King-Grey — [c0s] hello bitches

Published: 2016-10-02 02:16:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 1086; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 2
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▌ P R O F I L E

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

    [ B A S I C ·  I N F O R M A T I O N ]Name : Velasquez, Rikardo
    Alias : Riki
    Age : 20
    Nationality: Filipino-American
    Division: Marines
    Career: Software Engineering[ S T A T S ]Height:  182 cm | 6'1"
    Weight: 77 kg | 170 lbs

    IQ: 140 

    Abilities  | Talents:
    Hacking and Coding
        ♦ Calm under Fire
        ♦ Cooking 
        ♦ Dancing
        ♦ Listening to music
        ♦ Video games, especially vintage ones
        ♦ Napping
        ♦ Dancing
        ♦ Annoying Mishel  and Milo

▌ B I O G R A P H Y 
Rikardo Alvaro Velasquez was born February 18th, 2004, to a impoverished couple in Oakland, California that couldn't help but put him up for adoption at age 2. The system wasn't kind to the young baby, and by age 10, he had already seen the inside of 6 households of foster parents. He was a quiet boy, taking a special interest in computers and video games at an early age. His many foster families deemed him more strange than not, and he was juggled from family to family until he was 12. Bullied as a child, he was called every name in the book, told that he would never be in a real family because of his background, and he stayed firm and quiet. Riki took every word in, and unfortunately too it to heart. It was not until he was 12 years old that he found what he could call a permanent home. An older Filipino couple, names Annmarie and Vince Velasquez, unable to have more children in their old age, adopted Riki, and his constant travelling all around the Bay Area ended in the Lakeshore District of San Francisco. Though finally Riki had found a home, he still questioned if he truly belonged to the family -- which constantly ate at him. 

As Riki entered middle school, Riki's adoptive father saw that he wasn't like any other boy. He was quiet, and took interest in technology and computers. He practiced coding and data mining in his free time when he wasn't studying, and practiced this was hacking and encrypting. Soon enough, he was known online at a young age as a budding hacker, and he spent most of his time indoors and quietly typing at his keyboard. This quiet nature off put the people he went to school with and he would constantly come home beat up and bruised. His father couldn't stand for this, and from his background as a Police Officer, showed him how to fight and defend himself. He was shaky and reluctant initially, but eventually caught on quickly, being the bright child he was. Riki gained a social and physical confidence that his father was proud of, and was determined to show it when the time came. Everything seemed to be going his way. He was coming home with better grades, and increasingly less bruises, and tales of how he stood up for the other kids that were being bullied that were too scared to fight back. This put a lot of trust and faith into Riki by his father, and decided it was time to teach Riki one last thing to defend himself, but he hoped he would never be required to use it. 

It was time for his father to teach him how to shoot a gun. 

From the get go, Riki was steadfast in denying instruction in how to shoot, for he had grown an aversion towards them. But as he ended middle school, his father's nagging got to him, and finally complied to his father's wishes. Riki's father was ecstatic and jumped at the chance to help him shoot. After a few sessions, he showed raw talent as a sharpshooter, paired with a scarily focused attitude when shooting. Soon after he gained permission to shoot on his own, and eventually graduated from handguns to rifles. An older gun enthusiast saw his talent with sharpshooting, and finally Riki found the weapon that he was most proficient and confident in using: The sniper rifle. He often drew a group of shooters from the range to watch him hit the targets with deadly precision, and soon turned into a secondary pastime of his, along with his natural interesting in computer and coding. 

Entering high school was a big chance to truly show what he could do as an intellectual. Riki blazed through the placement and entrance exams at his high school, enrolling at Lowell High School, near his San Francisco home. Thus, he was put into advanced classes his freshman year, and by the time he was to be a junior, he had finished his high school credits way past above average high school expectations at age 16. His unique story and experiences attracted a recruiter, and was accepted into University of California, Berkeley. He chose to study computer engineering, and became aware of many social issues as he was exposed to the diverse community of people Berkeley provided to him. He became a staunch opposer of institutionalized racism, homophobia, classism, and income inequality, and worked to fight against it. He attended many protests, sit ins, town halls, all to fight for what he believed in
Hacking soon became a big part of his life, and soon after was using his skills to fight against the injustices that he protested against. He hacked multiple police databases, a secure bank system, and acquired multiple confidential documents under heavy encryption for the many causes he advocated for, never getting caught. He laid low, until not his hacking, but his protesting got him arrested. It was a sit in, for what Riki doeskin remember, but a police officer was about to forcibly arrest his friend and co-protester for no apparent reason. Instead of standing to the side and letting it happen, he promptly stuck a well-placed punch to the officer's face, taking out a switchblade and defending his friend, causing nearby officers to tackle him and arrest him. He was eventually charged with Assault of an Officer with a Deadly Weapon and faced Jailtime for his crimes. Yet, he was tried as a minor, being only 17, in his 2nd year at UCB. He was sentenced to a year in prison where [locked] and after he was released, he was kicked from UC Berkeley and was left without a college, and without a future.

That is, until he got a call from a certain Military College

They didn't call because they knew about his felony charge, and what he did to deserve it. They called because they were the ones that found out about Riki's skill as hacker and coder, and that they were the ones that found out what he was doing; hacking secure databases and other confidential institutions. He was quickly called down to give an assessment of his skills, not only for hacking, but his physical prowess, and Riki, for the first time in a while, asked if he could show them what he could do with a gun. After seeing all this, the College decided that he was too valuable an asset to pass up, and offered Riki a deal.
Attend their college for an entire four years, and be of use to them, and they could clear his name and get him back on track at Berkeley.
It was an offer he couldn't refuse.  

▌ P E R S O N A L I T Y

    [Visibly: Approachable | Laid back | Confrontational when need be ] [Insecure | Extremely Focused | Anxious | Cunning | Open minded | Determined ] 

      Since he was a teen, Riki has taken a front row seat to the injustices of the world around him, and at a young age, has chosen not to stand by idly as those same injustices were perpetuated as if it was a normal thing. As early as 12, he has been in multiple protests and sit ins, especially against Police Brutality and Islamophobia. He has a strong sense of Social and Political Justice, and wont stand down from those beliefs. He is steadfast in his ways, and isn't planning on wavering anytime soon. He is a focused, determined individual, and if assigned a task, sees it out to the very end, no matter what.

      Despite his personality containing such an extreme, Riki is normally seen as a laid back, fun-loving, jokester, at the center of every conversation. He enjoys the company of others, and resonates with people very easily. He is the one people seek out to listen to their problems, to give them advice, and to comfort them in times of need, however that treatment is reserved only for close friends. He may be open and talkative to everyone, but he keeps a small circle of who he believes are close friends that he can confide in, and in turn can confide in him. In essence, Riki is an ambivert, needing the company of others, yet also needing his own time by himself just the same. 

      Since he was a child, Riki's intellect and reasoning formed his sense of justice and fairness, but also sparked a temper within him. As said before, he does not feel the need to stand idle when faced with an injustice, and will voice a grievance when he sees fit. These grievances will be manifested in an array of multiple forms, but Riki tends to default to either of two: Anger, or a well constructed argument. He believes fully in the effect that an argument has while utilizing mainly Pathos-centered points. The use of emotion is central to Riki's sense of personal, social, and political justice. 

      Knowing all of this, none will expect the Riki that no one sees. To his roots, he is anxious about many things -- how people see him, what his future looks like, if he's going to handle the mental strain the day has to give him this time around, and he takes that in all by himself. There are many things he doesnt share with even his closest friends, finding it better to not tell them how he's actually doing at all. His insecurities are his and only his, and right now, it will stay unsaid and within him. 

      [L I K E S  X  D I S L I K E S ]

      + Dancing
      + Early 2000s and 90s video games 
      + Being needed 
      + When people speak up against injustice/for what they believe in 
      + Smoking/Vaping

      - Fake people
      - Injustices
      - Inaction
      - Oppression in any form
      - People hurting people that are important to him

▌ E X T R A 

    [T R I V I A ]
      ♦ [revamp of app art coming soon-ish].   
      ♦ Riki is Trilingual, English, ASL, and Tagalog. He would have spoken Mandarin if he didn't join C0s
      ♦ Has smoked since he was 16, Mishel and Riki take smoking breaks together 
      ♦ Current Council Spokesperson.  ♦ Scarily calm when using a sniper rifle. ♦ Hates talking about the scar ♦ Will beat you in Smash Bros. if challenged

    ▌ A D M I N

      [ D I S C L A I M E R ]

      My oc's feelings and actions are their own, not mine. 

      Roleplay Media:

      ♦ Discord < Skype < Notes < Docs

      Roleplay Prefferences:

      ♦ HCs and Lit; Will do p much anything.

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    Comments: 8

    normallergy [2017-01-09 16:34:55 +0000 UTC]

    he looks amazing and his whole biography was so interesting to read i'm in tears
    i love him

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    wabisabis [2017-01-03 03:50:32 +0000 UTC]

    step on me 

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    XyieSheep [2016-10-11 03:14:56 +0000 UTC]

    finally you jerk, its all finished, still gonna bully and haunt you about the slowness tho

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    ASSH0LE-0CS [2016-10-10 21:25:43 +0000 UTC]

    now we can't fuckin bash u anymore

    B UT
    B O Y

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    Cornspiracy [2016-10-10 16:57:23 +0000 UTC]

    i dont like this..... make your app unfinished again so i can call u out more

    hes handsome but i want to bully u

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    ShadowTrainerAlex [2016-10-02 02:41:36 +0000 UTC]

    Dat Selfie doe

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    kennolini [2016-10-02 02:22:12 +0000 UTC]

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    PandamoniYUM [2016-10-02 02:21:04 +0000 UTC]

    single tear trickles down cheek

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0