Rock or Mega Man known as Rockman in Japan, also known as Mega or Rock in his original form, is the title protagonist of the "Classic" Mega Man series developed by Capcom since 1987. The pixel art for Mega Man was created by the designer of the original game in the series, Akira Kitamura and later turned into a refined illustration by Keiji Inafune. Since then, he has become one of the company's primary original characters and continues to be one of the video game industry's most recognizable icons. Having appeared on many gaming systems since the Nintendo Entertainment System, Mega Man has had a wide gaming audience, and his games continue to evolve with the ever-changing hardware demands of modern gaming systems. Mega Man's fictional universe can be divided into seven categories, each featuring different variations and incarnations of the same blue hero. Although "Mega Man", or "Rockman", is usually the name used to describe only the original Mega Man from the classic series, it can also be used less specifically to describe the Mega Man series of fictional works, or the group of adherently named main characters within.
In the headcanon, he is the main protagonist, as usual, and he is the son of Dr. Light, as the younger brother of Proto Man, and older brother of Roll, the owner of Rush, the Defender of Mega City as he also willing to do anything to save the world, which he is the leader of the Mega Force, founded by his father, and he is also a student in the Mega City Academy, which he is a smart student in that academy, he wears his civilian clothes that he has on the Dreamwave comics, and he also has a girlfriend which that is Splash Woman, and in battle, he wears a visor around on his helmet, and he transforms into his Super Form against Terra and Sunstar, and he transforms into his Hyper Form from Marvel vs. Capcom in the final battle against Dr. Wily, which he is the archnemesis of Dr. Wily.
RELATIONSHIP - Penny Crygor [Most interested ( 's opinion)], Splash Woman [But Rock tries to deny it after their first encounter] (My opinion)
FAMILY - Dr. Thomas Light [Father], Roll [Sister], Proto Man [Brother], Rush [Dog]
FRIENDS - Guts Man, Cut Man, Elec Man, Ice Man, Fire Man, Bomb Man, Bubble Man, Air Man, Quick Man, Heat Man, Wood Man, Metal Man, Flash Man, Crash Man, Magnet Man, Hard Man, Top Man, Shadow Man Spark Man, Needle Man, Gemini Man, Snake Man, Dr. Cossack, Eddie, Kalinka Cossack, Beat, Toad Man, Bright Man, Pharaoh Man, Ring Man, Dust Man, Skull Man, Dive Man, Drill Man, Star Man, Gravity Man, Gyro Man, Crystal Man, Napalm Man, Stone Man, Charge Man, Wave Man, Plant Man, Tomahawk Man, Yamato Man, Knight Man, Centaur Man, Wind Man, Flame Man, Blizzard Man, Auto, Bass [Currently], Treble [Currently], Burst Man, Cloud Man, Junk Man, Freeze Man, Turbo Man, Shade Man, Slash Man, Spring Man, Frost Man, Grenade Man, Clown Man, Tengu Man, Sword Man, Aqua Man, Search Man, Astro Man, Dynamo Man, Magic Man, Burner Man, Pirate Man, Cold Man, Ground Man, Duo, Concrete Man, Plug Man, Galaxy Man, Jewel Man, Tornado Man, Magma Man, Hornet Man, Commando Man, Nitro Man, Chill Man, Solar Man, Pump Man, Strike Man, Blade Man, Sheep Man, Block Man, Fuse Man, Blast Man, Acid Man, Tundra Man, Torch Man, Impact Man, Bounce Man, Cloud Strife, Sonic the Hedgehog, Chris Thorndyke/Strife, Tifa Lockhart/Strife
ENEMIES - Dr. Wily [Destined rival], Mephiles the Dark, Lady Eboshi, Shao Kahn, Mojo Jojo, Ultimecia, Yami Marik, King, Bass [Formerly], Treble [Formerly], Enker, Ballade, Punk, Quint, Copy Robot [In order to win Penny's heart (In 's opinion).], Dark Man I, Dark Man II, Dark Man III, Dark Man IV, Sniper Joe, Hyper Storm H, Buster Rod G, Mega Water S, Apollo, Luna, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Sunstar, Terra, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Hypno Woman, Chemistry Man, Blasto Woman
VOICE - Normal - Yuri Lowenthal ( 's opinion), Ben Diskin ( 's opinion)
VOICE - Hyper Form - Kevin Conroy