KinaRain — Raven (Rae) :DotW Vektren App:

Published: 2015-10-02 19:46:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 4836; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 0
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     2/3/2016 - Updated a bunch of stuff!
    12/16/2015 - Guess who just got married?!
    10/2/2015 - Look whose back! New app, new pack, new picture. Instead of editing the other app I just made a new one. I loved having a digital picture for her but I just feel like it didn't show how pretty my baby is. Isn't she cute?!

~Important Links~
Seasons Meme || Plot Meme || Original App  || App 2

~Basic Info~

{Name: Raven
{Nickname: Rae
{Age: Adult  (5~6 years)
{Gender: Female


{Height: 35"
{Weight: 110 lbs *thin due to not eating regularly (normally around 125 lbs)
{Build: somewhat lanky and tall for a female, thin but very muscular, sturdy head with a feminine jaw, large paws, long tail
{Eye Color: gold
{Scars: no major ones
{Other: she walks with a slight limp due to an old injury to her hind left leg


{Pack: Vektren
{Rank: Delta Magister
    Mate- Stallion
            Litter 1: Colt, Pegasus, Jay, Annabelle (Feb. 11, 2016)
            Adopted: Daithi
    Siblings- Crow (brother/deceased)


{ Genuine | Empathetic | Fearful/Unsure | Shy | Cautious | Wounded | Hopeful }

    Over time Raven has become a very soft-spoken she-wolf. She is still genuine and will stand up for herself, she knows her worth, she is simply more cautious of who she shares herself with. Because she was raised mostly by her father she is an excellent hunter and fighter but due to malnutrition she has lost some of these skills so she is more careful. Her personality and actions got her the reputation of a tom-boy. She has had few female friends in her life, preferring to hang out, play fight and hunt with a group of rowdy males while growing up. She likes to have fun but has a very strict serious side she got from her father. Due to circumstances in her life she is much less outgoing than she once was. She still has the empathetic and caring nature she received from her mother but is less willing to show it for fear of getting hurt. She has a strong fear of betrayal but would still be fiercely loyal to anyone she truly cared about; she would fight to the death to defend them. She likes the feeling of belonging but is fully capable of surviving alone. Lately she prefers to be alone. She has a desire for high rank but it doesn’t rule her. She is perfectly content to follow someone if she believes they are worthy, however, if she finds them unworthy she will rebel. Since the destruction of her first pack Raven has lost a bit of herself and it has only gotten worse with Stallion's betrayal then the death of her brother. She is much less carefree than she was. She’s extremely reluctant now to form relationships with other wolves but still longs for family of her own. She moved on from her first love's death and is hopeful that she can make it through this tough time. Though she never talks about him she often worries about Stallion, having heard rumors of him leaving Blutwald. Though it pains her greatly she still loves him.
    Having joined Vektren Rae has been thrown into a world she doesn't understand. She doesn't trust Hekate (and hates her names for Stallion) and feels lost around her pack mates, she doesn't feel like part of their family. She doesn't 'fit' in the system and hasn't found a task to work towards. Because of this lost feeling she will often wander outside of pack borders, one of her favorite spots is The Behemoth.

{First Impression: shy and soft spoken, cautious but friendly

-loyalty is everything



I used this girl for a role play before DotW and this is my second time in DotW so there’s a lot. Sorry about that.

    Birth- Raven was born to the Beta pair of her natal pack during a time of famine. The wolves of the pack were dying but there was no food to be found. Eventually the pack was so weak with hunger that even when prey was found they couldn’t hunt. When it seemed like all hope was lost and the Alpha was considering moving South to find new lands the Beta male decided to go hunt one last time to feed his mate and pups. He found a raven in the woods and followed it to a whole flock feeding on a large bull moose. The food was enough to restore what was left of the pack. The ravens had saved his family so the Beta named his daughter after them. Raven was the only survivor of a litter of 5 pups.

    Natal Pack- Raven loved her family very much. Her mother was a very loving female but she seemed to care more for her pack then her pup. Raven’s father, though he was a serious and silent brute, was very caring. He taught her loyalty was more important than anything and she loved him dearly. Because she was raised mostly by her father Raven became rather tomboyish and used to be teased by the young males in her pack, until she beat them all that is. When she turned 2 years old and it was time for her to take a mate all the males were afraid of her. It was shortly after this that her father died. He was loyal to the pack till his death. After his passing his brother, the Alpha, betrayed him and claimed Raven’s mother as his mate. Enraged at the betrayal to her father she left the pack to become a loner.

    Loner- Raven was a loner for about a year after she left her natal pack. She traveled south and eventually met a she-wolf named Echo, the Alpha of the Valley Wolves. Raven greatly admired Echo’s leadership as a lone female alpha so they became fast friends and Echo invited Raven to join the pack.

    First Pack- Raven’s first pack was a group of valley wolves down South. Shortly after joining the Alpha named Raven her Beta. Life was fairly normal until she met a young hunter in the pack known as Zombie.

    First Love- At first Raven avoided the male thinking he was soft, but over time she realized he was sweet, generous, strong and caring. Though she still thought his name was silly she found herself falling for the large, black wolf. They had been discussing becoming mates shortly before the pack territory was invaded.

    Destruction of the Valley Pack- It all happened very quickly. One day Raven was living her dream life in a new pack with her love, the next it was all gone. Northern wolves searching for food found their fertile valley and claimed it. There was nothing the small pack could do. The wolves dropped one by one. Zombie fell protecting Raven and she ran. During the fight her back left leg was injured. Every now and again if she stresses it to much she walks with a limp but she’s gotten rather good at hiding it.

    Wandering- When the Valley pack was destroyed Raven had nowhere to go. Her Alpha and her love were gone. She wandered aimlessly for a week or so before she saw another wolf. It was a male, the only other survivor from the pack, they had never spoken much but she remembered him for making jokes about their names. They were both birds; he was Crow, she was Raven. Crow followed her north on her journey to forget her past and hopefully find a new life again.

    First Time in DotW- Raven was almost 4 years old when she found the lands of DotW. She had none of what she hoped for herself; no pack, no mate, no pups. She was still hopeful though, deciding to settle near 2 large packs, judging them, hoping to one day join the ranks. Crow had become like an annoying brother to her. He wandered much more than her but always came back to check on his ‘sister’.

    New Love- Raven met Stallion while observing Blutwald to see what kind of pack it was. He brought her to his old den near the outskirts of the territory so he could keep her close to him. He would visit her often and the two soon found themselves falling in love. Believing that Blutwald was to cruel a pack for a she-wolf like Raven he told her to wait for him, promising that one day he would return to her. He said he would make Blutwald a place where they could be happy together. She waited but he never came.

    Betrayal- When she discovered that Stallion had taken another female for his mate Raven was devastated. For a while she stayed near Blutwald in disbelief, waiting for her love to come explain himself. Over time she ate less and less and eventually Crow drug her away from the territory. They travelled south but as time passed she didn't get better. Unable to bear his sister's suffering anymore Crow returned to Blutwald hoping to get some answers. When he arrived the amount of guards had increased due to the alpha pair expecting pups. He was attacked as soon as he crossed the border and never left Blutwald...

    Now- In her heart Raven knows her brother is dead but with no one left she has returned to the lands of the Domain. If anyone asks she is searching for her brother. The loss has definitely changed Raven but at her core she is still a good-natured, kind-hearted, loving wolf. All she really wants out of life is to be happy again but all she has right now is hope.

{In Group:

After returning to the lands of the Domain Raven was shocked when she ran into Stallion again. She was worn and tired but he still thought she was beautiful. After an emotional encounter she ran, unable to handle the situation. A few days passed before they found each other again. Eventually Rae followed her love into his new pack Vektren. She had hoped maybe she had found a home at his side but she is quickly seeing she doesn't fit all that well. Now with the events in Vale she waits patiently for Stallion's return, unsure of her future.
 Shortly after joining Vektren Raven actually made two friends, the loner Kestrel and a fellow Vektreni, Lykos. When Stallion returned from the Vale conflict he came to her and apologized for his absence as of late. The two decided to become mates and were married soon after. It wasn't long until they were expecting their first litter of pups. During her pregnancy she faced a vicious loner at the borders and was injured. After this she bonded with Daithi who she had learned truly was Stallion's son. At first she was shocked but she soon came to accept the young male like he was her own pup and now worries over him constantly. During her pregnancy she also bonded with one of Stallion's students, Sionn. When cougars invaded the Thriving Wilds Raven had to stay behind and gathered herbs with Lykos and Anders. When the rest of the pack returned Sionn was injured. Raven treated her wounds and at this time decided to become a Magister alongside Anders.

    May 2014 (8/8 bones gained)
Accepted into DotW / +2
Raven meets Stallion (drawing) / +1
Raven meets Stallion (RP) / +1
Raven spends her first night in the den Stallion showed her (short story) / +1
Crow meets Stallion (RP) / +1
Stallion shares his past with Raven  (RP) / +1
Stallion comforts Raven (drawing) / +1
Their last night together (RP) / max
        {End of Month Total: 8

~long time out of group~

    October 2015 (6/6 bones gained)
Lost in Paradise (drawing) / +1
Stand in the Rain (drawing) / +1
Raven's Secret Crush meme (old MSE) / +1
I won't say I'm in love (RP drawing) / +1
Werewolf meme (MSE) / +2
        {End of Month Total: 14

    November 2015 (0/6 bones gained)
        {End of Month Total: 14 (gained Red Dot for inactivity)

    December 2015 (6/6 bones gained)
I will shed my blood (drawing) / +1
All I Have Now (MSE) / +2
Origin Meme (old MSE) / +1
We've Waited Forever (RP) / +1
Gained Mate (Stallion) / -6
Gained First Pregnancy (with Stallion) / -5
Home. (drawing) / +1
        {End of Month Total: 9

    January 2016 (4/6 bones gained)
Took Magister Task (Delta) / -3
Dog Breed Meme (MSE) / +2
Waiting for You (drawing / +1
Reflections (RP drawing) / +1
        {End of Month Total: 10

    February 2016 (2/6 bones gained)
I Dream of Rain (RP) / +1
Protecting the Thriving Wilds part 1  (Vektren group RP) / +1
Puppies!! (4 pups) / -10
Suddenly You're Here (drawing) / +1
Snowball Fight (RP drawing) / +1
        {End of Month Total: 4

    March 2016 (0/6 bones gained)
nothing yet

        {End of Month Total: 4

    {Current Total Bones: 4

-she loves plants, flowers and green things
-she treasures her alone time
-Rae has always wanted a family of her own


Click HERE for Chart

{Vektren Wolves:

    -[Stallion ]  [adult] - [Gamma Enforcer] - /  /  / / /  / / -
"Stallion, my beloved mate. Though my future in Vektren is uncertain with him at my side I'm confident I'll be ok. Many things have changed but not our feelings. I look forward to our life together, possibly a family... I love him and I will never let him slip away again."
Vektren Wedding

-  /  /  /  /  /  / -
"I was in love with Stallion back when he was just a Delta in Blutwald. I believed he loved me to... In the past we were going to rule Blutwald together but that was a long time ago... I do not wish to speak of it now. Finding him again after so long was a shock to say the least. Even with the new scars he is as handsome as I remember, though that is beside the point... I've joined Vektren to be close to him. This may not be the best place for me but I will not lose him again for such foolish reasons. I love him, maybe someday things can be the same as they were..."
Stallion's Secret Crush meme

    -[Lykos ] [young adult] - [Theta Viper] -   /  / /  /   -
"A delightful young man. We met one night when neither of us could sleep and have been good friends since then. We see each other around the Nest quite often and I'm proud to see how much he's grown. We're both finding our place."

    -[Hekate   [adult] - [Mistress of Vektren] -  /  /  /  -
"The Mistress... Stallion follows her loyally. Though I believe she thinks of Vektren as a family, and has their best interests at heart, I don't fully trust her. Still, I suppose she's something close to a sister."

    -[Sionn]    [adult] - [...] -   /  /  /  -
"One of Stallion's students Sionn was my inspiration to become a Magister. She came back to the nest injured from the cougar hunt and with Anders' help I took care of her. After that she brought me food during my pregnancy. It was a great help."

    -[Anders]     [adult] - [...] -   /  /  /  -

    -[Daithi ] [young adult] - [Gamma Enforcer] -   /   / /  /   /  -
"Stallion's son... At first I wasn't sure what to think but, even if he doesn't trust me right now, I've come to think of Daithi as my son as well. I'm here for him if he wants me."

    -[Colt]  [pup] - [N/A] -   /  /  /   /  -

    -[Pegasus]  [pup] - [N/A] -   /   /  /  /   /  -

    -[Jay]  [pup] - [N/A] -   /   /  /  /   /  -

    -[Annabelle]  [pup] - [N/A] -   /  /  /  /   /  -

{Lone Wolves:

    -[Kestrel   [adult] - [N/A] -  /  /  -
"Such a lovely little she-wolf, Kestrel makes me smile. I hope she finds a place to call home in this world. I'm happy to consider her a friend."

PrismaColor Markers
    -Cool Grey 90% (black markings and nose)
    -Cool Grey 40% (base coat)
    -Brick Beige (tan markings)
    -Walnut (brown markings)
    -Sunburst Yellow (eyes)

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Comments: 16

Fakuan [2016-02-22 16:58:13 +0000 UTC]

what is your hardware? <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KinaRain In reply to Fakuan [2016-03-03 04:17:54 +0000 UTC]

Sorry for the late reply! For this drawing I actually used PrismaColor markers and then scanned the drawing into my computer ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LittleRed06 [2015-10-03 03:35:56 +0000 UTC]

Welcome aboard the Vektren train!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KinaRain In reply to LittleRed06 [2015-10-03 03:48:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! lol She's going to be a bit out of place here but it should be interesting ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LittleRed06 In reply to KinaRain [2015-10-03 03:53:10 +0000 UTC]

I am very excited to see how it goes! Once you have a spot open, I'd love for her to meet the young scythe kf Vektren, my boy Veron!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KinaRain In reply to LittleRed06 [2015-10-03 06:09:46 +0000 UTC]

We can totally do an RP! I'd love to have her interacting with some of her new pack mates. Feel free to send me a note with either a random starter or plot ideas ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LESter66 [2015-10-03 03:22:40 +0000 UTC]

SHE'S BAAACK!!!      

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KinaRain In reply to LESter66 [2015-10-03 03:46:09 +0000 UTC]

I KNOW!! I'm super excited!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wildfire-Tama [2015-10-02 20:59:50 +0000 UTC]

I'm so happy Raven is back!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KinaRain In reply to Wildfire-Tama [2015-10-02 23:53:50 +0000 UTC]

I am to!!
She was always my favorite DotW character (just don't tell Koudem...)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SpicySpaghettio [2015-10-02 20:13:09 +0000 UTC]

YESSSS <3 <3 There she is ^.^ Don't worry Rae, Stallion's gonna bust his rump trying to make you feel like you belong <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KinaRain In reply to SpicySpaghettio [2015-10-02 23:52:53 +0000 UTC]

YES! She's finally back!! I'm super excited. He better work his butt off, my baby deserves it lol <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpicySpaghettio In reply to KinaRain [2015-10-03 00:46:29 +0000 UTC]

He will I promise <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KinaRain In reply to SpicySpaghettio [2015-10-03 00:50:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EternalUniverse1 [2015-10-02 20:10:18 +0000 UTC]

As soon as Candace joins Vektren pack, let's rp.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KinaRain In reply to EternalUniverse1 [2015-10-02 23:51:57 +0000 UTC]

I'd love to ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0