katsumi630 — Kohara, The Sky Neko

Published: 2008-07-16 00:40:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 4359; Favourites: 94; Downloads: 28
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Description Kohara, The Sky Neko.

It's a character I made. I think I'll have the will to RP again, well at least on one forum. >>;

Well, she's a Neko. And she's sort of flying through the sky and I'm not sure why. xD

Also, kudos to Shoni/Zach for the name ^_^; I love it.


Name: Kohara Mitsukari

Alias: Mysteria, The Sky Neko

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Neko (Cat Demon)

Alignment: Good

Origin: Cukxa; (Blue Town/Blue Plains) A world full of furry like humans. Cats, dogs, wolves and animals alike. It's like any other kind of city, it has buildings, etc. But with a Japanese/Asian theme to it. Their world is very snowy and gets very cold often. Her world was torn into turmoil, when many natural disasters, oh so they thought they were. But, were they linked to the Darkness. To the creatures known as Heartless?
Appearance: Kohara

Physical Features: Kohara is a bit small, but her build is pretty strong considering her weight which is 125 lbs. She's about 5 feet and 4 inches, in height. Considering her father and mother were both tall nekos, she's the pip-squeak of her family. She has a pretty feminine body and a small waist.

Facial Features: Kohara has a light tan, pale looking skin with a bit of silvery brightness to it. She has light green eyes, that seem almost sad at times. She has a small slender face. She has small lips, that are a light pink red color. Her nose is also small, but a bit pointy. Her black almost blue-gray hair falls to about her lower back, and she has bangs that cover part of her forehead, resting about to her eyes. On her forehead she has a marking of a crescent moon, given to her when she was born.

Clothing: Kohara wears a light blue kimono with circle and triangle designs on it that are white, along with the trim of the kimono and the waist wrap. She wears wooden sandals, or no shoes at all.

Miscellaneous Items/Articles: Besides the marking on her forehead, she has two dark blue gray ears and tail that has a white tip.

Personality: Kohara is like the sky, beautiful in its own way but as free as the clouds that cover it and the wind that blows. She has a kind personality, but she's a bit confused when problems fall into her hands. She can easily become confused sometimes. She has a pretty much free spirit about her, she lets nothing take away her freedom, accept for her past. She can be pretty happy when the time calls for it, but she can also look lost and confused. She hates the feeling of being alone.

Resolve: Kohara's resolve is to try and help everyone's else problems, accept her own. She sort of just pushes her own troubles to the side and helps everyone else accept herself.

Pursuit: Kohara's pursuit is happiness. She wants to be as happy as she can, without having any worry in the world and wants to help as many people as she can. She also...hopes to maybe fall in love one day.

Fears: She hates being alone. Spiders scare her. Along with a few other bugs. Never falling in love.

Hopes: To make everyone happy! Or at least try to help as many as she can. She hopes for a better future for everyone, including herself. And to accomplish some goals she has set.

Hobbies: Sometimes the feeling of falling gives her a surge. Helping others out, whatever it may be. She enjoys a nice relaxing day in the sun, closing her eyes and relaxing. She also has a thing for dancing, whenever she gets the chance she will dance. Cloud dreaming.

Public Personality/Private Personality: In public; Kohara is really kind and considerate of others and at times doesn't hesitate to show her true self. She enjoys helping others out. She never hesitates to take orders, no matter how ridiculous or easy they may be. She has a thing for helping others out, she hopes to maybe open up a shop or something one day. Though, she does like to help others she is easily shy when meeting knew people, especially boys since she has never had much good luck along the lines of a relationship. While around guys her age, and ones that catch her attention she can become very clumsy and can either go silent or babble a lot. Kohara can become relatively talkative, when the time calls for it. Kohara can be very adventurous and curious, like a cat. But, she does stay away from some things, especially those pesty bugs. Yuck! She hates bugs. Well, a couple of them...especially spiders! And she doesn't like getting lost, which she seems to do a lot. She can stay lost for days on end... but sometimes she manages to find her way out of the mess. Also, Kohara has an eye for trouble, well actually trouble has an eye for her. She always seems to get messed up into someones else's business. And then falls even more deeper into it, by just trying to get herself out of it.

Her private personality is a bit different compared to her almost outgoing self, at times she does enjoy being alone with a bit of quietness. In a nice relaxing place where she can dream and think to herself. But, she hates to isolate herself from others. Sometimes there is a call for some nice and relaxing silence. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city and such. Sometimes Kohara hates herself for what happened in her past, but she just tries to move on and be happy with what she has now.Sometimes though, one cannot help but think on things of the past. On how they could of fixed it somehow... She does have some regrets, but she also has happy times. She's happy with what she had in her past, and wishes for none of it to change..While around her close friends, she likes to mess around and just have overall fun with them. To make as many memories as she can. She also wants a bright future for herself along with everyone she knows. When around her friends, she's pretty much laid back and is just mainly herself. She can express how she feels, most of the time. But, the thing is...she doesn't have many friends anymore.

Class: Mage


Weapon Name: Tsubasa

Weapon Description: Tsubasa is a six foot staff, which is known as a bō. It's made out of oak. On the end of the staff, is writing. It is unreadable, by anyone who does not speak Japanese. It says, "Tsubasa" on it though.

Unique Notes: N/A


Base Ability: Meditation/Floating/Aerial

Sub Abilities: 1.[Kaze no Toku (Wind Shield)] - A defensive and barrier skill, dealing with both meditation and the air around her. Kohara closes her eyes, concentrating. Looking as if she is meditating, but she can use this while either sitting or standing. Possibly, even in air if she had the time to activate it before she fell to the ground. She forces her hands outwards, summoning energy from inside of her. In emits from her hands, and wraps around her into a ball like shape, or oval. This acts as a barrier, and as long as she is meditating and keeps her composure and remains still then she will be protected. Seemingly nothing can enter this barrier as long as she has it up, but even if she falters or even moves for one second the barrier will have a small hole in it, and of which something could enter... The barrier seems to swirl around her, if anything touches it it would be stopped in its tracks. But, with enough power and strength, the barrier can be diminished. Also, it seems as if gradually Kohara begins to float upwards..

2.[Wind Thrust]] - This attack can involve either Kohara's hands, or the edges of her bō. Lets begin with her hands first, which require less concentration on Kohara's part. She thrusts her hands forward, emitting a blast of air infront of. The more she concentrates the more powerful the thrust will be. But, in heat of battle one does not have enough time to concentrate that much, so she will go for more smaller attacks, but can do 2 to 3 thrusts. Now, dealing with her bō Kohara thrusts the end of her staff towards her attacker, much like with her hands, but this can be followed up with another thrust from the other end of her bō. But, with her bō this attack requires more power, energy and concentration on her part. Sometimes she just goes for more simpler attacks, when the time calls for it. Her bō thrust, is a bit more flashy.

3.[The Striker] - Kohara uses her claws this time, to strike at an opponent. She swipes her claws at her opponent, a wind like blast/strike emits from her claws. This ability is pretty simple, but calls for brief concentration from Kohara before she strikes at her opponent. Kohara can also go for two strikes, using both her claws/hands. Takes 1 to 2 posts to recharge.



History: A small kit was born into a big world. Bigger than her little mind could comprehend. Her mother, Jinx named her Kohara. She found that name fitting for such a beautiful daughter. Her parents were happy and proud that they had finally bore a child into the world, after their first attempt. Their first child. He had died of birth complications. Now 5 years later, they had decided to give it another go. They weren't sure what kind of child Kohara would be, but they would be happy none the less. Happy that they finally had a child to claim as their own. As a child, Kohara wasn't much of a trouble maker. She never seemed to really cry at all. Only when she wanted her mother. As a baby, Kohara grew very close to her mother. Her father, Tilith, was mostly away at work since he wanted a moderate life for his family. And had to work more since Jinx couldn't work because she had to take care of Kohara. They didn't want Kohara to be taken care of by a nanny or anything. They wanted to raise her themselves. Kohara always seemed to pick things up and put them into their proper place.

Kohara's family, and the town folks of Cukxa were all families of warriors. A mix between 3 different classes; Warrior, Taoist, and Assassins. There was also another class, the Champion, but that class had been banned because of complications and the people who trained as one, always seemed to want more power. All specializing in different kinds of skills and abilities. Jinx had been an assassin, but after bearing Kohara she had given up her task as a assassin. Kohara's father on the other hand was a of the Warrior class, specializing in Blades. But, one did not just choose their class. Their class choose them. After a few simple but hard tasks one would figure out what they were born to be. At the age of 15, every child would set out away from their parents. Into a small class of other children, . Selected by 3 Trainers. 3 different teams, or groups. To set out to find their destiny... or in this case to find their Class. Each Trainer, specialized in one of the three classes. Many of the children would fail, only a select few would survive the intense training and tests set before them.

Kohara was one of the select few, to be selected to partake in this trail of endurance. Grouped with her neighbor, classmate and friend, she was happy to partake in this test. Her parents said that it was an honor for her to be noticed and to be chosen. But, how much could she endure? Would she fail or survive this 3 week training. This 3 week long test of survive. Of strategy. Of skill... Many have endured these trails, enduring body aches. Cramps. And other hardships. And, only at the age of 15. Many many trials, tests are to be tested on them. Survival tests. Education tests. Endurance test. Before these tests though... the selected students were entered in a School to prep them for these tests. Those who were not chosen, may be selected next year.

Now...Kohara's test begins. Teamed in groups of three, the children will set out on their own, with their Trainers of course. Into the plains that are outside the village. To survive on their own for three weeks. They weren't sure what was infront of them, but they could only hope to survive. Kohara and her teammates, Ichhi and Fumika. Fumika being Kohara's best friend, and a bunny anthro. The two of them were pretty close, nothing seemed to separate them. Of course though, they would want to get through these trials together and would work as a team even though they did have their disagreements. Ichhi on the other hand, wasn't at all compatible with them. He was more of the silent one, but was smart. So, over all their team was picked pretty good.

At last it was time for the teams to meet their Trainers. The people who would guide them through the many trials ahead of them. They had no clue who they were, but as they stood there by the gates that would lead them to the Plains. Outside the village, of which they had never adventured alone. Kohara stood there with her two teammates. As the three trainers came walking towards them, they all stood there surprised. They had no clue which one of the three would be their Trainer. They could only hope that it might not be the one who was rumored to have never ever passed a student. But, which of the three it was they did not know. The three teams, of three students stood infront of the three Trainers. One of which was a girl, the other two were men. Slowly, their teacher read out the students names and they were teamed up with their Trainers. Kohara's team was last...and they got the female Trainer, whose name was Satsumi. She specialized in the Taoist class.

Soon, as they all met their Trainers the trials would begin.

This was not a trial of time. But, of endurance. Of strength. And to see if they could pass the tests, and also work as a team. It seemed so easy at first for Kohara, but once they set out..it was much much more. More than she could comprehend. They set out into the Plains, they had heard that many monsters lived with in these Plains. They had to get through the plains, to a place called Night Castle. Which from what they heard was a few days away, but..after they reached there they weren't sure what would happen. If there might be more trials ahead of them, or what. Kohara's team, team number Three. Set out at a slow pace, only equipped with a staff of some kind. A few rations of food. And a little medicine. Their Trainer Satsumi, was equipped with more equipment in case things got out of hand, or Kohara, Fumika and Ichhi could not protect themselves. There had also been occurrences of a Boss monster coming out during these Trials. Only..once did the Trainees ever encounter it.

The first day began. Kohara and her team, didn't encounter many monsters. Only two since they had started. The first monster, was rather easily to kill. They weren't scared of it, their Trainer said they did good but the next ones after each kill would most likely get harder and harder. She told them what to expect. They listened. Kohara and Fumika worked as a team, while Ichhi had rather wanted to work alone. Since he mostly did everything alone. But, as each day went on and on Kohara and Fumika began to understand Ichhi. They had never really knew him at the School, but all the girls liked him. They thought he was cool and what not. But, Kohara and Fumika didn't at all like him...though Fumika did have a crush on him. It just didn't show. She was pretty excited and shy, to be teamed up with him.

Each night, they would camp. Finding a safe place to start a fire, but one person would have to keep watch about every hour or so another of the team would keep watch. And so on. The next day, their task grew a bit harder. The monsters they faced were insect like monsters, not much bigger than themselves but they had to watch out or they might be poisoned. Which in their case, their Trainer would supply them with medicine. But, points would be subtracted. So far so good though, with little help from Ichhi, Fumika and Kohara managed to get past the insect and they also kept their distance. They took their time, their Trainer did not insist that they rush anything. As they made their way to Night Castle, they found that they were the last team to arrive. The first team to arrive, were awarded more points. But, from what Kohara and Fumika had heard, the first team had gotten points subtracted from foolishness. Once they had gotten to Night Castle, they would rest there for 2 days. And, it was the most beautiful of sights...Cherry Blossoms.

Two days later, they were given more instructions. A time trial this time. And inside of Night Castle. Work as team. They were to deliver a scroll to the Physician in the town. They would start at one end of the town, which was huge compared to their own town. Again, they weren't sure who would or wouldn't be awarded points. But, all they could do was try their hardest. Their Trainers said that there might be obstacles along the way and to be careful, this round they wouldn't be there. Kohara, Fumika and Ichhi ran as fast as they could, given a map to navigate as fast as they could through the city. There were so many twists and turns and many distractions. They had gotten lost one time, but turned around and found their way back. They raced towards the other side of the town where the Physician was. Every so often they would encounter the other teams, and a few obstacles which they got over. They worked as team as much as they could, disagreeing here and there but they finally made their way to the Physician. They were the second team there. Better than last...again. What they didn't know was that there were people watching them, seeing how they worked as a team and such. Now, it was time for the final task. And this time, it was by themselves. They would have to fight someone else from another team. Some of the students had already been eliminated, making the number of Trainees even now... What they didn't know was who they would fight against. It could be anyone. Their names would be displayed on a sign, to see who they were matched against.

All the students stood there, in suspense. Who would be first? Names scrolled across the screen. First, Icchi Koetetsu... but who was he matched against. Soon, the screen scrolled across another name... Kuwabara. Icchi's all time rivial. They battled it out, all the fan girls watching in suspense in horror as they fought one each other. But, as soon as the battle had started it had ended. Ichhi the victor. All the fan girls screamed, some even managed to faint. Kohara and Fumika just stood there, watching. They would never act like that over a boy. He wasn't that cool, or whatever. Soon, more battles came and went. Fumika name scrolled across the board... who was she to face? Then! Kohara's name scrolled up besides Fumika's name. They stared at each other in horror. They would be fighting each other. They didn't want to, but knew they had to. So, they did... it ended in a draw. Both passed.

There was one more trial at hand. They had to travel through the mountains, with their trainers and it was also timed. They were supplied with a lot of supplies, but had to decide what and what not to take. Kohara and her team, only took what they thought they would need. They raced through the mountains, pacing themselves. Each team would take a different route, but each route was the same distance. It wouldn't take that long to get there. To the town in the mountains. They had to deliver another scroll. They took about 5 hours to get there, they stood infront of the city. Finding that they may be the first ones there. But, they were to race to the tower in the middle of the city. So they did. Making their way through the city, not pacing themselves so much anymore. They made it to the tower...finding they were the first ones. Kohara and Fumika embraced themselves, finally they had gotten into first. But, how would they do on grading? They couldn't know. It was a two day process to get all the information from the people that were watching them. They could only hope to pass.

Two days went by, they had returned to their home town. Taking a few souvenirs with them. They sat their waiting for their grades. Wanting to know. Ichhi on the other hand, went back to training himself. Kohara went to him, to ask him why he trained all the time. He told her to go away. But, she was reluctant to leave. She asked him again, sitting next to him. Finally, after moments of silence he told her. He told her that he had been alone. His parents had died. And he had no siblings. He felt alone. All he could do was train himself to be something greater.. Kohara looked down and then spoke. Telling him that Fumika sort of liked him. That she wasn't like all the other girls. And told Ichhi to give Fumika a chance.She left, returning home to be only summoned to the training center. Where they would receive a grade point average and if they passed or not..

Kohara passed. Fumika passed. And Icchi passed. With a few others who passed, and some who didn't. Kohara, Fumika and Icchi, were both named Taoists. They went out to celebrate. And that was when, Fumika fell for Icchi. Kohara left them alone. She sat at the river edge, watching the night sky. She wondered if there were other worlds out there, that were unlike hers. She wanted an adventure now. Now, that she had passed all of her training she wanted something else. She wanted to discover new worlds. Meet new friends... what she didn't know was that it would all come to her. It would take her away... taking away everything she loved. And, she also.. wanted someone to share her life with.

Year went by, she continued training herself. Continued to day dream. She protected her village, going on missions for her town. Quests. But, they could only lead her away for so long. She made a few friends along the way, but kept her old ones as well. Ichhi had also become a friend, and a lover of Fumika's. They had realized that they felt something for each other. And have been inseparable since. Kohara goes off on her own sometimes, wandering. Training. Trying to find something else besides the life she has. She sometimes searches for danger... but never seems to find anything worth while. She often visits Night Castle, to watch the cherry blossoms. And to just think to herself...watching the stars. Wondering if there is something else out there...

The 18th year of Kohara's life, was what changed the most. Part of her world, was put into darkness. Dark creatures which the towns people called 'The Darkness' started to appear, many never went near what they claimed was the 'Dark Forest'. But, somehow Kohara was drawn towards it. Her heart urging her to find the darkness. One day, she went to the Dark Forest, and mountains. The Mountains had also be claimed. Many had moved out of them, some had simply disappeared. She wanted to discover what was behind the darkness. What it was. So she studied it from a distance. No one knew. They thought she was off on some mission or something. Or just being her usual self who often disappeared for hours on end. But, one day... she walked in the dark forest. Unable to fight the urge to go towards it... it was somehow calling her. Calling her heart. Then.. right then and there her whole world turned into darkness. As she stepped further and further towards the Darkness... Then, she felt herself falling.. But something caught her. The Darkness did. She jumped out of its hand.. and began to fight it. All around her there was only darkness. It was huge. She continued to fight it, trying to run away a few times.. but found she couldn't. All she ran into was darkness. Finally, she fell unconscious...
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Comments: 15

Kumikochanlove [2014-10-22 13:57:33 +0000 UTC]

Make me a neko?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PRsOwnGlaceon [2012-07-30 00:21:32 +0000 UTC]

shes pretty, and shes my species...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Catflash [2010-07-21 20:32:25 +0000 UTC]

Dang. Nice description. ^ ^ I love it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Raakone [2010-04-10 05:23:39 +0000 UTC]

Very pretty!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

katsumi630 In reply to Raakone [2010-04-12 19:52:52 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Angelic-PRISMS [2009-07-19 08:25:12 +0000 UTC]

Cool,Im faving it.
Nice drawing on Kohara,I can't draw as good as you! (I'm 11)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HerrKommandant In reply to Angelic-PRISMS [2010-10-20 22:05:09 +0000 UTC]

You really shouldn't be here if you're 11.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Whiteflamedkitsune [2008-08-12 17:19:57 +0000 UTC]

Hey Is her eye color like a blue or something...? Just for the picture that I'm drawin of her lolz and I wasn't so sure...XD

I think gold would look very nice in my opinion though...so then the moon on her head doesn't look so lonly and yellow XD lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

katsumi630 In reply to Whiteflamedkitsune [2008-08-12 18:46:30 +0000 UTC]

*Looks at her profile..*

She has light green eyes, though a guess a little gold could be added. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Whiteflamedkitsune In reply to katsumi630 [2008-08-12 18:49:50 +0000 UTC]

alright light green works lol.

lolz it was just my opinion is all lol. any way thank you ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Rina-ran [2008-07-16 00:41:57 +0000 UTC]

So pretty! You're getting really good. x3

Love her robe.

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

katsumi630 In reply to Rina-ran [2008-07-16 00:52:41 +0000 UTC]

Lol. Also, when I was uploading it. The Navy called me >>;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rina-ran In reply to katsumi630 [2008-07-16 01:20:20 +0000 UTC]

Geh? o.o Why so?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

katsumi630 In reply to Rina-ran [2008-07-16 02:48:18 +0000 UTC]

Haha, about college options and stuff since I just graduated

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

katsumi630 In reply to Rina-ran [2008-07-16 00:50:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you I like finished her, and was like WOW x3 I love it, as well. Hehe.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0