Kelseyalicia — Roxy Colt 16

Published: 2008-02-22 02:08:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 547; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 11
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Description “Ah the beauty of silence. Huh? We’re about to have company. From the sound of it it’s a girl from Obelisk Blue who is left-handed and she running very fast. She will be appearing in three two one,” Arianna said as a girl in blue came down the trail indeed out of breath.

“That is really spooky when you do that, Arianna. I mean really spine-chilling!” Syrus whispered as Alexis ran up to the girl who was about to pass out.

“Hey Roxy! Roxy Colt what are you doing in these neck of the woods?” she said to the long raven-haired schoolgirl. She handed the exhausted teen some lemonade, which she took graciously.

“Thanks a lot. Running straight here from the Blue Dorm may be no picnic if I was one the horses in my deck, but it very exhausting when you just have two legs and not four!” she said with her blue and green eyes laughing.

“Well take a few moments to recover before you tell us what you wanted to say, ok?” Jaden told her thoughtfully.

“Thanks” she said as she nervously walked to where Bastion, who was still writing feverishly on a notebook, was sitting. She looked over his shoulder without him even noticing. “Um that is really nice penmanship you have,” she told him awkwardly.

“Huh? Oh thanks,” he said not even looking at her.

“I mean I should know. My mom is calligraphy artiest and she is an expert at writing beautifully. She even wrote a book on the subject of graphology, that’s the study of handwriting hehe. Um look everyone says there’s no one who smarter when it comes to numbers on the island then you so I was wondering…”

“Wondering what?” he said finally looking up at her.

“If you could tutored me in math? I’m failing miserable! So how about you and I get together for private session sometime?” she asked trying to stop blushing.

“Ok I’ll help you see you later,” Bastion told her before engrossing himself once more in his work. She looked crushed for a moment as if she didn’t get the response she had been hoping for.

“So Roxy baby what did you bring us all the way from Obelisk? I hope its fan mail from one of my adoring fans,” Atticus joked.

“Not exactly. The letter got delivered to our dorm by mistake. I snagged it before Crowler could read it. By the fancy lettering and expensive seal I think its some kind of invite to a big event.”

“An invitation? To what exactly? I hope it’s not another tournament,” Syrus whined.

“As if may I see that please? Hmm it’s an invitation all right and it’s a fancy one. It’s even got Braille on it wow. Okay got it open. Here Jaden its for you,” Aster said handing the letter over.

“Okay here it goes. “Dear Jaden Yuki, I would like to first congratulate on how far you’ve progress. I’ve followed your progress since we first meet and I’m most pleased. I must also say that I’m extremely in high spirits that Winged Kuriboh found whom he was meant to be with. I wish to tell you our meeting wasn’t mere chance, fate brought you to me that day in the park and I’m very please with your abilities Jaden. I would like to invite you and all your friends with VIP pass to my wedding in Domino City in two weeks. I would also be highly honored if you and your best friend would duel me and my fiancés as it the way of my fiancés culture for people to duel before they say “I do” Please RSVP ASAP.

Sincerely yours,

Yugi Moto, King of Games!”


“This has to be some kind of practical joke! I mean no way would someone has famous as Yugi Moto send a loser like you, Jaden a wedding invitation and ask you to duel him! They’re just no way in hell! That should be my honor! I won the GX!” yelled Chazz furiously as his mouth finally unzipped. He tried to rip the invited from Jaden hand but Atem growling stopped him.

“Good dog! Roxy you just said you know a lot about calligraphy right?” Arianna asked the horse duelist.

“Yeah you want me to tell you if that thing is a authentic or a forgery?” she asked the girl who nodded. Taking it she scanned it for a few moments and declared, “This is the real deal. I’ve seen many people handwriting and I’ve seen Yugi Moto writing before. In fact in my mom book she had a bunch of well-known people write some personal quotes and one was Yugi Moto and I seen his handwriting and that is his signature without a doubt,” she told them.

“Wow! Sarge this is fantastic! The big goohona wants to meet his private! I can’t wait to meet the Yugi Moto!” Hassleberry declared loudly as he pumped his fist in the air.

“Yeah this a great honor Jaden. I hope you prepare your deck wisely for this duel. Good Luck!” Aster told him with a big smile.

“Just a moment Jaden from the sound of that invitation it seems to indicated that you’ve already met Yugi Moto? Is that true?” asked Bastion inquisitively to the cute chocolate eyed and hair young man.

All eyes now looked at him as his face went more red then his jacket. “Well…”

“Come on Jaden spill your guts? Have you actually met Yugi Moto?” asked Atticus to him.

“Well remember how I was late getting to the testing grounds? I kinda ran into someone and knock him over. He was rather very nice about the whole thing and asked if I was a duelist and then gave me Winged Kuriboh and said he felt I was destined to have it. But in my hurry to get to the grounds I never realized I just ran into the King of Games himself!”

“You mean to say Jaden that Yugi Moto gave you Winged Kuriboh?!” Syrus said in disbelief.

“Yeah I guess,” everyone fell to the ground in a big heap, everyone but Arianna who had a very strange smile etched onto her attractive face.

“A Ms. No Eyes! What with the grin? You have something to say or not?” demanded Chazz angrily to her.

“To me this is something I already knew had happen many millenniums before it even occurred. I know for you all it’s hard to accept the truth of my existence or my role to play in this game of life. All the same I did foresee the fated encounter involving Prince Yugi as well as Chosen Successor Jaden.”

“Now why don’t we go acquaint with Chancellor Shepard about this and Roxy you better come along with us. I’ve got a feeling Ms. Ugly won’t believe us in less your there. I perhaps can’t see Crowler but he got to look 1000 times worse then he sounds if that even possible. Does that man ever need plastic surgery badly! Ha! Come on!” she said as she took off running as soon as she was out sight into her cheetah body.

“Every now and then your girlfriend is really out, there Jaden, however she is so breathtaking all the same,” comment Bastion as he got running after the spotted feline. Alexis along with Arianna had the same thought as they went to the Chancellor office. No matter where you were in the world or what time boys were forever going to be naive on the subject of love. They both knew perfectly well a pretty girl didn’t complement your handwriting in less she was trying to flirt with you!

A beautiful wrapped box marked “Fragile” fell from the top just as he was about to set them down. They all waited for a crash but it didn’t come. “Huh?” looking confused he looked over the top of the pile and saw Roxy was holding the package in her hands. They also notice she was in a very eye-catching cerulean dress.

“I think you should be a little more vigilant, Bastion. This is a set of 30 pieces China. No need to make it 60. I hope to catch you later. Got to go now Crowler is crying his eyes out because he just found out he at the end of the table and Chancellor Shepard is at the beginning! See you,” she said blushing for a second time as she put the package in his hands and vamoosed.

“Sweet girl. She seems to be very thoughtful indeed,” he commented as he placed the box on the table and become aware of everyone was giving him a death glare.

“What? What is the matter with you people? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Bastion you may be the smartest kid on campus but you’re a total lame-o when it comes to reading between the lines of body language!” Atticus said in a disheartened tone of voice.

“Huh? What are you babbling on about?”

“Hello, dork! Roxy got a huge crush on you! Gee you don’t even need half a brain to figure out that, you dolt! Sheesh, men! Can’t live with them and you can’t live without them!” comment Alexis as they found there seats at the table.

Roxy is a seconday OC I created for Bastian of GX. Like most boys he's utterly cluless in love and when a girl is hitting on him.
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