Chill Penguin, known in Japan as Icy Penguigo is one of the Mavericks from Mega Man X based on a penguin. He was a Maverick Hunter from the 13th Polar Region Unit. There was strong animosity between him and Flame Mammoth. Possibly as a result, his defeat freezes the lava in the latter's stage, allowing X to walk over it with impunity.
FRIENDS - Sigma [Boss], Vile, Kazuya Mishima, Violen, Agile, Serges, Bit, Byte, Double, Dynamo, Isoc, Lumine, Epsilon, Shadow, Botos, Ferham, Scarface
ENEMIES - Cloud Strife, Mega Man X, Zero, Alia, Cinnamon, Massimo, Spider, Marino, Sonic the Hedgehog, Axl, Tifa Lockhart/Strife, Chris Thorndyke/Strife
VOICE - Gilbert Gottfried