kegalii — SA | Reid | Breim | Arisen

Published: 2018-02-15 22:46:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 4732; Favourites: 101; Downloads: 20
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9/28/18 Reference sheet was revamped, now much more bearable to read :'D
11/28/18 Got kitsune familiar


 t  h  e     f  i  r  e  f  l  y 

astral tracker  | shards tracker | favor tracker

"can you hear that, darling?
a revolution's calling
no child of ours should have to starve
should have to die for us

can you feel that, darling?
the monster's marching
this is it
the invitation is
for the ones who love"

Winter 1701 - Due to his mother's death, he has lost the 'overprotective' trait. Gained 'determined.'
Some of his traits have been changed for better expression of character.
History has been adjusted for better wording

B a s i c

    Name: Reid

    Nicknames: None

    Age: 23

    Gender: No preference (primarily goes by he/they)
    Sex: Intersexual (aka I have no idea if i want him to be)

    Type: Common-horse

    Orientation: Asexual
    Zodiac: The Devil Bird

    Herd Affiliation: Breim
    Location: Kawaru-Seroran Camp (Vasall)

    Rank: Arisen (Kawaru)
    Talents: Empath, Ambitious
    Items: Books, staff, beads, flowers, ribbon, cloth, bells

P h y s i c al

    Build: Lean with a slender build, small chest and flat head

    Breed: Akhal-teke/Morgan

    Coat color: Flaxen liver chestnut sabino tovero

    Eye color: Amber

    Teke color: Cyan blue

    Other: --

    Accessories: Bracers, hair doo-dads, feathers (from mother), cloak, collar, piercings

P e r s o n a l i t y

      Observant - quick to notice things.
    Within society, Reid always knew that there was something 'wrong.' He had seen the gates of Nariah, marvelous in its shimmer and shine and luxurious in comparison to Sterling. Unable to do much about the circumstances of his city, he watched. He would compare and contrast, make note after note, spot the unspottable, and in turn make improvements.

      Adaptable - able to adjust to new conditions.
    Life was ever-changing, ever-moving. He had been dragged through Breim's Labyrinth, and though the feeling of stone on his hooves and the chill of the air remained constant, not much else remained consistent. But he did what he could, and in turn he carries the ability to move with the flow of the past and present, and into the future.

      Determined - having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it. (processing or displaying resolve)
    Constantly needing to overcome what most would consider impossible obstacles, Reid learned persistence. Many times it was a hard lesson, difficult and treacherous, but he learned to push forward through the good and bad. While others gave up and allowed themselves to be reclaimed by comfort and ease, Reid was often shoved back into the harshness of reality by his peers (and oftentimes his mother). And now, he refuses to give up, no matter if what he is doing is right, or wrong.

      Prudent - acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

    While he is a fan of going with the flow, there came a point in his life where the flow became a raging current, drowning him in its waters. Quite literally. He watched as others helplessly drifted away, carelessly afloat. Frequently, Reid would try to fight it, by building a dam to halt the furious waters. But that dam often broke, ensuing even more chaos upon his life. Other times, he would simply guide it, moving it through the easiest of the storm. Everything he does is well-calculated, and well-planned, in hopes to eventually lead to brighter future.

      Fiery - (of a person) having a passionate, quick-tempered nature.

    There is an anger in his heart that can't be quelled. It's a raging blaze, and when he's provoked it only grows. He doesn't fear the consequences, blinded by the need to take action. As a child, it was what helped him fight back against those who had done wrong by him. Now, it's become more of a bad habit, to quickly call out the people he feels had done wrong by him. He takes little proof to jump the conclusion that they are out to crush his spirit to dust.

      Self-critical - critical of oneself, one's abilities, or one's actions in a self-aware or unduly disapproving manner.
    Reid looks towards the future but often lingers on the past, and especially the present. He feels he needs to be making the right choices, displaying the right image, and in moments of stress he becomes stiff. If he made a mistake, he makes damn well sure he learned from it, and to never make it again. To others, it's an attempt to perfect himself, and become a role-model to others. Most of the time, he just looks like a boy trying to find his place in the world.

    Theme song: Sincerely by Stephen
    Moral Alignment: Chaotic good
    Aesthetic: here
    Playlist: here
    Voice claim: Freddie Highmore

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

    Mother: Natsuko | Pegasus | NPC | Deceased

    Father: Kapena | Common horse | NPC | Alive

    Siblings: Unknown

    S/O: none

    Children: none

    Extended family: --
        Mateusz  | Weird friends - The strange man that sleeps in his bed - he doesn't do much in the matter, though will have the occasional fling with due to his... Aodhian tenancies. Reid refers to him as Teu.

        Camilla  | Romantic Interest - She was the girl who randomly popped up in his house due to her astral-projecting shenanigans. Reid had the unfortunate chance to spot her roaming through his living room, when he was shot by a vision from Cascade. Him and the Umare seemed to be... cuddling? Running off into the royal gardens to giggle and snuggle? As confused as he was, he couldn't reject what the sea goddess had given him, and he accepts Camilla as his future somepony.

        Nuriko  | Good friends - After the floods in Sterling, Nuriko had helped Reid mourn the loss of his mother, and aided the Kawaru in rebuilding the city despite his Umare origins. Reid soon came to know him as a good and trusted friend, and has made a few visits to the new Provider in his free time.

        Amity  | Close friends - She had been there with him through it all, a neighbor of his before both of their houses were destroyed in the earthquake. She was his original sweetheart, until she turned into a kirin. He had not been repulsed by the sight of her red scales and antlers, but in fact was allured by them. But she eventually grew reclusive, and though Reid still supports her it seems that their spark had died out.

    Mentor: none

    Apprentice(s): none

    Romantic preferences: Friendly but fierce, one who he can back and one who can back him. Prefers masculine but slender builds.
    Intimate preferences: none

F a m i l i a r   Name: Itazuro (Or more fondly known as 'It' by Reid)
   Nickname(s): Ita, It
   Type: Kitsune (proof )
   Gender: Male (they/them)
   Age: Unknown, suspected to be young

   Personality: Ita, being just a pup is quite inexperienced in the area of trickery. They enjoy practicing their abilities on their companions around them, though the havoc made is hardly anything to blink at. They are quiet, keeping a significant distance from strangers or those they don't trust, and often display acts of aggression and particularly-devious tricks. They are easily excited and simple to motivate, usually with charms or shiny trinkets. They are overly protective over Reid, and only allow those they consider 'below' them to be around their partner-in-crime. Ita also takes great pride in Reid, as he is one of the leaders of the Kawaru and thus high in rank.

   Backstory to come!

R e l i g i o n

    Patron god(s): Argus & Cascade

    Blessing(s): Clairvoyance

    Summary: The parent of his people, and his guide, Reid finds no other more deserving of his praise than Argus. They are a stabilizing force, a constant in his life that remind him that he is doing the right thing. His mother also worshiped Cascade, and Reid often associates her with the goddess. In his eyes, Natsuko was Cascade, every fiber of her being being nothing but peace and tranquility. She quelled his worries and eased his mind, and with her gone, Reid has turned to Cascade as his motherly figure in his life.

His blessing was received after a particularly-distressing episode in his life. It was in his eyes that Cascade saw his need to bring forth the future, and for that he will do greatly.

H i s t o r y

    The beginning: Reid was born from a young and budding relationship, nestled in the outskirts of Sterling. His mother was a pegasus with a warm creamy coat and sharp silver eyes. She had Talori blood running through her veins, and though she had never seen the eastern seas with her own eyes, she admired Cascade just as greatly as any Talorian. The mare helped others for no charge, a model citizen amongst the Kawaru and admired by many.
Reid's father was a dark liver chestnut, lighthearted and adventurous in his time spent with Natsuko. He had come from Isoba, as a cheeky young stallion with a bold and alluring personality. He had been in Sterling to deliver scraps, which many of the Kawaru were always looking for, and he often made a pretty penny from his trips there. Natsuko was barely an adult when he met her, and immediately fell in love. She, of course, played hard to get, though with enough suave moves and a lot of flowers, Kapena won over her heart.

Reid's birth was all but expected, though the couple cherished the foal greatly. Kapena had chosen to settle in Sterling with Natsuko, seeing as the Kawaru were her people and the rackedy city was her home. But as Reid began to grow, Kapena was growing irritable. Where he had seen progress and beauty in his short visits, his time in Sterling revealed to him the struggle and pain within the people. This was not a place he wanted to raise his child. Again, he tried to convince Natsuko to move to Isoba, but she refused.

    Adolescence: His dam and sire gradually grew adrift. Natsuko was hopeful in her people, believing that one day, they would finally have the chance to flourish. But to Kapena, this was a just a silly idealistic dream. While his mother filled his mind with promise, his father filled it with despair. The stress from their differences caused Reid to push them all away, keeping to himself and spending his time studying. Still, there was always a question in mind that never left. Why were they so different?
When Reid was 7, his family had been robbed. He was unsure as to why any of the Kawaru would steal what little food they had, as in his eyes he had seen them as perfect people who were simply suffering. His mother shared in his confusion, but did not have the same disbelief. Times were hard, she explained to him. We all do what we must.
It was this event that finally got Kapena to convince Natsuko to move to Nariah, with the Umare, where they would no longer be robbed, and Reid would be able to go to a good school and become successful. The move was hard, and Reid grew sick in that time. His parents argued, Natsuko wanting to return to Sterling and move another time, while Kapena firmly pushed them forward.
The family entered Nariah, using Kapena's citizenship to Isoba to grant them access to the city. They were fed, doctored, Reid was able to start up school. But he and his mother lacked respect from the Umare, and on the eighth night, Natsuko and Reid fled back to Sterling.

    Teenager: Freed from the constant conflict and fear, Reid and his mother grew incredibly close. The colt shared his mother's positive status within the Kawaru, and even picked up work in the clinic his mother ran. Times were good, and Reid was able to flourish. He was no longer afraid of being who he was, for believing in the renaissance, now that he had no one to feed his fears. He shared the passion of progression with the other citizens, trying to create new things to help out the city.
In his late teens, his mother began to push him. She explained to him that she saw greatness in his future, and she wanted him to be the next step in their future. No longer would he be making little trinkets to amuse himself, or trying to figure out ways to patch up a scratch. Instead, he spent his time buried in books, travelling through the city as a 'portable clinic,' where he met many of the suffering. He helped teach the youth in poorer areas, and volunteered for work in the wealthier.

But still, he wanted to do more.

    Early Adulthood: He continued to work with his mother, though she could see his growing agitation. He would spend hours into the night doing nothing but pushing for progress, either by creating, or by learning. When he wasn't doing either of those, he was spending his time creating art, using light as his media. From there, he carried on with life.

    Chapter 6: After discovering several kirins in the tunnels, his heart was sparked with confliction. His defensive nature against the Umare, Nuriko , a delay had been caused. Soon, Kaia's earth began to shake, and the group, which failed to reach a resolve, had to scatter. Natsuko was killed, crushed by a large rock as she had been in search of her son in the streets. Blaming himself for her death, Reid's desperation resulted in him flinging himself into the waters of a nearby skylight. What he was looking for, he was unsure. Peace? Serenity? To somehow get his mother back? Instead, he was visited by Cascade, who bestowed the blessing of Clairvoyance upon him, and pushed him from her comforting waters.

Within time, he cut through the city, now without a purpose. His home had been destroyed, the clinic, ransacked by the initial rush of water that pushed through Sterling, and then the injured. But he was joined by a close friend, and the two of them set off to evaluate the damage, and then to gather up those capable and help those without shelter. It was tiring work, but soon Sterling's vibe was returning, and talk of a new era of leaders spread through the city.

Only weeks later, Reid was called upon the role as a new Arisen.

And from there he began. He had no time for pitiful whining or succumbing to the dark thoughts that occupied his mind over the days following the earthquake. There was much to be done, even if the rubble had cleared from the streets.

He began to talk more with Yozora, his fellow Arisen and closest confidant. But even he could not fill the hole that bore so deeply into Reid's heart. He had never been alone, never been without the warmth of his mother's wing around his shoulders when times grew tough. Reid spent a majority of his time adjusting to his new role, looking at the papers left behind by the previous Arisens and adding his own twist to what had already been established. Things even felt as if they were looking up for the Sterlingers; the Umare had gotten off of their back while Nariah was in shambles. Everyone was in fairly good shape and reached a helping hand to their neighbors who needed them. Currency still held a great significance to them, but as they worked together to fix what had been broken they were momentarily together, and all on the same page.

This made it easy for Reid to step forward as Arisen and make his voice heard. He wasn't an optimist, but he had passion for his people and wanted them to have a better future, live in prosperity and advancement. He read books about the other herds, prior battles and civil disputes, as well as any information he needed to become the leader he wanted to be. Nights grew long and tireless, and Reid had begun to rely on the help of tea and the occasional cup of coffee to keep him going for the day.

In his preoccupied state he hadn't noticed the desire for personal connection until an Umare mare wandered into his house. He was unaware she was there, as she had used her blessing from Alya to wander through the astral plane to spy on the Arisen. But her image flickered, and he was left in a wave of memories yet to be had. They left an ache in his chest that grew more and more prominent until he finally called out the name that he had uttered sometime in the future. He could not distrust the mare, for the future he had seen with her was far too sacred to discard so easily.

But it could only last for so long, that feeling of familiarity. Alya's blessing was not something to toy with, and before her body could be lost, Camilla returned to it, leaving Reid alone again.

Nonetheless, he felt rejuvenated, and somewhat motivated to find a solution. There could not be a war, but something had to be done about the lack of food, resources, and care in Sterling. He introduced his solution to Yozora one night after they had gathered for a brief meeting--persuade the Serorans to join their side.

Chapter 7: Leaving Yozora to keep an eye on the Kawaru, Reid made his way to the surface with two citizens of Sterling in tow. He carried his mother's book in his bag, and Itazuro occupied the other pouch throughout the travel. After some convincing though, there was a plan established between the Serorans. He resided in the Seroran camp for several more days to learn about them, make plans for what they must do to get started, and to guarantee the greatest results. It was almost enough to keep him busy, but his mind often wandered, often thought. He had Ita with him, but they were a skittish thing and had a better time sleeping or vanishing into thin air rather than listen to Reid rant or be a shoulder for him to cry on.

It was lonesome work, but Reid wouldn't have it any other way.

Chapter 8: After the discovery of the hidden village and the greenhouse, Reid stays above ground for another two weeks before returning to Sterling with a few goods in tow. His soft wounds at the loss of his greatest friends had hardened into scabs and flaked away to reveal scar tissue. The items from the Vasall camp remain in his house, locked away where only the three Arisens hold the key.

F u n   F a c t s 
- Tired
- Loves dancing and watching people dance, though he's often too busy or caught up with something to work on his moves
- Was fairly poor in comparison to other Kawaru considering his mother's clinic is mostly volunteer work
- Really likes stale bread
- He, unlike many Breimians has nearly eradicated his fear of kirins after chapter 6
- Still dislikes Ignacio but loves his kids
- romantically scared and confused

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Comments: 10

blackmetalvalkyrie [2018-09-10 23:12:29 +0000 UTC]

Omg my boyfriend is lookin sO GOOD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Disastercorn [2018-06-14 05:03:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kegalii In reply to Disastercorn [2018-06-17 02:32:03 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

shyponies [2018-05-17 13:30:10 +0000 UTC]

i hAD NO IDEA THEY WERE IN SA im screechign omg <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kegalii In reply to shyponies [2018-06-03 19:37:59 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Blubber-Bun [2018-03-12 07:28:26 +0000 UTC]

w ow I love him & ur art, just lookit this boy
this perfect dancing boy 
meet me ON THE STAGE 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kegalii In reply to Blubber-Bun [2018-03-13 04:54:35 +0000 UTC]

throw him some money

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Franknsteins [2018-03-05 16:39:06 +0000 UTC]

: ooooo


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kegalii In reply to Franknsteins [2018-03-05 22:41:44 +0000 UTC]

thanks so much ;;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bozones [2018-02-24 01:33:20 +0000 UTC]

Yooo they're fucking stunning!
I really hope you get in, your art is really cool and I love your writing style

👍: 0 ⏩: 0