KRM4069 — 04.10.24 Snooze Button Daze

Published: 2024-04-10 15:38:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 69; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Snooze Button Daze


By Kevin R. Mitchell


Testing into above average

Up from our middling pack

Hanging in there observing

Others with what it is I lack


It might be in their aspirations

Or in well spent perspirations

Driving hard into some vision

Of how our living all could be


In hard working grit’s ambition

Delivering dreams into fruition

Giving living a welling position

Churning burning bubbling hot


Paying out confident as all in bold

Strategically holding cards to fold

While other stories never get told

Managing minds messaging sold


Playing into someone else’s game

Managing timing form untold fame

Rearing cheering chanting a name

Passing through days all the same


Unseen four corners for some room

Where those shadows cross and lie

Scurry in secrets into furies will dies

Burning unsightly into gaslight vibes


Dusting clouds from mountains peak

Changing the world that we will seek

Casting cold darkness from the heat

Hitting snooze button to reset repeat
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