ahhhhh it's finally done! ten hours and 169 layers later. . .
Horse ID: #124
Import: here
Current Stats: Spe: 5/14 // End: 1/8 // Pow: 2/8 // Tem: 2/10
Surface: Dirt
Position: Closer
Entry: here
**Optional Race Extra: -
Horses from left to right:
MustangRio 's GSR Fairytale Dream
DeerCreekArt 's DCR Eye of the Storm
Nyathera 's Night Terror
SolkarOfRavnica 's AC Ophis Pterotos
Rising-Star-Farm 's Hawkbit BSI
And SAE El Dorado , ridden by Andie Marshall
All horses get +3gp
El Dorado gets +10gp
AC Ophis Pterotos
SAE El Dorado, Hawkbit BSI, DCR Eye of the Storm