kahnac — The Zhanglao: Primordials of the Cosmos

#aliens #godzilla #kaiju #theprimordials #zhanglao #thechroniclesofwar #divinegods
Published: 2018-04-26 03:37:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 6427; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 0
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At long last, i have produced what i always wanted to produce for everyone ever since i got as far as i did with my series, "Godzilla: The Kaiju Chronicles/of War". And that revolves around an order of entities who ultimately over-see the ever-growing expansion that is all of existence. Of course, i had absolutely no idea how i would go about it, or who i wanted to add. And yet, after an exceedingly long good time, i finally was able to do it. And now, for everyone's hopeful curiosity, i present to you, the ancient pantheon of nigh all-powerful gods who ultimately run all of existence.

The Primordials - but to be more specific, The Zhanglao. While Gamera, Bakoro the White Tiger, Jedagon the Azure Dragon, King Shiisa the Vermillion Lion (with Irys being the Vermillion Phoenix once upon a time), Anguirus the Water Beast, Baragon the Earth Bender, and Varan the Wind Waker (the latter 3 based on the original GMK trio) are ultimately the demigods of existence whose power is based on earthly elements, and exist as full flesh and blood beings.....the Zhanglao are of far greater stature. These are the ones who all in the cosmos refers to as Gods. Each, and every one of them are embodiment's of aspects: concepts which hold basis over reality itself. Their task is ultimately to ensure the stability, and balance of all there is is maintained for as long as possible. At least, this was originally what they were all created for with the Seven Lumarraeum i mentioned before coming much later as their protege's and charges. Let's just say Bagan's betrayal fucked everything up good, and hard. Before that, though he was one of them. And he served as a member of the HIGHEST order of the Primordials who are considered the Elder Gods.

The Vaninhala Trio.

To get the simplicity of it all, the Zhanglao are entities who are all multiversal singularities that were born in pairs. Pairs who are exactly like the kaoi-shin and Hakai-Shin of the dragon ball-verse: they are each in individual pairs whose existence is tied to each other. This is because each of them is an opposite of the other which is essentially a balance. The two always work to keep the other in line, and ensure the aspects they embody remain in check. If ONE dies, the other goes as well. And if a pair is split up for too long, it ends up effecting them on a level which creates imbalance. Without their other to hold them in line, the single Zhanglao could end up eventually forgetting their purpose, and end up trying to assert their own elemental wills on things. This is why it has always been essential for the Vaninhala to exist: the trinity holds sway over all of the others, with their Leader, and the leader of the primordials in general, as the mediator who will inevitably use his power to settle things between the pair should any quarrels they have get too out of hand - usually to the point of ending all of existence in the realm (a universe). There are exactly Thirteen Zhanglao all together, and there are all named, and embody each aspect of existence as follows:


Seraph, The Primordial-Zhanglao of Hope, and Balance: The one, and only leader of the Primordials, Hope is essentially the one in the middle. An entity of enlightenment, and divine energy who exists to ensure both Hope exists in the realms, and that Balance is maintained. In the time of The One Realm, mortal-kind adopted for him the name of Seraph, in relation to the six-winged angel who stands beside Yaweh, aka God. Seraph is both a wise, and powerful warrior who holds an incredible source of knowledge, and wields the power of The Source with excellent sufficiency. And he holds an in immense regard for all who exist because of his respect, and admiration for The Source. He understands that all beings are a part of The Source, just as he and his brothers and sisters. Mortal, or otherwise, all are a part of The One, and as such are the most important beings to cherish, and protect. The final battle in "The Great War of Revelation" took a heavy toll of Seraph, and has given him a sense of weariness in the role he had to play in order to stop his brother, who took the name of Lord Bagan in his bod for conquest. Though it was by his hand that the Dark Lord was defeated......he also believes that it is BECAUSE of his actions that The One Realm is no more. Now he resides in the kingdom which was once the central dominion in their world, now confined along the borders of the mortal, and spirit realm. While his ideals remain as strong as ever before, he now bears a sense of heaviness over him. Like a great weight which refuses to leave him - made only worse with the return of Lord Bagan. And yet, as he observes the countless battles which rage within the universe his bother set his eyes on, he sees the mortals who fight against him time, and again. One in particular who he recalls defeating the Dark Lord once before. Perhaps it may be time for him to meet this mysterious mortal who continuously challenges Darkness. Because seeing him stand against impossible odds brings a feeling he thought he could only influence, and produce. For the first time in existence...........Seraph has Hope for the future, in the hands of the one called Godzilla.

Ophanima, The Primordial Zhanglao of Light: Where once there was only emptiness, and non-existence, there was The One. And in that place known as The Void, The One saw that there was nothing, and sought to end this pointless emptiness, and nothing. And so, with but a gesture, he brought forth 3 siblings who appeared as Sapphire, Pearl, and Ruby. The sapphire took the form of a six-winged angel which was named Hope. The Ruby twisted in a bright flame, and brought forth a dragon covered in crimson shadow named Darkness. And lastly, the Pearl expunged a beautiful, and bright radiance greater than any star, and sun in existence. From this emerged a bright, winged form which bordered between the lines of angel, dragon, and even what would one day be called insect. This was the birth of Light, who would be named Ophanima, who embodies Light, and Goodness. It was to these 3 beings the One called his Vaninhala that an instruction was bequeathed upon them: to oversee, and watch over the universe which would emerge upon The One's passing. They were especially to care for the race of being known as mortals, who would be crafted in The One's image - and to protect them was to serve their father. To ensure they would not be alone in their mission, The One granted them ten jewels of incredible power. Just as the 3 were born of their own Jinsei Gems, so too would their younger siblings, which he called the Zanglao, would be born to serve as keepers of the balance of existence. The Vaninhala were to help them, guide them, and nurture them into the roles they would be born into. To help them become all that they could be as protectors of the realm. The 3 did solemnly vow to do as their father decreed, and watched with somberness, and emotion as The One's being formed into seven singularities, before culminating into a single, shining speck in the void. And then, a grand explosion emerged, and brought forth the creation of a single universe. One that bore elements of numerous worlds, conjoined into a single, earthly plain in a massive reality. This place would be known as The One Realm. After crafting a kingdom which would oversee the realm itself, the Vaninhala decided it was time to bring their siblings into existence. Gathering all of their energies together, the trinity bestowed the gift of existence to the Ten Zhanglao. Together, the 13 planted the seeds of life which would garner forth all of mortal-kind, throughout the universe. And as instructed, each of them fulfilled their roles of maintaining the Balance of The Source, which exists in all that there is. Ophanima herself spread the influence of Light, and all the good things which came from it. This made her the most revered of the Zhanglao, and she took some pride in her accomplishments, and the appraisal she received. As far as she was concerned, life was good to them. The day Lord Bagan waged his inhuman war upon The One Realm was the day her world was torn apart. Ophanima already noticed signs of distress within him. But by the time she attempted to confront him about it with Seraph, it was too late: he abandoned all of them to parts unknown. In time, he returned with them, armed for war. A war which devastated the realm, and left countless dead. In the end, it was the combined strength of Ophanima, and Seraph - both wielding their Nova Cores as Bagan did his. With the strength of Light, and Hope combined with the power of their father's weapon, The Nova Sword, the defeated Lord Bagan. The cost was the destruction of all that the knew, thanks to Bagan's deception. It was only by combining the 3 Nova Cores with the sword that they were able to at least preserve a semblance of The One Realm. In the end, only 11 Zhanglao were left, along with their Erementaru disciples, and what few of their warriors remained. The One Realm had been destroyed in a secondary "Big Bang", and divided into a multiverse of realms. All born from a single fragment of their home, taking only a small semblance with them. And sadly, Bagan's essence had gone with them - and one was still actively alive. Refusing to allow her own mistake to cause another great war, Ophanima left her Nova Core behind, and chased after her former brother throughout this universe his fragment had taken life in. The pursuit lasted for many centuries before eventually taking them to a small, blue sphere in the milky way galaxy. The rest, as they say, is history.

Lord Bagan, The Supreme Lord of Darkness, and Evil: Despite what many believe, Light and Darkness are, in fact, not polar opposites, but two halves of the same coin. Neither good, nor evil. It was dependent on how others used these powers that determined what it truly was. Unfortunately, the mortals of The One Realm didn't quite consider that fact. And in the end, it drove the Vaninhala of Darkness to Bitterness, Envy, and Hate. Of all the other Zhanglao, Darkness considered himself the greatest of all the others. Out of all of them, there were few who could ever truly match his power, ferocity, and boldness. He was a proud, wise, loyal and faithful primordial who did his best to follow the will of his father, The One. But he was also vain, prideful, and arrogant. And he could see the inner-nature of other beings. That's how he knew mortals were an imperfect, and flawed race who could easily fall to corruption. But his loyalty stayed strong, and he kept his watch over them all the same. Then he began hearing them say bad things about the aspect he embodied, and how it was viewed as a fearful, and terrifying force of evil. A thing which was not true, of course, but mortals understanding of things was imperfect - even despite all of the wondrous sciences and magics they possessed. The fact they all seemed to frolic to Ophanima also didn't help any. This included his siblings, who seemed to prefer her company over his. This drove him into an envious mindstate, as well as that of anger, and bitter hatred over time. And in time, he eventually grew tired of his siblings, and abandoned them. In his exile, he began to bitterly desire to see everyone's destruction. They dared to turn their backs on him? That was a mistake they would so dearly pay for. Especially those insignificant insects who dared think themselves all-knowing - for them, he would ensure a fate worse than death awaited them. And it was here he was called forth by an evil force from beyond the reaches of time, and space: The Dark Ones. An eldritch race of evil horrors who were drawn to the intoxicating hatred festering within Darkness. They could see he had enormous potential for strength, and power. And it was possible he could help them escape their imprisonment within this Netherrealm The One had sealed them within. So a bargain was struck: if they taught, and trained Darkness to wield all of their secrets, harness their dark powers, and raise him as the mightiest Dark One of all - one suitable to lead, and rule them - then he must eventually aid them in escaping into the mortal realm so that they may exist as they once did in eons long past. He believed it would be a small price to pay for revenge, and agreed. Centuries passed, and eventually, the former Primordial of Darkness became a force of ultimate evil. One which even The Dark Ones had no choice but to respect. And henceforth, they declared he would be known by only one title: Lord Bagan. And so, he was returned to the mortal realm to begin his scheme against his enemies. For as his knowledge, strength, and power grew, so too did his ambitions, cunning, intellect, and his goal also change. He had decided long ago that the problem was not simply the existence of the mortals: but his father's will. All was perfect when it was only an endless eternity of Darkness, and silence in The Void. Now he sought to return The One Realm to the emptiness from whence it had come - one in which he, and his fellow Dark Ones could rule for all time. To do that would require much time, effort, and endless scheming......but what is time to an immortal? Centuries passed, and his plan began to grow. One of his first steps was butchering an entire galaxy to forge a Daemon Stone of incredible power with some of his own into a weapon of unyielding power, and might: The Blade of Samael, made from the countless souls of the galaxy whose death bore the stone it was crafted from. Soon after, Lord Bagan grew a fierce, and indomitable army from many evil creatures of his own design, one way or another: from the savage, and witless Darklings (Antilocks and Gyaos), to the his mightier allies, the Ghidorans, and even a band of Erementaru who had chosen to side with him and had been transformed into the fiery demons known as The Saumbria - his elite honor guard. And with Ten Warriors bearing Daemon Stones bearing the Deadly Sins, The Shadow of Evil waged the War of Revelation on this once good, green earth, which cost countless lives. Bagan himself proved near invincible as he consumed the negativity of the endless carnage, and the emotions of despair it wrought. Not even his bother, Seraph, and sister, Ophanima, could stand against him: especially with his Nova Core on his side. Just as it appeared victory would be his, however, something unexpected happened that even he could not predict: Seraph, and Ophanima called upon the powers of the Nova Cores - and even his own turned against him. The divine energies they all released weakened the altered Primordial, who was now an embodiment of evil. And with this power channeled into the sacred Nova Blade, Bagan's physical form was shattered into thousands of pieces. This separated his true self - his astral spirit, which all Primordials have - from the physical plain. And this allowed Seraph, and Ophanima to banish him into the realm of The Dark Ones for all time. But the Dark Lord wasn't quite beaten yet - in anticipation of his defeat, Bagan had created a weapon of ultimate destruction with the knowledge of his teachers: an Entropy Seed. A weapon which would erase the One Realm, and all who exist within, forevermore. It was only because of the Primordials that this fate was averted, and instead resulted in their world shattering into a multiverse of realms. Fate once again he proven to be against Bagan, and for the time being he was confined to his fate. Yet, this did not deter him - for his will could still hold power in the mortal realm. And he was able to take a fragment of his physical form, and use it as a medium for him to continue his ambitions. Despite certain setbacks, Bagan would not be hindered. He was a patient God who has all of eternity to wait for events to play as HE orchestrates them. He would reclaim his power soon enough. And his spirit would endure thanks to the roads he had chosen to take, meaning his existence would remain. And soon enough, all of creation would end, and he would be free to usher in The Age of Darkness, at long last. A certain mutated saurian, however, would take great offense to that.


The Shadow of Red, Primordial Zhanglao of Chaos: Of all the Zhanglao, Red is perhaps the most deranged of the lot. As the embodiment of Chaos, he is prone to being unpredictable, maniacal, and down right scheming. While nowhere near the same level as Bagan, he is still crafty in his own right. And also one of the most sadistic as he enjoys seeing nothing more than mortal minds being shattered into a billion pieces as their lives slowly ebb away in a world gone mad. From his realm of Zenith, Red plans not only to bring chaos to all that there is: but to ensure that his droll, and annoying brother, Ikusagami of Order, is removed from the picture forever, due to him being one of the only beings who can actually stop him. He'll do just about anything to see this plan carried out. Even siding with Lord Bagan once in a while in order to get what he needs. It's a mad thing, to do, he knows. But the mutliverse is a mad place - and he's not all there himself.

Ikusagami, The Primordial Zhanglao of Order: Order is the foundation upon which great kingdoms, and empires are founded. Ikusagami knows this better than any, for he embodies everything Order is. It doesn't matter what it is: wherever Order is disrupted, he will always seek to ensure it continues to exist. The biggest example was when he was summoned by the human, Yamato, when he prayed for a miracle: Ikusagami was this miracle. And thanks to his great power, and divine might, the unholy demon Orochi was destroyed (sort of), and Order was restored. In the end, Ikusagami had confided himself to maintain a physical presence in the mortal realm to better ensure order is maintained. The only problem with this is that because he bound himself to his own helmet in order to ensure his full power was achieved, he needed a mortal vessel in order to use his power. And while Yamato's spiritual strength made him a prime candidate which served him well for many centuries, the fact he possessed whoever wore his helm made the cost too great. Eventually, he was hidden within his own realm, The Temple of The Sun, to ensure evil forces would not obtain his power for their own ends.. The experience left Ikusagami somewhat cold, and bitter, and hesitant to trust again. As well as a minor bit paranoid - hence why he was hesitant to release his most recent host, Rodan. But thanks to Yamato's persuasion, he did. And now, in the caverns of Infant Island, he awaits the day when a more worthy vessel arrives to bear him. Order is essential to the universe, and either way, his power was needed. Perhaps sooner than any might think.

Masutarah, The Primordial Zhanglao of Life: All of mortal kind wonders where life begins before it ends. And only a few truly wonder if there is a force out there who instigates such a thing. If they ever knew the true nature of the universe, then they would look no further than the great dragon, Masutarah. The benevolent Zhanglao who is known to some as the life-giver. While his other siblings are more than capable of creating their own forms of life, Masutarah was born for such a role. Drawing from the essence of the Cosmic Source, Masutarah infuses the spark of life into all things which can ever hope to truly life: mainly those who are of organic nature, or perhaps even inorganic beings. All things have this capacity which gives them the potential to live. And Masutarah is the being who holds the very thing which gives the essence of life itself: the soul. He even gives life to entire worlds, though he requires the skillful aid of his brother, Boreas, to first help him craft the planets which the planetary souls must enter in order to live. Being who he is, Masutarah cherishes life over many other things. And while this is a good thing, it can also be something which could be mishandled by others. But that doesn't stop Masutarah's conviction. As one of the beings who takes his job truly seriously, he will only allow himself to falter on his task when Thanatos himself decrees that his time has come. Though such a fate may not be eternal for one such as Masutarah. For as life eventually comes to its end, and falls into the embrace of death, so too does life spring anew in an unending cycle of existence. And like Masutarah, ALL are connected in the great circle of life.

Thanatos, The Primordial Zhanglao of Death: All in existence have a fear of Death. It is inevitability. Finality. And even uncertainty. Noone ever truly knows when Death will arrive to seek them out. But all know the same thing: that Death always claims whomever it deems has run out of time. And Thanatos always ensures that all who have already met their ends find their rightful place in the afterlife. And yet, even though he is the embodiment of death, and his mere presence inspires, and strikes fear in the hearts of many, Thanatos is actually quite a fair god. While his demeanor is cold, and unfeeling, he does not abuse his station as the shepherd of the dead. And he takes this duty even more seriously than even Ikusagami does his. Death comes to all, and he never makes an exception. After all, Death cannot play favorites, because it is the ultimate fairness. Rich or poor, young and old, all are equal in Death. And if the dead is not culled, then life will overtake the world in which it sprouts - and even the earth is incapable of supporting so much life. So whenever things like a natural disaster, or a freak accident occurs which costs lives, you can be sure it is because Thanatos is there - and he knows when your time is over. For him, he is simply performing a necessary task which is essential to ensure balance is maintained. And so far, noone has ever escaped his watch, nor ever fled his grasp. That is, until a certain kaiju named Zilla jr unexpectedly passed on due to his sacrifice for Godzilla jr. Such a sacrifice would have earned the kaiju a place in the sacred realm of Elysium, which Thanatos was prepared to deliver him to. Then Nova Godzilla used the One's power to undo his friend's death, and restore him to life. Thanatos was not entirely pleased with this. The dead are not meant to return to the land of the living, because it is against the natural order. They are only meant to rest once they have passed on - and yet a mere mortal has dared to play god with forces he has no concept of understanding. Such an ordeal cannot go unpunished, thought Thanatos. And yet, he had the patience to wait for the right moment to seek retribution. The second coming of The Shadow of Evil will provide an excellent chance for Death to cully the herds. And remind the mortals who unwittingly defile the laws of nature that Death not only comes to all. It has ways of reclaiming what belongs to it - and then some.

Acacius, The Primordial Zhanglao of Justice: Were it not for the existence of Acacius, The Legendary Sword of Justice, then mortal kind itself would never have such a concept to help differentiate right from wrong. Acacius is an entity who is always committed to doing the right thing. And ensuring that others are set on the right path. Those who wish to face a great enemy who did them wrong, Acacius will do what he can to help them temper their anger, and rage towards bringing their enemy to justice. After all, simply killing for the sake of satisfaction is an end that the likes of Red, and even Bagan strive for. And always, it is an un-endng battle with his counterpart, Nemesis. As both embodiment's of Justice, and Vengeance respectively, Acacius and Nemesis have something of a rivalry to them. While Acacius still considers his sister family, she sees him as something of an obstacle to all she does as the Zhanglao of Vengeance. He hates having to constantly stand against her when she seeks to make others succumb to their desire for Vengeance, as is her purpose, but he has no choice: he was born to be the opposing force which stands against Vengeance, like a might sword of justice. A term which earned him his secondary title among the mortals. Yet strangely, in the most recent century, Acacius has noticed something rather peculiar: for the longest time he can remember, Nemesis has not been around to stir the hearts of the vengeful, and in turn draw him out to conflict with her. And so far, he hasn't found any sign of her presence in the universe - or any other universe, for that matter. What exactly could this mean? And what exactly does it mean for the Earth-Realm?

Nemesis (Prime), The Primordial Zhanglao of Vengeance: Often has it been said that "hell hath no fury like woman scorned" throughout all of human history, and even otherworldly history. If that IS true, then few embody this aspect more than the mighty Nemesis. A being of complete, and utter scorn, Nemesis was born with only an insatiable desire for retribution against the wrong-doers of the universe. However, her methods are always extreme in this regard, and often lead to more harm than good. As is the way of Vengeance, if untempered. That's usually where Acacius comes in to keep her in check. And aside from Bagan, there are few in the realms she despises more than her soft-hearted brother, whom she views as a sympathetic fool. Despite everything he claims, she see Justice as being the same as Vengeance. Only IT is nothing more than a mere slap on the wrist, and an invitation for evil to return stronger than ever before. That's why she does everything in her power to see that her aspect wins the day - even if she has to carry the deed herself. And she is a most temperamental Zhanglao, who is always quick to anger, and strikes without mercy. So imagine how she was when she heard that Lord Bagan had returned after all these eons - and was already rebuilding his empire, The Shadow of Evil. This was what she considered an opportunity to end this foolishness once, and for all. And the last any ever saw of her was her setting off for the realm of Tenebris, Bagan's world and the seat of his empire. After that, there was no trace of her anywhere to be seen. It was even fortunate that she found a way INTO Tenebris in the first place, seeing as how Bagan has found a way to bar the Zhanglao from entering - or at least not without becoming as powerless as any humans in that realm. However, rumors have begun to arise among the teeming masses of slaves in the realm: a large, black-skinned beast with glowing orbs on its body matching Nemesis' description have been spotted. Yet there is something odd about this. Something that noone has ever been able to decipher.....yet.

Boreas, The Primordial Zhanglao of Creation: Almost every living person on earth knows of the Greek God, Hephaestus. He who is the mightiest, proudest, and yet most cunning craftsman of all Olympus, and the world. Many a great craft was made in his brilliant forge, from the greatest of weapons to the most powerful of relics. And even though he wasn't quite as exemplary in appearance, he more than made up for it with his skill, pride in his work, and his cunning. Of course, like the other Greek Gods, people have dismissed the notion that such a figure could ever have existed. And yet, they had never met Boreas before. Boreas himself served as the Hephaestus of the Zhanglao: blacksmith, and craftsman of the cosmos. From weapons, to items, there was nothing Boreas could not create with his own two talons - all too intriguing, given his form is that of the mythical beast known as The Hyppogryph. The cause of his skill was the fact he was gifted with nigh-ultimate knowledge of creation by The One. In all the universe, none possessed the skill he did. But then again, few ever have the ability to build entire planets and stars. Yet he is more than capable of doing so, with an anvil of divine making which grants him a visual map of the cosmos in the form of a blueprint. With this, and his sacred hammer, Boreas can map, and chart out the design, and layout of an entire galaxy - in fact, it was he who was responsible for expanding the One Realm's entire universe, and making it as grand, and large as it was. With his own power, and understanding of basic, compound elements, as well as mystical ones, Boreas can craft an entire planet, of any shape and size, as well as any form of Celestial body. Of course, this is where his brother, Masutarah, has to come into play in order to give his creation true life. Because to Boreas, no creation is as perfect as when it is truly alive. Maybe that's why he has such a fondness for mortals, and the imaginations and ingenuity. They can alter, and build things to overcome any obstacles they face, and adapt to their environment. And in turn, he shared his own secrets of the craft to them to better help them grow, and expand as a race. Unfortunately, bearing such knowledge has its price, as Boreas found out when Lord Bagan came to him, seeking knowledge on something only THEY know of. Noone else knows what the two spoke of between each other. But it, and the Great War took a toll on the once proud craftsman, because noone had seen him during that conflict, or after. But the others know he lives still: otherwise his sibling/counterpart, Dogora would also cease to exist. Thus it became clear he was in some form of exile. Now he exist out there in hiding, somewhere. A master builder no longer needed for building worlds with a plethora of realms in existence now. But that doesn't mean that fate is finished with him. Neither is Bagan.

Dogoras, The Primordial Zhanglao of Destruction: Perhaps the one with the most contradictory existence is Dogora. A being of malleable, celestial energy, Dogora was created as the ebodiment of Destruction. This entails that his duty is to bring an end to worlds whose time has long come - or just simply destroy for the sake of preserving his own existence. Because unlike the other lifeforms which came into existence, Dogora was brought into existence with a most terrible curse which tied into his aspect: he must continuously feed on the essence of worlds in order to satiate a never-ending hunger he has been afflicted with. Whether this was The One's intent or not is a mystery of itself. Because Dogora is doomed to forever consume all things carbon-based - which basically makes up nearly everything. And unfortunately, this experience has left Dogora as a cold, emotionless being who no longer cares for the sake of other lifeforms. Perhaps he did once, but that day has long since passed. Now he exists to preserve his own life, and simultaneous fulfill his role in the cosmos And as far as he is concerned now, mortals are simply a palette' on the dinner table. This also made him detached from his brothers, and sisters, whom he considers as nothing more than beings he knows. His involvement in The Great War was more for his own sake than anyone or anything else's. The moment the multiverse formed, Dogora set off to continue his endless search for nourishment, and to preserve his power. And Dogora IS a powerful force to be reckoned with, as the embodiment of Destruction itself. Were it not for his arrogance, he could be a nigh invincible force who could destroy all who stand in his way. Alas, his hunger also proved his greatest downfall when he learned that one of the 3 Nova Cores were on Earth, thanks to a long, wounded Ghidoran who had a vendetta against its wielder, and who Dogora thought would prove a vital asset in his bid to end his ceaseless hunger once and for all. In a way, he got what he wanted - though it ended with his physical form being destroyed, in the end. Only Seraph himself knows of his fate, for certain.

Xenodraconia, The Primordial Zhanglao of Faith: Faith is perhaps one of the more difficult of aspects for a mortal to have. It stands so closely to Hope, and yet is considered different. Nobody knows why it is, but it is. For the one thing they have most in common is what they represent: the belief that things will turn out alright in the end. And that the future CAN be something good. At least, that is what Xenodraconia tries to enhance within the hearts of others. As the embodiment of Faith, she is the polar opposite of Nekark, the Zhanglao of Doubt. While their relationship is not as violent as the one between Acacius and Nemesis, it is no less toxic. Nekark will stop at nothing to ensure his sister is thwarted in her duties, and that the seeds of Doubt fester, and grow into something he finds magnificent. The faithful Xenodraconia, however, will never allow his cruel games to deter her. She will ensure that Faith will remain strong in the hearts of all who live. With the Shadow of Evil's reach growing ever-longer, faith is something mortal-kind needs in order to survive. Hopefully, what she gives will be enough.

Nekark, The Primordial Zhanglao of Doubt: Much like the trickster god, Loki, Nekark, The Zhanglao of Doubt, is a deceiver by nature who plants the seeds of doubt within others. Always working to place that single seed which will make a person question all that they know - all that they believe in. And then he watches as that doubt blooms into any number of things ranging from rebellion, to revolution, to even darker things, like murder. Perhaps this is why some of his siblings blamed him for Bagan's downfall - even though he had nothing to do with it......as far as he knows. But in time, even he began to feel what the strength of doubt could produce in one such as him, and it led him to doubt his fellow Zhanglao's strength. The only being he ever truly respects, even though he is an enemy, is Bagan: the one being in all the universe who is more clever, deceptive, manipulative, and cunning than he. Were the Dark Lord not a homicidal maniac, Nekark would have considered siding with him. But instead, he decided it was better to go off on his own to take his task to new levels he never considered. And always was his newfound nemesis, Xenodraconia, there to try and stop him at every turn. Once theirs was a simple sibling rivalry. Now, however, their relationship consists of endless conflicts which involve manipulation, torment, pain and sometimes death. To Nekark, however, it's all part of a game he continues to play with his sister. However, he should be careful of how well he plays this game - for unexpected players might prove to be better at the game than ever he imagined.


And that basically sums all of them up. Hopefully, in the nicest way i could conceive of. Either way, thanks guys for checking this out, and reading. Your company is always appreciated. As always, please leave a comment down below, and have an excellent rest of the day.

Seraph, and Lord Bagan belong to me (Bagan also goes to Toho)
Mothra Concepts belongs to LDN-RDNT
RED - Godzilla Creepypasta  is owned by winddragon24
Godzilla Neo - IKUSAGAMI  is owned by KaijuSamurai  
Thanatos (Ultimate Death)  is owned by Daizua123
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Comments: 75

kahnac In reply to ??? [2019-03-29 00:24:18 +0000 UTC]

Oh, you mean Seraph? Yeah, he kinda does, doesn't he? But I can assure you it's only a coincidence, since this is long before we became best friends. LONG before.

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WOLFBLADE111 In reply to kahnac [2019-03-29 00:25:49 +0000 UTC]

Ah I had a feeling it was.

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kahnac In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2019-03-29 00:38:19 +0000 UTC]

Indeed. This is when I used Deviantart Muro to draw everything I have now. Thank god I found an actual art program, or i'd be thoroughly screwed.XD

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WOLFBLADE111 In reply to kahnac [2019-03-29 02:02:00 +0000 UTC]


XD I'd bet.

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kahnac In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2019-03-29 02:17:09 +0000 UTC]


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Miguel-Sepulveda [2019-01-10 21:12:41 +0000 UTC]

Seraph, Ophanima, Bagan are siblings and the first Primordial-Zhanglao and under the name: The Vaninhala Trio. Known?

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kahnac In reply to Miguel-Sepulveda [2019-01-10 21:34:15 +0000 UTC]

Yes, they are called the Vaninhala. The highest order of the Primordials. Why, are you planning on using THAT idea, too?

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Miguel-Sepulveda In reply to kahnac [2019-01-11 04:44:39 +0000 UTC]

Well ... but the story will be different, is just my universe. As with Dragon Ball Super, at Universum 7 the Saiyans are almost extinct. which is the opposite with universe 6.

Each universe has its own history of what happened and what followed.

So keep your Universe (Kuronigojiverse) and mine (I'll have to think about the name I'll give it to you), but the characters probably have different timelines.

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kahnac In reply to Miguel-Sepulveda [2019-01-11 05:27:22 +0000 UTC]

Alright. Just please make up your own Pantheon. The Primordials, Vaninhala, Zhanglao, and Erementaru are all mine, and only mine. Not all of the characters, minus Lord Bagan, Seraph, Ophanima, and Boreas. Just the other characters i've used for this.

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Miguel-Sepulveda In reply to kahnac [2019-01-11 15:46:31 +0000 UTC]

So may I not use Bagan, Seraph and Ophanima unless you agree with the condition that I give you credit at the description below?

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kahnac In reply to Miguel-Sepulveda [2019-01-11 15:55:49 +0000 UTC]

Mmm............I guess so. But THAT'S IT! Because all three of them, and the concept of the Primordials belong to me, and i'm not completely keen on sharing it. So go, and use those 3 and give me credit. No more, and no less.

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Miguel-Sepulveda In reply to kahnac [2019-01-11 16:12:59 +0000 UTC]

Yes ... My Emperor!

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kahnac In reply to Miguel-Sepulveda [2019-01-11 16:28:03 +0000 UTC]


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Miguel-Sepulveda In reply to kahnac [2019-01-11 16:38:27 +0000 UTC]

ok ... forget it ... but I used your Seraph and Lord Bagan on chapters at The Children of Godzilla and left you a credit.

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kahnac In reply to Miguel-Sepulveda [2019-01-11 16:40:47 +0000 UTC]

*sigh* Were you NOT listening to me? I said you could use them, but ONLY them! Understand?

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Miguel-Sepulveda In reply to kahnac [2019-01-11 16:48:10 +0000 UTC]

yes sir, I'm sorry for being an idiot instead!

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kahnac In reply to Miguel-Sepulveda [2019-01-11 16:58:47 +0000 UTC]

*Sigh* You are NOT an idiot: you just seem to have a hard time listening sometimes. Remind me a little of myself, tbh.

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Miguel-Sepulveda In reply to kahnac [2019-01-11 17:08:05 +0000 UTC]

I should start listening better than turning a mosquito into an elephant.

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kahnac In reply to Miguel-Sepulveda [2019-01-11 17:13:49 +0000 UTC]

Okay, that's a terminology i've never heard of till now.XD

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Miguel-Sepulveda In reply to kahnac [2019-01-11 17:16:56 +0000 UTC]

is such a speech that is used here in Germany, that you do not let the matter rest so that continues as in our conversations, you are called?

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kahnac In reply to Miguel-Sepulveda [2019-01-11 17:56:24 +0000 UTC]

I see.

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Miguel-Sepulveda In reply to kahnac [2019-01-11 19:39:47 +0000 UTC]


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Sideswipe217 [2018-04-27 00:12:53 +0000 UTC]

To quote GoTG V2: "Dope."

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kahnac In reply to Sideswipe217 [2018-04-27 00:15:39 +0000 UTC]

Who said THAT?

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Sideswipe217 In reply to kahnac [2018-04-27 00:16:59 +0000 UTC]

The one ice looking dude that was with Sylvester Stallone's character in the one of the mid-credit scenes

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kahnac In reply to Sideswipe217 [2018-04-27 00:20:37 +0000 UTC]

Oh, yeah! I remember that now. Funny, given i marathoned the MCU last week.

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Sideswipe217 In reply to kahnac [2018-04-27 00:26:23 +0000 UTC]

I should have been doing that in prep for IW

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kahnac In reply to Sideswipe217 [2018-04-27 00:31:09 +0000 UTC]

Probably. Though as i said, it took me about a week (7 days, specifically) to watch all of the movies - granted i kinda cheated with Black Panther, seeing as how it isn't out yet.

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Sideswipe217 In reply to kahnac [2018-04-27 00:32:46 +0000 UTC]

Well it comes out on the 15th of May so you'll be able to see it then

TOTALLY watch Black Panther Tim. It's one of the best MCU films period. I dare say it's in my favorite but then again I'm torn on that lol

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kahnac In reply to Sideswipe217 [2018-04-27 00:44:05 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, i know. I kinda already did. But you're right: it IS a very good movie, and i liked it alot.

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Sideswipe217 In reply to kahnac [2018-04-27 00:45:58 +0000 UTC]

I loved it

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kahnac In reply to Sideswipe217 [2018-04-27 00:53:22 +0000 UTC]

I kinda figured that much.

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Sideswipe217 In reply to kahnac [2018-04-27 00:55:21 +0000 UTC]

Pretty obvious huh?

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kahnac In reply to Sideswipe217 [2018-04-27 01:08:20 +0000 UTC]

You could say that.

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WOLFBLADE111 [2018-04-26 18:00:46 +0000 UTC]


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kahnac In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2018-04-26 18:02:19 +0000 UTC]

I'd like to think so, too.XD Thank you very much.

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WOLFBLADE111 In reply to kahnac [2018-04-26 19:26:46 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

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kahnac In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2018-04-26 19:45:54 +0000 UTC]

And because i wanna strike conversation, does anything in particular stand out? Either the picture or the bios?

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WOLFBLADE111 In reply to kahnac [2018-04-26 21:17:08 +0000 UTC]

Gah always with these questions people ask me. XD I always reply it's to hard to choose. LOL

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kahnac In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2018-04-26 21:25:45 +0000 UTC]

You don't have to answer, bud. I just wanted to strike a conversation.

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WOLFBLADE111 In reply to kahnac [2018-04-27 10:49:43 +0000 UTC]

Ah I see gotcha. XD That's fine. How are you?

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kahnac In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2018-04-27 15:00:00 +0000 UTC]

I'm pretty good right now.

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WOLFBLADE111 In reply to kahnac [2018-04-27 15:05:26 +0000 UTC]

Good. same.

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kahnac In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2018-04-27 15:06:24 +0000 UTC]

That's good to know.

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WOLFBLADE111 In reply to kahnac [2018-04-27 17:30:03 +0000 UTC]


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kahnac In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2018-04-27 18:42:03 +0000 UTC]


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Bendorah [2018-04-26 14:36:16 +0000 UTC]


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kahnac In reply to Bendorah [2018-04-26 17:00:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. Thank you VERY much.

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Bendorah In reply to kahnac [2018-04-27 13:01:01 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome!

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kahnac In reply to Bendorah [2018-04-27 15:00:07 +0000 UTC]

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