kahnac — Godzilla Ataria Unleashed - ch 56

#godzilla #godzillaataria
Published: 2022-01-18 18:54:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 8377; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 0
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A Desperate Stand

Osaka has become a toxic wasteland. Poisonous vents have cracked open the city, allowing fumes to spew forth, and turn the city into a hazardous no man’s land. And it was here that the final power surge aka Celestial Crystal emerged. Completely black in color, and radiating with dark energy that only added to the potency of the toxic fumes. This meant that noone could enter the city, and live to tell about it.

Nobody human, anyway.

Lord Bagan was furious due to the loss of the Cryog. While true, they had not been his favored followers, they were his most dedicated to the complete destruction of humanity. The only thing left of them now was their technology, along with the Vortaak,  stored aboard a massive, floating citadel spacestation, hanging above the earth like a celestial body. Its black form illuminated by the thousands of lights shining from its hull. It was here his forces had retreated to, where his generals had fallen back to before the Cryog attack, and where Bagan was now stationed, with his temple teleported into the very heart of the fortress. 

As of now, however, the only thing that mattered was what he had held in his dungeon all this time. Kaiser had remained imprisoned for his insubordination, and was seemingly left to rot in his cell forever. Granted, he was no longer shackled to the wall, but the power dampeners in the cell ensured he stay put. Not that he was planning to escape anytime soon, as his loyalty to the Emperor kept in his place. So, even though he was the reason Kaiser was now a prisoner, when Bagan appeared before him, he bowed on one knee out of respect, and loyalty. “What is thy bidding, my master?”

“The time has come for your redemption to me, Kaiser.” he said, while willing the cell to shut down. “Karkaro and the Ryuseicho have both failed me on the same day, and now the final Celestial Crystal has revealed itself.”

Kaiser was surprised by this news, but he decided to take it in stride. “And how may I be of service to you, my lord?”

“I am sending Legion to retrieve the crystal, but I know she will fail. Vorticia was always a failure even before I transformed her. This will be her final failure.” He then pointed a taloned finger at Kaiser. “You will ensure that the crystal is procured by any means possible. The titans, and humans must not get their hands on the final crystal. Do you understand?”

Kaiser crossed his arm over his chest, with his fist over his heart. “Of course, my lord. I swear on my life, I will not fail you.”

Bagan’s eyes narrowed as he loomed over Kaiser. “Yes: on your life!”

Godzilla was overlooking the city of Los Angeles…..or what was left of it.

The Earth Defenders battle with the Cryog and Tenebren Forces had reduced the city to a smoldering ruin, with the wreckage of ships scattered all over the place. And in the center of it all were the recovering Titans. Titans he had led into this grueling battle, and nearly to their deaths. All he could think about was how close to dying they all had been on this day. And how the humans may react to the fact that they had basically turned one of their national cities into a wasteland. Much was weighing on his mind when he sensed a familiar presence approach him. “So you managed to pull it off.” Novus said. “You did the impossible, and saved the world once again. I suppose I should congratulate you for a job well do-” He was interrupted by a hard punch into his gut which made him spit up a little from the sheer force of the blow.

“Don’t think you can write this off, Novus.” Godzilla growled as he pulled out his fist. “I know you were trying to kill all of us when you made that ship crash.”

Novus coughed, and said, “You misunderstand, gojiran. What I did, I did to stem the tide of battle. I knew you, and the other titans would survive the explosion. I simply took the most logical route, and tried to weaken the enemy forces to the point where they could be defeated.”

“By ramming the ship directly into Gaijira?”

“I tried to aim for Magita, but there was only so much I could do.” He then bowed his heads. “I do apologize for the sorry state I put you all in. Truly I am.”

“Sure you are.” Godzilla hissed. “Just remember that if you try anything that might endanger us again, I won’t hesitate to send you back to Hell where you belong. I don’t know how you came back, and convinced my father to let you help us, but I don’t care. I know you only serve your own interests. But I won’t let you put those I care about in harm's way. So you either stay onboard, or get what’s coming to you. Understand?”

“Completely.” Novus grinned before leaving. It infuriated Godzilla seeing the hydra so smug. It was clear he wanted to get a rise out of the young king, and that’s exactly what he got. This left Godzilla in a worse mood than he had already been in, and he could think of nothing to get out of it. That is, until he felt his beloved mate rub against his form before facing him. “You shouldn’t let him get to you.”

Godzilla sighed. “I take it you were listening?”

“The whole time.” Tristan then gave his mate a concerned look. “What’s wrong, love?”

At first, Godzilla considered simply saying everything was alright. But he couldn’t bring himself to lie when nothing was alright. So after turning towards the titans, he spoke. “This war is getting out of control. How many lives are going to be drawn into it before we finally put down Bagan? The longer he stays at large, the more innocents get hurt - even our own kind. What if they decide we’re too dangerous to live, and try to destroy us?” Godzilla’s eyes narrowed. “More so when they find out Ghidorah was helping us?”

“So you’re worried about how humanity will react to what happened today?” Tristan asked.

“Look around, Tristan. This battle was unlike anything the world ever saw before. Add to the Crystal Incursion, and you have a recipe for total disaster. And all because I had the bright idea of recruiting the Titans to our side, as well as trying to save Ghidorah from Bagan.”

“Seiki, you can’t blame yourself for any of that. None of this is your fault. Nobody asked for this war, and noone sure as hell blames you for it. Bagan started all of this when he betrayed the planet he swore to protect. He alone is the cause of all this sorrow. As for Ghidorah, I don’t know what to say but….but I do know we need him if we’re going to stop Bagan. It’s humans and kaiju together that are going to save the world this time. All because they choose to fight for the same thing we do. And that’s a positive concept to think about, if you ask me.”

After a few moments of silence, Godzilla chuckles in amusement as he smiles. “How do you always know what to say to make me feel better?”

“Maybe it’s because I know you too well.”

“And that’s why I love you.” Godzilla said as the two briefly nuzzle, until they hear metal footsteps approach. It was Kiryu, and he seemed troubled by something. “I’m sorry to interrupt you both, but we have a serious situation.”

“What’s wrong?” Godzilla asked.

“I just spoke with Admiral Tanaki, and it turns out another power surge crystal strain just appeared in Osaka. Can you feel it?” Both kaiju looked surprised at the news, but realized Kiryu was right as they sensed the same familiar sensation they have when a power surge crystal strain appears. And this one was the most ominous feeling one of all. “We believe it’s what turned Osaka into a toxic hazard for humans. The populace has been evacuated, but now the Crystal is up for grabs. We need to move now if we’re going to stop Bagan from getting his hands on it.”

Godzilla’s eyes narrowed as he growled, “Consider it done.”

The flight to Osaka took a few hours, but the group still made it in relatively good time. Due to the urgency of the situation, it was decided the kaiju chosen for this mission would consist of fliers who would then carry their land-based companions. Megalon carried Titanosaurus, Kiryu carried Tristan, Rodan carried Godzilla…..and Novus elected himself to join this mission, and flew on his own. As did Gamera. Godzilla was secretly against letting him come, but deep down he knew he had to earn the dragon’s trust if he was to turn him to the light side - as unlikely as that may be. So here they were now, in a toxic wasteland with absolutely no humans around, unnatural vents having been torn open and spewing poisoned gas with a dozen black crystals sprouting all over the place.

“You know, for some reason I was expecting the sky to be green due to all the gas in the air.” Rodan said. “Guess I was wrong about that.”

“At least we know the fumes can’t harm us.” Megalon said.

“Indeed. It makes destroying these crystals all the easier.” Titanosaurus said.

“Don’t be so sure.” Tristan said. “Experience shows that resistance isn’t too far behind.”

“Exactly.” Godzilla said. “We have no idea if the Tenebrens have already been here or not, so we need to stay alert. Move with caution.”

“I concur.” Novus said. “Let’s just get rid of the crystals in this city before any surprises come our way.” Suddenly, a blue beam struck Novus square in the chest, and knocked him on his back. The others were shocked by this, but not as much as when they saw the culprit. “Far too late for that, “king” ghidorah.” Legion said as she fully appeared before the Earth Defenders. Only she was coated in a thick, black cloud that radiated alien energy. To make matters worse, Kaiser, Dagarla, Gigan and Megaguirus appeared through a red portal beside Legion. Following behind them was a horde of Yokai, Trilopods, and Gyaos. Ghidorah growled as he stood back up, and said, “You’ll pay for that, wretch.”

“No.” She said. “The only ones who will pay are you fools for condemning my race to extinction. And for cursing me to be this abomination for the rest of my existence. I will have my revenge!”

“Forget it, Vorticia!” exclaimed Godzilla. “The Vortaak had their chance, but wasted it by siding with Bagan. Now the only one who’s paying for anything is you for destroying Monster Island.” This made the kaiju laugh wickedly, then she said, “That is where you would be wrong: for as you can see, just before you arrived, I absorbed the essence of the Celestial Crystal for myself. Now my power is greater than ever before.”

“How about we test that theory?” Megalon asked before firing his horn lightning. To the surprise of the Earth Defenders, the bolt was reflected by the black mist, which acted as a shield against the attack. “Uh…..okay, theory proven.” Megalon said.

“Still as dumb as a brick, eh, Megs?” Gigan quipped, which made the beetle titan angrily spit napalm at the cyborg. The blast missed Gigan, but triggered the attack. The Tenebrens charged the Earth Defenders while the latter stood their ground. Hold them off while I go to destroy the crystals!” Godzilla shouted, and then moved off to destroy said crystals. While also fighting the Yokai, Trilopods and Gyaos, the Earth Defenders each chose their own opponents to tangle with. Megalon and Kiryu squared off with Gigan, Rodan faced Megaguirus, and Dagarla faced both Tristan and Titanosaurus, and Legion faced Gamera and Novus. The only one who advocated from engaging in combat was Kaiser. That was because he, himself, challenged Godzilla in battle. “You didn’t think i’d allow you to shatter the crystals now, did you?”

“Actually, I was kind of hoping you’d do the smart thing, and smash them yourself to save me the effort.”

“Not likely, as my master desires these crystals power for his plans.”

“Well, we can’t all get what we want, now can we?” With that, he charged up his atomic ray at the same time kaiser charged his gravity bolts. The attacks collided with one another with explosive results. But the pair stood their ground. And with that, their battle began.

Though outnumbered, Gigan was able to hold his own against the two enemies. Megalon thrust his drill at him, but he ducked and slashed at Megalon’s torso. The latter then tried ramming his drills into the cyborg, but he continued missing. This was getting the insect angry, and caused him to overshoot a thrust. With that opening, Gigan slashed at Megalon’s arm, then his leg before kicking him to the ground. “You really are an idiot, Megalon. You didn’t think I studied your design specs since you betrayed us? How else was I gonna pay you back for turning against The Regime?” He then revved up his buzzsaws. “Now, i’m going to use your head as an example of what happens to traitors.”

But before he could behead the insect, Kiryu rammed into him with all his strength, knocking him into several buildings. He stood defensively in front of Megalon, who was grateful for the help, though he wouldn’t admit it aloud. Gigan got back on his feet rather quickly, and smiled when he saw Kiryu. “We just keep running into each other, don’t we, Megalion?”

“Hopefully this time will be the last.” Kiryu said as he drew his wrist blades, and after cutting down some yokai and trilopods, crossed blades with Gigan. The two then engaged in a dance of weaponized beauty as each deflected the others blow, and received some in turn. It was a battle of swordsman in grand fashion.

All the while Rodan was engaged in aerial combat with Megaguirus, trying to match her speed. But the insect was far more agile than he gave her credit for. Right now, she was in the middle of pummeling him with her pincers as they soared through the air. But he managed to get his talons on the bug, and made sure not to let go under any circumstances as he pecked at her head. This gave him the chance to knock her into the streets, and shove her across. Once he figured he had her stunned, he prepped a uranium beam to finish her off. But the creature was crafty, and used her stinger to stab him in the back, and drain some of his energy. This made him release her, and let her slide out from under him. She sighed contently before saying, “Thanks for the power boost, bird boy.” Her body then ignited into orange light, and unleashed a ball of uranium energy at Rodan before he could even dodge. He was weakened by his own attack being thrown at him, and left at Megaguirus’ mercy.

Dagarla took to the waters of the city, and engaged Titanosaurus and Tristan with his irabushin beam. This kept the aquatic kaiju at bay due to them having to dodge them. But Tristan always retaliated by blasting Dagarla in the face with his atomic flame. The flame hurt, but not enough to kill him. Though Titanosaurus, with his gale winds, made staying in one place more difficult. It was only a matter of time before they jumped him at the same time. But that’s when an idea came to mind. Taking off into the air, Dagarla glided towards the two titans while his shoulder spikes opened up. Before they could dodge, he fired something that his them square in the chest, before he used their stunned hesitation to knock them both down. When they recovered, both of them felt woozy, and weak. They looked down, and saw they were covered in thousands of alien starfish. “Do you like my Barem, boys?” Dagarla asked. “A poisonous little bunch that’ll make sure you stay where you are while they drain the life out of you.” Tristan tried to scrape off the Barem, but they stayed attached to him. He didn’t even have the strength to try, and burn them off. The same went for Titanosaurus. Both were now at the aquatic weapon’s mercy.

Legion faced off against Ghidorah and Gamera in a stalemate, given how strong she was. Gamera tried punching Legion in the torso, but she barely felt it thanks to her armor. She slashed him across the chest with her pincer, and then blasted him away with her Uni-beam. Novus tried ramming into her, but she was able to push him backwards before lacerating him with her energy whips. After recovering, he tried again to fire his gravity bolts at the insectoid, but wash harmlessly over her form. She blasted him again in the chest, making him stumble backwards while she laughed. “To think that this is all the mighty King Ghidorah has to offer in terms of strength, and power! Your improbable resurrection makes no difference, either way! I, Queen Legion, will see that you are permanently decommissioned, then made to feed my children before I bring The Emperor the final crystal!”

“On this day, the triumph shall be mine, witch!” Novus exclaimed as his body surged with energy, and he fired his gravity bolts once more. “And you shall be naught but cosmic dust when I am through with you!”

“You mouth madness! You are but a single being: my name is Legion….for WE are many!” She shouted as she blasted Ghidorah, who was shielding himself with his wings. “Your words may be true, but in all of space I stand alone! I am Ghidorah!”, he proclaimed as he suddenly began striking the landscape with gravity bolts, and then used telekinesis to hurl buildings, and mountainous boulders at Legion, which hit their mark, before firing his gravity bolts once again. “The be-all and end-all of the universe!”

“A trivial claim when even you cannot defeat me alone.” Legion declared.

“Except he isn’t alone!” Shouted Gamera, who suddenly appeared out of the skies, and jumped onto Legion’s back. While she struggled, he began tearing out the mandibles on the side of her head that he noticed was the source of her long-ranged attack. But eventually, she did get him off her. However, he managed to grab her mouth pieces as he fell. And with a mighty pull, he ripped them right out of their sockets, causing Legion to shriek in anguish. But that pain quickly turned to bloodthirsty rage as Legion immediately began impaling Gamera on her energy whips. Ghidorah tried to help the terrapin, but again his Gravity bolts did nothing. And he barely avoided the same fate as Gamera, who fell to his knee’s in pain. It seemed he was at the insectoid’s mercy.

That is, until she was knocked forward by the most unlikely pair imagined: Mothra Leo, and Battra.


Artwork by DrGWRzilla and Me

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RakiotTheGrand [2022-01-22 20:35:32 +0000 UTC]

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ApexGuardian2022 [2022-01-20 11:04:04 +0000 UTC]

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thelasyfishboy [2022-01-19 23:36:25 +0000 UTC]

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Daizua123 [2022-01-19 02:29:04 +0000 UTC]

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pksp5 [2022-01-18 19:30:00 +0000 UTC]

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