One of the main protagonists of Gaze, Cyrus Spriton is a mysterious human child infected with an unknown alien virus known as the Contamination. Though mysteriously, he is unable to completely succumb to all of its horrific effects. And whilst on the run from someone who is more than eager to find out why he's able to resist the virus, he meets Avilia So'Orh , an Emperial K'yurdian Soldier looking to return home.
What is the Contamination? Who is after him? And how will these factors play into Avilia's life as she takes him under her wing?
Find out in...
Between Avilia and Cyrus, the latter definitely had the most drastic change. The lad has donned a handful of appearances throughout the years from his AdriftOCT days, but I think I'm perfectly content with this one for the GAZE webcomic.
His previous look: