Pokemon: Simipour
Special: Fusion
Name: Angel
Gender: Female
Hatch date (DD/MM/YY): 11-10-2014
ID nr. 17633
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Calm
Characteristic: Often lost in thought
Level: 100
Starter base attack: 19
Current base attack: 39
Scratch [starter]
Play nice [starter]
Level up log:
2 lvl - Clutch
4 lvl - Old ref
13 lvl - very lazy
10 lvl - xp share
58 lvl - ay marina EVOLV
13 lvl - xp share
0 lvl - marininainarian
- Traded
0 lvl - ref
0 lvl - dressing up for a wedding
Appearance extra: Is very calm and has a gentle, kind nature. open and caring and will help anyone who needs it. very leisurely and comfortable attitude in life.