knives4cash — Star Wars Rebels: Don't Forget to Love Me (2/3) by-nc-nd
#death_troopers #romance #starwarsrebels #ezra_bridger #sabine_wren
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Description Chapter 2: Don't Forget to Kiss Me

When Sabine opened the door, she didn’t expect five Stormtroopers of Death to be on the other side. When Saw Gerrera shot the first one, the other four immediately opened fire, and Sabine had just so happened to have been right in the front, protecting her dear friend, Ezra, and his crazy terrorist cousin, Saw. She tried to duck down, quickly snatching up some smoke grenades for the incoming brawl, but four blaster bolts immediately struck her with hyper-deadly accuracy; two struck her helmet, one caught her in the chest, and the fourth struck her right arm.

Her helmet saved her life, nearly snapping her neck as it caught the blasts; but its tactical capabilities were trashed. Sabine’s prideful spirit got knocked out of her, along with all of her wind, when the chest piece threatened to snap her ribcage as it took its share of the fire. Her right arm flew back wildly as it caught the blast. While it wasn’t blasted off as she had seen many times in others, it was so thoroughly broken that she dropped the smoke grenade in that hand into the hallway behind them.

Still, Sabine was a Mandalorian, through and through. Roaring in pain, she defiantly chucked the smoke grenade in her left hand into the arena as she comically threw herself down to the ground, frantically pushing herself into the left half of the arena with her legs to allow Ezra and Saw to jump in and draw some of the fire. The Death Troopers fired blindly into the smoke, and Sabine heard Saw take a hit on his own armor as Ezra ignited his lightsaber and started deflecting the rest.

When the fire continued, and Ezra had to keep blocking, and she heard the troopers get two more hits on Saw, Sabine realized that the Death Troopers weren’t blinded in the slightest. Cursing her luck, Sabine let her ego inflate a bit as she figured that the Empire must have designed an entirely new echelon of trooper just to handle her anti-infrared smoke grenades. Her ego promptly deflated as she got hit in the chest again, knocking her into the wall behind her. If one of those troopers thought they needed to shoot her again for good measure, she was more than happy to play dead for a few seconds to catch her breath.

Drawing one of her blasters with her left hand, Sabine wheezed for air as she fired blindly in the general direction. With her helmet still on, she could only hear the satisfying sparks as she nailed one of them. Having practiced in similar conditions, Sabine grinned as she struggled to breathe. She made good use of her legs and promptly pushed herself out of her previous position of fire, letting Ezra use his fancy Force to receive the large barrage that had ensued. With only one good arm, Sabine listened intently through her busted helmet, carefully aiming her non-dominant hand. When another burst of fire erupted from the trooper closest to her, Sabine shot once.

She missed her target. She knew what trooper armor sounded like, and the firm, electrical sparking she heard wasn’t that sound.

“KRRKGHKR! GUGHKRUGH!” one of the troopers immediately shouted.

As the shooting withdrew, Sabine figured that their leader had just called a retreat, no doubt in response to her inaccurate shot. When she heard and felt Ezra coming to her rescue, she redoubled her efforts to stand on her own. She curtly reported the damage she had taken, holstering her pistol and removed her busted helmet. Using the latch on its back, she hung it on a hook welded to her chest piece, a feature designed for prolonged carrying of the helmet. Her arm was not so easily fixed but was set in place with some quickly scavenged armor. After grabbing one of the Death Trooper helmets for herself, she popped it on and confirmed that she could see just fine through the smoke.

“Just like I thought,” she confirmed to Ezra and Saw as she took in her surroundings. She had to take it off when they explained that they hadn’t heard anything she’d just said. Sabine had wanted to tinker with the radio settings to tap into the enemy comms, but the gigantic kaiburr crystal distracted them for a bit.

When Saw betrayed her and Ezra and turned the crystal into a bomb, Sabine got even more distracted. Still somewhat dazed and aching with a broken arm that Saw had twisted into handcuffs, Sabine wasn’t sure if she really was seeing a small army of three Death Troopers and a dozen Stormtroopers charging into the engine room.

“Farewell, friend!” Saw laughed as he uncuffed the two of them and returned their weapons. “I hope we meet again!” he genuinely said as he ducked out of the fight.

“Next time, stick the saber up your ass!” Sabine called out as she shoved the Death Trooper helmet on once more. Smiling at her luck, she quickly found the channel that the enemy was using.

“-andon ship immediately!” a woman ordered as the electrical power from the crystal killed the two Stormtroopers who tried to charge in.

“Negative, Twenty-Two!” a man shouted back as he took pot shots at Sabine. “Director Krennic wants their bodies!”

“There won’t be any bodies when the cargo explodes!” the woman, apparently Twenty-Two, angrily shouted back. “Three-six! Four-Five! Cease fire before you blow us all to stardust!”

As Three-Six and the third Death Trooper continued to fire at them, Sabine drew her blaster while Ezra ignited his lightsaber. The blade immediately acted as a lightning rod for the kaiburr crystal’s power, causing Ezra to struggle initially with balancing it all.

“Negative, Twenty-Two!” a second woman, presumably Four-Five, shouted. “If we bring the bodies back to Krennic-”

“We’re looking at a promotion for each one!” Three-Six finished as the two ambitious Death Troopers continued to fire.

Twenty-Two roared in frustration. “You’re both suicidal morons! Troopers, if you want to live, come with me!”

“Fine by me!” Four-Five responded. “Three-Six, I’ll take four of the troopers and flank around. Maybe we’ll find Saw Gerrera on the way. Hold this choke point while I get into position, and we’ll hit them from both directions!”

“Sounds good,” Three-Six replied, giving a firm shoulder slap in comradery. “Ninety-C, Ninety-D! Lay down suppression fire, but avoid that crystal! We can’t collect if we’re dead! We’ll charge in on my mark!”

Taking off her captured helmet, Sabine looked to Ezra. “They’re dividing their forces and flanking around. Four-Five and her team will come charging in from behind, and Three-Six will storm the front.” Shooting the door panel without looking, she conveniently locked the door.

Ezra was busy holding back the energy from the crystal. “Outnumbered, pinned down, a broken arm, and an angry crystal! Why can’t you take me anywhere nice!” he shouted over the scraping, sparking shriek of the crystal.

“If I did, you’d get used to it! A fed Loth-cat bears no fangs!” Sabine heartily shouted as she took a careful shot at one of the peeking troopers. By that point, she had had her ribcage bruised, her dominant arm broken, her neck cricked, her whole body stunned, and her broken arm twisted back even more. Sabine was, by that point, in a lot of pain, and she used that as a justification to miss the twelve shots she took. She donned her Death Trooper helmet again, if anything to hide her pain from Ezra.

“Did you seriously just miss?!” Ezra laughed as he concentrated a Force push and knocked the trooper’s head against the wall, conveniently knocking him out without killing him. The maneuver almost lost him his balance, and he stumbled to hold his blade upright against the rising power of the crystal.

“I won’t miss your fat ass if you don’t stay out of my way!” Sabine shot back as a blaster bolt glanced off of her Death Trooper helmet. “Krif!” she swore as she lost her visuals in her second helmet. “I can’t aim like this, Ezra! I’m barely holding the pain at bay!” she admitted as she tossed her helmet aside.

“I’ll advance while you cover me!” he suggested. “Give me your spare blaster! I can hold the crystal’s power and take out the troopers if their heads are down! Just aim in their direction!”

Sabine shoved her blaster into his right hand. Drawing her second blaster, she nodded. “I can do that!”

“Great!” he said as he ducked behind the crystal’s carrier console. “We can break the encirclement and save the prisoners!” Taking cover behind the console, he held his lightsaber high above his head, his arm quivering with so much power surging through the blade. “I’ll jump out on three, okay?!”

Sabine knelt beside him, inches away from him. She nodded, ready to suppress.

Three-Six took aim and began to squeeze the trigger. The girl’s head was just barely peeking out at his angle. He let off one careful shot just as Ezra finished his next sentence.

Grinning, Ezra said, “Don’t forget to -k-iss me!”

A blaster bolt rang millimeters away from her ear, singeing her hair as it smashed part of the wall behind her. As metal bits flew out, she rolled her eyes but had to grin. “I can’t believe you!” she laughed as she scooted up to him. Arching her left arm next to his head, leaning against the console, she supported herself as she closed her eyes and smashed her lips against his. Their teeth clashed at first, before she lifted her head back enough to soften it to her liking. Sucking on his lower lip, her lips scraped against his stubble. Brushing her tongue against his lips for a good, parting measure she finally pulled back and opened her eyes. She swore that normally she would never have kissed Ezra Bridger, but under the dire circumstances her normal standards for partners were not so necessary.

Ezra’s jaw hung loose, his eyes wide and fixed on her face. He forgot to breathe, so overcome with confusion.

Sabine knew that she wasn’t the best, but she was expecting just a little happiness from him. She’d been shot multiple times that day, but his reaction was what really stung. “You’d better hope you die before I can ask you what’s up with your stupid face!” she shouted over the blaster fire. Slapping her blaster against his kneepad, she barked, “Now get going, you little osik!”

Ezra leapt up with renewed vigor. Sabine shot up with him, firing rapidly down the hallway. Sure enough, the Death Trooper and remaining clone trooper took cover behind their own corners. Ezra jogged out of the room, slow enough to hold the crystal power steadily in his left hand and fast enough to close the distance for the blaster in his right. The Stormtrooper popped out to take a shot, but Ezra was the faster draw and killed him. Keeping his connection with the crystal secure, he stopped outside the doorway. Three-Six was smarter about it and stuck his rifle out from behind cover and began to fire blindly, only for Ezra to use the Force to misdirect the Death Trooper’s aim. It jolted the man out of cover just enough for Ezra to take the shot he needed.


As Three-Six fell dead, Sabine wheeled around to face Four-Five, who kicked down the rear door. In Four-Five’s haste to win her fortune, she had left herself wide open. Sabine returned the favor from earlier and pumped the black armor full of blaster bolts. As the Death Trooper fell back, Sabine leapt out of the other four troopers’ line of fire. Ezra wheeled around and aimed his lightsaber, redirecting the kaiburr crystal’s power down the hallway, frying the last four enemies.

Sabine took the opportunity to make her exit, before the crystal overwhelmed Ezra. The two withdrew safely and started to make their way to the shuttle.

“Sabine, are-” Ezra tried to start.

“Focus!” Sabine demanded as she let him take the lead. “You’ve got two arms, use ‘em! Call Chopper and find out what we’re up against! If we’re lucky, I’ll get to kill you after all this is over!”

When they squared off against Twenty-Two, Sabine gave her a few more holes than necessary. The silverlining in the whole affair for her was that she suddenly had an excuse to repaint her armor, and the ship’s explosion gave her a few ideas on her next color scheme. Alone with the first girl to ever kiss him, the awkward silence was far more intimidating for Ezra than any kind of trooper.
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