KingJames92 — KingJames Reviews: Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters

Published: 2013-02-06 05:29:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 783; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 1
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Description In this spin on the fairy tale, Hansel & Gretel are now bounty hunters who track and kill witches all over the world. As the fabled Blood Moon approaches, the siblings encounter a new form of evil that might hold a secret to their past. Hi this is KingJames92 your guide to movies. Over the past few years, it seems as though Hollywood wants to relive our childhood by making beloved fairy tales and transform them into dark and violent stories. I can say countless movies that has come out in the past few years but I would waste too much precious time to talk about our topic of conversation of today (the latest fairy tale to be transformed into this phase) Hansel and Gretel appropriately titled: Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. The movie (with no surprise) is getting extremely negative reviews saying that the script is too stupid and it takes its self too seriously. So with that entire buzz it is getting, does that mean another one is going to devour it too? Or will it just be another one of those dark fairy tale movies that will be just as enjoyable as the rest that has been? Well, let’s check it out!

Of course we will start as always with the STORY.

The story in H&G: WT is both clichéd and just like your basic fairy tale. Everyone know the story to Hansel and Gretel, one day they walk to a witch’s house and then the witch tries to eat the two of them but accidentally burn the witch and they live happily ever after, but WT does it differently from that. You see Hansel and Gretel (when they were kids of course) get brutally murdered by witches (of course) and then we they are running away from the witches, they find a house filled with candy and as always there is a witch that is trying to eat them but instead of following the witch’s schemes, the movie takes a big twist as both Hansel and Gretel both fight the witch and actually burn her in cold BLOOD nonetheless! And this is when they both decided that the only good witch is a dead witch routine and become bounty hunters (or witch hunters appropriately titled), so then that’s when the movie jumps to them in their adult years. We see them as Sheriff Berringer (played by Peter Stormare “The Russian Grim Reaper is here!” sorry about that folks, I can’t help but think of Bad Boys II when every time I see him in a movie I won’t do it again) is about to execute Mina (more on her later) because they think she’s a witch, Hansel and Gretel then rescues her and have been hired by the mayor of the town to take out only and I mean ONLY witches. But Sheriff Berringer (Stormare) is disgust with this and tries to kill the two of them just because I don’t know; they hate their guts I guess! But Hansel and Gretel find something else out that is more important, they find out that a group of witches lead by Muriel (played by Famke Janssen) is getting ready of the Lunar Eclipse or Dark Moon or whatever! But they need someone in their blood to do this and it would make everything in world when seem all dark and by run by the witches but they need to get someone y’know I am not going to tell you that because that would ruin the whole movie so if you want to know the rest of the plot, go see it for yourself. But the story is actually pretty good, but there are a few hiccups as well such as the whole sub-plot involving Mina. It really seems like she is only there just to get Hansel little bit more of a human character rather then being the witch hunter that just like to shoot first and ask questions later kind of attitude going on with him. And when we find out what her character really is, it did seem kind of predictable and it was just swung out of left field. And the whole thing with Sheriff Berringer just seem rather pointless and has no purpose of being in this movie other then to just add unnecessary conflict and just to make him a douche. That is it with him in a nutshell! Despite it’s flaws the story is good and will keep you interest thorough the whole movie which isn’t a long movie by the way. The movie only is about an hour and forty two minutes but it feels a lot shorter then just that! So there are parts where the movie does feel kind of rushed especially by the end of the movie. And remember, this movie was supposed to come out last March. So probably a lot of changes were made during that long stretch when it was delayed (all thanks to the MGM going bankrupt thing I mean seriously! How many movies got delayed because of the whole MGM thing anyway?). Anyway despite the pacing going too quick and some unnecessary things the plot is still good and I got invested in it throughout the movie.

The CHARACTERS in H&G are good for the most part but they are not without their problems.

Instead of putting the two of them in the same paragraph, I will be putting Hansel and Gretel in separate paragraphs because the two are so different from each other. We will start off with Gretel, and I really like Gretel. She can be a badass at times but she is also very smart and she like the Sherlock Holmes of the two because she likes to investigate what is going on and find out who the actual person is that is doing it and plus she has a great array of depth throughout the movie that makes her an even better character then she was in the beginning. But there is just one small problem with her and that is due film’s pacing. Because just when we see her go through that point the movie is practically over and the movie doesn’t really spend too much time on Gretel, instead the movie tend to put a little too much focus on

Hansel! Now I find Hansel to be likeable character too! He is cool, he is calm, and he only wants to do one thing and one thing only “Burn the Witches” (or “Burn the f***ing witches in which he says in the beginning of the movie). But he does show that he does have a human side to him later in the film when he meets Mina (the love interest in the film) and he does go through some good development, it’s just that I found Gretel to be more interesting then Hansel but the movie tends to put a little too much focus on Hansel then Gretel and the movie surprisingly doesn’t really have them together that much. A good majority of the movie is just them separated from each other (which were something I wasn’t expecting when I went into the theatre). And there were parts with Hansel that did kind of pissed me off with him but it was nothing for me to not dislike him though and these were just small things too. But it would have been better if it was the two of them together for most of the movie instead of them being spilt apart and a little more focus on Gretel as well.

Sheriff Barrington well we all know what I thought of him and is only here again to cause conflict and just annoying us and for Stormare to get a nice paycheck NEXT!

Muriel (the leader of witches) is actually a very interesting villain. I find to be not only a threat when she was onscreen (especially the scene when she kills all of Barrington’s men in the woods in which she has control of). She has quite a good plan and she does have interesting piece of backstory that unfolds later in the film, but sadly she not used that much and I would have like to have known a little bit more about her as well. That would have made her more of interesting character. But as is, she is a good villain and does have an devilishly good plan indeed!

Mina is a rather interesting character as well. You don’t really see her as playing a big part in the movie when we first see her, but in reality she actually does play a pretty big part in the movie and there are some great moments of character development with Hansel in some part of the film. And when we do find out more of her later in the film it does come as surprising but when you think about it, it does make it more of a clichéd character and the only real purpose to have her in the film so Hansel can have a love interest. But overall Mina is a good character and you do really care about her later in the film though.

The ACTING in H&G is pretty good but there a few drawbacks from it.

Gemma Arterton- Now I know this actress from many of movies. If her performance in Prince of Persia or Clash of the Titans or even her performance as Strawberry Fields from Quantum of Solace (Interesting Fact for Beatles fans: Did you know they named her character after the Beatles song “Strawberry Fields Forever”? Pretty cool, huh!) her roles in those movies were good but weren’t really much to talk about but all that will change after this review with her performance in Hansel and Gretel. She plays her role and her character very well and does a real good job of being smart and being a badass (for the most part) as well. But like her character she doesn’t really appears as often as she should be. But by far she is the best actor in this movie.

Jeremy Renner- Over the past few years, I have really started like Renner more and more when I see him in. He was ONE of the few good things about Ghost Protocol (Bored Protocol as I like to call it), he was good despite his dull and kind of boring character we didn’t get to see much in The Avengers, to his incredible and unforgettable performance in The Bourne Legacy (If those of you haven’t seen it yet See it NOW! Its well-worth it!), I love seeing him in every movie more and more now and seeing him in Hansel and Gretel is no acceptation. He does a good job playing this character and fits well with the role. His performance is nowhere near the same caliber as Cross in the Bourne Legacy, but it is still entertaining performance and does put a few good jokes while at it as well having as sarcastic side to him and his character.

Famke Janssen- Now this will not go down as one of her best performances, but she is pretty good and intimidating whenever she is on screen but due to the film’s pacing its seems as though they had trouble finding an antagonist in the story so that’s why they decided to get her so it wouldn’t be a problem. So that’s the only reason why she is in this movie.

Peter Stormare- Despite he and his character serving no real purpose in this movie he still does a decent job playing an asshole and he does try in this role as he always does. But this will not go down as one of his memorable and best performances (“I will cut off your Johnson!”).

Derek Mears- For those of you that are fans of Predators and the Friday the 13th Remake, you will be happy that he has a role in this movie playing a giant troll named Edward and he does a good job playing him. Moving as he should be and gets into a good altercation in the middle of the film and its always happy to see him in this movie.

Now the next thing I will talk about is the PRODUCTION.

The movie looks good and does have a look and feel like a fairy tale. The CG looks good for the most part (even though some of it looks silly) and the makeup on the witches is just great! Making them look scary and gory at the same time. And most of the gore effects our CG but they do look pretty good and bloody at the same time.

The ACTION in H&G is what I think is the strongest aspect of the movie. There’s plenty of it from beginning to end and come more then you think because of the clichéd and generic story it has. And the cinematography is good and has none of the whole shaky cam and quick cuts that many, many movies has now these days. And the gore makes it all the better. And the final is just plain EPIC!

And lastly the 3D! The 3D is good at many moments of H&G and there are moments where I didn’t expect it coming towards me. Like spears throwing at you, seeing a dead witch’s face, blood, and a cool opening credits scene that puts good use of the 3D in the film as well that makes it a good and intense experience. So I do recommend checking this one out in 3D. It’s worth it!

Overall is Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters a fun movie? Yes, yes it is. Despite problems with the story, some unlikeable and pointless characters, and a good but underused villain. This is still a bloody good time at the movies. Thanks to the acting from Renner and Arterton, good action, and good F/X and gore and plus 3D!

Final Thoughts: Don’t pay Full Price to see this movie. But definitely spend a good afternoon at the movie with it though.

This was KingJames92 your guide to movies see you next time!
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Ermionel [2015-07-02 17:55:53 +0000 UTC]

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