Kojiro-Brushard β€” CM- Cream's Big Date (AU)

#furry #bigbreasts #fanfiction #furryanthro #hugebreasts #sonicthehedgehog #hourglassexpansion
Published: 2021-11-12 23:50:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 97862; Favourites: 1502; Downloads: 310
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Description Commissioned by CartoonWatcher for a story over here atΒ  Cream's BIG DateAfter years of growth development, Cream the Rabbit finally turned 18 years old, and had clearly grown up into a fine young woman. Both figuratively and literally, and certainly more than most girls her age. Through sheer determination and proper dieting and exercise, her breasts had grown into a pair of soft yet firm K-cups that jiggled and bounced endlessly no matter what kind of bra she wore. But while that would be impressive on its own, her ass was an even greater story to tell. Her butt had grown so big, that it resembled a pair of beach balls attached to her backside. Each cheek was round like one too, and stuck out so far, that one could use them as airbags. And despite Cream growing up to be as polite and courteous as could be, even she had to admit she loved what she grew up with. So much in fact that she now had her own online twerking empire thanks to her incredibly endowed body.With her massive ass, she was able to start her own career being an online twerker. Every week, she'd host a livestream dedicated to shaking her money maker for all her fans to enjoy, and she even recently signed on to be a live performer for some dance shows that were coming soon. All in all, life couldn't be better for Cream. Except for one thing.Her growth was slowing down again.,Just a year ago, Cream made a personal vow that she would never stop growing, much like her mother still hadn't. And so far, she'd kept her vow. Her boobs and butt were still increasing in size to this day, but at a much slower rate than when she was at the peak of puberty. It was a little discouraging, but she used the lesson she learned from her mom that fateful day a year ago to keep her mood positive. She was determined to grow as big as her dreams dared to let her, no matter what. And one way or another, she was sure she'd get there. Just as she was finishing up her daily for fun twerk-out session, she got a call on her phone. "Hello? Oh hi Amy! How are you? ...Not really. I'm free for today." As she was conversing with her pink hedgehog friend, Tails was suddenly mentioned. Cream's heart rate spiked with excitement. "WHAT?! YOU REALLY MEAN IT?!" Even after all these years, Cream still had a big place in her heart reserved for Tails. She always loved his sweet nature, and his incredible intelligence. But she was too nervous to tell him how she felt.But this revelation from Amy, that she was setting her up with Tails for a get-together - did she dare call it a date? - it reignited that desire to be close to him and fanned the flames of her passion. Perhaps now, with the confidence she built from flaunting herself to the masses for years, maybe she finally had it in her to confess. "Okay! I gotta get ready! Talk to ya later!" She hung up and bounced with joy. "EEEE! I can't believe it!" She giggled as she bounced, her fat ass clapping with excitement as she jumped up and down.The sound of Cream's squealing and the stomping garnered the attention of Vanilla, as she rushed up the stairs to see what was going on. "Is everything alright dear?"Cream gasped as her mother's voice called her back to reality. "Oh, mom! Sorry. I just got some exciting news!" She went up to her mother and gave her a big hug, squishing her ripe breasts against her mother's even larger chest. "Tails wants to see me today! Isn't that great?"Vanilla's eyes widened as a joyful expression spread across her features, and she wrapped her arms around Cream and squished her closer in jubilation. "Oh that's wonderful Cream! I'm so happy for you, I know how much you've always wanted to spend time alone with him. How did this happen? He asked you out on a date?""Actually, Amy was the one who called and told me about it." Cream answered with a cheerful smile. "She even said he's got a surprise for me."Vanilla laughed airily. "Amy, of course. She truly is a remarkable young woman, and such a good friend. I hope you have a wonderful time darling. Just be careful out there, as always.""Of course. If anybody tries to mess with me, I'll crush them under my big super bum!" Cream patted her ass cheeks and chuckled jovially. "Just kidding!"Vanilla just smirked, narrowing her eyes at her daughter in mock disapproval. "I should hope so, after all, weapons are not to be treated lightly.""Indeed. A true booty warrior only uses her booty for justice! Never for vengeance!" Cream replied before laughing at her own joke. "Sorry. I couldn't resist." She then went over to her closet, her boobs and butt bouncing with every slight move she made."Have any idea what you'll wear?"Cream rummaged through her wardrobe. Just about everything she had inside was designed to show off her curves. Everything from tube tops to tank tops for her upper body, and booty shorts to miniskirts for the lower. "Not sure. Something cute, but also sexy should be fine, right?"Vanilla nodded as she sat on Cream's bed and watched her daughter rummage. "That should be good. Try finding something that will accentuate your breasts, that'll be the first thing he sees when you meet up with him after all.""My breasts, huh?" Cream looked down at her chest. Lifting her ample bosom up, she considered what would show them off the best. It didn't take long for a lightbulb to turn on her mind, and she quickly took off her top, letting her boobs bounce about freely in the open air as she pulled out a small tank top with a deep neckline. "Perfect!""Good choice." Vanilla stood up and gave her daughter one last hug. "Now then, I'm going out to run some errands, so I'll leave you to finish preparing! Keep your phone with you, I love you, and if you need anything at all, just call! Have fun dear!" And with that, Vanilla left Cream alone with Cheese, with the sound of the front door opening and closing following."Thanks Mom!" Cream bid her mother farewell before putting her top of choice on. She posed in front of her mirror, striking as many provocative and alluring poses as she could think of. She even pulled down on her top's neckline to show even more cleavage. "This'll definitely get to him. Don't you think so, Cheese?" Cheese nodded his head and clapped for Cream. Cream giggled and pet her little chao friend. "Thanks sweetie!"At that moment, the doorbell rang.Cream gasped. "H-He's here? Already?!" She started to panic, looking through her wardrobe for other shorts or skirts she could wear, but she knew she couldn't take too long. "Come on, come on! What would make my fat ass look fatter for him?" As she frantically searched, Cheese came behind her, and tapped her butt, redirecting her attention to her reflection. "You're right, Cheese. What I've got on now is good enough." She patted Cheese's head and rushed to the door. Once she opened it, she smiled giddily as she saw Tails standing before her. "Tails! Hi!" She greeted with a wave.,For Tails, seeing her in person again, after several months of being busy and not being able to really enjoy some time with his friends, his mouth became incredibly dry as he tried to get words to come out of his mouth. Standing in front of her now, seeing how beautiful and undeniably sexy she was, all memories of the boob/butt sandwich he'd been encased in not even 30 minutes earlier completely left his mind. Cream's breasts were huge, not quite as big as Amy but still very impressive, especially when stretching out the deep-cut neckline of the shirt she was wearing. How big were they now?And her butt...huge, enormous, gigantic...every adjective that described extreme bigness flooded through his mind all at once, clogging it up and making it impossible to choose just one word. Hunourgantic...Tails just blinked, the failed attempt at word fusion bringing him back to reality. He waved back shyly, the size ray hidden behind his back. He vaguely acknowledged Cheese peeking out from behind the doorframe, but all he could really think about was how Cream's frame almost filled the doorframe. "H-Hey Cream, long time no see.""Took the words right out of my mouth!" Cream giggled. "Amy told me you'd be coming. Did you have something you wanted to meet me for?" She smiled and clasped her hands together, inadvertently pressing her arms against her boobs, squishing them together.The fox boy gulped, struggling to keep his eyes focused on her face instead of her tits. She really was adorable, so it shouldn't have been hard...but after what he'd just been through, he couldn't help but be focused elsewhere. "Well...A-Amy told me she set us up! So uh...I figured I'd just go along with whatever you wanted to do." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and laughed nervously. "So...I guess you could uh...call this...a date? Or not! Y'know, after all, friends hang out all the time and it's not called a date. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything...sorry, I didn't mean to make it weird.""Oh no, it's fine. I don't mind at all!" Cream reassured him and patted his shoulder. "I'd be happy to spend time with you! No matter what it is we're doing." She smiled adorably. Even with her drop-dead sexy body, she was still just as kind and sweet as ever. "I didn't exactly have anything planned. But now that I think about it, there was this new diner that opened up recently I wouldn't mind checking out.""S-Sure! S-So...it is a date then?"Cream smiled and nervously held his hand. "It's a date.""Cool! Awesome! Yes! Date!" Tails laughed a little too eagerly as Cream sidled up next to him. "So! This diner, is it the one famous for its milkshakes and sundaes?""That's the one! I've been wanting to try one of them out after hearing about it so much." Cream giggled and blushed a bit, holding Tails's hand a little tighter. "Shall we mosey on there?""Can't we fly?"Cream froze up for a moment as her demeanor switched to mildly embarrassed. "Umm...w-well...I haven't been able to fly anymore since I've...matured..." She answered as she looked down at her curvaceous body."Oh, right. Should've figured that." Tails looked away awkwardly, blushing as he considered an idea. "W-Well...there is a way around that."Cream looked at Tails with a curious expression. "Oh? What might that be?""Do...do you trust me?""Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Cream smiled innocently at him."Then...hang on tight." Hoping with all his heart she wouldn't object, Tails moved over and picked Cream up bridal-style, blushing as he looked down at her. Somehow the more intimate positioning made her seem less intimidating...like she was meant to be in his arms. "Next stop, Station Square.""W-Whoa! Oh my!" Cream blushed brighter as Tails carried her in his arms and flew to their destination. She wrapped her arms around him as tightly as she could. Pressing her breasts against his chest in the process. "Oh wow! It's been so long since I've flown! I forgot just how much fun this is.""There's nothing like it." Tails looked down at Cream, seeing the excitement on her face. Suddenly Cream's curves were the furthest thing from his mind. For a moment, she was simply Cream, the kindest, sweetest girl she knew who loved life and everything it had to offer. "I've missed flying with you Cream."Cream looked up to Tails's face, her own face still pink with blush and an adorable smile. "Aww, Tails." She giggled somewhat timidly. "I missed it too."They flew in comfortable silence from that moment on, just enjoying each other's presence as if they'd been dating all their lives. Tails quickly came to realize that any awkwardness on his part was all for nothing. No matter how curvy she was, no matter how sexy she became, she would always be Cream. That gave Tails the courage he needed to get through this date - definitely a date - and have the time of his life. They finally made it to Station Square, and Tails landed right in front of the diner and placed Cream back on her feet. "Here we are!"Cream let go of Tails as she stood back up on her feet. "Thanks for the lift, Tails. Maybe we should fly together more often." She winked at him as they headed to the diner's entrance."Sounds like a plan to me." Tails rushed to the door to get in front of Cream, opening it for her with a grand gesture. "Ladies first.""Aww, thanks swe-er, Tails." She cleared her throat and entered the building, blushing from her verbal faux pas with her hips swaying as she walked inside. She wasn't doing it intentionally, it was just part of her normal walk now.That walk though, Tails soon realized might become problematic. As Tails followed her in, the fox boy became hyperaware of Cream's curves once more...but for an entirely different reason than before. Now, instead of being intimidated by her sexiness, he felt this wave of anger as this need to protect her from the leering eyes of the entire male population inside the diner manifested itself. Yes, Cream was sexy. But she wasn't a piece of meat to be undressed with their eyes. His anger was curbed when he spotted Cream waving at him from one of the standup tables, and he sped up his walk to join her before he could let himself get riled up again. "So do you have any idea what you're gonna order?""Well, I've heard about this specialty milkshake they've got here. Includes two scoops of chocolate ice cream in it. Sounds yummy!" Cream said eagerly. "How about you? If you want, I can pay for it for you.""What? Nuh uh, I can't let you do that! If there's one thing I know, it's that the guy has to pay for the date, that's part of being a gentleman!""Aww, you're so sweet." Cream responded with a pat on his shoulder. "But I honestly don't mind paying if you need me to. After all, I make a pretty good living off of what I do." She giggled while absentmindedly wiggling her hips.Tails saw that wiggle and again the surge flowed through him. It increased in intensity after the waiter took Cream's order with much more enthusiasm than he did with his, and how he stared at her while he was walking away. "Cream, can I ask you something?""You just did!" Cream giggled. "Haha, just kidding! What is it?""I...I know about your streams and stuff. But do you ever get bothered by the looks people give you while you're out in public?""Not really." Cream answered surprisingly casually. "It took a bit of getting used to back when I first started growing. But I've gotten used to it. If anything, with my line of work, it's no surprise people would look at me like this.""I get that, but...you don't feel like...maybe people should be more respectful of your worth as a person? I just feel like...they should see that you're more than what you look like.""Well...I guess I can see where you're coming from. But I haven't had any issues come about from it." Cream shrugged. "Besides, as long as I'm making others happy, and I still have the support from my friends and family, it'll all work out well in the end." She smiled sweetly. It was then that their orders arrived. "Oh! Thank you."Tails had a root beer float, and he watched as Cream eagerly began slurping down her milkshake. Just the inhalation of the air going into her lungs made her top creak in protest, her boobs threatening to rip a tear in it. Seeing as Cream really wasn't all that concerned, Tails decided to try and change the subject before he ruined the date for them both. "So...the whole...internet twerking thing, have any plans to improve your following some more?"Cream let out a satisfied sigh after slurping up her first sip. Her chest receding as she let out the air she sucked in. But only just barely. "Hmm? Oh, my career? Well, I recently signed on to put on a special performance later this month. It's for a dance show coming soon." She answered eagerly. "I can't wait to show them what I got!""You've got plenty." Tails laughed, then gasped when he realized what he said. "S-Sorry! I meant that differently than it sounded..."Cream didn't seem bothered by Tails's words. In fact, she just smiled at him and giggled. "Don't worry, I take it as a compliment! I've been doing my absolute best to hone my skills, and shape my body as perfectly as possible!""So...um..." He stirred the straw in his drink around. "You're still um...still growing?""Trying to." Cream sighed. "My body hasn't been growing as much as it used to. My last major growth spurt was a year ago, when I suddenly jumped two whole cup sizes!" Cream answered while lifting up her boobs for emphasis."I see...but slowing down doesn't mean stopped.""True. But I wish I was still growing at the same rate I was before." Cream said solemnly. "Heck, I wish I could grow faster than that!"Now Tails realized why Amy was telling him to bring the ray gun...but he wanted to be sure before he brought it up. "Really? Faster than before?""Yes." She said with a resolute nod. "Like, imagine growing five cup sizes a day! With an equally big increase to my booty!" Cream giggled and wiggled her hips joyfully. "Maybe even more than that!"His hypothesis was officially confirmed. "Well...what if I told you...I could make you bigger right now?","REALLY?!" Cream shouted excitedly, her eyes widened in shock. Then she blushed when she realized everyone in the diner was looking at her, but not for the usual reasons. "Sorry everyone." Eventually most of the patrons went back to their own business, and Cream looked at the fox boy with her eyes sparkling. "You're serious about this?""Yeah. As...as big as you want!"Cream's smile widened and she grabbed Tails by the arm. "Do it." She quickly dashed out the door, her boobs and ass bouncing uncontrollably as she hurried into the nearby alley with Tails in tow.The fox boy barely had time to toss some rings towards the front counter on his way out to pay for their drinks, and was only able to stop when Cream let him go. He always knew she was stronger than she looked, clearly that hadn't changed. "I take it you want it right now?""Absolutely!" Cream pumped her fists in excitement. "What do you have that can help? And how big will it make me?"Tails revealed the ray, his own excitement building as a result of Cream's enthusiasm. "This is my size ray prototype! It was actually your mom that suggested I build it a year ago, to help solve world hunger and stuff like that...but it can also help other things too." Tails smiled. "As for how big? Far as my tests have shown...there is no limit.""Really?" Cream smiled wider, but then something hit her. "Wait, my mom asked you to make it?""Yeah she called me up one day, came up with the idea. After I thought about it, I realized it had merit and I've been working nonstop on it for a year."Cream's face went from excited curiosity to a smirk, as she put her hands on her hips and scoffed playfully. "Oh mom. Ha! Always looking out for me." She laughed airily. "I think she had other ideas with that size ray, Tails.""Other ideas?" Tails's eyes widened, and then he narrowed them at the ray. "Waaaait a second..."Cream laughed heartily at Tails's realization. "Yeah! My mom's the one who encouraged me to grow as big as possible in the first place! For us, bigger is always better, and I took that mantra to heart! Mom must've commissioned you to make that for this exact purpose.""B-But...you were already growing! You still ARE growing!" Tails pouted. "So...Miss Vanilla lied to me."Cream stopped laughing and went to Tails to comfort him. "Hey, it's okay. If it still serves the purpose you initially made it for, then there's no harm done, right?" She hugged Tails by his side, her boobs pressing against his body tightly."Y-Yeah...I guess you're right." Tails nodded, blushing slightly from the squishing of Cream's ample bosom on him. "Well then, where were we?"With a cute giggle, Cream let go and bounced to Tails's front, facing away from him to show off her big round butt. "Let's make this itty bitty booty less itty bitty." She giggled jovially as she shook her ass at him.Tails grinned, a distinct thrill making him shudder as he aimed the ray right at her butt. "Your wish is my command!" Without a moment's hesitation, Tails fired.As the beam hit her butt, she felt it tingle and heat up just before the swelling kicked in, causing her to moan and blush from the sensations the ray was giving her. "Mmm! Oooh wow! Y-You didn't tell me this would feel so good!" Cream responded with mild arousal, her butt wobbling as it swelled more and more by the second.Meanwhile, Blaze and Amy were peeking around the corner to watch the show. "I knew we'd find her eventually. Her fans can never resist leaving a location when they post a picture." Amy said. "Whoa! Blaze, check this out!"Blaze peeked as well, and her jaw dropped as she watched Cream's booty become ever larger. "She really is obsessed!"Cream giggled seductively as she started shaking her hips as if she were dancing to a song playing in her head. "Ooooh yeah, baby! Make me bigger! Make me bouncier!" Her tone becoming increasingly more lewd while her dancing shifted into more of a casual, slow twerk for Tails.Watching the sight before him, Tails almost instinctively pressed even harder on the trigger, despite it not making an actual difference. But now his blood was boiling, watching Cream's ass grow bigger and bigger.Cream kept twerking it, putting on a show that many would kill for. And it was all for Tails. Bigger and bigger her ass grew. Her shorts riding up between her cheeks, looking more like a pair of panties than actual shorts. Yet she didn't show any signs of wanting to stop. "Mmm...looks good, doesn't it?" Cream chuckled with a devious smirk, putting more energy in her booty shaking."It does...it really does!""Mmm...then keep it coming, babe! Make my ass bigger than Big!" She backed up closer to Tails, still flaunting and shaking her ass like a belly dancer. Somehow, despite how big her ass was getting, she didn't seem to be struggling at all. It was as if her ass was an actual balloon. Though considering she was able to carry around Amy and Big the Cat when she was a child, it stood within reason her strength was incredible. It would likely be a while before she reached a size too big for her.Tails was eager to find out what size that was. He stepped closer, his finger firmly pressed on the trigger as the ray continued to bombard her booty with the bulging beam. "Those are some strong pants you've got." He said without thinking.Cream smirked at him. "They sure are! I shop from the best places for sexy ladies like me!" She said as she bent over as far as she could, and kept shaking her ass like there was no tomorrow. "Strong and stretchy enough to hold even the fattest of asses! And I'm willing to see if that claim holds true!" She kept shaking and growing. Each cheek reaching the size of massive fully grown pumpkins. But as she tried to keep it going, her provocative dancing got a little out of hand, and sent her falling backwards on her huge meaty bum. "W-WHOA!" She cried out as she bounced on the ground on her giant bountiful bottom."Cream!" Her fall sobered Tails up, as he stopped pressing the trigger to try and help her back up, but to no avail. Her butt continued growing though, as was the case with the last several tests. The growth didn't stop just because the ray did, there was still a lingering effect. "Wow...you're...you're HUGE.""W-Whoa... I really am!" With her growth slowing down, she finally started to process just how big she actually got. She rubbed her hands over her pillowy soft rear cushions, and blushed. "Oooh. They feel so good!" She said with a moan before spanking her own ass, making it jiggle wildly like jello.With the ray safely deactivated for now, Tails stepped closer to Cream, looking at her as she continued to rise up by sheer force of butt size. "So...is this big enough?""Hmm...Let's see..." Cream got up effortlessly and shook her hips. Her ass bounced and clapped rhythmically. She then started hopping in place, and her ass bounced even more. "Well, I'm still able to move, so there's definitely room for more." She smirked at Tails. "But it'll do for now.""Hmm," Tails grinned cheekily, and blasted one last quick shot at Cream, causing her to fall off balance and back onto her rear end as each cheek expanded to yoga ball size. "Now it's enough for now."Cream didn't even seem too shocked that Tails did that to her. In fact, she just gave him a devious smirk. "Oooh, you naughty little fox boy." She then grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him in for a sweet, passionate kiss.,Time stopped for Tails when her lips pressed against his furry cheek, every synapse in his brain seemed to fire at once, as his heart swelled with a feeling he hadn't felt in so many years. Love. Raw, unfiltered love.And Amy and Blaze saw every second of it. "Amy, I think we just witnessed the birth of a beautiful relationship."Amy giggled. "More like a 'bootyful relationship,' right?" Amy laughed airily at her own pun.Blaze just groaned.As for Tails, he finally was able to think again when Cream pulled back, her eyes sparkling up at him. "So...do I get a second date then?""Mmm, you'll get yourself a million more dates after what we just did today." Cream happily replied with a wink. "In fact, how about we go someplace a little more private...and get to the best part of the show?" She whispered seductively into his ear, the arousal still flowing strongly through her.Tails needed no convincing. "Just let me shrink you back down first. Then you can grow all over again." He quickly hit reverse on the ray, shrunk her back down to size, and without a second thought, picked her up, flew into the sky with her in his arms, leaving Amy and Blaze alone."I believe I'll take my leave now. There's...something I really want to do now."Amy smirked at her. "What's that? Play with your new toys?" She teased, pointing at Blaze's ample chest."Yes." Blaze bit her bottom lip. "Excuse me." And just like that she was gone.Amy just stood and watched her feline friend dash off rapidly. "Wow. Didn't think she'd actually answer that." Amy shrugged. "Eh, can't blame her. I've got a little something I need to test out too." She spanked her ass and giggled, feeling it wobble from the spank before she departed for her home as well.The three girls had a very thrilling night ahead of them.

Forgot that sonic guys look kind of weird when given different proportions. might be because they are naked beside having shoes :U
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XDFandeSonic [2024-09-25 00:21:01 +0000 UTC]

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πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

AstralStarbolt [2021-11-13 03:41:25 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 3 ⏩: 0

AxeltheDragonGuy [2021-11-13 01:00:04 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 0

MegaMcHughX [2021-11-13 00:45:04 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 0

catsprin [2021-11-13 00:38:07 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 0

DrvonSchmeltwick [2021-11-13 00:00:57 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0