I am so in love with the AoA Advanced Lights, it's a little bit creepy. I was distracting myself from NaNoWriMo a bit by carrying on with my insane notion of having full-size previews of all my products and started working on sets, because characters were making my head explode. I loaded up the first one, the good old Alchemy Chasm, and decided screw the existing lights, I'm going to use the Advanced Ambient light instead. And, well, it looked friggen' awesome!!! So I had to make a proper picture, just so I can look at the gorgeous light (at default settings, no less!) as it fades away into the depths of the chasm. The preview image I made just makes me want to do render after render in just that set. *happy sigh* I love the lights... What's in there:
Nishta for Genesis
Mitsu hair
Dragon Queen dress
Alchemy Chasm