kenokowaterfox14 — Chapter 3: HalfWAy beTwEen
Published: 2009-09-23 01:00:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 111; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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While I dreamed, I felt as if I was floating. Being pulled upwards… and I was. I woke up in a lighted metal room. It was big and furnished with many normal and not so normal things. Tables, chairs, books, lamps, then there were other objects. They looked like spears and goggles mounted on the walls with big hooks. The ceiling panels were lit up like a checker board; one lit, another not.  It occurred to me that I was laying on a sofa. It was lumpy and old.
“Good to see that you’re awake.” The demon boy was sitting on one of the big arm chairs facing me, leaning on one elbow and staring at me. I wasn’t sure if the stare was a good thing or a bad thing.
“Uh… yeah…” I push up onto my elbows and look him in the eyes. “Look even though this is cliché, where the hell am I?”  He laughed his creepy little laugh and I shivered.
“Where? HA!” He was visibly amused. “You’re in outer space dipshit…” He laughed again. I. Was. Pissed.
“Well enlighten me O’-lord-of-all-things-stupid!” Shocked at my direct approach his arm fell back to his side on the chair. “If you know everything then tell me why the fuck I am here! OH and by the way. How the fuck was I supposed to know I was in OUTER SPACE DIPSHIT!?” I was huffing and puffing, fists clenched and sitting on the edge of the lumpy couch.
He blinked. Once. Twice.  And gathering his thoughts with obvious efforts he began to speak.
“O-Kay… I-“ He was cut off by the wishing sound of the door sliding open. The biggest shock of the day was seeing a large hooded THING stroll into the room. Demon Boy jumped up at attention.
“Master!” he bowed deeply which meant that ‘Master’ was a powerful man… person… thing. “I apologize! I-“ Demon Boy was cut off again when the hooded man/thing waved a gloved hand (?).
“Gate… What have I told you about treating guests?” The man pulled back his hood.
“O_O“ The man’s eyes were huge as he regarded me.
“O_O“ My eyes bugged out.
“Art!?!” He shouted at the same time I shouted. “UNCLE PIERCE?!?”
Demon Boy blinked yet again as my long lost uncle and I embraced.
“Why did you go?” I cried into his huge chest.
“I had to take over the family business… I’m the eldest you know.” He whispered into my hair while I sobbed happy tears onto the black fabric. After a short while of me sobbing and Pierce rubbing my back like he used to before he disappeared 9 years ago. I pushed away to look at his face. It hadn’t  changed much but he had grown a beard.
Gate shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, observing the family reunion with a lack of enthusiasm. Pierce chuckled at him.
“Gate why don’t you go get some drinks.” He winked at the demon boy who blushed slightly and slinked off and out the door. Smiling after him my uncle sat down on the arm chair. “That boy never had much interaction with girls… Heh…” He smiled at some distant memory.
“Umm… Pierce… Gate said something about gathering a soul. What did he mean?” Pierce suddenly looked older and slumped down in the chair.
“Now Art what did you do to him to get him to say that?” He sighed heavily.  Confused I explain what had happened.
“He was messing with me… My best friend’s brother died and I was going crazy… He died at the beginning of the summer… And I missed it. The funeral. The grieving. Everything…” I sat down with a thump onto the couch. My shoulders slumped and I looked at my hands. “He was sitting in the tree above Zach’s grave and I kinda cussed out the headstone… He teased me. I got mad and attacked him. I-I tried to choke him to get an answer out of him. It worked and he told me about the soul… He fought back… and I was bleeding... all over him…” tearing up I was seeing red as my cuts broke open again.
“Art. There are a select few like us. You must understand.” He looked at my wrists. “Let me look at that.” He stood up and crossed over to me. When he touched me I jerked away.
“No.” I looked up and met his stare with a haunted look. “Pain right now is the only thing keeping me sane.” At that moment Gate made his way into the room with a tray of teacups.
“When did you get so old?” Pierce looked at me and then at his servant. “Thank you. Come join us.” Gate’s walk was to be envied, he was graceful and confident. His boots thudded with an empty sound across the room.
“Here,” he whispered to me and handed me a drink that was an interesting shade of purple.
“What is it?” I whispered back.
“No one knows.” He whispered back making me giggle despite myself. Gate was nicer than he let on, a sadist maybe but nicer than I thought.
“Hey Gate. Come here and quit flirting. You gave her those cuts.” Uncle Pierce was pouting in his chair.
“OW!! That hurt!” Gate was rubbing his forehead where a big red mark was appearing. “What was that for?” Pierce took his cup off the tray.
“Because… I have told you time and time again to cut your damn nails!” Gate blushed. Even though I knew my uncle was trying to make me feel better I was still sad and confused.
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