Hi everybody! THE THIRD NUMBER OF YOUNG FORCE IS NOW OUT! Check it here [link]
I did this draw in December ^^
Siamo già al terzo numero, andate a leggere il nuovo numero di Young Force, la rivista di fumetti italiani, realizzati da gente che lo fa per passione e con tanta voglia
Ci sono fumetti, articoli interessanti, recensioni di manga e anime e light novel! NON PERDETEVELO!
E non dimenticatevi di votare!
Video Process: soon
This 2 guys are Young Force's mascottes (designed by me)
They're names are: She's Fumiko and he's Youta
Commission info:
COMMISSION OPEN READ ALLl Payment Method Paypal (USD) Style Digital, Cell/ anime style COLORING STYLE 1) 2) COLORED DRAWS: fullbody 10 USD + 8USD for each addictional character halfbody 7 USD + 5 USD for each addictional character SKETCH + flat colors fullbody 5 USD + 3 USD for each addictional character ointr: halfbody 3 USD + 2 USD for each addictional character :bulletgreen: CHIBI ointr: 5 USD + 3 USD for each addictional character Payment before or after the approval sketch, commissioner's choice. ointr: If you are interested, note me with the description bellow: Type: Paypal name & email Number of characters References (if you didn't draw the character, you can send me images and photos of the clothes, hair, ecc and say me the colors ) Sho