khvorefan2 — Riku Eats Sora's Chocobos
Published: 2009-11-30 04:07:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 16720; Favourites: 104; Downloads: 32
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Description Riku, like many nagas before him, enjoyed hibernation. Nothing in the whole world was better than slithering into his cave-den, going to sleep, and then waking up and having it be spring again. There was only one problem, one tiny little dilemma, that managed to mar his perfect sleep vacation.

He always woke up hungry.

Not normal hungry, of course. Crazy run-out-and-eat-grass hungry. Every year he'd start over-eating about a month in advance to fatten himself up, but it was never enough to keep him going all the way until the snow melted. So this time around, he'd come up with a brilliant plan. He'd eat as much as he possibly could all in one sitting before going to sleep in the first place. Super brilliant, right? And he'd decided exactly what he was going to eat, too.

A small town was located only a few miles from his den. On the outskirts of that town was a large chocobo ranch. All he had to do was sneak out, kidnap as many chocobos as he could possibly hold, lead them back home, swallow them all at once, then pass out from sheer delicious awesomeness and spend the next few months in happy winter la-la land.

Riku put his plan into action right after the first snowfall,  long after the sun started setting early and it became too cold for him to hunt comfortably. Nagas were able to move surprisingly quickly, and he reached the farm in no time at all. In the meantime he tried to decide how many he would take. Chocobos were not small birds- usually only one or two was more than enough to satisfy him. The first stable he snuck into had six stalls, with six chocobos total. After only a few minutes of deliberation, he decided he was just going to take all of them.

That didn't mean he wasn't already hungry from the trip, however. The first chocobo he came across he ate straight-up, using his hands to help shove the bird down faster so it wouldn't frighten the others. In mere minutes, Riku went from coiled in a stall with a chocobo to coiled in an empty stall with a noticeable bulge in his middle. He licked his fingers, grabbed some rope, and went to work tying the remaining five birds together.

Chocobos, especially domestic ones, were not terribly bright. Despite all indications that Riku did not have their best interests at heart, including the miserable warking coming from his belly, the dumb birds obediently lined up to be tied. He led them out of the barn and into the woods with no incident at all. The journey home took a little longer, since Riku took care to cover their tracks, and his stomach was grumbling for more, but the haphazard caravan reached his den before too long, just as the sun was coming up. Chocobos were known for hating enclosed spaces, but Riku coaxed them inside using some treats he'd prepared for just this occasion. As soon as they were all underground, he coiled his tail to block the entrance and settled into a comfortable eating position.

Dinner was served.

The second chocobo went down smooth, landing in his upper stomach and pushing the first chocobo down into the lower one. Riku grabbed a second chocobo with his arms and swallowed it too, causing the same reaction- the new bird settled into the upper stomach and the lower two were pushed further down. He burped happily. Stray feathers fluttered down around his mouth.

Now, nagas were not exactly prone to over-eating. His hunger was more than sated with three entire chocobos. Every instinct he had was telling him that hey, he was done now, he could stop. But he didn't want to stop. He still had an additional three chocobos left to eat, after all. So he grabbed a fourth one and pulled it over.

The chocobos were dumb, but they were beginning to realize something was wrong, and especially that there were fewer of them than before.  Both of Riku's bulgy stomachs were squirming around and warking rather loudly. One of the chocobos walked up to his tail and warked back at it. Riku, meanwhile, inhaled the fourth chocobo at record speed, tucking it away while the three old chocobos pushed together in his second belly, end-to-end, like peas in a pod.

Then, suddenly, he was too swollen to sit up anymore. He flopped backwards onto his bed, clutching his upper stomach. Another loud belch, a quieter hiccup, a happy groan. His lower stomach churned contentedly as it worked to keep three distressed chocobos contained.

Of course, he still had two more left. He couldn't grab them with his hands anymore, engorged and lying flat on his back as he was, so he had to use his tail. He unblocked the entrance and herded the two remaining chocobos close. Both of them had begun running around in a blind panic, or trying to- Riku's stomachs now took up most of the floor space of his den. He grabbed one by the leg to keep it still, and used his tail to lift the other to his greedy mouth.

This time, Riku's belly was not so eager to take on a new load. As he gulped away, the fourth chocobo was pushed down into his second stomach, aching with effort as it stretched to take in still more food. He groaned while he swallowed. The sensation of stuffing himself to capacity was marvelous, an intoxicating mixture of pleasure and pain. The fifth chocobo settled in, and the four chocobos down below struggled together, causing his belly to squirm still more violently. He wanted to give it a reassuring pet, but found he was much too bloated to reach it, so he instead used his free hand to hug his swollen upper stomach closer to himself.

One more chocobo was left. The bird was struggling madly to get away, but Riku had a firm grip on its leg. His mouth watered in anticipation even as both of his stomachs ached and groaned with fullness. He couldn't come this far and just not eat the last one. His stomachs would thank him for it once he was done.

He belched deeply to relieve some of the pressure inside, then went to work swallowing the last part of his enormous six-course meal. His tail bulged awkwardly outward and upward as the fifth and final chocobo was packed inside. Riku moaned around the last bird's chubby torso. He swallowed hard, and for a moment the chocobo hovered in his throat, almost as if it were stuck, before it slid downwards, picking up speed until it landed in Riku's stomach with a meaty squish.

Riku had successfully swallowed six adult chocobos, without even bothering to chew. He once again belched indulgently, and wiped some drool off his mouth. His face was flushed with effort. Thoroughly satisfied, he draped his arms around his upper stomach and passed into deep and heavy sleep.   

Meanwhile, back in the village, the townspeople were waking up. More specifically, a young chocobo herder named Sora was waking up. He went out to the barn to feed his chocobos, only to discover that all of them were gone. He searched every corner of the barn and the grounds to no avail. All evidence seemed to indicate that the chocobos had decided to just up and leave in the middle of the night of their own accord.

But chocobos were not especially ambitious birds, and that theory made no sense. Sora had a theory of his own- this wasn't the first time that their animals had disappeared without a trace, and the only logical explanation was that someone was stealing them. This time the thief had gotten greedy, though, and six chocobos had to have left some kind of trail to follow. In minutes he'd found some sloppily-covered tracks leading out into the forest. It was still too early to wake anyone, and this was just a recon mission anyway, so he left by himself.

Sometimes the tracks would phase out, but enough were left that Sora managed to follow them deep into the forest without too much difficulty. He hadn't realized that anyone would want to live all the way out here. And then, suddenly, they stopped.

Just as suddenly, Sora heard some loud snoring. But beyond the snoring, if he strained his ears, he could hear distressed warking. He'd found his chocobos. But where were they? He kept moving, straining his ears to follow the sound, and before long he'd come across a small cave. If he hadn't been looking for it, he most definitely would have missed it. He crouched down to walk inside, and had only made it a few feet before he tripped over something big and stumbled into something large, squishy, and very soft.

He was greeted by an explosion of warks.

Sora looked around first, instinctively, to see what he'd tripped over. He saw something long, thin, and most definitely covered in scales. Turning back, he concentrated on the fleshy bulge that had broken his fall. The warking was coming from inside. Sora swallowed hard, and took a step back. The tail- for it was definitely a tail- connected to the swollen spot at the bottom. The bulge stretched all the way from the creature's chest to several feet into its tail, and was wide enough to cover at least half of the cave's floor space. Long and skinny and very human-looking arms were wrapped around the top of it, massaging it peacefully. And then, at the very top, was a rather humanish face. The source of the snoring.

A naga.

The entire vision was grotesque. The naga appeared to be pretty scrawny normally- his engorged body gave the impression of a skinny face and shoulders all but exploding into stomach. His breaths were husky and shallow, apparently because there wasn't enough room left for lungs inside of him. And the most disgusting of all? Was that he had swallowed all six chocobos whole. The massive bulge was constantly shifting and complaining as the prey inside struggled to get out. The only thing louder than the miserable warking of the chocobos themselves was the naga's stomach's heavy groans as it worked to keep them where they were.

What Sora didn't know, however, was that when he'd tripped over Riku's tail, he'd woken the naga up. And that Riku was now considering him with lidded, gorge-glazed eyes.

"You look kinda tasty. But I already ate an entire herd of chocobos today," he said thickly, breaking the silence. "Come back in the spring." Sora jumped back in surprise, and ended up falling backwards over another bit of sprawling tail. Riku was too stuffed to even respond. He closed his eyes to go back to sleep.

"You-!" Sora pulled himself back up to his feet. "Those were my chocobos!" As if to prove his point, one of the chocobos heard his voice and struggled harder, warking feebly.

"Uh. I think they're my chocobos now." As if to prove his opposing point, Riku patted his swollen stomach- the one he could reach- and let out another throaty burp, still without opening his eyes. Sora backed away in horror. He had no options left- he had to run home, get some back-up, come back to the den, and kill the naga while he was asleep. At least now they knew where all of their animals had been disappearing to. But just as he was reaching the exit to the rather crowded den, something else decided he wasn't going anywhere at all. That something, of course, being the part of Riku's tail that could still move, which wrapped firmly around Sora's middle and lifted him into the air, thoroughly disabling him.

"Well, I can't just let you leave. You'll tell everyone where I live." Riku squinted at Sora's face. "It seems a shame to just kill you and not eat you," he murmured. He slowly turned his head to look at his bloated body, then looked back at Sora, then back at himself. His tongue flicked out once, twice, as if to confirm that Sora would be as tasty as he looked. And so he came to a decision.

"Ah well. I'll make room. Down you go," he said, as cheerfully as he could with his voice raw from over-eating. He brought Sora up to his mouth and opened wide. The herder didn't even have a chance to protest before he was being engulfed by Riku's mouth and throat as the naga tore happily into his dessert.

Riku's stomach shuddered in protest as Sora began to be forced inside. The chocobos had calmed down somewhat from being reunited with their master, so the one that had stayed in his upper stomach slipped down relatively easily, forcing the walls of his tail further outward with another angry groan. Six chocobos in one stomach. Who'd have ever imagined? A quick burst of pain shot through his over-stuffed tail, but the stretched muscles were already beginning to relax.

You'll be happy when it's over. Trust me, Riku thought, rubbing his upper stomach affectionately as it bulged outwards, pulling Sora's chest and shoulders inside. The widest and most difficult part was over. As he swallowed, he peeled Sora's clothes off bit by bit, leaving them in a heap by his side with all of the stray feathers.  The boy was every bit as tasty as he'd expected him to be, especially right after a herd of chocobos, and Riku greedily sucked down his legs. He pushed Sora's shoes off, leaving a only pair of squirmy feet, which he inhaled with relish. Sora's body slunk easily down his throat, curling up to fit inside and coming to a comfortable halt deep in Riku's gut.

"Hey! Hey!" Sora was thrashing inside. Riku barely felt it. He was so stuffed that his body was almost numb. He burped one more time, and wrapped his hands affectionately around his swollen tummy- the one he could reach, of course.

Yes, this plan was excellent.

Riku stretched with a mighty yawn, and settled comfortably back into hibernation. No way was he going to wake up hungry this time. No freakin' way.
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Comments: 18

Solace-Amwolf [2016-08-22 09:16:22 +0000 UTC]

Was that... A reference to a Robert Munsch story...?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheGamerArtista [2016-06-03 13:28:11 +0000 UTC]

Sora....poor lil guy....

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

rayquaza2828 [2015-12-16 02:56:46 +0000 UTC]

Yessssss yesssssss yessssssss

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Dark-Gamer-Kitsune [2012-10-06 06:36:58 +0000 UTC]

haha wow XD this was cool~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KHBTRgemgirl [2012-02-29 11:16:03 +0000 UTC]

I'm a little anti-Sora, and very sadistic. Nice one, buddy!

Don't try to change me cause you'll fail epically

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GigiFabulous In reply to KHBTRgemgirl [2013-04-11 07:51:57 +0000 UTC]

Too bad I'm already trying to, honey.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nis86 [2010-03-31 21:20:22 +0000 UTC]

Poor Chocobo & Sora but I lovet it

keep up the gd work
u know u can make a comic or doujinshi out of this fanfic

it'll be great

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

thetravelingbard [2010-03-15 09:36:17 +0000 UTC]

Rolf! owch! poor chocobos.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DR4WNOUT [2009-11-30 15:19:14 +0000 UTC]

Those poor Chocobos. T-T Cute story though! I love how Sora was like "They're mine!" and Riku's like "I think they're mine" Very funny stuff.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kazeri-Sora [2009-11-30 04:39:51 +0000 UTC]

Yay~~ |D my goodness naga!riku is indeed a fatty but we all love it so its okay x33 <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sora-belly [2009-11-30 04:32:39 +0000 UTC]

xDDD Riku's poor tummy... what a glutton.

This is so totally awesome. Who knew that Riku enjoyed overeating? xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

khvorefan2 In reply to sora-belly [2009-11-30 04:54:56 +0000 UTC]

lawl. i published my stuffing fic, now you publish yours~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sora-belly In reply to khvorefan2 [2009-11-30 04:59:48 +0000 UTC]

I think I need someone to come beat me up until I finish it...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

khvorefan2 In reply to sora-belly [2009-11-30 05:05:43 +0000 UTC]

consider yourself thwacked in the head I WANT MY STUFFED-SORA VORE

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sora-belly In reply to khvorefan2 [2009-11-30 05:14:55 +0000 UTC]

xD I feel like such an asshole for not having it up already, I really do. Dx

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

khvorefan2 In reply to sora-belly [2009-11-30 05:16:19 +0000 UTC]

dude, if you want me to beta, i'm all over it. just sayin'

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sora-belly In reply to khvorefan2 [2009-11-30 05:17:47 +0000 UTC]

Well it's not done yet.. I've got like, 1,200 words of it so far and then my brain was like FUCK YOU and went on strike for some reason.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

khvorefan2 In reply to sora-belly [2009-11-30 05:20:58 +0000 UTC]

ah. well, good luck!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0