The fifth and final part of the HumanCloak doodles. After flying around New York for a bit, the pair ends up on the Statue of Liberty (that’s supposed to be the torch behind them), and they get into a conversation about all of Cloak’s past masters/companions/sorcerers…but there’s a big catch to being an immortal relic–you eventually lose everyone. Realizing Cloak’s never had a chance to mourn (or the ability to cry), Stephen lets them vent. I figure the Cloak HAS to have an interesting backstory/history, but sadly has no means of telling it (until THIS happens, that is).
I have the head canon that Agamotto was Cloak’s creator and first master. I bet Cloak’s got all sorts of embarrassing stories about him, like the time he first tried the “Flames of Faltine” spell and lit his pants on fire.