KitsxChan — The Morning After Dark- a Sayuri/Kaden Short
Published: 2012-07-14 02:43:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 177; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 2
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Authors Note: I thought that since the main story was from Sayuri's perspective, I'd give a little twist and write from Kaden's point of view.

Sorry it took so long TT__TT

Featuring the Lyrics from: The Morning After Dark by TIMBALAND

I'll be the same when it all goes up, I'll be the same when it all goes down
Not the first one open it up, I'll be the last one closing it out
Don't know if I'll give you a shot yet

He watched the tide splash onto the shore, the water never quite reaching his toes. Taking his lighter out of his pocket, he lit the cigarette and watched the tip glow orange. Smoking always calmed Kaden down, no matter how crazy things got it always calmed his nerves. He blew out the smoke and watched as the wind carried it into the night sky.

Suddenly a cold rush of water washed over his feet, weting the bottoms of his jeans. It sent a cold rush up his spine. "SHIT!" he yelled, the cigarette falling from his mouth and into the water as he jumped away from the creeping water. He frowned at the waves dragged his cigarette further out. He kicked the sand angrily as he said, "that was my last smoke..."

Kaden heaved a heavy sigh and sat in the sand, digging a hole with his feet as a cool summer breeze blew through his light brown hair. Being alone was one thing he didnt like to be, because then it made him think about all the bad things that had been happening; his friendships had suffered over the years and how Alexander wasn't going to wake up from his coma.
Yet she seemed to believe that he would. Why did she always think he would?

"Five years...." He said to himself as he shook his head. He got up and turned to head home when he heard the unmistakable sound of a creaking swing. Way down to his left he spotted the beach playground, and there on the swing was the familiar mass of red hair.

Kaden picked up his shoes and walked over the the swings. Once he was there, he leaned on the poles and said, "What are you doing here by yourself?" The mass of read hair turned to look at Kaden and dug her feet into the sand in order to stop herself.

"I could ask you the same thing," she said with a small smile plastered across her face.

Why don't we see where it go? Let's figure it out

She always looked so pretty when she smiled, not that he'd ever tell her that to her face. She hadn't smiled much lately, Kaden though that was a shame.

"My parents dont care Shorty," He said dropping his shoes next to his feet and taking a seat on the swing beside her. "Your parents on the otherhand, do."

"They think I'm sleeping" she said looking out towards the water. "I snuck out."

"So I am rubbing off on you!" Kaden laughed. Sayuri pouted and shook her head.

"You are not!" she protested

"So..." Kaden started as he kicked off the ground, lightly pumping his legs to get some height. "You snuck out of your house, came all the way down to the beach, alone i might add, and youre telling me my "bad behaviour" ain't rubbing off on you?"

Sayuri pouted and didn't answer Kaden, she just kept drawing designs with her toes in the sand. She looked at Kaden's wet jeans and giggled. "What happened to your pants?" she asked pointing to his soaked bottoms. Kaden shook his legs, his mouth curving into a sly smile as he made his way behind her.

"I decided to go for a dip." Kaden said as his hands gripped the chains above her hands. He then pulled the swing back and lightly pushed Sayuri.

"You don't have to push me you know," Sayuri said as her back hit the palms of Kaden's hands.

"I know." Kaden pushed her again, her hair giving off the scent of her shampoo. He liked the way she smelled like vanilla-- again that was a secret he wasn't going to reveal to anyone anytime soon. He'd forgotten that he had been pushing her and was caught off guard when she smacked into him. Lucky for him she hadn't been swinging very high.

He groaned as he held his stomach with one arm and the chain with the other. Sayuri hurried off the swing, turning around and gripping the chain under Kaden's hand. "Oh my god, Im so sorry!!!" She said looking him over. She looked up at him, even though he was doubled over, with a panicked expression plastered across her face, her green eyes wide with worry.
Kaden found this slightly amusing, as he groaned again and Sayuri put her hands on his shoulders shaking him lightly asking if he was okay.

"You hurt me Shorty!" He said half laughing. When he straightened up she hit him playfully in the shoulder. He laughed as she pouted.

"That's not funny Kaden!" She yelled smacking his arm again, "I could've really hurt you!"

"No way Shorty," Kaden patted his chest with his fist, "I'm tough. It'll take a lot to hurt me." She rolled her eyes and laughed. Kaden smiled. He liked it when she laughed. In fact he liked a lot of things about Sayuri, that he didn't notice untill now.

Am I the one and only? 'Cause you're the only one
Is it love or is it lust? Something that I just can't describe

When she stopped laughing he hadn't realized they had slowly inched closer together. Kaden blinked, he hadn't realized how green her eyes were; they were like emeralds. He noticed the way her red hair blew in the wind and how her nose turned up just a bit.
Why had he just noticed these things? Why was he noticing these things? Kaden looked at Sayuri. She had always been like a kid sister to him, but that was then. Thing's were different now. She wasn't a little kid anymore, she was Sayuri and he didn't know what to do with these feelings.

Do something idiot, before she moves away! he told himself. Kaden blinked again and noticed Sayuri had also inched forward.

He leaned in closer and watched as her eyes started to close. He didn't know exactly what he was doing but he liked where this was going.  
Just a bit closer.... he though.

At that very moment a few more familiar voices shouted somewhere hear by.

"HEY YOU TWO!" They both turned to see Ramira and Charisse there, waving from down the boardwalk. Kaden groaned and  Sayuri turned away, her cheeks a little flushed. Ramira was the first to greet them. She giggled at Kaden's pants and asked, "What are you two doing here? Are you copying us?"

Kaden ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm himself down. Frustrated and a bit flustered he snorted, "Psh! No way You three are copying me. i was here first.""Seems like someone needs a smoke," Ramira teased, Poking at his sides. Kaden pushed her away, but she had the right idea. A smoke. Good god he needed one, after what had almost happened he needed something to calm his nerves.

Charisse pulled out a pack and handed a cigarette to him.  He lit it and immediately calmed down as he blew out the smoke. Ramira had sat on the swing next to Sayuri, where they chatted about what each other had been doing- Ramira doing most of the talking.

Kaden blew out another breath of smoke and gazed at Sayuri out of the corner of his eye. She was smiling and nodding as Ramira chatted on. She looked at him and smiled, nodding her head in his direction. He took in another breath, savouring the smell as he blew it out.

He smiled, thinking about what had almost happened and realizing that he was back where he started his night: on the beach having a smoke.

The dawn is here, be gone, be on your way



Hope you enjoyed reading this. It was something i wrote and finished while i was bored at work. Hope it wasnt too horrible ^_^
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