KayTheAppreciator — I Was Gonna Be Their Father (G/t) (5)
Published: 2017-08-01 20:16:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 1599; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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I Was Gonna Be Their Father

Chapter 5

The girls only planned to go camping for a few days, but a few days soon progressed into a month. They had been enjoying themselves with the odd family that they had met in the woods. Victor did everything according to plan. He took them out to spend the nights together and always engaged in discussions with the two girls as much as he did.

One particular night, Eskra chose not to follow them on their nightly adventures. She convinced Sam to stay back too to help her sort out some things. She never actually said what those things were. That left Victor, Cass and Tomi.

Victor had just placed his tent and his two little companions into the truck when he looked back at his house. Eskra was standing at the door, looking at him. A sly smirk crossed her face as she winked at him. Victor winked back and let out a dry chuckle as he got into the car and started the engine.

“Good luck, sweetheart”, whispered Eskra as she watched the truck disappear into the trees.

Victor was doing everything in his power to make sure that the bio weapon in him remained calm. He had wanted to have a little heart-to-heart alone with the girls. He wanted to know what the two young women liked. If black sludge started appearing out of nowhere, the girls would most definitely not want him to be their father. The sludge would be bad for their hair, after all.

This time, Victor took the girls to a different clearing. This one had a much better view of the moonlit sky as the shield from the trees was thinner. The woodland air was colder than usual, so the trio three found themselves sat in front of a big campfire once again. 

The girls had huddled together and they also seemed to be getting closer and closer to the fire. Victor’s massive eyes were not able to see the miniscule goose bumps that had covered the girls’ arms. The chilly air did not do too much to him due to his incredible size. However, he did notice their shivering and immediately wanted to help. He got up from the log bench on which he was sat and went over to the where the girls were seated.

“It looks like the fire, as big as it is, is not keeping you two warm”, he said in a soft voice.

“Oh no, it actually is”, said Tomi, rubbing her arms to warm them up, “but the wind seems to be picking up faster than the fire can keep us warm.”

“Yeah, with the way the wind is picking up, I think that it might rain soon”, added Cass, her teeth chattering slightly from the cold.

“Rain? That’s no good”, thought Victor. He had been looking forward to having a bit of quiet time with his two potential daughters. Storms were very bad for humans in particular, especially when they were in giant territory. Yet, Victor’s resolve did not falter and he decided to continue with the outing. In fact, the rain might actually provide him with a good excuse to get closer to them. Whatever happened, he needed to get some key information from the two humans.

“Ladies, would it be okay if I asked you both some questions? My family and I would really like to know more about you.”

Cass smiled. “You can ask us anything, really”, replied the Asian beauty, “You and your family have been so hospitable to us. Answering questions is the least we could do to thank you.”

“I’m very happy to hear that”, said Victor, his heart swelling at the girl’s kind words, “because I have quite a few things to ask you. First of all, if you could style your own room what would it look like?”

That question was a lot more specific than what the girls were prepared for. They were expecting questions about their favourite colours, their hobbies or their favourite foods. Nonetheless, they were happy to ease his curiosity.

“I have always wanted a black and white room”, stated Tomi, “one where my bedsheets would be striped and polka dotted black and white. I would have a standing mirror near my door and gorgeous black shelves on a white wall.”

“I would really like a light blue room with a white ceiling”, added Cass as she looked up to face Victor, “I would have a blue and white bed with little blue boxes at the foot of the bed. I would also like a standing mirror too, but mine would be close to my wardrobe, not my door.”

“Interesting”, mused Victor, making a mental note of everything that they had just told him. He asked them some easier questions later.

During their little exchange, the weather took a turn for the worst. The moonlight was blocked by some dark clouds. The wind picked up speed and dropped in temperature. A few stray droplets started to fall.

One of those droplets was aimed right at Cass. It came hurtling down and made impact on her back. She was in shock momentarily after the huge blow to her back had occurred. Her hair was soaked with water.

“Well, there is the rain that we were expecting”, she said whilst wringing the water out of her top.

Victor looked up to the sky, only to see that the moon had been blacked out by some thick clouds. A bright steak of lightning tore the sky in two and it was succeeded by a tremendous clap of thunder. 

The thunder had been too loud for even Victor's ears, so he was not surprised when he looked down and saw that both girls had their hands cupped around their ears.

Tomi struggled to get up as the ringing in her ears continued. They needed to get into the tent before another attack from Mother Nature.

Victor did not waste any more time. He gently picked up both girls, held them against his chest and carried them both into the shelter and warmth of the tent.

Just as he zipped up the tent, the rain began to pour down in buckets. The rain beat down upon the tent and increased the volume of the already noisy impact of the rain.

The raindrop that fell on Cass had fully soaked her top. She was now drenched and shivering from the combination of the cold atmosphere and her wet clothes. 

Victor looked at her and saw how she was struggling to stay warm. It did not help that she was still shaken from the shock of the raindrop that hit her. Now was his chance. She needed warmth and physical reassurance and he could provide both. It would allow him to endear himself to them both.

“Cass”, he called softly to the tiny young woman, “Sweetheart you are freezing. Let me help you warm up a little”, he suggested, lowering his palm down for her to climb on. 

Tomi was about to interject, not necessarily liking the possible meanings of warming her up. However she was not fast enough. Cass got up from where she had been placed and stumbled over to Victor's open palm. Getting away from the unbearable cold had taken priory over all scepticism.

Victor was both amused and ecstatic about how eager she had been to get to him. “Poor thing. She must be very cold”, he pondered. His thoughts were confirmed when Cass had finally managed to seat herself on his palm. Victor felt like he was holding an icicle.  The cold seemed to have seeped into her bones already.

As Cass sat down, she relaxed slightly from the warmth that emanated from Victor's hand. She got butterflies in her stomach as Victor lifted her off of the ground.

He laid down on his back and gently placed Cass on his chest. Once he was comfortable, he draped his right hand over her body.

Cass shut her eyes as the great warmth that was Victor spread through her entire body. She got a little bit claustrophobic when Victors hand descended on her, but the feeling faded fast as the giant hand served as a big fleshy blanket against her cold body.

During all of this Tomi was staring in intently at Victor to ensure that he did not make any dangerous moves. She was the more cautious of the two and always thought through things at least three times before a decision.

Once Victor had laid down, Tomi left her position on the floor and walked over to where Victor's head was.

An unexpected clap of thunder caused Tomi to scream. She hated thunder with a passion. It was nothing but a loud noise that served no real purpose. All it did was make the storm all the more terrifying. 

“That thunder got you good, didn't it?” asked Victor. He had turned to Face Tomi when he heard the patter of her feet. 

If Tomi's dark skin could blush, her face would have been as red as a tomato. Not only had she jumped, but Victor had seen her jump too.

“I didn't really jump though”, responded Tomi, feigning ignorance.

“Tomi is terrified of storms”, interrupted Cass, “She will always deny it though.”

“Nobody asked for your opinion Madam Cass”, said Tomi, rolling her eyes.

Cass laughed at her friend's insistence on not being scared. But the laugh was short lived. Cass knew why Tomi was doing that. Tomi was known not to open up quickly and she clearly didn't trust Victor wholeheartedly.

Speaking of whom, Victor was not comfortable with Tomi staying on the ground. “Want me to lift you up to where Cass is, Tomi?”

“No it's ok. I will just climb up onto you”. Tomi walked over to Victor's waist and grabbed the fabric of his shirt. She used it hoist herself up so she could climb. She made her way up the side of Victor's stomach, making him laugh from the light tickles.

When Tomi reached the flat surface that was Victor's stomach, she tiptoed across so that she could sit beside her bestie. The feeling of Victor’s stomach was very strange. As she took each step, she could feel Victor’s defined muscles underneath a small layer of fat.

Victor was a little disappointed that Tomi would not let him hold her, but it just proved that she was a strong girl who could hold her own. He sat up slightly so as to not disturb the two humans sat on his stomach. 

Later, the cold had finally gotten to Victor, so he decided to get his blanket out of its current position in his back pack.

"Okay girls, I need to fetch my blanket so I need you to disembark for a little bit", said Victor, removing his hand from the tiny woman's body.

Cass frowned. She had been enjoying her little resting period. "Ugh, if you must", replied Cass, in a mock annoyed voice, "Just note that I am highly unimpressed by this disturbance."

Victor chuckled and used his finger to ruffle Cass's long straight hair. "I apologise madam", said Victor with a fake British accent, "I will return you to your rightful position as soon as I'm ready."

"Good", responded Cass with a smirk on her face.

Tomi shook her head at the silly behaviour being displayed before her. "The two of you are not serious", said Tomi.

"And you are TOO serious", retorted Cass.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah", said Tomi dismissively.

Victor picked both girls up and placed them down near the top left corner of the tent, whilst he went to fish out his blanket.

"Tomi, we need to talk", whispered Cass, beckoning her friend to come further into the corner.

Once Cass felt they were far enough away from Victor, she began the conversation.

"Girl, do you actually have a reason for not trusting Victor and his family?" asked Cass, her arms crossed.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Tomi you always do this thing where you distrust people for no reason. Victor, Eskra and Sam have all been kind to us since we got here. It's been almost a month and you still refused to let Victor pick you up when it was just you. You only let him pick you up when either I or Sam is there."

"I am just being careful", answered Tomi with a certain frustration in her voice. 

"In other words, you have no REAL reason", concluded Cass. "Very well, if you say so. Just make sure that you "being careful" does not go so far as hurting these kind people."

"Sure", said Tomi emotionlessly. After that they went back over to Victor.

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Comments: 4

CDupre [2017-08-01 21:39:24 +0000 UTC]

No sludge in the hair!  Sounds like a pain to wash out.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KayTheAppreciator In reply to CDupre [2017-08-01 22:04:04 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, forget the fact that the sludge can immobilise giants, can stop vital organs and the fact that it has already killed two people. Washing it out would take so much shampoo!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CDupre In reply to KayTheAppreciator [2017-08-01 22:06:55 +0000 UTC]

At least an entire bottle.  So inconvenient.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KayTheAppreciator In reply to CDupre [2017-08-01 22:10:21 +0000 UTC]


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