Description… <-- Brevious BAGE
Up to page like, 65? 66? I can't remember on Patreon/subscribestar! <-- Download FIRST AND second chapter of alpha to zeta Z here <-- Download the Prequel comic here.…
^^ Subscribestar gets the benefit of absolute earliest access to my uncensored art as well exclusive short stack art that you can't get on Patreon.
^^^ Support me on Patreon! Patreon gets art a little bitl ater than subscribestar (sometimes as little as 5 minutes and as long as an six hours). However I am more active with community posts, blog posts, ect on there. Ultimately its a pick your poison situation, Subscribestar has more benefits, but patreon is more user friendly and allows for paypal payments.
^^^ Checkout my Gumroad, download full comics with extra bonus content and continue to support me as an artist. Comic sales play a huge role in helping me determine what to make a sequel for and what kind of content people like!
^^^ Want to just give me a donation once and be done with it? Go for it! You can suggest what I work on next, in fact it was a one time donation that pushed me toward drawing Big Snooze! So no support is too little