krazykitty00 — Rocket Hideout || Seishu App

#pokemon #pokefusion #sylveon #serperior #rockethideout
Published: 2021-05-26 19:37:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 3722; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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Name: Seishu

Gender: Male

Age: Adult

Species: Sylveon | Serperior


Nature: Serious | +Spe -Spe

Rank: Bronze

+ Studious
+ Perceptive
+ Adaptable

Always on the pursuit of knowledge, Seishu is packed with information and wisdom, and he is not afraid to share it. He is open and warm to anyone who wishes to learn. Despite his scary overall aura, Seishu is actually pretty welcoming, if he isn't busy, offering a nice chat or soaking up the sunlight. Nothing gets past him though, even deep in sleep, he is constantly aware of his surroundings. He's quick on his paws and a formidable opponent in battle. But he's got a soft heart deep down. Especially for children.

= Unsentimental
= Enigmatic

Seishu never truly grew attached to things. Personal feelings often remained on the backburner as he dived nose first into his search for wisdom. Thus, he failed to truly grasp emotions of others and he has an awful time dealing with them. He may be inclined to help, but it often comes out as rude or harsh as his attempts are often far from compassionate. His own emotions are a mystery. Fixed with a practically permanent scowl, it's hard to know what he's thinking or how he's feeling. His speech doesn't portray it either. He, himself, is a mystery.

- Short-Tempered
- Deceitful
- Abrupt

Despite his willingness to be social, Seishu is far from kind. He has yet to find someone worth his kindness and thus, others are often dealt with shortly. He isn't polite unless utterly necessary and he fails to really care for others. He isn't afraid to lie to others and trick them if it benefits him and he cares little for the consequences. He won't mince words and will tell things bluntly with little regard for the aftermath. His angry flares up fast as well. He most certainly can take brutal honesty himself, but if he becomes annoyed, which is not hard, he becomes quite cruel and callous and often hostile. Such anger is something he is working on.

Seishu was created in the laboratories of Team Galactic, a fusion of Eevee and Snivy to undergo experimentation. An Eevee evolves into Sylveon under the strong bonds between it and it's trainer, but they wishes to force such evovlution without the needless emotion. The testing was harsh and brutal, many forgotten days of pain as they attempted to rip out the loving soul of Sylveon. It was traumatic, but Seishu was able to take solace in their progression. When they exhausted their resources and the Snivee was finally free to rest and recover, he read over their notes. The sciences and math. It fastened him quite a bit.

And so he took to the books. It was strange- to be obsessed with one's own torture- but for Seishu, it was comforting. It took his mind off of the rigorous pain, allowed him to retreat from his mind and immerse himself in the world of history, science, math, anything. Learning was fulfilling. So much so that Seishu himself soon learned just what the Galactic scientist needed to finish this painful process. He had no way of telling them that though. He had yet to figure out a way of communication between human and Pokemon.

So he did it himself. Breaking out of his chambers, Seishu set of the alarms and gathered an audience. Moons of studying maps and security systems for their base, Seishu locked the scientist behind a door. They could only watch as he fiddled with their controls, read over their notes, adjust the settings, and add a vial. Soon, he stepped into the padded room he knew so well, and felt the pain sear through him as the countdown stuck zero. The pain was immeasurable, but the results spoke true. Without a single bond between himself and those who fabricated him, Seishu evolved into a Sylveon Serperior.

Evolution came with promotion. His feat impressed many, the word spreading that a Pokemon achieved what the scientists could not. He was brought on as a lab assistant, but they had no real control over Seishu. While happy to be allowed to read and watch the science happen, his evolution did not bring him close to any of them. Forced and painful, he was more hostile than he had ever been. His Glare was far too potent. One look from his eyes and many became paralyzed and unable to move, or even speak. Anyone who got close was warned with a hiss or attacked if they didn't take the hint. They were partners in this laboratory but they were not friends. They gave him glasses to block his eyes, ensuring he can look at others without nearly suffocating them in paralysis. And so he lived out his days gathering whatever he wished to read and learn, in return for helping in the labs.

Though, the infiltrations of Team Rocket began to grow. More frequent everyday. While Seishu cared not for defending Team Galactic and it's base, he was very annoyed with the constant interruptions and the demand to battle. Though, moreso, he was intrigued. This band of Rocket goons seemed to constantly follow Galactic's plans, follow their steps and attempt to stop them at every turn. It was amusing. Seishu wondered where their information came from. How were they learning- how smart was this group? Curiosity was never something Seishu followed. But when it is the  pursuit of knowledge, curious souls often find their greatest desires. And so, when the next batch of Rocket Goons came to the base, believing they were sneaky in their search for the Lake Trio, Seishu followed them back to their Hideout. No one saw him, he was secret to all.

Until he was spotted in the library that is. Now, they're stuck with him.

Contrary- Moves used on the Pokémon that raise stats lower the stats, while the moves that lower the stats raise the stat

Glare   The user intimidates the target with the pattern on its belly to cause paralysis. 
Misty Terrain   A flare of electricity is loosed to strike the area around the user. It may also cause paralysis.
Leaf Storm   The user slashes the target the instant an opportunity arises. Critical hits land more easily.
Magical Leaf   The user boosts the power of the Electric move it uses on the next turn. It also raises the user's Sp. Def stat. 

- Reading Glasses
-Rocket Starter Pack

Relationship Tracker

Character Design by C0LD-RAMEN
Art by Me

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