Experimenting w/ some lineart and coloring in this one. Trying to figure out nicer ways of shading things w/o making them look super artificial or flat and things like that. Still not quite where I want it, but I think it's a step in the right direction and hopefully it'll come out easier w/ practice. I wish my lineart could be a little rougher since that's the kind of style I'd like to go for but that's kind of difficult on a non-graphical drawing tablet, oh well.
For some reason I think it's fun to try and do semi-realistic when I'm doing practice pieces like this. It's not the style I usually use so it's a nice break from things, and it's a good skill to practice anyway. At some point I feel like I should name this girl too, since this is the 4th time I've technically used her for practice so I feel obligated to give her a more permanent existence haha
Made in PaintTool SAI