Korinthis — Shadow Magic

Published: 2013-02-06 20:09:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 1549; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 12
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Description Kor here, Virmin has gotten himself into quite a jam, having pissed off, not only a Shadow Mage but Blood Mage as well in the form of Sirius Bloodstone, the elder twin of Alek Bloodstone. Virmin having licked his wounds from the battle with the younger twin is about to have his day totally ruined.

Kor's list of common references
My style is heavily influence by Yamane Ayano's work, I use Crimson Spell as my main source of reference.

Beros belongs to DragonKnight007

Temperary Stat shifts:

Height: 5 foot 6 inches
Gender: Female

Having been banished from his lover's bed due to his injuries, Virmin groaned as he rolled out of bed finally fully healed and noticed his son wasn't by his side. Glancing around, Virmin muttered, “This is odd.” Blinking at his voice which sounded off, Virmin realized his voice sounded softer more feminine but shrugged it of until he stood. Feeling the bed against the back of his thighs was not normal, Virmin twisted to look and saw the bed was taller than it should be. Catching sight of movement in the mirror, Virmin sat back down hard on the bed as the female in the mirror did the same.

Looking down at his chest, Virmin realized that he was female and poked at his/her breasts. Biting her/his lip, Virmin growled as he/she decided that until this was fixed it'd be easier to just think of himself/herself as female and proceeded to pull clothing on. Only to have her frustration increase as her clothes kept transforming into a kimono the was harlot levels of short. If this was a prank, Virmin was ready to scream foul, as this was beyond acceptable.

((Here is the rp, only edits are filling in full names, spell check, and minor grammatical fixes))

Virmin came storming through but it takes a moment to recognize the phoenix, as the once male growls out, "It's not funny." Glaring up at her brother, Virmin snaps as she crosses her arms over ample breasts, "Don't ask! I woke up like this!"

Beros blinks, wondering if he knocked on the right door. He was expecting someone at least a foot taller, but a short female with a nasty temper to boot. "I didn't do anything..." he stutters.

Gold eyes narrow and Virmin growls out, "Who do you think I am, numbskull?! How may of our kind do you know with white tipped wings?! And this isn't funny?! Every time I try to were normal clothing it morphs into this, girly crap! AND I SHRUNK!"

"Um... One," he gulps. The historian takes a moment to look at the wings. His golden irises widen with realization. "Vir...?"

Virmin slowly clapped and sarcasticly purred, "Very good Beros, you earned a cookie.... Now I need to find a way to fix myself and then I'm hunting someone down and slowly flaying them alive!"

Beros sighed, picking up on his brother's sarcasm. "Two sets of eyes will be better than one," he comments. "And I'd like that goofball of a brother back," he tucks in under his breath, giving the angry Phoenix plenty of room.

Virmin was about to snap again when she tripped over her own feet and landed ungracefully on her backside. Looking up at Beros, Virmin finally cracked and half sobbed half screamed, "WHY DO THESE KIND OF THINGS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME?!"

The for once taller male flinches as 'she' vented; the pitch affecting his hearing. "Family luck? I really don't know."

Virmin sniffed as she fought to get herself back under control and fired off with, "I wouldn't be surprised... come on let's see what the university's library has to say about this." Getting up, Virmin nearly face planted into Beros' belly causing her to grumble, "My limbs are too short! How do female's put up with this?!"

"I don't know," he replies. "But the library will be a good place to start." He helps his brother straighten out before forcing a hand to loop about the crook of his elbow. "Last thing either of us needs is you falling flat on your face. At least until you get used to the limb length."

Virmin happily accepts the aid and manages to walk to the university with only a few minor stumbles before getting her legs to mostly work right. As she looked at the monstrous library, Virmin sighed, "Any idea where we should start?"

Beros stares into the library's interior; his mind running. "Maybe the spells. I can't think of any plants that could cause a gender switch, but we may wanna check there as well."

Thinking back the six or seven hundred books he had read in his search for Blood Dawn Lotus, Virmin frowned and commented, "I think there was a combination of plants that might cause it but they are all in Ares territory...." Looking towards the dozens of selves of books on spells, Virmin groaned softly, "This is going to take forever...."

"Wouldn't the plants require being eaten or drunk? If that is the case, someone would have needed access to your meals. And knowing you, I highly doubt that happened." He ponders aloud, looking at the section with his brother. "Guess we are going to have to cross out some elements to narrow this down..."

Virmin pondered before snapping his fingers as a thought hit him and he babbled, "I got shadow magic and you got light! The only way it'd have been in my food is if it was a prank from George, and since this seems a bit much even if George was angry with me that leaves Bloodstone as the culprit! Thus... it has to be shadow or light! Those are the two elements I've seen him use!"
Darting off towards the bookshelves, Virmin seem oblivious to the affect of her short hem-line on the students in the huge room or more like Virmin didn't have an ounce of care for their stares and was ignoring them.

Beros shrugs, "All rightie." He follows his excited brother into the shelves. The golden eyes glare at the students, silently recommending that they continue their studies. Then, he prods at the shelf, occasionally plucking a book from its resting place to flip through it.

Spotting a promising book, Virmin scampered up a ladder to get her prize and flinched in disgust when she heard a soft almost inaudible wolf-whistle. What Virmin lacked in book smarts she made up for with sheer willpower, as she kept going back for book after book stubbornly searching for the answer as the shadows from the window slowly danced across the table the for once smaller phoenix had commandeered to stack the read and useless books.

The wolf call drew his attention from his current victim, glaring at the surrounding students again. Displeased, the commander adds the book to the stack. He lingers at the table for a brief moment as the small hairs on his neck start to stand, but the historian shakes it off as he returns to the shelf to resume his search.

Virmin vanished off into the deeper parts of the library and a student grumbled under his breath nearby, "If the girl dresses like a whore, don't be surprised when she's treated like one, feathers."
Reaching for a book just out of reach, Virmin squeaked when a male body pressed close and a voice whispered in her ear, "Wanna play?"

Beros looks up at the student. "Which happens to be a sibling I'm helping." He growls. /A male one trapped in that female body,/ he mentally adds. "Continue your studies before..." He stops as he noticed his brother not present. "For Zion's sake..."
The historian leaves the student to wonder in after Virmin.

A shout of pain echoes through the shelves followed by a snarled, "I don't play with children!" Clutching her newest book, Virmin walked past Beros leaving a male student on the ground curled up in a ball clutching himself. Plopping back down in her chair, Virmin was quickly reading when another student pulled up a chair and flirted, "Hey cutie, why don't we lose the wet blanket and find some place quiet... I can teach you so much more then these old tomes can.”

Beros felt his temper start to rise. "'She's already taken," he hissed, pulling both student and chair away from his gender-bent brother. He deposits the male at his original table and shove the tome back under his nose. "Continue your study before your grade suffers. Or I let my brother loose to deal with you like he did with your classmate," the golden eyes bear into the student with a dead serious intensity before the commander marches away and back to the shelves. This time, he probed the deeper part and browsed the shelves for his assigned element.

Virmin bookmarked her page having found at least part of her problem. Once her brother drifted off the boy tried to approach again and Virmin casually summoned her flame as she purred, "Unless you want me to burn a certain part of your body, I suggest you bugger off..." Grumbling as the boy left her alone, Virmin dismissed her fire and returned to scouring the tome.
Waiting to share the spell, Virmin went for another book while grumbling, "Just my luck.... my clothes are stuck like this until I get some of the bastard's blood...knowing my luck I have to kill him or be stuck like this.... What else can go wrong?!" Realizing she had just challenged the fates, Virmin glanced around in a mild panic but relaxed when she caught sight of Beros. However before she could go to her brother, Virmin was yanked behind a bookshelf.
Cursing against the hand over her mouth, Virmin kicked and clawed at her attacker hoping that she'd make enough noise for Beros to hear as the male pulled her away from her brother.

His stomach tightens as he returns to the table and adding another book to the pile. His eyes noticed a lone book with a book mark sticking out. He straightens, looking around for the shorter Phoenix. "Vir," he calls out as the hairs on his neck start to stand once more. He tries to keep his panic under control as he turns and searches the shelves. "Virmin?"
His mind spaced the warning of the shadows, focused on finding his sibling.

Virmin tried to fight back but being in a strange body wasn't helping. After getting a lucky shot and managing to scratch her attacker's face, Virmin found her hands tied and shortly afterward a gag in place however the gag muffled the angry curses less as Virmin ripped a book from the shelf tossing to the floor.
The sound of a book hitting the ground comes from the corner farthest from the door.
The student cursed under his breath and started moving away from the corner but his progress was slowed as he fought to keep Virmin from reaching out for more books.

The commander perks at the sound, turning towards it source. He responds, breaking into a fast run through the maze. He ignored the looks of disapproval as he dashed past the staff and students minding their business. His mind focused on the sound, hoping to find his brother. /That bastard better not be with him,/ he mentally growls, ignoring his challenge to the fates.
Beros approaches the dark corner, fighting back his fear. The historian forces the run to a quick walk, so the alert orbs could make out the details. He pauses momentarily, spotting the book on the floor. He decides to follow the walls of text, hoping that he will find his brother and not the suspected male that caused his brother's condition.

Finally fighting free of the student's grasp, Virmin raced back to the book and darted behind Beros before bothering to untie the gag. Panting heavily, Virmin joked, "I know I'm attractive but this is ridiculous!"

Beros nods in agreement. "I'm feeling like a babysitter... I guess like you did all those years ago," he comments. While not voicing his worry, his eyes glowed with it as they looked behind him.

Noticing the book, Virmin offered up his tied wrists in a silent demand as he scanned the page the book had fallen open to. Gold eyes widened as they read "The siren curse: Blood magic, this curse causes the victim to become irresistible to those who were only once mildly attracted to them. It lasts about a day though a romantic kiss from one immune to the charm will cut this curse short." Grinning, Virmin squeaked, "It's times like these I love my luck!"

Beros unties his brother's hand while he listened. "A romantic kiss. Simple enough with Alex, but I'm not sure if he's immune," he notes before looking at the grin. "Why are you grinning like that?"

Virmin grinned ear to ear before wrapping her arms around Beros's neck and purring, "Sorry brother...." As the student came around the corner, Virmin kissed her brother hard on the lips.

Beros flushed red at the sudden motion as he involuntary gasps in surprise. The screaming of his mind gets lost as his body starts to move on its own and returns the motion the other started.

Pulling back as the student suddenly shook his head in confusion, Virmin sighed, "Well that worked.... but let's not do that again...." Wriggling free, Virmin went and picked up the book and started skimming through it while grumbling, "I found the curse on the clothing... and as for Alex, we're knocking boots. There is more than a little lust in that mix Beros. You're the only person who doesn't give two coppers for me in the bedroom sense."

"And I shouldn't," he groans, still flushed. His body returned to him as the thing controlling it went away. Beros allows himself to sink onto the floor, burying his reddened face with his arms as he tried to understand what came over him the few moments before.

Taking pity on her brother, Virmin soothed, "Any reaction you had to me is the curse's fault and we can both agree that I'm a fairly attractive female right now. Soft curves get just about any male's attention. I can't blame you, if I couldn't blame myself if the shoe was on the other foot, now can I?"

"I suppose not," he mumbles. He pulls his head out and looks up at his brother. "Let's find a way to fix this. I'm used to the idea of a brother, but not really to make that leap to calling you a sister as well..."

Virmin shrugged before saying, "This may not be something we can fix in a day or even a month.... because if we can't find out what spell or curse he used on me. I'm stuck like this... though I'm hoping he didn't use that one curse I saw..." Pulling her wings tight, Virmin shuddered in fear as she muttered, "I draw the line at pregnancy."

"I suppose we can hope. But, if it is all curses, that would cross the light out... All I've read is various healing and protection spells," he points out, trying to sound pleased that they did make some headway.

Virmin growled in frustration before stating, "There are curses for everything from turning someone's hair blue to forcing a female to carry your child to term as it slowly leeches the life from her!" Looking like she was ready to start tearing her hair out, Virmin growled again before saying, "The section on shadow magic let alone blood magic is as big if not bigger than the botany section!"

"Well, we're both on shadow magic now. Unless, you need to take a break and eat something," he replies. Beros rises to his feet. "We'll find it though," he tries to encourage, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder.

Scrubbing at her eyes, Virmin stated, "I should eat... I'm not exactly hungry though. My stomach is all in knots and not just from the far too forward young men."

Beros tries to smile. "Come on. Let's at least find something you can nibble on."

Virmin leads the way to a nearby little soup and sandwich shop and orders a cup of clam chowder as she finds a table to sit at. Now that men weren't staring at her like a slab of meat as much Virmin finds it in her to relax a hair.

Beros couldn't blame his brother for the tenseness. "I know he hates your guts, but isn't this a little low since his brother held onto the feud you two had?" He asks. "Changing your gender doesn't sound like accomplishing much."

Deciding to give Beros an idea of what they were up against, Virmin sighed before stating, "Beros... please, Sirius is not above these kinds of things.... a man who is willing to watch his partner bleed while bedding them is not one you can hold to normal standards."

Beros looks at his brother. "Should I interpret that as you two had a fling, which sounds rather wrong, or you did a little snooping?"

Shaking her head, Virmin explained, "I patched the girl up.... she was a mess...." Looking green around the gills, Virmin continued, "She was ashamed that she had let him do that to her, if Tong hadn't smelt her blood..." The rest of the statement was left unsaid but it didn't need to be said to be understood.

"Oh," he sighs, trying hard to not insert himself in the mental image of what could happen. The eyes settle on the table, almost ashamed of himself to asking more on the background instead of what his brother found. He could guess why the other switched Virmin's gender, but the last statement and the implication made him wish to forget it.
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