kiwibunARPG — Magnus | Royal Overseer

Published: 2018-12-02 02:39:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 841; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Last Updated: 8/21/2019
Reason: Adding a familiar, adding onto personality/editing it a bit. I initially started working on Magnus as a Breim antagonist, however the muse wishes to go in an entirely different direction now, so I will be balancing what's already written about him and where he wants to go.

Magnus | SA | Astral Tracker  | Magnus | SA Application

Basic Information
Name: Magnus
Age: 24
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Common Horse
Coat Color: Black

Herd + Game InformationHerd Affiliation: Breim
Rank: Royal Overseer
Familiar: Mythical Familiar: Nekomata [ bought and purchased; view note here ] | Based on Albino Savannah Cat 
Name: Kaito
Personality: Sneaky, mischievous, fun-loving.

Status: Interactions Open!
 -- Attracted to: Ioana, Royal Overseer

About the Character

Charismatic | Persistent | Ambitious | Emotion-Led | Manipulative | Cunning |  Selfish

On the outside, Magnus is a very influential stallion, and certainly a shining beacon of what a good member of Breim society should be. He is outgoing, he is charismatic, and he is incredibly neighborly. He gives respect where it's due and he commands it all the same. He is quick to dismiss a misstep or a disrespect. He would rather be on your good side than your bad, and he would prefer you think highly of him than not. Magnus was gifted with a silver tongue and he uses it well to get what he wants. He is a stalwart assistant to the Royal Family, serving them well.

Magnus is a very ambitious horse as well. He works tirelessly to serve his Family. He has gone many sleepless nights to ensure that the books are just right, that the trade routes are secured, and that everything is in working order where it needs to be. All this hard work leaves him with very little personal time. The little personal time he does get is often spent indulging in a few luxuries, such as food or the occasional light reading material. However, that light reading material is almost always related to work in some way, in order to reason his luxurious tendencies. When he gets the chance, he is out and about, communicating with his fellow herdmates. Friendships mean connections, and connections are power in the right hooves. Magnus would like to be the horse that has the ability to do magical things with the connections at his hooves. He dreams of power. He dreams of his existence in this world ending on a higher note than when he started. With that being said, Magnus can often feel like an outsider due to his un-Breim-like selfish nature, something he's self conscious about and working on either improving or indulging. This can often leave him hesitant to form any real relationships; most friendships end up feeling more like business partnerships than anything else.

A silver tongue can be coated with mirth or malice, and Magnus is a master of commanding which it is. The stallion quietly keeps books on which favors he's done for which horses, always ready in case he might need to use it against them. While he certainly hasn't had to yet, that doesn't mean he won't have to. Magnus observes the powers at play between horses in the Breim herd, and he wishes to see what would happen if certain strings were pulled at certain places. There is no room in Breim for secrets, and he knows this. For now, Magnus waits, preparing the strings for a potential puppet show.

Above all else, Magnus is a very emotion-led horse. A love-starved foalhood has left the stallion craving love, craving attention, and desperately desiring a place in this world where he feels needed. His work demands he give his all to his Royal Family, and he does it without complaint. However. There is nothing more there for him than fulfilling a purpose. It was a position that was chosen for him, offered to him even. It was one that he was encouraged to take, and he is grateful for the position it gives him. He's always craving more, though. There is not enough love in a position where you do little more than oversee things and ensure that everything's running smoothly. Lesser horses might be grateful that their Herd is safe and tended to. Magnus is not a lesser horse. 

While Magnus serves his family and performs his duty well, he considers himself without a doubt a failed Breim herd member. He has filled the hoofprints of his father before him, and he has selfish desires. He often puts himself before the herd, mentally, before correcting himself as he was taught. He longs for a life filled with luxury, a life of comfort, and a place to rest his tired hooves. He puts himself first. He knows that he is setting himself up for a path of destruction, and yet, he can't find it in himself to stop. The fear of having nothing in life far overrides the fear of what might happen should he fail publicly. He has no intentions of ever stopping what he's doing.

While it's certainly not plainly obvious to any bystander, Magnus is weak to a pretty face. Any mare that looks halfway decent could easily take advantage of him. As Magnus is incredibly naive, he believes that there are no other horses like him in Breim; as such, he doesn't suspect any other horse to take advantage of him. He craves for the touch of another horse, and should the right mare find him (or stallion, should they be gifted enough in talking), they could easily take advantage of the highly-placed stallion.


This stallion spends a lot of time in his head, mostly playing out scenarios that may or may not exist. The pressures of his life are slowly starting to eat away and chip away at him and his mental image of himself. In return, this has left the stallion feeling lonely and unfulfilled with his life's overall status. He doesn't have a lot of friends, and he doesn't have a lot to fill his time with save for books and paperwork and helping out the royal family. Recently, the stallion has turned to religion, for better or for worse; whther it's to fill that hole in his life, or perhaps seek guidance. 

With his mental tabs on things he's done for people, it's a practice that helped him cope with his younger years, rather than his present years. Although he still has those tabs, he's slowly working on easing that up, though it's a bit hard and he still keeps it to himself. 


On a particularly cool fall evening, two nobles prepared to bring their first child into the world. This would be their only child, though they had planned for many more in their lifetime. This foal would be named Magnus, a name that they hoped would hold arcane meaning. They hoped their colt would have a successful life, though they expected nothing less from a child with a bloodline like his. 

Magnus would grow up in a household not entirely suited to raising a foal. His mother was incredibly absent, preferring to spend her time among the other nobles rather than caring for her colt. She left Magnus in the care of his father most of the time. Magnus's father was a cold, uncaring stallion, who cared more for himself than others. He only cared for what Magnus could bring his name. His father was incredibly harsh with his son, often taking away any worldly delights Magnus might have had growing up, in order to teach him "better manners" or some other excuse. Magnus was expected to study, and to prepare for a life in the court. Failure to get into any high-ranking job simply wasn't an option for the budding young colt. He missed out on a lot of opportunities to explore other passions in life, such as more advanced magics, in favor of sticking to hard and fast rules set forth by him.

Magnus did find some solace in socializing with others around him, and he would often spend his time simply chatting with other noble horses. If he were at a party with older horses, he would watch how they conducted themselves, how they spoke, and mimic it behind closed doors. He wanted to have the approval of those around him. He needed the approval of those around him. He learned to speak with a bigger vocabulary. He learned to speak in ways that made him sound smarter. Anything to impress his friends. Anything to impress his father. He showed great respect to everyone he met, never failing to be kind to others where he could. When he bowed to someone much lower than him, however, he was met with scathing criticism from his father behind closed doors. After that, Magnus didn't mess that up again. His father's angry words would forever burn in Magnus's ears, keeping him from getting too friendly with those outside his position.

When Magnus came of age, and it was time to find a place in this world, it was his father who helped him secure the position he finds himself in now. Royal Overseer sounded incredibly awful; after all, it was just mostly dealing with other horses. However, this was Magnus's strong point; talking to others and improving relations. Magnus wanted so desperately to get his father's approval, and when the opportunity arose he took it, landing himself the job as Royal Overseer.  The first few months as Overseer were the hardest as Magnus lost the most sleep those nights. He would spend his nights terrified of failure, reading and rereading every information pamphlet, every textbook, every ledger, to make sure that everything was correct. Failure was not an option, and if he failed at a position his father worked so hard for him to get, he didn't know what he would do. He didn't want to hear his father's scathing words against his ears anymore. He refused to hear them again.

For many months, Magnus would end up pulling away from many of his previous friends, citing himself as 'far too busy' to chat with them. He had important things to do. This was something he would come to deeply regret as he sat alone in his home. There was no one there for him; not his father, not his mother...he had no one. Magnus would later try to reach out, but the friendships just wouldn't be the same for him, and he found himself lonelier than ever. If he couldn't find solace in friendship, then he would find solace somewhere else, and his solution to loneliness was to work. However, there was more than that. He saw the respect that those above him garnered, and... he wanted some for his own. If Magnus could improve his current social standing, then other horses would respect him more. They might like him more. They might spend more time with him. Magnus was willing to do whatever it took to make those around him happy, no matter the cost. If horses liked him, then horses would serve him. Horses would listen to him more. 

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Comments: 2

Catpurrccino [2019-08-25 11:54:46 +0000 UTC]

Please tell him that I love him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kiwibunARPG In reply to Catpurrccino [2019-08-26 21:09:04 +0000 UTC]

He will cry but I will do just that 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0