killerprod1 — Total Crossover Multi Fandom chapter 25
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Description *Yabba keeps looking for her stolen diving googles*

Yabba: WHERE ARE THEY? UGH, Stupid thief!

Cranidos: It's useless, You won't find the thief easily, He outsmarted you!

Yabba: *Sigh* You're right Cranidos!

*Meanwhile, In the hospital*

Ruffy: *Wakes up* Erm, Why my vision is quite blurry?

Chansey: They'll be fully back, Just for a few days at least but as for now, You have to wear glasses

Ruffy: Okay Chansey *Take the glasses and put them on*

*Dunsparce comes*

Dunsparce: Hey Ruffy

Ruffy: Dunsparce, Glad you came to visit me

Dunsparce: I guess your vision is back?

Ruffy: Not completely, It's a bit blurry

Dunsparce: Okay then

Chansey: 3 of your friends are waiting for you outside the hospital

*Ruffy leaves the hospital to joins his 3 friends*

*And they're revealed to be Yoshi,Glaceon and Vaporeon*

Glaceon: We're waiting for you Ruffy!

Ruffy: Cleffa told me about you 3!

Yoshi: This letter is for the 4 of us!

Vaporeon: *Opens the letter and reads it* It says you 4 have been chosen for the next challenge, you must stay in the boys's hotel, The others have to move to the girls's hotel

Yoshi: Let's go!

*Yoshi,Vaporeon,Ruffy and Glaceon goes to the boys's hotel on the everning but then, they notices a Satellite Dish*

Vaporeon: What is this?

Glaceon: You two, Go look inside the hotel, Yoshi and i will inspect the dish closer*

*They split up*

Yoshi: This dish, It looks exactly the same one in Stay Tuned

Glaceon: The movie, Yes!

Yoshi: I still remember the scene where Roy and Helen both got sucked by the dish

Glaceon: Does that means?

*Then the dish activate by itself*

Glaceon: We're gonna get sucked!

*Both Yoshi and Glaceon try to run away but the wind is too strong for them to move*

Yoshi: I... can't...move!

*Then the dish shoot a lazer beam at both Yoshi and Glaceon and they both gets sucked in the dish*

*Inside the boys's hotel living room*

Vaporeon: A big TV!

Ruffy: *Grabs a remote and turn the TV on* I'll watch some TV! Wanna join?

Vaporeon: No thanks, I'll read some books! *Walks away*

*Meanwhile, Both Yoshi and Glaceon are sitting on their armchairs*

Glaceon: What is this mess?

Abra: Welcome to YOU CAN'T WIN!

*Meanwhile, In Hellvision studio, Lugia take the micro* and activates it*

Lugia: Yoshi, Glaceon!

Yoshi: Lugia?

Lugia: You both have been sucked by the dish, Don't worry, You have 24 hours to survive, If you do,  You can pick to eliminate a contestant but if you die in a show, You will be ejected but you will be eliminated instead, I have an agreement with Mr.Spike, Your souls won't belong to Satan! GOOD LUCK! And lastly, The previously eliminated contestants are helpers for this challenge!

*Then he shuts down the micro*

Abra: This question is for Yoshi, Do you commits tax fraud, Yes or No?

Yoshi: NO!

Abra: It is right!, You're free to go, The door is on your left!

*Both Yoshi and Glaceon stands up and walks to the static-filled door*

*They ends up in the Boxing show*

Grovyle: You two, Come here and fight us!

*Both Yoshi and Glaceon walks to the boxing ring*

Charmeleon: 2VS2, LET'S FIGHT!

*Then Yoshi,Glaceon,Charmeleon and Grovyle start fighting until Yoshi and Glaceon wins*

Charmeleon: Congrats!

Grovyle: You can go!

*Both Yoshi and Glaceon walks away and they both fell down the static-filled conduit on the ground*

*They made to Alaska, It's freezing*

Yoshi: I may die there!

Glaceon: I am immune to this luckily!

*Tommorow, It's the afternoon to the boys's hotel*

Ruffy: I'm gonna ride a tricycle Vaporeon!

Vaporeon: Suit yourself!

*Ruffy goes outside but notices Yoshi's watch and a TM*

Ruffy: Wait a minute *Walks near the dish and take the watch and the TM*

*The dish activate by itself*

*Ruffy run and hops on the the tricycle and try to ride it but the win is too powerful for him to ride but then he start holding on the pole to avoid being sucked by the dish*

*But the dish shoot a lazer beam at the tricycle and it gets sucked in the dish instead*

*Vaporeon goes outside and she stares at Ruffy*

Vaporeon: What is with you?

Ruffy: The dish, It sucked the tricycle!

Then the others girls comes to the boys's hotel room

Gardevoir: Let's party

Vaporeon: Sure *Smiles*

Ruffy: Okay? *Goes back inside and grabs Vaporeon by the tail*  Wait!

Vaporeon: My tail!

Ruffy: *Release Vaporeon's tail* Look! *Shows Yoshi's watch* It's Yoshi's watch but also *Show the TM*

Vaporeon: It's TM79 Dark Pulse, Go ask Honchkrow! He's a dark type, He knows better than me for the TM! *Walks away to joins the other girls*

Ruffy: Vaporeon, Whatever you do, DON'T GO OUTSIDE!

*Back to Alaska*

Glaceon: Look! a shack!

Yoshi: Great, We can find a conduit there!

*They both goes to the shack and there's a static-filled conduit*

Glaceon: In 3,2,1 JUMP!

*They both jump on the conduit and they ends up on the cartoon show*

Glaceon: Yoshi, Look!

*They both stares at Robocat*

Robocat: You are trepassing someone's property, Penalty is death!

Yoshi: Uh oh!

*They both run to a car*

Yoshi: *Drive the car all the way to the mouse hole*

*Robocat goes after them*

Glaceon: We're closer!

Yoshi: JUMP!

*Glaceon jumps to the static-filled mouse hole*

Yoshi: GLACEON WAIT!!!!!! *Stop the car, Run to the mouse hole and made it alive*

*Then He's alone and tied up in the basement with Zoroark and Dodrio with Mudkip as the cameraman*

Zoroark: Hey Yoshi, Ready for something?

Yoshi: What?

Dodrio: For the Red hot poker in the eye cam!

*Mudkip moves the camera with the red hot poker to Yoshi*

Yoshi: AHHHHHHH! *put his right shoe on the camera*

*The Red hot poker burns the rope instead and Yoshi run away then goes upstairs to the static-filled door*

*Then, It's black and white colored show*

Yoshi: Glaceon, Where are you *Run to look for her*


Spinarak: Glaceon, I have this remote but i cannot give it to you yet

*Yoshi comes*

Yoshi: Glaceon and Spinarak

Glaceon: Hey Yoshi

Spinarak: *Gives the remote to Glaceon* Yoshi, hold her paw!

Yoshi: *Goes near Glaceon and does what Spinarak said*

Glaceon: *Press the button*

*They both end up in Paris, France*

Yoshi: In France?

Infernape: Braixen, Servine, hold them!

*Braixen start holding Glaceon*

*Servine Uses his vine to hold Yoshi*

Glaceon: Infernape, What are you gonna do?

Infernape: I will end both of you!, Starting with Yoshi!

*Back to the boys's hotel, The girls are dancing*

Ruffy: *Goes outside* Get away from the dish!

Vaporeon: What is with you?, Get lost!

Ruffy: Do you really what to be sucked?

Vaporeon: I said get lost!

*The the dish actives by itself for the third time*

Ruffy: *Take a nerf water gun and shoot at the girls*

The girls: AHHHHHHH!!

Ruffy: *Throw the nerf water gun away and run back to the hotel*

Vaporeon: GET BACK HERE!

*To the living room*

Ruffy: Vaporeon, Look at the TV!

Vaporeon: Really *Look at it*

*They both notices Yoshi and Glaceon in the TV*

Ruffy: Should we call Sid?

Vaporeon: Good idea *Take her phone and start calling Sid*

*In the girls's hotel*

Sid: *Take the phone* Yes Vaporeon?

Vaporeon: Sid, I need your help!

Sid: Okay, I'm coming *Hangs up and run*

*To the boys's hotel living room, Sid made it*

Sid: If it's about the Dish, I know what to do?

*Later this everning, He take the micro and plugs it on the TV and turns it on then it works*

*Back to Paris, France*

Infernape: *Take the Axe and is about to cut Yoshi's head off*

Ruffy: Yoshi, Can you hear me?

Yoshi: Ruffy? Is that you?

Ruffy: Infernape, Let him go!

Infernape: But

Ruffy: No buts!, Let him go right now!

*At the Hellvision studio*

*Then the 24 hours just passed*

Lugia: It's over Spike!

Spike: Okay! *Pulls out lever*

*Yoshi vanishes but Glaceon is stuck*

Lugia: Huh?

Spike: *Kicks Lugia away* Too bad *Turns the death mode on then destroy it* Glaceon won't be able to come back, Her soul will belong to Satan once she dies, I'll make sure it'll happen! *Summon the remote, Press the button and gets sucked in the TV*

*Lugia Run away*

*Back to the boys's hotel, Yoshi gets ejected from the dish*

Yoshi: Glaceon?

Ruffy: Yoshi! Are you okay?

Yoshi: Yes but Glaceon isn't back!

Lugia: *Comes* Yoshi, You need to go back, Spike is planning to kill Glaceon for good!

Yoshi: I'll save her, I still have a remote with me

Yabba: Yoshi, You need this *Gives the anti death necklace* Wear this, You'll need it!

Yoshi: Okay *Wears it*

*Back in Paris, France*

Spike: Glaceon, *Grabs her tail and press the button on the remote and they both ends up in the Western*

*Back to the hotel*

Vaporeon: They're in the Western!

Yoshi: All of you, Stay inside, I'll go rescue Glaceon alone *Press the button and gets sucked on the dish*

*At the Western, Spike ties Glaceon on the railroad in front of a wagon with barrels*

Glaceon: *Looks at the barrels and They're all TNT* Spike, You're heartless!

Spike: I have no choice! The train will come at any second and it'll stab you and blow you up!

*They both hear Yoshi walking*

Yoshi: It's over Spike!

Spike: *Take the gun and shoot at Yoshi's heart*

Glaceon: YOSHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yoshi: *Is about to fail down but put his right leg in front and take a gun and shoot back at Spike*

Spike: *Dodges* Impossible! How could you?

Yoshi: The anti death necklace

*The bullet is pushed away from Yoshi's body*

Yoshi: LET'S FINISH IT OFF! *Press the button*

*Both Yoshi and Spike are at the Medieval world, They're both holding swords*

Spike: EN GARDE!

*They both start attacking each other with sword until Yoshi wins*

Spike: Wait Yoshi, You win, I can make you a valuable member in Hellvision?

Yoshi: Sorry Spike, Glaceon is my priority! *Press the button at Spike*

Spike: Yoshi NO! *Gets sucked in the TV*

*Yoshi press again to teleport back to the Western*

*Back to the Western*

Yoshi: I'm here Glaceon!

Glaceon: The train is here!

Yoshi: *Put his right arm on Glaceon's shoulder and press the off button*

*Then the train hits the TNT barrels and it explodes*

*Back to the boys's hotel's room, Both Yoshi and Glaceon gets ejected out of the dish*

Glaceon: WE'RE HOME!

*Vaporeon and Ruffy comes and they hugs Yoshi and Glaceon*

Yoshi: Ruffy, Vaporeon!

*Then Houndour appears in front of them*

Yoshi: Houndour?

Houndour: *Run to attack but gets sucked in the dish*

Dunsparce: *Comes* Lugia, What are you gonna do with Houndour?

Lugia: I'll find a way to free him, Also, Yoshi, You can pick to eliminate someone

Yoshi: Pichu

Lugia: Okay *Sends a message to Flareon*

*To the girls's hotel*

Flareon: Pichu

Pichu: Yes?

Flareon: You have been chosen to be eliminated

Pichu: Okay, I can see my big brother again! *Leaves*

*Tommorow morning, At the hospital*

Ruffy: *Takes the glasses off and He can see perfectly without them* I won't be needing them anymore! *Gives them back to Chansey*

Chansey: Good, Bye Ruffy!

*Ruffy leaves the hospital*

*Back to Hellvision studio*

Lugia: Who will be next out?, See you next time on Total Crossover Multi Fandom
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