Kalid909 — SGPA- Wraithe

Published: 2014-08-18 19:55:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 677; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 2
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Please tell me if anything is unacceptable or really confusing! I will try to fix and/or explain it.
I am not looking for general criticing, however. ^_^
(Both my villains are emotionally needy... )



Alias: Wraithe
Group / Alliance Affiliation(s): None, currently. Strongly desires to join one, however.

Secret ID: Moira Bennet
Nickname(s): Wraithe, Moi, Moira.
Age: 17 (She can not age, and is eternally trapped at 17)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Caucasian (albino)
Places Lived: Gotham City
Current Residence: Gotham City
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye Color: Pastel blue-green
Hair Color: White
Hair Type: Very thick, long, and relatively straight. Reaches close to her knees.
Skin Colour: Very pale, albino.
Physical Description: It's rare not to see her in some form of mostly black, gothic attire, accompanied by dark makeup and her hair left loose and free. Dresses and skirts are her favorites, as are lace and corsets. A canvas backpack or duffel bag are usually on or by her person, serving as a convenient hiding place to transport her pet, Mr.Cuddles. She has a heart-shaped face, large round eyes, constant smile, and rather animated hand gestures when she speaks.

She seems to ooze excitement and giddiness constantly, despite her dark appearance, and it's not strange to catch a skip in her steps when she walks or runs.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. She goes along with just about anything, so long as it isn't too twisted, and rarely questions it. Wraithe's only real concern is to make her team-mates/friends/lover happy, and to gain their approval.

General Personality: More than a little odd, Moira lacks a great deal of the common morality or general rules of boundaries most people have. Very extroverted and intensely friendly, she's often seen as lovable, annoying, or creepy. She's quick with flattery, and very sincere, tending to see beauty in most things others don't; even those that most would find ugly or grotesque. She's very much an 'Inside defines the outside' person when it comes to what she thinks of others. If she likes your personality, she will adore your outward appearance just as much. In kind, if you somehow make her dislike your personality, she will see your outward looks to be just as unpleasant.

Moira goes far out of her way to get along with everyone, regardless of morality or quirks, and often attempt to conform somewhat to those around her, in order to be 'liked more'. She has few secrets, and is generally willing to tell you just about everything, even things you never wanted to know.

She is a fairly obsessive person, and becomes fixated on certain things or traits, to a greater or lesser extent. Most of which have a fairly significant reason behind them, but are hard for most to understand easily.

Good Traits: Friendly, Loving, Affectionate, Agreeable, Care-Free, Listens well, Eager to please, High-Energy, Forgiving, Trusting, Slow to judge others, Difficult to offend.
Bad Traits: Too Trusting, Lack of Boundaries, Easily Manipulated/Fooled, Disturbing(To some), Has trouble slowing down, Will do almost anything without question, Consciously allows herself to be used, Excessively clingy, Rambles constantly if she can, Can't say 'no' to people.

Quirks: Can't sit still without great effort. Feels unwanted if she isn't allowed to at least sit next to someone. Prone to random outbursts of dialogue and observation(Generally of supernatural things other people can't even see). Talks to the entities of the Dark World occasionally, even when in the presence of others. Carries her creepy spider around in a backpack and talks to it. Teaches said spider tricks. Hates peanuts. Somewhat fixated on people's eyes and hair, at least one of those ends up being her favorite trait of a person. Shows her feelings towards others as much as possible, heavy on the physical contact aspect.
Hopes: To find a guy who can accept her quirks and strange abilities, perhaps even appreciate them. To find a group that will accept her, appreciate her, and let her hang around constantly. In general all her hopes are centered on avoiding loneliness. She's given up on getting free of her link to the Dark World,and now just hopes to learn how to live with it easier.
Fears: Being alone. Supernatural entities that want to hurt her. Being locked up. Tiny, cramped spaces. Malefarius; As much as she likes him, she's also terrified of him...

Memorable Quote(s): "I LOVE your hair! Can I play with it, or is that too creepy?"
"Do you mind if I hug you?"
"Want to meet Mr.Cuddles? Just so don't freak out, he's nervous."
"Trust me, I've seen way weirder things."
"Y'know, That almost hurt~!"
"It's a good thing you decided to hit me, someone else might take it personally~"

Mother: Moira never got on well with her mother, who was usually very distant. She left home when her supernatural nature surfaced, and hasn't seen her mom since.
Father: N/A, Moira never knew him, nor has her mother said a word about him.
Siblings: N/A, As far as she knows, she has no siblings.

Closest Friends:
Mr.Cuddles; her pet 'spider' from the Dark World.
Malefarius; A horrific entity of great power, known as the 'Lord of Chains' in the Dark World. He comes and goes as he pleases, and his loyalty is never assured. He finds Moira 'amusing', and so maintains some shallow, vague sense of friendship with her. When he's around, no Dark World creature will come anywhere near her. Can easily go days, weeks, even months between visiting Moira, as he's a creature of whims, and time bears little meaning to him.

Enemies: The majority of law enforcement and heroes, most likely.

Boyfriend(s): She's had several, but they never went very well, half due to her personality and powers, the other half being that she's generally just horrible at picking them... Doesn't stop her from seeking out 'Mr.Right' though.

Power(s): Moira found herself haunted by the Dark World since she was 17, and it's only became stronger in the years that followed. She constantly lives half in this word, and half in the other, able to witness and interact with both simultaneously. This leaves her cool to the touch, never aging, and deathly afraid of being alone. The creatures of the Dark World are just as often her friend as not, and are twisted beings, who's mind and morals are alien to humans. They detest human-crowded areas, and as such, haunt her much less when she's with multiple individuals.

Semi-Invulnerability: Due to her connection with the Dark World, Moira is seemingly held in nearly perfect physical stasis. She does not age, does not get sick, and is extremely difficult to harm or kill with natural and worldly means. However, she's not completely immune to them, and has no protection from supernatural forces, like specters and magic.

Minor Abilities:
Supernatural Detection: Because of her connection with the Dark World, she has become sensitive to most supernatural and paranormal creatures. She can often pick them out of a crowd, though won't be able to tell what's off about them, unless it's very obvious. Generally she will need to be in close proximity, and for over a minute to be able to pinpoint more details, and tell roughly what kind of species/type it is. This is limited to her own knowledge. (Also mildly variable, depending on if a fellow RPer desires their character's true nature to remain ambiguous, and outside her knowledge. )

Summon Creature/Item: Due to being able to interact with both worlds, any creature or object she touches from the Dark World she can pull into this one. Denizens of the foreign plane are drawn to her, as she is both interesting, strange, and a walking portal to the 'real' world. As such, she almost always has a creature or object she can drag to her aid, but if it's sentient, it will act with a will all it's own. Entirely incapable of controlling them, Moira has to rely on their good graces to protect her, or at least hope they have no interest in her harm. They are unpredictable beings, and the more powerful, the less they are likely to take an interest in what she wants. Above semi-sentience, they're just as likely to attack her as anyone else, causing her to rely mostly on objects, weak denizens, and her beloved Mr.Cuddles for protection.

Weapon(s):  A jagged obsidian shard, about the size of a dagger. It's properties are alien and supernatural. Causes slight numbing sensations and mild frost damage.
Style: Pretty hap-hazard and makeshift. She doesn't know how to use her weapon efficiently. Zero training.
Strengths: Her blade is extremely sharp, causes mild supernatural/cold damage. She lacks a fear of pain or damage, and so she doesn't mind coming in fast and vicious, usually with a large grin. Favors the element of surprise.
Weaknesses: She knows almost nothing about how to fight properly, and is easily disarmed and out-maneuvered by anyone with training. Despite being extremely hard to harm, without her supernatural summoning talent, she's pretty much useless in a fight.

Background: Moira was born and raised by a single mother in Gotham City. Who her father was, or any information about him, was unknown to her, as her mother refuse to so much as acknowledge he existed. Moira was mostly left to her own devices, her mother taking time and effort to raise her and provide for her, but otherwise was rather detached and distant. There was not much love in her home.

Always drawn to strange, creepy, and dark themes, Moira was an odd child and never really got along with her mother or most children, due to having nothing in common. Nonetheless, she strove to make friends anywhere she could, and had a general fear of loneliness, even then.

When she was about 17 is when her connection to the Dark World took hold, manifesting in her seemingly from nowhere and without reason. She witnessed horrors, creatures, and things that boggled the mind and left her with nightmares and a few scars. In a panic, Moira ran away from home, and never went back, but the creatures pursued her everywhere she went. Or, as she would eventually learn, they literally lived everywhere, and she was only now able to see their world, nested parallel to her own.

She eventually sought out to learn about it, which brought her into meeting some dark and unwholesome groups. Anywhere from general weirdos and crackpots, to those wrapped up in some sort of cult, Moira slowly sank deeper into the City's underbelly, trying to find out what was happening to her, what she was seeing, and what she could do.

Despite all her sacrifices, misplaces loyalties, and steady loss of her morals and inhibitions, nothing brought her closer to learning how to control or properly protect herself from these things. All she gained was 'book knowledge' on various theories and religions that seemed to be based on it, as well as general knowledge about darker rituals and entities. It was during these unpleasant journeys that she came across a spider-like beast from the Dark World, that she later dubbed as 'Mr.Cuddles' due to his tendency to simply latch on to her, and stay that way for hours while sleeping. One of the first 'friendly' denizens she encountered, she began to cautiously experiment with the Dark world. It is through this she grew to understand the world's twisted mind and physics, alien to the one she was born in.

At one point, she met Malefarius, due to one of the creatures attempting to attack her, in order to use her to launch himself into the 'real' world. The reason why became rather apparent, when serrated chains and hooks sprung out of the ground and drug the creature screaming into the earth. It wasn't long before the owner of the chains emerged, a beast that looked a hybrid between bat, wolf, human, all mangled into twisting shadows. Moira's connection served as the initial spark of curiosity that drew the Lord of Chains to take a vague interest in her. What caused him to leave her alive, and even behave pleasantly with her, was the fact she was social, even in the face of something that terrified her. Instead of screaming, she began rambling... To her fortune, Malefarius rarely was able to hold a conversation with anyone, and took great interest in having someone to talk to. Especially someone from the 'real' world, where things were strange and difficult for the Dark World to understand.

Since then, Moira's been drifting as she always has, taking Cuddles wherever she goes and always struggling to keep the favor of Malefarius. She finds herself with less confrontations from the Dark World, now that she has the reputation of favor with such a strong creature, which is where her abilities have begun to be a viable combative strategy. However, it's not nearly enough, and she still has much to fear from the stronger ones, pushing her ever onward to avoid seclusion and seek out groups who would be willing to take her in.

(More details, development, etc, to come with roleplaying~ )

Villainous Motivations: Attempting to make sense of her frightening abilities that surfaced, Wraithe looked anywhere she could for answers. This lead her down some dark paths, where she even mingled with cultist organizations and other dark, underhanded groups. Desensitized by her experiences and forced into many deeds she used to regret, she's become very amoral and fairly lacking in any consideration for right or wrong. She approves of both sides' goals, but mostly finds herself walking among villains rather than heroes, as they're usually more accepting of her bizarre views.

Wraithe's criminal record from her time with previous groups and factions is now long and severe, leaving her very much on the bad side of the law. Beyond caring at this point, she happily continues an immoral, law-breaking lifestyle out of habit, and deals with any consequences that arise without many regrets.

Fun Fact:
Her original name was Ghost, but since there was already one in the group, I swapped it to Wraithe. XD If I call her Ghost by mistake, I apologize, still adjusting to the name change!

Theme song! www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS_FrB…

I greatly prefer to RP over skype, PG 13, but willing to go R in terms of violence and gore because I'm like that. XD I'm a social drama romantic, but love a good dose of action and horror/mystery to off-set it, otherwise it gets stagnant and boring.

My activity is very poor, and I'm no good with names unless I've talked to you a LOT, and you don't change it more than once in a blue moon. XD If you're okay with this, and don't mind RPs being infrequent and all over the place, I'll be happy to write with you! 0v0 Just note me asking for my skype, and please don't feel bad if I need you to remind me who you and your character are.

My memory is extremely bad, I'm working on getting it looked in to.

Simple Reference: fav.me/d7vpa6j
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Comments: 7

aegis-of-justice [2014-08-18 23:26:15 +0000 UTC]

She's so adorable I wanna squish her. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kalid909 In reply to aegis-of-justice [2014-08-19 17:31:39 +0000 UTC]

Hehehe thank you! <3 Wraithe appreciates it! XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MyDearBasil [2014-08-18 21:42:13 +0000 UTC]

Sooo cutee! I like her mask and skull. xD

Mole: *zipping by* Woah--hey! I've seen you before, haven't I?!

Ahaha... I wonder how they would meet for the first time!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kalid909 In reply to MyDearBasil [2014-08-19 17:33:18 +0000 UTC]

Heheheh thank you! X3

Wraithe: Yep, pretty sure! I remember your face!

I wonder too XD I imagine something awesome, or really wtf XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MyDearBasil In reply to Kalid909 [2014-08-20 23:01:32 +0000 UTC]

Of course~!

Mole: Yeah, uh.. I remember your everything else. Maybe not THAT. *points to Mr.Cuddles*

maybe she was running away from some dark world monsters haha

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LilWicky [2014-08-18 20:11:51 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kalid909 In reply to LilWicky [2014-08-18 20:13:27 +0000 UTC]


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