kodos11 — [Art Trade:TheGuyWhoDidAThing]Ponderous Princess 2 [🤖] [NSFW]

#bbw #breastexpansion #hugebreasts #ssbbw #expansioninflation #boobsbreasts #collaborationart #lactationfetish #captionstory #theguywhodidathing #literotica #weightgain #yuricouple #milkybreasts #submissivegirl #immobilebelly #milkexpansion #thiccthighs #pawgthicc #milkyexpansion
Published: 2023-09-13 03:07:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 29044; Favourites: 588; Downloads: 81
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TheGuyWhoDidAThing has been kind enough to work together with me on a couple more pieces, based on his excellent and evocative artwork and my writing.  If you haven't seen his gallery before, I would strongly encourage you to pop on over and check it out- he is really doing some incredible work over there.

A Ponderous Princess II

"Ah, my queen," Vita sighed, entering Queen Maxima's bedchamber, "I am so glad to see you here!"

"And where else would I be?" asked the queen wearily, reclining heavily upon an oversized mattress, giving her body a jiggle of resignation as if to remind her physician of just how cumbersome her royal figure had become, "I can scarcely even stand on my own nowadays. Even with your assistants milking me several times a day, my bosom continues to grow more cumbersome and sensitive. I can barely remember how massive I felt when my breasts were merely half this size- if only I had known how fortunate I was then."

"Well, my queen, if you would prefer, I could always concoct a potion to help diminish your lactation," Vita suggested meekly as she shuffled to her mistress's bedside, "Of course, with your metabolism now, all the energy that your body uses now to produce such creamy abundance would likely be spent expanding your figure in other places."

"My figure seems to be expanding quite swiftly in those other places all the same," Maxima lamented, glancing ruefully down the chasm between her glutted breasts and giving her well-fed belly a contemplative jiggle, "Since I became a mother, it seems like every day I'm getting fatter and fatter. My belly is already as huge and round as when I was full term with child, and my thighs feel like balloons full of jelly anymore. I'm half tempted to go ahead and try to stop milking, so that if I'm going to be so enormously fat that I can't even stand, I might at least be able to endure it without my nipples constantly throbbing, swollen larger than my fists, and leaking milk all over the bedclothes whenever I try to sleep for more than a couple hours. But then, I imagine that now you know more than a little bit about how that feels."

"Of course, mistress, my own burden grows daily, as well you can see," Vita sympathized, looking down at her own immensely-altered figure, "Since I began to test my latest treatments on myself, my own modest little bust has billowed to nearly the size of your own. Of course, in my zeal to keep you company in your burdens, I have, I fear, taken doses in excess of safety, and my own figure, beyond simply my blossoming bust, has borne the consequences as well."

"Indeed, has it now?" Maxima asked, her interest piqued whenever her attendant complained even a little about the weight she had so willingly agreed to bear, "Show me."

"Of course, my queen," Vita readily assented, shrugging off her robe and letting it fall upon the polished stone floor, "Without support, do you see how low my udders hang now? Day and night my back aches and my shoulders strain. I have been gorging myself with sweets from the royal kitchen that my body may attain the same royal proportions as yours, and now my belly jiggles weakly when I lay in bed at night, and interferes with soft insistence when I dare to try and sit at my desk any more. My thighs have grown so full they slap together if I walk at more than the most hesitant of paces, so I at last begin to know the challenges you face, at least in body."

"Mmm, I can see you have been working hard to carry my weight," Maxima said approvingly, propping herself up on the small mountain of pillows that kept her from being smothered by the quaking bulk of her own breasts, "Oh, just look at how fat you are becoming- that soft round belly is most becoming on you, even if it does fall nearly to your knees. Ooh, and your breasts, surely those stretchmarks were not nearly so livid last week when you displayed yourself to me- goodness, but you spoke not in jest when you called them udders, your nipples are swollen longer than my hand and- Vita! You are getting the floor all wet just standing there- when did you start producing milk?"

"Ah, just this last week, my queen, though I am proud to say I have been freshened voluminously in this last week. The same new elixir that has fattened my bosom so amply and caused my little peaks to distend to such aching teats has stimulated me to produce nearly as much milk each day as you, my queen," Vita explained, clearly proud of her new developments even as her shoulders sagged from their weight and the tender skin of her breasts seemed to grow more distressingly overstretched with each passing hour, "It is not merely that I might share in your sorrow though, that I have pushed the boundaries of alchemy, my mistress, but that I might help you with something far more personal, if you will permit it."

"Hmm, and what personal help is this that you are so shy and yet so eager to offer?" Maxima asked, licking her lips in anticipation, "You have not been shy these last two years about doing whatever you could to make my life as physically pleasant as possible, which I am boundlessly in your debt for, as my husband had little interest in sharing my bed even when I was yet lithe-limbed and flat-bellied; what new gift, what novel distraction have you invented this time?"

"Please, my queen, may I remove your panties?" Vita asked solicitously, already knowing she no longer needed await Maxima's permission to proceed, leaning forward, her ponderous bosom swaying awkwardly as she grabbed her queen's panties and gently worked them down her sleek and quiversome legs, "As you commanded, I have spared myself no discomfort in testing the most potent compounds for bolstering my milk production. My breasts ache with overfullness, my nipples shiver, yearning for relief. I hope my travails have brought you some measure of comfort, knowing that you no longer suffer such burdens alone, but now permit me to share a new pleasure with you."

Maxima had already parted her legs in expectation, as with her lips, tongue, and fingers, Vita was every bit as clever and inventive in bed as she was in her alchemist's lab. The damp petals of Maxima's waiting femininity already swelled, glistening with anticipation, her breath growing shallow, her breasts quivering weakly as her pulse raced, but she was not prepared for what Vita did next.

Bending over her Queen and hefting one unwieldy breast, Vita, smiling, positioned it between Maxima's thighs, shuddering as she felt their hot skin cradling her glutted mammary. A little nudge, and the throbbing tip of her nipple brushed her queen's waiting womanhood, milk dribbling from her peak and onto Maxima's moist, receptive body.

"Vita! What- what are you doing?" Maxima stammered, as her attendant nudged her leaking teat forward, the queen shuddering as her body submissively stretched to receive its maternal thickness, "Oh, but your nipples have gotten so big! Are you sure this is safe?"

"Mmm, I am sure it will bring us both boundless pleasure, my Queen," Vita murmured confidently, as she forced her distended peak a couple inches further into her waiting lover, "You have often lamented that your royal consort does not deign to satisfy you as a man's duty is to his wife- now that my udders have grown full and fat enough, perhaps I may provide a passable substitute."

Vita, kneeling, inched forward on the bed, Maxima quaking and clawing at the bedsheets as her maid stuffed every inch of her bloated nipple inside of her. She felt herself tightening helplessly as her body welcomed the engorged tip, still swelling and plumpening within the stretching walls of her body.

"Oh- oh, but you are still growing!" Maxima gasped, her own vast bosom heaving as she fought for breath, while Vita grew long and fat within her, "And the pressure- oh, is that you milk?"

"But of course, my Queen," Vita said calmly, caressing her overfilled bosom with one tender hand, eliciting a surge of milk that made Maxima cry out aloud, "Do your nipples not rise and tighten when I suck them? Does not such attention make their flow increase from a languid stream to a gushing river? How much more so shall mine do the same with you squeezing me with such warmth and wetness in your ardor?"

"Ooh- but I have never been filled so before! Still you grow within me- I feel myself stretching to contain you," Maxima moaned, looking down between the broad chasm of her own bust and wishing her belly was not quite so ample so she could better see just how many inches Vita was compelling her to endure. Instead she saw something that made her gasp with renewed surprise, "My belly- the milk! You're filling me up with it!"

"Mmm, very astute, my Queen," Vita said with a knowing smile, as she lay a little more heavily upon her saturated breast, forcing a new surge of milk into the queen's receptive form, "Does it not feel wonderful flowing into you though? So hot and thick and creamy- and for all your complaints about this soft, seductive belly of yours, I have seen too many times how you tremble with bliss when I fondle your soft rolls, and tenderly kiss its rising mound. Surely it will only bring you more pleasure if I add a few more inches to its girth?"

"Oh, but just a little, please-" Maxima sighed, watching as Vita's milk pumped into her helpless body, her belly expanding like a soap bubble, its growing size straining her ponderous breasts as the hung over it, "Gently, please- I am already nearly so round as when I was pregnant!"

"Ah, I think we are both beyond the time for gently," Vita urged insistently, eyes closed as she savored the way Maxima's sodden depths welcomed her milky peak, "Come, let me give you a belly every inch as royal and impressive as your bosom."

"So big? Please, I can barely walk even now," Maxima protested weakly, as Vita's milk flooded her fattening tummy, its sides beginning to chafe against the underside of her breasts as it forced them farther apart, its lower reaches threatening to roll over onto her fulsome thighs, save for the fact that the bulk of Vita's magic-drenched mammary pressed it back, "Oh, how you feel within me though- a little more, at least- I suppose I am already so fat there is no point in leaning on my vanity."

"Ah, and you have servants enough to help you around already, that when you grant an audience to visitors, they marvel at your power as well as how your body groan's with womanly power," Vita said, her breath catching in her throat as Maxima's spasmodic ecstasy stoked her own inner fires to overflowing, "Shall they not be even more in awe to be met by a veritable goddess of fertility? Greet them not only with the transcendently enlarged bosom which has already won you adoration, even worship, from far and wide- and add to it a belly that makes you look as gravid as the Earth herself!"

"Yes, yes- let them marvel at me and fall at my feet!" Maxima gasped, sucking her breath in through clenched teeth as she quivered submissively, her skin slick with sweat, her bed soaked with milk and desire, "Please, give me more!"

With quiet obedience, Vita obliged, kneading her milk-laden breast with well-practiced fingers, as she flooded her mistress's body with gallon after gallon of thick, creamy, fattening milk. Inch after inch, Maxima's belly rose, her breasts stretching painfully as they rose with it, obliged against all protests to support more of their own burdensome mass. Maxima's belly swelled like a water balloon, jiggling soft and yielding against the pale skin of Vita's overwhelming breast, growing fatter and fatter, until it rose even higher than her own milky mountains, as Maxima all the while whimpered with the most exquisite of delights.

"Oh, but how much more do you have to give me?" the Queen begged at last, her belly straining with overfullness as Vita laded her with fully fifteen gallons of quiversome fullness, her skin now drawing uncomfortably tight, "I do not lose heart, but perhaps I can only endure so much of your generosity at once."

"But Mistress, you exulted in the fullness of my belly, and in the stretchmarks I have earned by pushing myself to grow my lushness to the very limits of what my body can bear," Vita protested innocently, not relenting in pumping every ounce she had to give into her queen's recumbent form, "Surely the queen is not weaker than her servant, and what marks of regal voluptuousness it is fitting for me to bear are not something you would hold yourself too timid for?"

"Ooh- certainly not," Maxima sighed, grasping weakly at her ballooning belly as its milk-sodden rolls pinned her to the mattress ever more forcefully, "That you should even suggest such a thing borders on impudence!"

"Far be it from your lowly attendant to underestimate her queen's capacity then," Vita said with a suggestive smile as she dug her plump elbows into the voluminous curve of her breast, Maxima shivering as the flood of milk gushing into her helpless body doubled in strength, "Come then, demonstrate to me and your other subjects how easily a queen can bear even a burden such as this."

Maxima was struck voiceless, only a wordless whimpering of ecstasy escaping her lips as Vita's throbbing nipple, stuffed deep into her feminine depths, pumped gallon upon gallon of hot, creamy, and magically-fattening milk into her debilitated form, the spasmodic bliss and twitching of her moist inner body only stimulating Vita's swollen peak to grow longer, thicker, and more productive.

Maxima's belly rose steadily, as the full moon rises full and ponderous above the dark horizon of evening, pale stretchmarks blossoming and streaking across it like that great, lunar sphere of fertility. The sheer excess of Vita's bounty was forcing it into the rest of her body as well, as the queen's already-lush thighs fattened further, growing soft and squeezeable as they rolled over her plump knees, her calves, on either side of Vita's legs, swiftly filling and quaking with freshly-earned fat.

Soon Maxima's her belly rivaled even her gargantuan bosom in size, forcing her prodigious breasts outward at a painful angle that left the queen pawing at them vainly for support, even as her belly grew and grew and grew. At least the oncoming rush of richness overwhelmed even her magnificent mammaries, and though they had been thoroughly milked not half an hour before, they began to swell afresh with milk, her nipples growing rigid and taut as Vita's.

"Please, stop!" Maxima finally gathered the strength to beg, as the sound of her stretching belly grew louder than that of the tortured bedsprings that supported her sensual immensity, "Oh- oh Vita- You have made me so awfully full- I am ready to burst!"

"Mmm, as your majesty wishes," Vita said with a satisfied sigh, arching her back and slowly withdrawing the aching peak that had brought her queen to such opulent excess, even as Maxima's body still tugged and tightened around it, "I think I have given you all that my poor, distended breast has to offer right now anyway."

Vita sat back on her own ample haunches and the two women, both sweat-drenched and breathless observed eachother for a long moment. Vita was quite a sight now, with one enormous breast resting softly on the bed in front of her. Even empty it surely weighed more than a hundred pounds, and a few lingering drops of milk still trickled from its glistening peak. Her other, uncomfortably replete even before the stimulation and neglect that had drained its sister, was as near to globular as its unwieldy burden and overstretched skin could bear, its nipple throbbing with readiness and dribbling milk in a way that left no doubt regarding the vast reservoir of cream straining to be free.

Maxima, meanwhile, lay weakly on her back, barely able to see her attendant beyond the prodigious curve of her own belly. It pressed her into the bed like a mountain of jelly, quivering feebly at the slightest provocation, resting heavily upon her lust-slickened thighs and making her breasts ache with its intrusive hugeness. She felt so full she actually wondered if she was going to explode after all, though the sensation of her breasts, pumped full to half again their normal size with new milk and tender flesh, made it impossible to concentrate too long on any of the intoxicating and maddening sensations coursing through her overfilled body. Even when she was fully pregnant with twins, she had not felt nearly so transcendently full.

"My queen, are you quite alright?" Vita asked solicitously, leaning forward so that her magic-glutted bosom brushed against her legs distractingly, "Can you not see how my other breast aches for relief? I have gorged myself on potions as you asked, and here I kneel, though I feel like it is like to pop. I beg you, may I use this one to fill you with even more pleasure?"

Maxima gazed down, past the lush canyon of her oppressively cumbersome bosom, over the distended sumptuousness of her quivering belly, more rolls that she could guess at above her and at her sides leaving her immobile, and at Vita, smiling helpfully as she awkwardly hefted her leaking breast.

"Fill me more," the queen submissively commanded.

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