KatoArata — Inferno Guardian [🤖]

Published: 2023-11-30 22:07:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 902; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 1
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Description 名前:カリフェルノ
タイプ:ほのお / ゴースト / くさ











(持ち物)霊的な灰 / ゆうれいのはい



(特性1)黄昏の繁茂: カリフェルノの存在は周


(特性2)炎の姿: カリフェルノのユニークな融合は、物理攻撃を特殊攻撃に変換することを可能にし、その幽霊的で炎の性質を利用してダメージを与えます。

(隠れ特性)影の吸収: ゴーストタイプの技を受けると、カリフェルノは幽霊のエネルギーを吸収し、最大HPの50%を回復します。

(特別な特性)幻想的な守護者: カリフェルノの霊界とのつながりは、ゴーストタイプの技の威力を高め、対象を幽霊化させて命中率を下げる20%のチャンスを提供します。

(特別な技)炎花開き: タイプ:ほのお / くさ、分類:特殊、威力:110、命中率:90%、PP:5/5、説明:カリフェルノは咲き誇る花のエッセンスが込められた幽霊的な炎の爆発を放ちます。この技には対象をやけどにする30%のチャンスがあります。

- シャドーボール
- かえんほうしゃ
- パワーウィップ
- シードフレア
- おにび
- りゅうのはどう
- シードボム
- 呪い
- メタルクロー
- ソーラービーム

- こうごうせい
- のろい
- まもる
- おんねん
- ねをはる
- やまあらし
- タネばくだん

- ひのたま
- しびれごな
- グラスフィールド
- かげうち
- ほのおのうず
- のろい
- てっぺき
- みんなでつかえ

HP: 80 / こうげき: 110 / ぼうぎょ: 95 / とくこう: 130 / とくぼう: 230 / すばやさ: 70

- タマゴグループ: 不定形
- 努力値: とくぼう+3、とくこう+3
- ポケモンの捕獲レート: 45
- 性別比: ジェンダーレス
- カリフェルノは稀で神秘的なポケモンであり、古代の伝説や神秘的な出来事と関連付けられています。野生で見かけることはまれで、霊界と生きている世界のバランスが脅かされた時にのみ姿を現すと言われています。カリフェルノに遭遇したトレーナーは、運命に選ばれたと考えられ、その忠誠心を得るために自分の価値を証明しなければなりません。カリフェルノの存在は、その後に起こる奇妙な現象と共に表れ、花が咲き乱れ、空気が幽霊のエネルギーで輝いているような状況が発生するとされています。

Name: Chariferno
Classification: Infernal Guardian Pokémon
Type: Fire / Ghost / Grass
Height: 2.5 meters
Weight: 150 kilograms

Pokédex 1: "Chariferno, the Infernal Guardian Pokémon, is a fusion of Charizard, Chandelure, and Ferrothorn. This ominous creature combines the fiery essence of Charizard, the spectral nature of Chandelure, and the botanical elements of Ferrothorn into a formidable and otherworldly entity."

Pokédex 2: "Chariferno's body is wreathed in ethereal flames that flicker and dance, casting an eerie glow in its surroundings. Its skeletal structure is intertwined with vines and metallic spikes, forming a nightmarish amalgamation that reflects the fusion of its three component Pokémon."

Pokédex 3: "Legends speak of Chariferno's ability to control both the flames of the netherworld and the power of nature. It is said to appear in places where the boundaries between the living and the afterlife are thin, acting as a guardian of the spectral realm."

Appearance: Chariferno is a haunting and majestic Pokémon that seamlessly blends the features of its three predecessors. Its body is covered in charred, ghostly vines that writhe with an otherworldly energy. Ethereal flames lick the edges of these vines, creating a mesmerizing display of spectral fire.

The wings on Chariferno's back resemble charred leaves and metal spikes, allowing it to glide gracefully through the air. Its eyes glow with an intense, otherworldly light, and its maw opens to reveal a perpetual blaze. The metallic spikes that adorn its body serve both as a defensive mechanism and a conduit for the ghostly energy that courses through it.

Chariferno's presence is accompanied by an eerie, melodic hum that echoes the ethereal nature of its being. Its entire form exudes an aura of ancient power, suggesting a connection to both the spirit world and the natural realm.

Habitat: Chariferno is rumored to appear in places where the veil between the worlds is thin, such as ancient forests, haunted caverns, and mystical groves.

Diet: Chariferno draws sustenance from the ambient energies of the netherworld, absorbing spectral flames and the essence of the natural world to maintain its spectral and botanical existence.

Behavior: Chariferno is a mysterious and enigmatic Pokémon, often seen drifting between the realms of the living and the afterlife. It is believed to act as a guardian, protecting the balance between the spirit world and the earthly realm.

Cry: Chariferno's cry is a haunting melody that resonates with the ethereal flames and ghostly energies it commands.

(Held Item) Spectral Ember / 幽霊の燃えさし (Yūrei no Moesashi)
A mysterious ember that enhances the power of Chariferno's Ghost-type moves and boosts its resistance to Water-type moves.

Name Origin: Chariferno's name is a fusion of "Char," representing Charizard, "fire," reflecting its fiery nature, and "Inferno," emphasizing its infernal and ghostly aspects.

Evolution Method: Chariferno does not evolve. It is the result of a special fusion process between Charizard, Chandelure, and Ferrothorn.

(Ability 1) Dusk Overgrowth: Chariferno's presence encourages the growth of spectral flora around it, granting a 20% boost to its Grass-type moves.

(Ability 2) Blaze Form: Chariferno's unique fusion allows it to convert its physical attacks into special attacks, utilizing its spectral and fiery nature to deal damage.

(Hidden Ability) Shadow Absorb: When hit by a Ghost-type move, Chariferno absorbs the spectral energy, healing 50% of its maximum HP.

(Signature Ability) Phantasmal Guardian / 幻の守護者 (Maboroshi no Shugosha)
Chariferno's connection to the spirit world enhances the power of its Ghost-type moves and provides a 20% chance to cause the target to become haunted, reducing their accuracy.

(Signature Move) Ember Bloom / 燃える花開き (Moeru Hanabira)
Type: Fire / Grass
Category: Special
Power: 110
Accuracy: 90%
PP: 5/5
Description: Chariferno releases a burst of spectral flames infused with the essence of blooming flowers. This move has a 30% chance to burn the target.

Physical/Special Moves:
- Shadow Ball
- Flamethrower
- Power Whip
- Leech Seed
- Will-O-Wisp
- Dragon Pulse
- Seed Bomb
- Hex
- Metal Claw
- Solar Beam

Status Moves:
- Synthesis
- Curse
- Protect
- Grudge
- Ingrain
- Destiny Bond
- Toxic
- Spikes

Egg Moves:
- Heat Wave
- Pain Split
- Grassy Terrain
- Shadow Sneak
- Flame Burst
- Curse
- Iron Defense
- Phantom Force

Base Stats (Total: 615)
HP: 80 / Atk: 110 / Def: 95 / Sp.Atk: 130 / Sp.Def: 230 / Speed: 70

Additional Details:
- Egg Group: Amorphous
- Effort Values: +3 Special Defense, +3 Special Attack
- Capture Rate: 45
- Gender Ratio: Genderless
- Chariferno is considered a rare and mythical Pokémon, often associated with ancient legends and mysterious occurrences. It is rarely seen in the wild and is said to only appear when the balance between the spirit world and the living world is threatened. Trainers who encounter Chariferno are believed to be chosen by

fate and must prove their worthiness to gain its allegiance. The presence of Chariferno is often accompanied by strange occurrences, such as flowers blooming in its wake and the air shimmering with spectral energy.
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