kelpiesummer — Haldanare | Stag | Firebringer

Published: 2015-12-26 06:18:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 683; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 8
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Some men just want to watch the world burn.


Basic Information


  • Haldanare


  • Hal, Nare


  • Stag


  • 18

Year of Birth

  • Y750 of the New Age


  • 11.3 hh


  • Medium


  • Mealy Buckskin Wolf Sooty Partially Restricted Fawn


  • Ee/Aa/nCr/nPg/StyW/fwfw/nrz

Eye Colour

  • Brown

Design Sheet

  • #5  (actual design sheet)

(on its own)


  • 100% Silverthorne

Magic Type: 

  • Fire Magic

Skill Points


  • 2 [Basic Level] (Build Cap: 15 points max)


  • 4 [Basic Level]


  • 5 [Basic Level]


  • 10 [Medium Level]


  • 0 [Basic Level]


  • 0


  • 2+ speed - base bonus
  • 4+ stamina - base bonus
  • 4+ strength - base bonus
  • 1+ strength - starter bonus
  • 10+ magic - starter bonus

Herd Information


  • Silverthorne

Herd Position

  •  Firebringer


  • Braize of Silverthorne (Ee/Aa/CrCr/nD/nSty(w)/fwfw/nrz)


  • Ursa of Silverthorne (Deceased - Chestnut Pangare restricted fawn (no spots); ee/A+A/Pp/Ff/fwfws/nRx)



  • None


  • None

Current Location

  • The Winterflame




Positive Traits


| Cunning | Quick-witted | Strong-willed | Loyal | Observant |


  • Cunning

While Haldanare seems more aloof then most stags, don't let this fool you. He is cunning, and knows how to twist things in his own favor!

  • Quick-witted

Well, not much to say about this. He's quick to react to things, and can rarely be caught off guard.

  • Strong-willed

Stubborn as a mule, this could be seen as a bad trait. But, as a Firebringer, this turns out to be more useful for him then anything. He tends to be more thick-headed then the does of Silverthorne.

  • Loyal

One thing that is extremely good about Haldanare is his loyalty. Once its earned, Hal remains faithful and true to his very last breath. No matter what he must face, he stays loyal. That is, until you break his trust. Stab him in the back and he'll stab you back.

  • Observant

Very observant, this stag takes in all the details. It helps him with many things - as he can often tell a lot about the situation, or fawnling, from a single look.


Negative Traits


| Sexist | Cruel | Cold | Sadistic | Apathetic |


  • Sexist

True to his herd, Haldanare looks down upon does. They belong as Healers and Herd Members and Scouts, not Soldiers and Firebringers! He makes an exception for Gia, however.

  • Cruel

By no means is this stag a fuzzy little teddy bear. He is cruel, and will often nip and bite. Though, he tends to just insult the most, especially when it isn't rut!

  • Cold

Mother died? Oh well. Father is missing? Tough luck. Your fawn was born premature? Burn the beast. There is not compassion to be found in this stag.

  • Sadistic

Once he gets going, Haldanare likes to see fawns suffer. He craves screams of pain, loves the feel of blood on his fur... Loves its taste even more. He might fight for random does in rut just for the chance to dig his teeth in some flesh.

  • Apathetic

What can I say he has like no feelings at all he is a cold sack of shit that needs to learn to love already


  • ......Digs?

One of Haldanare's strange quirks is that he often can be found furiously digging a hole of sorts. ...If asked what he's doing he'll just grin creepily at you and reply casually that he's digging your grave. ...I'd just avoid him while he does this....

  • Lighting small plants on fire

It.... Well its the closest thing he can get to watching flesh burn right now so... ....He'll stare at that flame for a long time. 

Physical Strengths

  • Insanity

One thing that Haldanare has going for him is his insanity. He craves for the spilling of blood, and given the chance, can tear through the flesh of another fawnling with ease using his antlers. This, powered by the adrenaline-fueled insane blood-lust makes him a formidable foe.

  • Magic

Haldanare has a strong magic for his age, already able to create a flame, and he intends on bringing it up to Advanced as quickly as possible.

  • Sharp hooves

They might as well be daggers!

Physical Weaknesses

  • Thin pelt

His pelt, though fireproof, is easily punctured and bruised. He's grown used to getting injured on stupid things, but he doesn't care. BLOOOD.


  • Why do you want to be friends with this guy what is wrong with you

Appearance (include trinkets, scars etc)

  • Haldanare is peppered with scars, but the biggest scar stretches over his back - where his flesh had been ripped into by a cougar
  • He has a little skull strung around his neck....
  • And on his antlers????
  • Very scary stag yep



    Hal was born to Ursa and Braize, as Ursa's sixth fawn. Knowing that Gia still lived, and could return, Ursa gave the newborn fawn to her sister - Polaris. Polaris had just lost her own fawn in birth, and gladly took the young stag to protect Ursa and the fawn from death, claiming it as her own. Ursa meanwhile, claimed that her own fawn had died in childbirth.

    During the following years, Haldanare was frequently watched by Ursa while Polaris attended to her duties as a Scout. Late in Summer in the year of 753 NA, a cougar had wandered down from the Iron Peaks and attacked the two. Ursa died trying to protect the yearling, and Haldanare nearly died as well - if it wasn't for Braize. His father had had both does in his harem, and he was protective - protecting his fawn with his life ; He never even suspected the does had been lying to him!

    Now, Haldanare knew that Ursa was actually his mother, and her death struck him hard. He started to grow distant from his step-mother. At two years old, he spent most of his time in the warmth of the Winterflame, finding comfort in the heat. Come the Year 755, Haldanare began to fervently train in his newly discovered magic - desiring to assist in keeping the Winterflame lit, as it had kept him warm and calm for the past year.

    However, he trained too hard, too fast, and the poor fawn ended up with Ash Lung, once again nearly dying. However, he survived thanks to the healers. There were lasting effects from the sickness, and Haldanare had tasted his own blood. And he liked it. The lasting effects had mostly been now he often had bouts of coughing, and his voice had a raspy edge to it.

    There was a pause after his illness where he started to purposely hurt himself to get a taste of his own blood again, before he pressed to join the Firebringers at the age of five. But, with his training, his cruelty and sadism grew, hurting others beyond what he was meant to. He started to grow addicted to the feel of flesh ripping, of the blood running down his horns... And he started to hunt animals, eating their meat. It was more satisfying then ever having to control how he hurt others, or then hurting himself.

    In this same time, however, Gia returned - with the news that she was the fifth fawn of Ursa. Realization settled in quickly that this meant that Haldanare was not the final fawn, but the sixth - a blasphemy. And he knew now in this day why his mother had hidden him from everyone. But, that didn't stop the carnivorous stag from approaching Gia with this information.

    Gia and Haldanare spent the following years hunting together frequently, eating the meat of smaller animals and enjoying the taste of the blood, the rush of the hunt... But one day, Haldanare ran into a cave lion, and once again, the young stag nearly died. Braize wasn't the one to save him this time, but rather, Gia. From that point on, Haldanare tried twice as hard to learn magic - Gia teaching him diligently, until he reached his next level of magic at the age of nine. During this time, Haldanare stopped eating meat so often, while Gia had stopped altogether.

    At ten, Haldanare joined the Firebringers, and for a while he stopped talking to Gia so much. Gia was on the road to recovery - until one day Haldanare convinced his sister to go hunt with him one more time. Just for old times sake, ya know~? Well. Gia did. And Gia was caught. Now she stands on trial, and Haldanare, the secret sixth fawn of Ursa, is to blame.

Please note that Gia is the only one who knows that Hal eats flesh currently. It is their secret!



Year 752 NA [Born]

  • Haldanare born to Braize and Ursa (Ursa's six fawn)
  • Ursa's sister, Polaris, claims fawn as her own (Pol's died in birth)
  • Ursa claims that her own fawn died in birth

Year 753 NA [Near Death #1]

  • Cougar attacks and kills Ursa.
  • Nearly killed as well ; Saved by Braize.
Year 754 NA
  • Finds solace in the warmth of the Winterflame.
  • Starts to drift away from Polaris.

Year 755 NA [Magic Begins]

  • Begins fervently training to use his newly found magic.

Year 756 NA [Near Death #2]

  • Ends up with Ash Lung and nearly dies from it.
  • Gains a taste for blood from coughing up his own blood.

Year 757 NA [Five years]

  • Haldanare turns five years.
  • Joins Aspiring Firebringers.

Year 758 NA [Insanity begins]

  • Slowly starts to grow crueler and wilder with his training.
  • Kills a wild animal; tastes its meat out of curiosity...
  • Gia comes home.
  • Starts spending time with Gia
  • Both keep their relationship as siblings secret
Year 759 NA 
  • Begins to eat meat off small animals to satisfy his craving for blood more frequently.

Year 760 NA [Near Death #3]

  • Another near death experience with a cave lion.
Year 761 NA 
  • Medium Level Magic attained.

Year 762 NA [Ten years]

  • Haldanare turns ten years.
  • Joins the Firebringer ranks.

Year 763 NA

  • Hal causes Gia's relapse into eating meat.
  • Gia's trial begins.

Roleplay Records

  • None atm

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Comments: 3

WinterWhitetail [2015-12-26 16:24:47 +0000 UTC]

Sexeh crazy firestag. Aw yiss.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kelpiesummer In reply to WinterWhitetail [2015-12-26 16:39:04 +0000 UTC]

Only the craziest~ CB

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Songbirds-Rhapsody [2015-12-26 06:20:40 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0