dead for one full year and no one found her. maybe no one bothered to look.

 Maybe it wasn't because no one looked for her, but maybe no one noticed that she was gone since she never seemed to exist in the first place.   why is that whatever happens to me I'm alone, i use to think i deserved to be alone but no one deserves this not even me'.

she looked up at the walls of the pit trying to figure out a way to get out. she turned to look behind her which she didn't bother to look before. behind her was her dead cat calypso along with a note.  The dead cat's eyes were rotted out and her fur was matted and wet from morning dew.  But the most disturbing part of it to her was the strange symbol from before that was painted on the cat's hind leg.  the symbol was also on both of her hands too, but the symbol was not painted it was tattooed on.   A scythe, a creepy mask, a sickle, and a pair of boots rested behind her dead cat.  she didn't know what the items meant though or if they were from the cat in the first place. before she would lay a hand on the items she would have to read the note that she assumed was from her cat.  the note was written in neat loopy words and had dried blood splattered on the edges. it read: 

I always hid in the tree watching you from above knowing that someday you would die but i never thought it would come so soon . i never meant for you to see and follow me, i wanted you to stay away from the woods so he wouldn't take you.  you were never alone, i was always there either lurking in the shadows or observing you from tree's making sure that you weren't alone and fading away.  I LOVE you and I'm sorry you died.  its never been your fault that your alone because you haven't been alone, he's always watching.  after reading this I'm sure you'll find out what these items mean, use them or fade away. I gave my life to him so that you would live, use it well :3                  

                     to Calliope North                         

                                            from Calypso :3

after reading the note she did not cry like she usually would, she was done with tears, nothing mattered.  the one thing that actually cared for her was dead and gone forever.

I wish i stayed dead but instead i have to lose the one thing that cared for me, now i know im truly alone.  who's always watching? and why? why did i receive these items? it doesn't make sense.... nothing anymore makes since........ im done with being sad! i need to face the facts.  NO ONE LOOKED FOR ME. NO ONE CARED TO LOOK. NO ONE NOTICED.  my parents didn't care for me and they never will. my "brother" never knew i existed. no one knew i existed. they never cared to know me! their all to greedy to search for me, it would take time and money that they had and didn't need but didn't want to give up! THEYRE UNCAPABLE OF CARE!!! all they see is greed and money! all they hear is greed and money.  THEY COULDVE LOVED ME......but now im not so sure i love them....... its to late for them to love me, not like they ever would.... I don't want to be HUMAN like them...... IM NOT LIKE THEM!!!!!!  ILL NEVER BE HUMAN AND GREEDY LIKE THEM!!!!!!! IM NOT GOING TO SEE GREED LIKE THEM!!!  I REFUSE TO BE HUMAN LIKE THEM!!!!!!!

Calliope dug her fingernails into her eyes trying to take them out.  The pain was so intense it made her scream in horrible agony, she released all of her newfound hate for her parents through her scream.  warm blood pooled out never seeming to stop. she clawed and teared at her green eyes until she was satisfied.  the pain burned like fire and tugged at her soul but she didn't give up.  She also didn't want to hear greed like humans. the scratched and pulled at the skin of her ears. layers of flesh slowly got scratched away and laid on the ground. the pain wasn't as bad as her eyes but much more than enough to make her scream terribly loud.  She laid shaking and still screaming in terrible painful agony and in a giant pool of her own blood. The blood pouring from her eyes didn't seem to stop and created more blood pools on the pit floor. Calliope also didn't want to speak uncaring words and greed.  she bit down hard on her tongue trying to detach it from her body. she held back tears and screams as she bit down harder and releasing the now severed tongue out of her mouth.  sometime during her scorching pain she fell asleep without catching a single dream, her sleep was empty and dark.

Her eyes opened up to the darkness of the pit during the deep of night.  The pain along with her eyesight reappeared. The blood still poured from her eyes but the quantity was less. Somehow a clear catlike glassy layer cover her non existent eyes.  She also appeared to have a new tongue. The tongue was red and forked like a snakes but felt like a cats sandpapery texture. Sadly she did not regenerate her ears, but the spots where they use to be were stitched up and healing. She wanted to hear again, but not like a human. She looked at her cat's perfect soft ears feeling sadness. She slowly made her way over to calypso and picked her up and sat her on her lap. She pet her like she was living and mumbled "sorry". Her hand slowly glided towards calypso's ears. She grabbed the sickle that lay next to her and cut carefully through the dark grey ears. Whoever had sewn her ears shut left a spool of thread and needle, which calliope took sadly and started painfully sewing the ears onto herself. Feeling surprised that the ears worked she jumped up.   Calliope didn't care that she looked like a monster, she embraced it as herself.... her true self.......The unlovable monster self. She was pleased to look and feel this way, it suited her and it would suit her victims.  She knew what the items meant now. she had always kind of knew but didn't want it to be true.  She had to kill those who don't care, humans aren't capable of care, at least that's what she thought. But she would start with her parents and "brother".


Calliope wore her new mask and metal tipped shoes and she carried her scythe and sickle.  The colorful little neighborhood was empty and dark like every night.  she spotted the lights on in her formal "home" if she could ever call it that.  When she lived in that home she was always in a constant state of denial, depression, and suicidal thoughts.  She walked gracefully up to the house.  she stared at the yellow flowers that remained on the front lawn in contempt.  Along with her parents those flowers had to go. She grabbed a handful of the ugly flowers and ripped them from their roots.  Calliope went through the gate that led to the backyard and found the back door left open carelessly. she walked through and found that her parents nor her brother were downstairs.  she walked up the steps to the hallway upstairs and positioned herself in front of her parents door.  *slam* Calliope slammed the door open with force, the force was surprising for her appearance since she was skinny girl with close to no muscle nor fat.  both parents got out of their bed to stand in the corner together shocked with fear.   "what do you want from us" her father screamed. All of her emotions bursted uncontrollably into pure hatred.  She lunged at her parents and managed to tackle down her father.   "YOU NEVER LOOKED FOR ME!!!!!" calliope screamed as she repeatedly hit her fathers face with pure rage. she took out her sickle and jabbed the dull end into his face over and over again.  her mother cowered into the corner waiting for her certain death.  "YOU NEVER LOVED ME AND NOW I AM THE UNLOVABLE MONSTER YOU MADE ME" she screamed.  She lifted her mask to reveal her empty bloody eye sockets to her mother.  she scratched her mothers face furiously as her mother screamed in agony. she continued to scratch at her face until her eyes were barely intact. she stuck the sickles blade into her mothers eye over and over again until it reached and destroyed her brain.  she cut off each of her parents ears, tongues, and eyes and put them in her hoodie's large pocket.  but she didn't stop there. Calliope uncontrollably stabbed, hit, scratched, gutted, and bashed in their bodies multiple times over and over and over. Her clothing dripped with thick warm blood that remained everywhere.  she took her hand and dipped it in a huge pool of blood. She drew ":3" and the word "meow" all over the walls as a sign of rebellion. she left the room a gruesome bloody murder scene. she smiled as she walked out. she realized in that moment that she loved killing and it loved her, she didn't feel alone anymore.... she felt Happy. she walked into the hallway and into her " brothers" bedroom leaving a trail of blood behind.  Her "brothers" room was filled with furniture and everything except him.   HE LEFT FOR COLLEGE!!!!!! HE'S NOT HERE!!!!! she wanted to kill her brother most of all for replacing her.  The sight of his perfect room struck hatred and longing in her that she needed to unleash.  Calliope banged her fists down on the desk trying to break it.  She grabbed a lamp and threw it to the ground making it shatter to pieces. she broke everything out of rage and sadness. she threw things around and broke holes through the walls also leaving her parents blood splattered everywhere.   she opened the window and jumped down the two stories with ease and landing on her feet.  she ran towards the forest when she began to hear police sirens. as she got deeper in the forest she began to walk . as she walked she repeated: "loneliness takes over and controls my mind. No one cares or looks when I die. My heart is blackening and ripping inside. But now that I'm back your all going to die". Calliope repeated the words over and over. but stopped when she saw him. Tall, pale, and faceless he stood there waiting.   "Hi I'm......Meow" she smiled "And I'm ready" 

~~~~Lovelymeows :3

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Comments: 102

NamichiDorvel [2014-08-31 08:02:51 +0000 UTC]

Why did I read that at midnight?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JustVeros In reply to NamichiDorvel [2014-08-31 08:31:49 +0000 UTC]

lolz its not that creepy is it?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Squishykitt [2014-08-15 06:15:18 +0000 UTC]

Hohohohoho awesome story Meow!!~ left me with goosenips XD 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JustVeros In reply to Squishykitt [2014-08-15 06:17:52 +0000 UTC]

hahaha thnx, you just made me laugh

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Squishykitt In reply to JustVeros [2014-08-17 23:53:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Creepyschoolgirl [2014-08-08 18:45:38 +0000 UTC]

My deer friend this is really good I like you made deepersed then all works to becoming meow * hugs*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JustVeros In reply to Creepyschoolgirl [2014-08-08 18:49:43 +0000 UTC]

thnx :3 *hugs*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Creepyschoolgirl In reply to JustVeros [2014-08-08 18:56:21 +0000 UTC]

Np x3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

starli29 [2014-07-28 03:13:40 +0000 UTC]

waaaaaa! Calypso died! I forgot was Calypso a she? or he? I'm so sad! But this is a great story!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JustVeros In reply to starli29 [2014-07-28 03:15:56 +0000 UTC]

ya calypso died ;w; apperantly some people cried at the part where she did. and yes calypso is a girl :3 and thank u :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

vintricktive [2014-07-21 05:02:52 +0000 UTC]

I am drowning in awesomeness. ; v ;

Easily one of my all time favorite characters. u v u
Amazing amazing job, LovelyMeows. ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JustVeros In reply to vintricktive [2014-07-21 05:43:54 +0000 UTC]

Aw thnx :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

vintricktive In reply to JustVeros [2014-07-21 05:50:06 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome. ; v ;
When i can..
Would you mind if i drew her?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JustVeros In reply to vintricktive [2014-07-21 16:53:37 +0000 UTC]

sure go rt ahead :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

vintricktive In reply to JustVeros [2014-07-22 02:55:50 +0000 UTC]

Okay~! ; v ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

shadowlightmaker [2014-07-20 18:39:22 +0000 UTC]

"Its me not them, im unlovable, its impossible to love someone like me!" (ended here for another comment)

>W> I saw the same problem not a reaction from them or the mother alone (AGAIN) XD I'm just saying stuff

(I know the whole "closed off" meow needs for character and stuff) but still

anyways my complaints aside

I still like this story

the feels

and all

well see ya around mew

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

shadowlightmaker [2014-07-20 18:14:44 +0000 UTC]

>W> *re-reading*

mmm maybe it's I know the story

but the pace of everything after the time skip and first paragraph seemed to speed up

like flowing water.

I'm going to keep reading it over

so see if I spot anymore small things

like the zombie mom (XD)

still the whole fading away is .... too forceful maybe instead of just fading so fast she could be seen as a loved child. someone having lots of friends

and soon before the next bit she loses all her friends the other kids hate her and talk about her behind her back

the new child is a brat and steals the parents attention

seemingly making her fade away.... just me saying my opinion

(it's your story)

you can take my advise if you want XD

see ya after the story (maybe)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

h311Man [2014-07-20 00:26:59 +0000 UTC]

has anyone ever told you Meow looks like  MegaMinx from youtube?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JustVeros In reply to h311Man [2014-07-20 01:03:50 +0000 UTC]

yeah actually many have, I had no idea who manga minx was until like 3 weeks ago

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

h311Man In reply to JustVeros [2014-07-20 01:14:52 +0000 UTC]

oh ^^' well yeah

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ASKKITTYSALLY [2014-05-21 11:23:50 +0000 UTC]

AHHH i love ittttt im actually thinking of making a new oc and making her story

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JustVeros In reply to ASKKITTYSALLY [2014-05-21 13:41:16 +0000 UTC]

thnx and i cnt wait

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ASKKITTYSALLY In reply to JustVeros [2014-05-22 03:14:51 +0000 UTC]

kk i'll  make it as soon as i get some time

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

shadowlightmaker [2014-05-20 01:59:45 +0000 UTC]

interesting story

>W> I feel some of my characters could relate to this

someway .... but only bits and peices

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JustVeros In reply to shadowlightmaker [2014-05-20 02:31:51 +0000 UTC]

thnx :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shadowlightmaker In reply to JustVeros [2014-05-20 02:33:11 +0000 UTC]

welcome bud

(I also notice you kinda slowed down ... or maybe I sped up too much .... something seems different I was sure you were faster then this)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

shadowlightmaker [2014-05-20 01:35:52 +0000 UTC]

ts me not them, im unlovable, its impossible to love someone like me!) (stopped after here)

I'm just gonna say outright what I was thinking after reading to this part

she's a ghost .... not like a person ghost but like a real ghost

either that or this story is kinda too fixed to be truely a story

I mean I get if she fades out of memory if she doesn't stand out to poeple and doesn't talk much

but here's one thing

a teacher would notice her (I mean it's their job)

and her parents though it's your story their kind of tooo bland in not caring I mean

I get the new child thing I seen it happen (tons) but really 

mom's cooking 

daughter: I got a prefect grade in all my classes

mom (still cooking without even turning around)

(my reaction)

mom are you a zombie? .... mom are you a robot? ..... mom are you dead? any mother (even this one) should at least say something even if it's just a "uh ah"

and she yells off her head behind her parents

>W> (runs off before they can say something)

why does this seem so full of holes I'm tripping?

>W> anyways I hope you don't take this badly it's just my opinion on this story so far

other then that it's good so far really feel the emtion

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JustVeros In reply to shadowlightmaker [2014-05-20 01:45:41 +0000 UTC]

oh i know, i did this for a reason,  she could be dead the whole time or shes skitzophrenic. there are many possibilities

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shadowlightmaker In reply to JustVeros [2014-05-20 02:04:38 +0000 UTC]

yeah .... ok what's the reason other then to explain how she came to be?

there are those possibilties

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JustVeros In reply to shadowlightmaker [2014-05-20 02:34:28 +0000 UTC]

ya, its not suppose to be a straight forward story, it leaves room for the reader to make there opinion, and point is that there doesnt need to be a point, she is who she is and because of her experiences she became a monster

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shadowlightmaker In reply to JustVeros [2014-05-20 02:48:48 +0000 UTC]

>W> .... mmmm I guess that makes a good point

it's open alright

but maybe too open

>W> guess it's the writer in me screaming about something idk

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shadowlightmaker [2014-05-20 01:11:50 +0000 UTC]

staring and observing the other kids from her spot on the bench.)

this was me at school for a time XD totally happened I was a shy one

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JustVeros In reply to shadowlightmaker [2014-05-20 01:32:30 +0000 UTC]

meh too, i was so shy, but now i go to an artschool and most everyone there is excepting

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shadowlightmaker In reply to JustVeros [2014-05-20 01:41:11 +0000 UTC]

oh my really

>W> yeah I was then moved to another school myself (no more outside recess) but I had a whole class of friends to hang with and a few outside my class

we hung out in the lunch room till the bell rang 

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JustVeros In reply to shadowlightmaker [2014-05-20 01:46:30 +0000 UTC]

same :3

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shadowlightmaker In reply to JustVeros [2014-05-20 02:02:47 +0000 UTC]

>W> we're like the same person XD No JK

but that's something that we have the same thing happen

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JustVeros In reply to shadowlightmaker [2014-05-20 02:34:46 +0000 UTC]

lol :3

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shadowlightmaker In reply to JustVeros [2014-05-20 02:46:46 +0000 UTC]

it's kind of odd XD

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lightstargirl [2014-04-30 00:20:21 +0000 UTC]

Moon: You didn't need to be lonely, all you needed to do was tackle someone and then say "Be my friend" over and over, either they'll be your friend or your gonna be sent to a mental hospital 
Ai: Just because it worked on me doesn't mean it'll work on everybody
Moon: SHUT UP! yes it will.
Ai: *Facepalm* Why...?
Moon: Because it does work
Ai: I don't even know

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JustVeros In reply to lightstargirl [2014-04-30 00:22:45 +0000 UTC]

Meow: good advice...... but I realize nowat every minute im alone is a minute away from humans:3

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HueGhost [2014-04-22 15:06:58 +0000 UTC]

This is waaaayy better than what I can do. I use to write when i was little, then stopped, and now I can barely write good. I'm going to try to make Cinder's story more descriptive like this one.

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JustVeros In reply to HueGhost [2014-04-22 20:16:17 +0000 UTC]

No I'm not really a good writer and I bet ur story will be great

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HueGhost In reply to JustVeros [2014-04-22 20:36:43 +0000 UTC]

So, here ya go.... fav.me/d7btqma Cinder's story part 1.

Part 1 is downright terrible.... I know     

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HueGhost In reply to JustVeros [2014-04-22 20:19:32 +0000 UTC]

Well, my story is out, but you have to go read the very first part. It's called Creepypasta Cinder Mikes-part 1. Yep, it started off terrible.

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sonicman10 [2014-04-21 22:30:19 +0000 UTC]

Man nice story, better than my ocs story.

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JustVeros In reply to sonicman10 [2014-04-21 23:15:18 +0000 UTC]

thnx but im not really a good writer, and ill have to read ur story :3

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sonicman10 In reply to JustVeros [2014-04-21 23:44:02 +0000 UTC]

Alright but I have have to re edit my oc's story.

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JustVeros In reply to sonicman10 [2014-04-21 23:46:25 +0000 UTC]

ok , i cant wait to read it :3

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JadeDeathWolf [2014-04-21 19:55:37 +0000 UTC]

its an amazing story!!!

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JustVeros In reply to JadeDeathWolf [2014-04-21 20:23:55 +0000 UTC]


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