Kgoku28 — The Reckoning by-nd

#oc #superhero #thereckoning #ocsuperhero #oc_superhero #the_reckoning #microheroes #occharacter #oc_character #micro_heroes
Published: 2019-04-05 01:29:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 4193; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 8
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Description Real Name:

Current Alias:
Alcyone Calaer

Aen Baudh Amlug
Alpha Level Threat
Merilinel's Maximum Security Penal Colony Inmate Omega
Grand Champion of the Thousand Systems War
The Reckoning

Nestor Calaer (stepmother, Queenlord of Calaer; Celestial of Healing)
Adasser Calaer (stepsister, Lady of Calaer; Celestial of Love)
Celegil Calaer (stepsister, Lady of Calaer; Celestial of Hunting)
Emethil Calaer (stepsister, Lady of Calaer; Celestial of Protection)
Ethil Calaer (stepsister, Lady of Calaer; Celestial of War)
295 Ladies of Calaer all with different titles
599 Step Brothers

House of Calaer

A base of Operations:
Alfirinel City, Planet Glaur; Elanor System: Aglareb Galaxy
Alien Planet Called "The Earth"; Sol System: Milky Way Galaxy
Duvain Island, Planet Glaur; Elanor System: Aglareb Galaxy
Esgalwath City, Planet Glaur; Elanor System: Aglareb Galaxy
Merilinel's Maximum Security Penal Colony; Manadh System: Aglareb Galaxy


34 (human appearance)
123,456,789 (Real Age)


Aen Baudh Amlug
Alpha Level Threat on the Alien Planet "The Earth"
House of Calaer Champion
Omega Level Threat Prisoner

Self Taught Training
A.I. Taught Training

Genderless but appearance mostly male

193.294 cm in humanoid form

Variable Height


Powers & Abilities:
- Antimatter Manipulation: Alcyone has the power to generate and manipulate antimatter. Alcyone can create, shape and manipulate antimatter, a material composed of antiparticles, which have the same mass as particles of ordinary matter but also opposite charges, as well as other particle properties such as lepton and baryon numbers and quantum spin. Collisions between particles and antiparticles lead to the annihilation of both, giving rise to variable proportions of intense photons (gamma rays), neutrinos, and less massive particle-antiparticle pairs. The total consequence of annihilation is a release of energy available for work, proportional to the total matter and antimatter mass.
 - Antimatter Stabilization: Alcyone has the power to prevent antimatter from being annihilated when making contact with regular matter.
 - Energy Manipulation: Alcyone has the power to create, shape and manipulate energy. 
  - Energy Absorption: Alcyone can absorb various forms of energy, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage. Either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.
 - Energy Constructs: Alcyone can turn energy into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence. Alcyone after mastering this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.
  - Energy Enhanced Punches: Alcyone has the ability to utilize Energy Manipulation with their physical combat skill, channelling energy through parts of their bodies or use the energy for defensive purposes.
  - Energy Projection: Alcyone can release/use energy to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc., from huge rays of pure energy that can knock over or even obliterate dozens of targets, or slightly singe them.
  - Concussion Beams: Alcyone can release beams of pure solidified energy that causes concussive damage, with effects ranging from a slight push, hard hit, knock-out, minor and major damage, shattering and up to total annihilation of the target.
  - Concussive Force Bolts: Alcyone can create and project bolts of energy/matter and control the intensity/power of their projectiles.
  - Stun Bolts:
  - Optic Blast: Alcyone can project energy/matter beams/blasts from the eyes.
 - Energy Pulse: Alcyone can release waves, spirals, rings, pulse, blasts, balls, and bursts of energy and use them to damage, push, bind and/or paralyze people. They are able to send energy through any form of matter creating ruptures, and create a pulse energy that can go through anything, and depending either be harmful or harmless.
 - Energy Shields: Alcyone can create shields of varying shapes and sizes out of the various forms of energy. 
Cosmic Awareness: Alcyone sees the past, present, and different future of this or any galaxies even in the multiverse.
- Density Control: Alcyone can increase and decrease its density. Alcyone can increase and decrease density in other object and lifeforms.
 - Intangibility: Alcyone has the ability to pass through physical matter.
- Gravitational Singularity Manipulation: Alcyone can create gravitational singularities, where the matter is compressed to a point of zero sizes and space-time curvature is infinite.
 - Black Hole Creation: Alcyone can create, shape and manipulate black holes, a region of spacetime where gravity prevents anything including light from escaping. Alcyone can control the size of a black hole, and move it around in space to "suck up" everything in its path.  Alcyone can create Black Holes allowing to Time Travel to the future. Alcyone can connect its black hole with an existing white hole and used it as a wormhole.
 - White Hole Creation: Alcyone can create, shape and manipulate white holes, a hypothetical region of space-time where gravity prevents entry, but the energy and matter can escape. Considered the antithesis of black holes, general relativity theory says white holes could form from spinning black holes. The singularity’s rotation allows for entry without destruction. Anything entering would pass through a space-time tunnel (wormhole) and be expelled from a white hole, being set in a different region in space or time period. Alcyone can control the size of the white hole, and move it around in space to expel its contents.
 - Matter Manipulation: Alcyone can shape and manipulate matter, i.e. anything in the universe that has substance and mass/physical form, starting from molecules and atoms, to planets and other astronomical features.
 - Molecular Manipulation: Alcyone has the power to manipulate matter on a molecular level including itself using it as a regenerative healing factor repair oneself at molecular level damage.
 - Mass Manipulation: Alcyone has the power to manipulate the mass of objects or entities.
 - Size Manipulation: Alcyone has the power to manipulate the size of a target. As Alcyone power grew it got to the point it can shrink target below the size of subatomic particles and grow them beyond a galactic size including Alcyone itself.
 - Shapeshifting: Alcyone can shapeshift his body into a liquid, solid, gas, or energy. Alcyone can shapeshift part of his body into a weapon and even add extra limbs. Alcyone can shapeshift its appearance to any gender even any species. This including the Aen Baudh Amlug aka the Holy Judgment Dragon of legends the bringer of the Armageddon, a creature with different names with a different appearance in the Aglareb Galaxy, most telling of the legend creature appearance after it either ascend from the ground or descend from the sky, it wrapped around the planet six hundred and sixty-six times with ten wings twice the size of the body that blocks out the sun, most telling it wings having five scales and five feathers while looking like a nebula.
- Superhuman Abilities:
 - Agility:
 - Durability: Alcyone durability is still unknown of its limit, as Alcyone has withstood entire mountains being drop on top of him.
 - Flight: Alcyone is able to move past FTL speed in space. 
 - Immortality:
 - Incalculable Strength:
 - Invulnerability:
 - Longevity:
 - Reflexes:
 - Self-Sustenance:
 - Speed: Alcyone speed on the ground supersonic and above.
 - Stamina:
- Onboard Sentient A.I. named Evendim: Evendim can download information right into Alcyone brain.
 - Antigravity Shield:
 - Combat Tactician and Strategist:
 - Data Storage Information:  
 - Hacking Capability:
 - Martial Art techniques:
 - Senses:
  - Enhanced Hearing:
  - Enhanced Mental Perception:
  - Enhanced Sense of Smell:
  - Enhanced Sense of Taste:
  - Enhanced Sense of Touch:
  - Enhanced Vision:
 - Translator: Evendim can translate the word in speech and written form into Alcyone native language, and vice versa.

- Targeting Computer: Evendim can help Alcyone to control the movements of their Concussion Beams such as making often them go in straight lines, curve, twist, turn, bend. As well as lock onto multiple targets and able to follow to really long-range, hitting with proficient accuracy and marksmanship.

- Alcyone only known weakness:
  - No Control of his Emotions; Alcyone is mostly cold and calculator like a machine, but at any moment can lose his temper or break down with fear or sadness
  - If Alcyone used Cosmic Awareness too much could result in a mental breakdown
  - Is a loner doesn't know how to react with others, to the point see other sentient beings as a future enemy, even members of House of Calaer
  - When it comes to the battlefield Alcyone see all on it as his enemy even allies

"On Merilinel there was too many who wanted to be the Alpha of a Pride, to have all the respect and power came with it. But there was only one Omega, and all feared me."
"Merilinel didn't cry often, but when she did the sky rain blood."
"I am the justice for Merilinel, she will be set free."
"I am the Omega, no matter how you got your start get in my way it ends with me."
"I am the reaper outside at your door, I am The Reckoning."

Merilinel Maximum Security Penal Colony Inmate Omega Handlers Entry Logs:
- Report of a traveller being sent to the planet Merilinel, a Maximum Security Penal Colony in the Alliances Union neutral control Manadh System. Transportation will be by the gravitational singularity drive, a way of travel deemed now illegal because the traveller will feel being torn apart molecular by molecular and put back. It was deemed illegal as wrong results have happened including five inmates being put back together inside out until they died by an explosion.
- The traveller was ordered as an Omega level Threat. Fleets in orbit were giving promotion to targeting the planet with planet-killing mass drive particle accelerate cannons, all division guards were ordered to the gate room.
- The traveller arrived on time as a bright light engulfed the room, as a blood boiling scream echo throughout the room.
- The Traveler appeared to be a 5-year-old something, wearing a full metal prison suit with no freedom of movement. A guard will be giving control over the suit movements by remote. The suit has an onboard life support system that had a link to the Penal Colony medical main computer.
- The Traveler has been identified as Alcyone no last name, the sentence is life without parole, the crime has been deemed classified. The child was deemed healthy despite no records of their species 
- Like all other inmates no matter that they are only 5 years old, Alcyone will spend 20 hours straight without a break mining Merilinel minerals, because of their size down the smallest mines shafts. 4 hours for eating and sleeping. 
- Inmate Alcyone is in maximum lockdown when not mining, their prison jumpsuit a metal alloy that the different Intergalactic governments that form the Alliances Union have no clue what it made of, becomes a tomb for the child. Alcyone is lower down a tube only big enough for the tomb, a probe was sent before the tomb was lower, the tube is only ten thousand metres from the core of Merilinel.
- Merilinel Tribune Council requested Alcyone be moved to one of the Youth Correction Centers letting them grow up and keeping them safe from the criminals who were placed here for acts against children. The Tribune was overruled by a higher power most likely the ones who sent the child.
- During transferred of Alcyone to a new mine shaft the guard assigned that day had taking the child through one of the larger mines which includes inmates that crimes where action against children. A massive inmate fight had broken out right when Alcyone was being moved through the mine, for every one guard there was ten inmates the situation was not in favour of the guard on duty as the inmate overrun the guard killing a few as Alcyone was taken. The inmate rioted had lasted for four hour before the guard got it under control, results all of the inmates involve of the rioted where killed, fifteen inmates have disappeared into the maze of mines tunnels with the child inmate Alcyone, no other lost of life. Complete lockdown of the twenty-seven grid of Merilinel was in effect until the missing inmates are found.
- Seven months had past sense Alcyone was kidnapped by a gang of inmates and taking into the deeper maze of mine tunnels under twenty-seven grid. Sensors of all types available to the Penal Colony is being used, guards swiping the tunnels keep reporting in finding illegal tunnels that the inmates over the years have been making under the nose of the guards supposed to be watching them. Some exploration teams reported that some of the tunnels maybe older then the Penal Colony itself, specialist who pick the planet to start building the Penal Colony zero-zero-one grid never reported to finding sign of life on or under the planet surface, but the new evidence is starting to prove that they where wrong. On the seven day on the seven month, sensors design to detect increase and decrease of gravity, detect a small amount of increase gravity in area six-two-one in the twenty-seven grid. Guards where sent to search in that area, finding a set of illegal mine tunnels leading to a underground cave, the cave was massive with it only air supplies, broken celling above let light streak in ten lines, right where the lines of light drift down hit rows of different type of fruit grow, the smell of water could be pick up through the guards breathing helmet. The guards enter slowly in a four team of twenty, one guard was at the front point, all the other guards in the squad was set up to watch the guard in front of them as they move forward, moving close to the strongest increase gravity the sensor pick up earlier ready to either capture or fight whatever was in there, instead they came across has the guard explain a massacre. Lying in front of the frontal guard was one of the missing inmates his entire body was flatting, his only bones had broken stab through his body, ripping his only organs apart as a pool of his own blood spread all under the body, moving forward the guards reported more bodies of different species matching the escape inmates where here all dead like the first one, as if gravity increase under their feet to the point they where crush into a flatting pile. The guards following the bodies trail as it seem they all where gather in one spot then start to spread out when whatever happen to them started, aiming the light attach to the plasma rifle the guard at the front aim it toward a glitter of unknown metal shinny in the corner of the cave, sitting in a cradle position showing only sign hardship they went through Alcyone just sit there with the last escape inmates crush bodies, running there hand over their bald head, almost trying to both forget and remember what happen, the guard in the front of the squad approach Alcyone asking calming 'What did this?'. Alcyone head rose up looking at guard who was trying to understand how the child could respond as it doesn't have a mouth, and yet hearing the child say in a voice that was a mix of both male and female voice of different species saying as one 'We are the end of life.'

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Comments: 9

WOLFBLADE111 [2019-05-31 13:18:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Kgoku28 In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2019-06-06 21:41:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 1 ⏩: 1

WOLFBLADE111 In reply to Kgoku28 [2019-06-07 02:40:57 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

PrincessJ420 [2019-05-31 07:25:03 +0000 UTC]

Seriously impressive!

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Kgoku28 In reply to PrincessJ420 [2019-06-06 21:42:05 +0000 UTC]

Thanks glad you like it

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

TheGeorgi [2019-04-05 09:47:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Kgoku28 In reply to TheGeorgi [2019-04-06 05:32:22 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the I am so glad you like him what a nice simple comment  

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

MBCypriano [2019-04-05 02:02:19 +0000 UTC]

I always like this overpowered characters. It's always a funny challenge trying to make them more human. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kgoku28 In reply to MBCypriano [2019-04-05 02:31:03 +0000 UTC]

Me too. I know it's going to be a fun ride indeed as he is my main OC superhero. Thanks for the

👍: 0 ⏩: 0