kikiloom — Kingdom Hearts OC Adarxmin Bio

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Published: 2017-09-30 05:58:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 2001; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 2
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**New side note if you haven't beaten KH3 or ReMind then the lastest part of her story is a spoiler**

Side note this is the same Adarxmin nobody that I have, but what their somebody looked like. Also, this Adarxmin is from a different timeline then what I first started.

(I'm always down to Roleplay using her)

Original Name: Miranda Light
Name After Changing: Adarxmin Dark
Age: Looks 19
Actually Age by KH3: 100 (More info in About and Bio)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3"
World: Suimin Field (More info in About)
Race: Human
Weapon: Forgotten Leaf
Form of Fighting: She is a skilled Mage, but will use her blade for close combat. She is able to absorb Darkness during battles and if she absorbs enough she will have a brief period of time where she is three times faster. If she doesn't want to fight she'll put horrible thoughts into her opponent's mind to make them go crazy just so she can leave.
Element: Darkness
Love Interest: Xehanort, she and Xehanort both have a strong love each other, however there is another person that loves Adarxmin as well, Ienzo/Zexion. He deeply cares for Adarxmin but knows her heart belongs to Xehanort and doesn’t want to interfere with it. There also a 3rd but more info on that at a later time.

Miranda was born long before Birth By Sleep took place. Her parents were very excited to finally have a child after many years of trying. Once she was a week old they took her to the foreseer to see what their child will be like. However, the foreseer panic seeing the girl many futures, they told them she must be killed for she was born from darkness and there was no light in her. The parents begged the foreseer to see if there was any chance of light and they were told: "She is of darkness, but the path of light is near nonexistent there only a 5% chance she'll follow it." The parents got the Elders' permission to keep her alive if they promise to keep her in the path of light.
Within 18 years she was raised by the whole town since her parents were always away on missions. Everyone treated her horribly since they knew she was of darkness, she would be summoned by the Elders every month to be determine if she should stay alive. Xehanort came to her world along with Eraqus and their Master, he was only a few years older then her and once she saw him she knew something was different about him. Xehanort was the first person to treat her with kindness and in return, she showed him the respect that she never gave anyone before which in turn caused an uproar in the town. She found out that he was her partner when she touched his hand without him knowing, but she didn't tell him. They became very close as he would visit her world often to do research at the library, and she would help him translate the books. Once he became a Keyblade Master he visited the world less as the years went on, but he would write her a letter once every two to four weeks. One of the times he did visit he was starting to become an old man, and once they were under their favorite tree in the field he told her of his plan to make a world where both light and darkness are equal. She was excited to hear of his plan and told him she will help him as soon as she is able to leave her world. Before he left he asked her why she wasn't killed yet for not having a partner since he knew the custom of this world, and she was well past the required age limit. She simply smiled and said, "I do have a partner, Master Xehanort." as she held his hand her smile grew as he smiled back at her and messed up her hair like always.
Once Birth By Sleep was going on Miranda parents came and took her out of the world and used their combined magic to erase all of her memories to please the Elders. After years of traveling and erasing her memory after each visit, they came to Radiant Garden where Xehanort was an apprentice for Ansem the Wise. Neither of them had memories of each other or the ability to identify the mark she placed on him years ago. Near the end of the trip, she convinced her parents to let her stay the summer at Radiant Garden, so she learns what's it like to be an apprentice. After the summer ended she was acquainted with all of Ansem the Wise apprentices including Ienzo who became her best friend. Miranda was quite fascinated by Xehanort's research and wanted to know as much as possible, she even learned she had magic during her time there. Once her parents came to claim her she showed them her magic abilities, and they were both distraught that she relearned how to do magic again. After they left the world they erased all her memories and gave her a mixture that would seal up her magic to make sure she doesn't learn of it again.
After a few years she ended up at Destiny Island on a small lifeboat with no memory of what happened to her other then her name was Miranda. She met Sora, Riku, and Kairi and they offer her to join them to play, but she never felt like she belongs with them and would just watch from the shadows during the years leading up to Kingdom Hearts. The night the world was being destroy a Corridor of Darkness opened in front of her, and just before she stepped in she noticed Riku walking into one. During her moment of hesitation, she looked back at the one that opened for her and decided to run into the one that opened for Riku instead. She ended up at Hollow Bastion for some time and would be trying to keep up to Riku since she was always far behind him, but he never knew she was there. After a while, she went to the Rising Falls in Hollow Bastion during a state of being furious and sorrowful from all the events that had happened to her. In her moment of breaking down a Corridor of Darkness opened up for her, and she stared at it before speaking "You better take me to my purpose " After she went though she was found by Xigbar who brought her back to The World That Never Was where she ended up joining the Organization XIII since the original six knew her, and they wanted her since they knew she was strong. She finally started feeling liked she belonged and made friends with certain members and kept her new name of Adarxmin.
After some time has passed in 358/2 days she grained quite a few magic abilities and fighting skills, and she was then sent to Castle Oblivion by Xemnas himself to "Simply observe the events that might take place." She went without objection mainly because one of her friends was there already. Anytime one of the members questioned her presence she would simply tell them a reasonable excuse since she wasn't allowed to tell of her true mission. She was shocked when she found Axel was there too and made extra care to find out why he was there without being caught. In time she slowly watched as the people she knew were slowly being killed off. She then became resentful towards Axel because of his involvement in Zexion's death since he was her closest friend in the Organization. During her time in Castle Oblivion, a cloud of Darkness would go after her, and not long after she started to absorb the darkness, and Axel clearly saw the darkness seeping out of her from the rage. He fled back to The World That Never Was before she could kill him. Once she returned she was completely calm and in control, she turned in her report and told the remaining members to be wary of Axel.
During Kingdom Hearts II she spent most of her time becoming stronger in magic and learning everything she can about Darkness. She started to research on how to retrieve memories in hopes of recovering her lost memories since Xemnas told her she'll get stronger once she gets them back. Sora and his friends couldn't believe what happened to her since they all thought she was back on the Island. She said to them "My name is Adarxmin Dark now, and we are enemies from this point on and you people of Light won't stop the Master from getting Kingdom Hearts." Near the end of Kingdom Hearts II she started wearing her coat differently and wearing new free-time clothes (Both are seen in drawing^) She also started getting scars from the Darkness that cover parts of her body. -You can see it here and learn a little more about how she gets them here --> sta.sh/01oe7j49o5fy Be Warn! She is not wearing clothes to show the placement of scars- After Xemnas was killed the first time and she appeared to Sora and friends and angrily said, "All of you will regret what you did! This is not over by a long shot." She then disappeared in a Corridor of Darkness.
During Coded Young Xehanort came to her and told her of the plan that will happen soon and that she needs to be ready. With that, she stayed at The World That Never Was most of the time training with darkness and doing her research on memories.
Once Dream Drop Distance happened she gave up getting her memories back, and started focusing on messing up Sora Mark of Mastery exam and started to play with his mind under Young Xehanort orders. After it was over Master Xehanort took Adarxmin back to her world in hopes that memories of their time together and the skills she knew would come back. She wonders the house that used to be her home as it was not used in years. She found a picture that showed her and Xehanort smiling under a tree that was out in the Suimin field, but she set it down not knowing who the guy was and took a journal that had her handwriting back to The World That Never Was. Master Xehanort ended up taking the photo with him as a keepsake. From there she relearned her first language, studied her journal, and kept an eye on Sora trying to get him to join them as it leads up to Kingdom Hearts III.
In order to keep a better eye on Sora, Adarxmin went to all worlds he's been too and placed a spell that will allow her to see and hear anything nearby that spell. During her travels she ended up in Radiant Garden where she found out Ienzo was still alive, they were both excited to see each other and Ienzo gave her a gummiphone in order to keep in contact with each other. Before heading back on her mission Ienzo told her she is always welcomed back and can even stay with him, she just smiled at him before disappearing into a Corridor of Darkness. During Kingdom Hearts III she would go to new worlds sometimes with other members placing more of her spells to keep an eye for the hero's of light mainly. While watching the hero's from the safety from her spell in the Keyblade Graveyard, she saw two suspicious people and brought Xigbar along to check them out. She was informed that they were her parents and when she confronted them they were happy to see their child again, but soon realized she was full of darkness and was following that path. They then try to kill her, Xigbar got Adarxmin out of there just as her shield broke however, she was grazed by their final spell which knocked her out. A few days past since the attack and Adarxmin finally woke up but she lost all of her memories including who she was. Xehanort and the rest of the organization soon realized that she was losing her memory every few minutes. Not only did they have their own missions to worry about they also started to look around to find a way to help Adarxmin. After 3 weeks with no end in sight, Adarxmin casually walked into the room where nothing gathers, as that’s where everyone was, asking why she wasn’t informed of the meeting. They were shocked, until she explains that all of her memories came back to her that morning, and then recited different memories that she didn’t previously remember such as the summer in Radiant Garden to even when she first met Master Xehanort. After that she was not allowed to go much of anywhere by herself since she was now being hunted by her world, so she had to do her work remotely with magic to keep an eye on everything. Which allowed her to spend time with Master Xehanort to make up for lost time. With the final battle here, they went to the Keyblade Graveyard where Adarxmin watched from afar next to Xehanort. Just before the hero’s of light got to fight Xemnas, Ansem and Young Xehanort, Adarxmin was attacked by people from her world. They were going to help but she told them to just focus on the hero’s of light, she can handle the small group herself, despite Xehanort better judgment he listens to her. By time she was done with her fight she was very worn out and went to locate Master Xehanort who been in Scala ad Caelum for the final fight. Once she finally found him he was about to be struck down for the last time, she quickly blocked the attack and sent the hero’s back with darkness. She went to Xehanort side to check on him and quickly realized he was dying, and she had no more magic to help him. He told her that she should cherish their memories like he does. Once he was gone, it finally hit her that he wasn’t coming back this time, and she was hit by a wave of emotions of sorrow and rage. She lashed out and had her blade to Sora neck, she was shaking from not only her wounds but her emotions. She was losing control of her darkness and yelled at Sora with tears in her eyes, “Why, do you always have to ruin everything for me?! Don’t I deserve happiness too?” Dropping her blade, she started to disappear in the darkness, and told Sora “I’m glad your time here is up.”

By the end of KH3 she was 3 months pregnant with Xehanort child, and after the final battle, she wasn’t seen by anyone for 6 months. She finally reappeared in Radiant Garden where she went to Ienzo for help as she was in labor. In ReMind, she has been living in Radiant Garden with her 6-month-old son Xander. She avoids most people and only allows Ienzo near her and Xander as she is very protective of her son since she sees him as the last of her light that keeps her sane. She finds joy knowing that the hero’s of light can’t find Sora after he saved Kairi, and she got angry when she found out Xigbar was still alive as he still had a piece of Xehanort heart in him since she only found out when he came to check on her a year after the final battle.

About Suimin Field:
The world of Suimin field is a town surrounded by a field of wheat like plants that puts anyone who enters the field to sleep if they don't know how to counter its effects. The town is built in almost a circular shape with a castle that houses the Elders and all-important businesses close to the center of the town.
Everyone from there has a life expectancy of 400 years. Even though they are full-grown by age 18 they are still called babies by the people from there. Based on their age this is what they would be called by people in this world: Baby 0-18, Toddler 18-100, Child 100-130, Teen 130-150, Adult 150-300, Elder 300-400. Everyone there has some form of magic, and everyone must have a partner by age 25 or they will be killed for not finding one. In a world where everyone has magic, they can get bored so they often change their appearance and voice in doing so the people learned a simple ability where they can place a mark on a person in order to identify that person. The mark is only seen by the person who placed it, and it never goes away no matter how many times a person chances their appearance. A partner is someone who will fight alongside you or just be with you. Most of the time the partners end up marrying each other and have a child together even though there are no rules that say so. Both partner's magic will triple in strength when holding the hand of their partner which is the reason why they are never far each other, most of the time they will have the same job and will always be counted as one person. Each partner has a magic spell only they can use meaning no one spell is ever the same. Hand holding or touching of the hands is strictly sacred and are only allowed if it is your partner or your baby that is underage. Up until the baby is 5 years old they have a strong magical connection with their mother, and it is said that the mother is stronger during the first 5 years than if they were with their partner. If you are not a match the magic between both might cause both of you to be thrown back with negative energy worse case it might kill one or both of you. Every year there is a festival during the springtime for people age 18 to 25 to look for a partner in a safe environment without too much worry of dying since the Elders will help look for a match for you. Elders are the ones who run everything and make the major decisions they are also the strongest mages in this world. There are 10 Elders and just like everyone else in this world each partner is counted as one, so technically there are 20 people in the Elders group. Every time an Elder is nearing their end they find and train an adult partner near the age of elder to take their place when they pass. When a baby is born they are taken to the foreseer within the first few months to see what magic and job the child will have so they can give the proper training to them. However, they also see how much light is in them because if there is less then 60% of light in them then they mustn't live another day. No one is allowed to leave the world until they are a child and even then they must have their parents with them plus the permission of the Elders. If they were to leave without the Elders' permission they will be hunted down, and be brought back home to be locked up until further notice. However, once you are an Adult you can leave and come to the world as you please. No one is allowed to leave the world until they are a child and even then they must have their parents with me plus the permission of the Elders. If someone was older or had more knowledge you will show them respect by sitting on your knees with your hands on your lap and looking up at them.

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Comments: 17

TheXBladeMaster [2020-01-30 21:12:19 +0000 UTC]

If you would like to rp I'm available!
I would love to have vivi meet her :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kikiloom In reply to TheXBladeMaster [2020-01-30 21:45:19 +0000 UTC]

I would love to RP! It’s always fun for characters to meet new people

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheXBladeMaster In reply to kikiloom [2020-01-31 06:42:29 +0000 UTC]

Do you have Discord ? :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kikiloom In reply to TheXBladeMaster [2020-01-31 07:25:46 +0000 UTC]

Yes I do, it’s Adarxmin#8803

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheXBladeMaster In reply to kikiloom [2020-01-31 07:44:34 +0000 UTC]

Sent you a friend request!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kikiloom In reply to TheXBladeMaster [2020-01-31 17:53:03 +0000 UTC]

Got it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheXBladeMaster [2020-01-30 21:08:43 +0000 UTC]

Another oc close to Master Xehanort !
I love her, a bean 🥰

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kikiloom In reply to TheXBladeMaster [2020-01-30 21:47:04 +0000 UTC]

I love her too! I been working on her story for years ❤️

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheXBladeMaster In reply to kikiloom [2020-01-31 06:41:57 +0000 UTC]

Awesome ! <3
I'm so glad someone else has an oc close to the old coot!
You don't know how much i needed that
Bless you and her <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kikiloom In reply to TheXBladeMaster [2020-01-31 07:23:40 +0000 UTC]

Yeah! It’s nice to see I’m not the only one that likes him <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheXBladeMaster In reply to kikiloom [2020-01-31 07:27:39 +0000 UTC]

I love him <3
Since Kh3, he became my fav character
I can't wait for his game aaa ;0;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kikiloom In reply to TheXBladeMaster [2020-01-31 07:35:47 +0000 UTC]

I fell for him in BBS he is such a cool character. I am soo excited for his game Dark Road, I cant wait to learn more about him!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheXBladeMaster In reply to kikiloom [2020-01-31 07:45:22 +0000 UTC]

He is cool yep but i love nomura gave him a sweet side owo

SAME omg

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kikiloom In reply to TheXBladeMaster [2020-01-31 17:56:40 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I love the sweet and curious side he has, which is why Adarxmin story is built around that.

I’m kind of hoping they show a quick bit of Xehanort life on the island, just so we can see it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheXBladeMaster In reply to kikiloom [2020-01-31 20:27:19 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kikiloom In reply to TheXBladeMaster [2020-02-01 15:12:07 +0000 UTC]

Yes! I want to see how he got off the island since it’s a rumor on the island that a kid made it off.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheXBladeMaster In reply to kikiloom [2020-02-01 16:57:50 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0