Kanirou — Nate Levitt [Jubilee OCT]

#oct #pokemon #appsheet #natelevitt #joct #jubileeoct
Published: 2017-07-22 03:57:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 3163; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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Look at me, joining new OCTs before I’ve finished old ones OTL

I am 100% still finishing Nate’s story for BFOI Y3, but since R0 launched for Jubilee today on Nate’s birthday, I wanted to go ahead and get an app finished for him~~

As such, some of the *exact details* of what Nate’s affliction is will be a little vague, because they’ll be explicitly revealed in my final BFOI entry. But I’m just gonna go ahead and spoil a lot of that here lol, cause the fallout of where I left Nate after Y3 is literally the entire reason I just had to involve him in Jubilee (seriously, what happens to Nate was decided and scripted months ago, so Jubilee’s premise just left me ecstatically surprised). So uh, I guess spoiler alert? I’ll mark those bits so anyone can skip them if they want to XD But enough of that!

RP With Me!

  • down to RP with any and all Jubilee players (or BFOI players who are spectating, have at him)
  • can do either “respond as convenient” long-form RP over messages, or “back and forth” chat RPs over Skype
  • I’m a grad student, so sometimes I need to step away for work ^^
  • I will chew scenery and drag out mundane conversations all day long, so if ever you’re wanting to speed things along and actually get to the point just kick me XD
  • I CAN ALSO FORGET ABOUT THINGS, so like, shooting me reminders is not gonna bug me omg please do

Official Submissions

[to come]

Nate Levitt

Early Life
Nate grew up in the rural areas around Goldenrod City, initially just with his mother, but upon her remarriage he picked up a great stepdad and stepbrother. He was a boisterous kid and enjoyed the far-roaming freedom living in the country can provide, though he always had his brother Clare to keep an eye on him. He worked as a ranch hand his teenaged years, and then moved into Goldenrod City proper to attend college. A country boy in the big city, he definitely had his fun but calmed down by his senior year. After graduation he joined GCPD and worked as a police officer for eight years, and was well liked by coworkers and civilians both. That career was brought to a sudden and violent end when Nate responded to a call that led him into a situation vastly more dangerous than he was expecting. The following events are known by many though understood by few, and ultimately resulted in Nate having to medically retire. 

After a year of physical therapy and a period of feeling directionless, Nate rebounded and reentered the workforce as a mechanic’s apprentice, and despite being offered a job with the department’s Fleet Maintenance guys, he wanted the distance and independence of working at another shop. He ended up settling into a place right on the edge of town, servicing not only cars and motorcycles but also farming equipment. Nate found the hands-on labor, problem solving, and customer service all very rewarding, and he’d happily settled into this next phase of his life until disaster struck the islands where Clare and his wife were living. [BFOI Y1]

BFOI Year 2
[App and Entries]
Unable to reach Clare and then later seeing both his and Ronnie’s names listed among the missing, Nate immediately packed up and shipped out to the Ohana Islands to aid in the relief effort. Being a mechanic and having worked for construction companies before, Nate immediately signed up with Valkyrie as a mechanic, construction worker, and driver. Those first few weeks were filled with nonstop relief effort, and all the while Nate desperately searched for any sign of his brother and sister-in-law. As time went on though, and relief work transitioned into reconstruction, Nate stopped hoping to find his brother alive and just hoped he could find a body, and eventually he stopped even hoping for that , conceding he may never know what happened at all. He carried on his work though, knowing that these islands had been his brother’s home, and the home of thousands of others, and committed to seeing them rebuilt.

That commitment was sorely tested when a man they'd all trusted tried to murder them and orchestrated weather-controlled blizzards and ice storms that leveled ecological and infrastructural destruction on the Islands yet again. Nate pulled out of the tournament and joined the ever more over-burdened rangers and engineers trying to combat the environmental and architectural collapse caused by the ice storms. Once the dust settled, large portions of Ohana were again in ruins, and reconstruction began yet again. 

[App and Entries]
Four years passed, and Nate stopped thinking of himself as a temporary resident and began to think of Ohana as home. Leery of the Battle Test Series, given previous attempts and having been a supporter of the tournament ban, Nate nonetheless joined out of confidence in the leadership and a desire to be on hand when if things went south.

Go south things did, but in ways no one could have predicted. Almost immediately Nate's past traumas got dragged back out in disturbingly personal ways, but that paled in comparison to what was to come. With the ghost pokémon of Ohana rising against them, mass possession , Diamond City attacked , and an ancient power awoken, many were left damaged in the aftermath. But Nate's hurt reached down to his very soul.
[yeeeeah, the full details of all this will be revealed when I actually finish BFOI Y3 R6, which I still intent to do OTL]

Recent Events
Nate walked away from the events in Ohana with few visible scars, but in the final, desperate struggle against the Froslass inhabiting his body, a deep and unbreakable soul-bond was locked in place. Even though she was finally exorcised and fled to places unknown, the bond remains unbroken, and the mirrored nature of their past traumas (which drew them together in the first place) have only further synchronized their connection. The consequences of this soul-bond have escalated over the intervening years, with Nate's sanity and even his life becoming at risk. But recent developments have helped Nate regain control of his life, and part of him is hoping the opportunities presented by the Temple of Life may produce a more permanent solution. 


Nate's team remains much the same as ever, but in the wake of the final events in Ohana, most of the team have restructured their movesets to accommodate at least one move specialized against a Froslass, in case she ever physically manifests near Nate ever again. With the exception of Narcisa, they're listed here in the order they came into Nate's life, and include more information on his bio, but the important stuff is in Fielding and Marcus'. 

Munna / female
The most recent addition to Nate's team, she is in fact a therapy pokemon who has been assigned to him. Despite not having an official moveset, the therapy and support she provides Nate is structured around Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Safeguard, and Calm Mind. Nate developed horrific nightmares, combinations of the Froslass' memories of her own death, Nate's loss of his brother and sister-in-law, and the even-worse imaginings of what might have happened to them. Very few of these manage to get past Narcisa now tho. She also protects Nate from the physical afflictions that sometimes manifested in his sleep (when the Froslass' influence is consistently strongest), preventing him from catching Freeze during the night. She also passively provides Nate counseling, allowing him to process the confusing thoughts and feelings he sometimes gets buried in.


Ampharos / male

Fielding was Nate’s first pokemon, raised as a mareep when Nate was a boy for a community agricultural competition (think 4H sheep shows). After the showing, Nate couldn’t bear to part with the mareep at auction and his parents let him keep him. Fielding was a fully grown ampharos by the time Nate joined the force and actually trained as a service animal while Nate was at the academy, and they rode together for years.

Partly from his natural personality and partly from all the arcanines and houndooms he romped with on GCPD, Fielding is very physically affectionate and has a rascally sense of humor, but also has a strong sense of hierarchy and chain of command.

Fielding’s tuned in to just about every thought and emotion Nate has, knowing just when to give his partner a sympathetic headbump or to zap him and bound away snorting. The last three years have been hard on him though, as Nate is struggling with an enemy Fielding can do very little about. Nonetheless, he's learned Fire Punch for the day that Froslass ever shows her face again.


 Skarmory / male

Diesel is a crazy bird. He’s loud, boisterous, chronically oblivious, loves a good fight, and thinks everything is a game. Nate picked up Diesel after they busted a cockfighting ring, and unlike most of the other violent and broken pokemon there, Diesel appeared unfazed, greeting the SWAT team with bouncy cheerfulness and trying to get Fielding to play tag. Diesel’s thick-headed obliviousness managed to spare him the trauma of the circumstances he was in. His steel hide and high defense meant he could take hits all day long, and the fact that the other guy was trying to *kill* him just never clicked. It was all just a game.

Nate agreed to take him, as the skarmory had decided that Fielding was his new best friend, and Diesel’s life took a turn for the better. He still doesn’t get the significance of his rescue, but he does know that Nate is *way* nicer than those other guys and that Fielding plays with him and he loves his new flock very, very much. Nate has to watch him though, cause he’ll run himself into the ground if a wiser head doesn’t tell him when to stop.


Machoke / male

Marcus was born and raised in the criminal underworld, his mother a prized fighter, and eventually wound up sold to a racketeer working for a crime lord in Goldenrod. Marcus is quiet, loyal, and utterly professional, and while he did his job as the 800 pound gorilla in the room very well, he never went out of his way to be cruel. However, while people rarely told a man “no” when Marcus was standing behind him, additional ‘persuasion’ was sometimes needed, and it was while collecting protection money that Marcus and Nate crossed paths. 

Nate responded to a call that he thought was a simple domestic, and instead found himself confronting members of the leading crime syndicate shaking down a small business owner. While the details are known to very few outside the department, at the end of it all, Nate wound up with a crippling leg injury, and the racketeers and Marcus were all arrested. However, in a shocking move, Nate testified and negotiated for a lessening of Marcus’ sentence to the minimum of one year, and even offered to take responsibility as his parole officer. While Nate’s flagrant conflict of interest would normally have prohibited this, when Marcus made the even more surprising move of accepting the offered arrangement, the judge allowed it. Marcus then served his year, and has been a parolee under Nate’s supervision ever since. 


Walrein / female

McQueen is vain, cocky, and loves to show off. She loves a challenge and revels in competition as an opportunity to flex her muscles in the spotlight. She’s very consciously cultivated her self-image, keeping her beard styled in mutton chops and often painting her face to accentuate the whole skull imagery thing she’s got going. She insisted on participating in Nate’s decision making process when he got motorcycle, because no way was she letting him get something that wasn’t as stylish as it was functional (while Nate tended to focus on the latter).

Nate got McQueen the same time as Val (who can be seen on Nate’s old app), because a water/ice type is useful to have around as an emergency cooling system or fire extinguisher when working around machinery. While she can be a braggart, she includes the team in her ego-bubble and brags about them as often as herself, and gets just as offended if anyone insults them (except maybe Fetch).


Zigzagoon / male

Fetch was actually just a pest that settled in around the shop and made a general nuisance of himself. He has an irresistible compulsion to steal and horde all things shiny or otherwise interesting, and so he was perpetually making off with tools and small parts. Nate’s feelings towards the zigzagoon went through a lengthy evolution, from disinterested to annoyed to rather amused, with the little varmint throwing off his well ordered world, and the zigzagoon, while always darting away scared, never left the shop’s vicinity no matter how many wrenches were thrown at him. All in all, the steady stealing and recovery of items became a part of Nate’s daily rhythm. After a particularly eventful bout of chase with Nate desperately trying to retrieve a drill bit before the zigzagoon squirreled it away, a piece of equipment ended up falling on the small pokemon and injuring him. Nate realized just how much he cared about the little bugger and rushed him to the Pokecenter. All pretenses were dropped and Fetch became part of the team.


Gogoat / female

Shortly before the Ohana incidents, Nate was looking for some additional income and took a temporary work transfer to Kalos on a large construction project. While there, he took a real shine to one of the company-provided skiddos, and when it came time to transfer back to Johto, he found he was quite sad to leave the little gal. So he contacted the Pokemon Resources head and asked if he could purchase Philippa from them. He had just cleared all the paper work when the disasters hit Ohana and he shipped out to the islands. The change in address caused a hitch in the adoption process, and the Y2 crisis halted it entirely. Everything got sorted afterwards though, and Philippa joined the team just in time for the second round of reconstruction.

Philippa is an absolute people-pleaser, and a very hard worker. Her strength and sure-footedness allow her to traverse any terrain and climb just about any obstacle, making her an invaluable addition to the past years’ construction efforts. She was still quite young when she first came to Ohana, but thrived on the islands, and evolved in her second year there. 


Heatmor / male

For those who remember Val, he’s still around, but was pushed into semi-retirement after a work accident. He has to take things slower now, and is currently staying with a friend.
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Comments: 13

mudkip03345 [2017-09-27 20:57:41 +0000 UTC]

fetch and philippa have got to meet Mike's Ziggy and Gary! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

storm-rao [2017-08-24 22:18:55 +0000 UTC]

I love the tattoos going on with Marcus. Glad to see most of his team back

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

marshmellowmornings [2017-08-24 06:24:28 +0000 UTC]

ahhhh how have I not seen this big cinnamon roll until now?!?!?  Nate and his team are just too precious!  I can't wait to see more of him and his team!  <3333333

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ForAdventure [2017-08-23 03:18:26 +0000 UTC]

Nate yes with that greying hair. You deserve a nice relaxing tournament

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StringlessKite [2017-08-22 12:57:10 +0000 UTC]

OMG Ampharos IS a kangaroo, it's so obvious why did I never see it before, sir, you have changed my life!! Good luck with both school and the OCT, I would tlove to see Nate's development <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Eeeviee [2017-08-22 01:24:16 +0000 UTC]

That's an adorable way to draw Munna omg

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NuzlockeAgency [2017-08-11 20:05:08 +0000 UTC]

... O_O That Froslass is still there!?

Anyway, I'm glad to see Nate is joining JOCT. Hopefully he and Westly can meet up and have a pleasant conversation and maybe a battle or two.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

synodicmeg [2017-08-07 18:08:53 +0000 UTC]


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SketchSakura [2017-07-27 15:06:38 +0000 UTC]

Oooh Nate's going to be joining Jubilee

That spooky Froslass spirit behind him definitely makes me curious of his tale XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sharulia [2017-07-23 17:40:06 +0000 UTC]

And... Nate's BAAAACK! So elated that you decided to have him join! We should definitely have a fun RP between him and Rodrigo at some point. Hah, I couldn't help but read GCPD as 'Gotham City Police Dept.' in my head after watching so much Gotham pfffft.

Also... how is Nate going to react when he realizes said R2 terrorist somehow miraculously managed to dodge justice and ended up here too, wtf?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BattlePyramid [2017-07-22 05:56:51 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday, Nate~!

Yep, me too, I was also surprised when I found out the setting of Jubilee since I planned to bring Aramis back in action three or four years after BFOIY3 storywise, so when I found out JOCT takes place three years later, I was like, "Okay, this is NOT a coincidence! Someone's been reading my mind and made this OCT to keep me active at-wise."

Whatever his motive, it's definitely good to see Nate back in action, too.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kanirou In reply to BattlePyramid [2017-07-22 06:07:33 +0000 UTC]

I was super excited to see Aramis in Jubilee! He and Nate will definitely have to hang out, Nate will be super happy to see him. Actually depending on what Aramis has been up to, we can work out how much they've been in contact the last couple years? or even if they've done anything together? 

And yeah man, considering that Nate walks away from Y3 soul-bonded to a dead woman, I knew I wanted to do *something* big with that, but wasn't sure exactly how I wanted to go about it. Then Jubilee popped up with all these themes of LIFE, and I was just like "well damn, guess that's how I'm doing it" XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BattlePyramid In reply to Kanirou [2017-07-22 06:34:48 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, a year after Y3, Aramis had to flee from Unova and hid in Alola for like two years, so if Nate had ever been in Akala or Ula'ula Islands at that time period, there's a chance that they might have met, or even done something together. I'd probably lay all the details through Skype, but most of the overview is in his app already.

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