Kruzack — Richard ''Ironeyes'' Ferrel

Published: 2013-08-14 18:42:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 2061; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 24
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◊Name: Richard ''Ironeyes'' Ferrel

◊ Age: 28
◊ Gender: Male
◊ Height: 198cm, 6'5''
◊ Hair Colour: Dirty Blond
◊ Eye Colour: Grey/Blueish
◊ Scent: Dirt, Musk, Wood, Peach
◊ Home Region: #34 Allayn - Earthra's richest mining-region. The best smiths of the faction forge the military's weapons here.
◊ Current Residence: #9 Ziaray - Capital of Caelius
◊ Possition: Commander
◊ Job: Former Farmer and Town Guard, now Commander and Trainer of new Recruits
◊ Species: Human
◊ Faction: Caelius
◊ Theme Song:

- is the hard working type, he believes things happen or change through hard work
- believes that what you do, your actions and so on define who you are, not where or as what you are born
- gives people a chance to prove themself right or him wrong
- enjoys the simple things and is a family type person
- has no crazy habits or likes
- feels very responsible for his comrades, for example writing letters to the family of the deseased attending funerals
- can aknowledge his faults, however he's not a depressive person but sees mistakes as a way to get better
- is a humble and modest person and refused most of his commodations
- doesn't like standing in the spotlight but is great when put there. Starting awkward but good in letting his spirit flow out
- sees his men as equals but wants a good commando chain, not for him to feel superior but to make sure everything is right. In the end he is responsible and a mere soldier disobeying him shouldnt be a reason for a mistake. Also in the end he is responsible and wouldnt want someone else to get blamed
- he is open to criticism when the time is right
- vey determined and strong willed


- peaches
- paintings
- days off
- sleeping in
- honesty
- swimming
- rain
- a good talk
- kids


- being in the spotlight
- prejudices
- too hot weather
- Rsrind Flint (kruzack.deviantart.com/art/SoC…
- recklesness


The Ferrels

It was a big farm providing the nearby City Ferrumburg with meat and grain, held since
generations by the Ferrel Family, that Richard was born in. Being a lively child
he spent his early years playing with the farm Animals, making a mess in the
stables and occasionally making trouble with the neighbours kids. It was a
blissfull childhood, the only thing to worry about was wether his Father would realize
that some of the sweets are missing or not. Just as Richy was old enough to
start working on the farm as well he got a younger brother, and soon began to realize
what pain he had caused his Parents, as his younger Brother was an even bigger
Rascal than him…at least he felt that way. They got along as brothers do,
having fun, fight or just sit around the fire and listen to their Grandparents
Storys about Gods and Great Wars. After a long and troublesome day on the farm
which had been unbearable since his Brother Cedric decided to leave the stables
open and let the Horse out, Richard wished to the stars for a quiet sweet
little sister. As it later occurred, on a cold winters eve, the wish got
granted. It was a little girl, a quiet little girl, and it didn’t even scream.
Richard was so happy he ran around the whole house, like a Rabbit on a
mayflower field. He hadn’t realised yet, why his family wasn’t as happy as he

His sister, Elisabeth, was born with an unknown disease, she was smaller and weaker then
other kids and the doctors told them she would die soon…



Years passed and the life on the farm hadn’t changed a bit, despite the fact that
Cedric had to work  on the farm now as
well and Lizzy, their younger sister,  had
shown the doctors her will to live. 
Richards Job now was to accompany his father Arthur to the big market in
Ferrumburg, where the people from the nearby regions and islands came to trade
their goods with each other. Ferrumburg was well known for their master
blacksmiths, attracting many salesmen from across Zion interested in their
unique Ironalloys, but despite the obvious many folks from the Islands just
came to get meat or other comestible goods that had been difficult to get on
their lands. The first day he ever came to the market, Richard remembers every
moment of it, never before had he seen so many different Cultures and Races at
one spot, screaming and shouting for the best bargains in too many languages.
It seemed liked chaos and young Richy got scared, holding tight to his father
he asked ‘’How…how..does all this work, there is no…order…it looks
dangerous..all these weapons..and..’’ His father just laughed and tousled through
Richys hair ‘’don’t worry’’ he said calm and pointed to the battlements on the
outer walls  ‘’that’s what the guards are
here for’’. The young boys eyes widened as he looked up in awe ‘’They keep us
all safe? And and …’’ Arthur smiled and added to Richard stuttuering words ‘’
and you will as soon you are old enough, look out for everyone as well’’. A big
grin was painted in the boys face as clenched is fist in a cheering manner.


The girl from the market

As the day was coming to an end, and the streets where clearing up already Richard got the
permission to walk around on the market, armed with a few coins he was ready to
take on the big city. Stopping at nearly every booth his eyes got wider and
wider, he had no idea what most of the things were but he just liked to look,
knowing that he could never afford even one of those articles.  The air in town was a lot drier then he was
used to it, and the masses of people heated up the place to a degree that it
has been really hard for him to bare, so he looked for a form of refreshments.
Passing booth after booth of spiceys, armours and weapons he was about to give
up to find anything that would save him from dehydration. Sad and exhausted he
sat down on the ground and mumbled huffy to himself, until someone touched his
shoulder. Scared by the unexpected feeling he tried to stand up only to tumble
down again. ‘’Ouch’’ He sighed as he scratched his head as a high and soft
laughed woke him up. ‘’Im sorry’’ The girl said, and offered him her hand. She
was cute and Richard was thanking god for the sunburn to cover up his propably
tomato red head by now.  ‘’you look
thirsty…’’ she said as Richard took her hand and stood up again… ‘’yea…yeah…’’
he stuttered. Together they walked to her booth, it was filled with delicious
looking fruits and as Richys shyness faded his saliva started run craving for
the fresh goods. ‘’But they are not free you know!’’ she added as he charged
towards the fruits, looking around it was hard to pick. Checking his money
again he pointed at the one he decided to look the tastyest. ‘’Are you sure?’’
she chuckled ‘’They are pretty sour you know’’ ‘’I can handle it!’’ he said
filled with pride, until his face deformed to something undefinable banshee
like being. Nothing more then a  ‘’thhhh’’
was leaving his mouth as he stared at the girl ‘’ Wath wath thath’’. ‘’A lemon’’
she answered and started laughing, as Richard was cleaning his mouth with the
fabric from his clothe. The funny moment soon ended as the young boy realised
that he didn’t have enough money left to buy something good. Pondering for a
while the girl went up to him ‘’here that’s a Peach, pay it next time okay?’’
she offered him smiling. The boys eyes started to sweat from the kindness.
Swallowing the last bitter taste down his throat he hugged her ‘’thank you…I swear
I will pay you back’’. Unable to withstand the moment any longer he walked away
with quick steps ‘’wait!’’ the girl shouted ‘’I need to know who is debt with
me’’. They boy stood there for a moment and turned around ‘’Richard, Richard
Ferrel, and who am I in dept with?’’ he asked smiling. She smiled back ‘’Samira…Samira
is my name’’

The Ribbon

He payed her back, many times as it became his usual routine to meet her on the market
and buy a peach ending up in a great friendship between them. Richards sister
Lizzy always smiled when he brought peaches with him, as she liked them even
more than he did. The time went fast and the day had come that Richard had to
fulfill his duty as the firstborn Son. Everyones firstborn son had to enter the
Ferrumburgs Militia when they entered a certain Age. It was a big honour for
everyone, and even though Richard was very excited..he was also scared as hell.
The night before his enrollment he had nightmares. Monsters and strange
creatures where tearing up the townfolk, his farm was burning, but he couldnt
find his sister, everything seemed desperate and just as the sun was about to
rise in his dream he heard a voice. Waking up in the middle of the night
sweating, with scratchmarks all over his body he looked at the door. Only to
find his sister standing in the hallway, slowly walking up to him. ‘’Is
everything alright he asked?’’ still confused by the dream he cared what woke
her up.  The little girl hugged him,
surprised he slowly rested his arm around her and sighed reliefed. Lizzy opened
up her ribbon and tied it around his arm, Richard didn’t know what to say but
as he was about to react to it, he got interrupted ‘’I will protect you’’.
Lizzy spoke, it was the first time he heard her say something. He cheered and
embraced her in a tight hug. For the moment he was speechless.


The townguard

Proudly wearing his Armor Richard was walking around Town as a member of the Militia, greeting
Samira on his usual stop at her booth. He was faithfully fulfilling his duty
and since he joined them had been raising Ranks over Time due to his hard
training beside the usual hours and his dedication to his job. He hadn’t told
anyone that Lizzy spoke to him, since he wasn’t sure if he was still hallucinating,
but if she did she would know when to talk to everyone on her own. It was their
little secret.  He was well known
throughout the other Townguards for his good mood and helpful attitude, most of
the men respected him, and despite the fact he had been raised to a squad
leader, he still saw himself as one of them.  Since a while now the relations with the
southern Regions were going down and on one of those quiet nightshifts the
inevitable happened. Richard was just about to change out of his Uniform and
get back home as the noise started. An opposing duchy was taking over the town,
surprising the unprepared men with a stealthy attack. Richard readied himself
and went straight out of the office, kicking the first attacker of the wall
with slamming door, he started fighting his way back to the Guards Leading
Officer. Gathering all the men he could on the way back, saving lives and
organizing a small group of defenders. They appeared just in the right moment.
One of the enemy soldiers was kneeing before the Office ready to stab as
Richard jumped against him with all his weight, wrestling him down he knocked
him unconscious. The other guards were already surrounding the Officer as he
was heavily wounded ‘’Richard’’ the officer coughed. With a worried face he got
down beside him ‘’Yes sir?’’ he asked troubled ‘’You..you did a good job, but I
have..i have another task for you’’ blood was coming out of the mouth and it
seemed bad for the officer ‘’Ill do everything you ask for!’’ Richard hastly
answered ‘’good…’’ the wounded man gritted ‘’just..just…save the town’’ where
his last words as he lost conscious. ‘’….’’ The Guard was speechless, that wasn’t
just a task, it seemed impossible. The other Guards where looking at Richard,
trouble but hopefull one of them asked after a while of Silence ‘’so…Richard…whats
the plan?’’. His hands where shaking  and
his knees week, it was the first time he killed a man, the first time he really
fought…but..but they…they are counting on me, he thought. There was no time to
worry…no time to be scared…but, he gritted his teeth, on the edge to breakdown.
One of the men grabbed him tightly on the arm ‘’Richard!’’ taking his mind out
of the storm the farmboy lookd at his arm. The ribbon…lizzys ribbon,, he was
always wearing  it under his clothes..he
felt it under the tight grip. ‘’Alright!’’ he shouted, as he stomped the ground
with the plated boots, lifting himself up again fueled by the hope of his men
and ensured by the Lucky charm. ‘’Listen!’’


Three Years

The Sun was rising over the fields of Ferrumburg, flowers were opening their petals to
greet the early birds. Kids were playing around the fountains and the streets
slowly got crowded by mysterious salesmen and travelers as the great market was
back in town after three years.  It was
smaller, but still big enough to attractd enough to fill the alleys and pubs,
and book out all the sleeping places for a while. Two younger Townguards  were taking a break on a bench close to the fountain
chit chatting. ‘’Man..I cant believe the Market is back in town, I mean it took
‘em long enough’’ stated the slightly smaller one ‘’Oh come on, better three
years then if there would be no one anymore’’ said the big one ‘’Yeah well if
that idiot hadn’t sacr..’’ was the smaller one about to say as he got
interrupted ‘’Are you kidding me? If he hadn’t made that sacrifice! You
propably wouldn’t be here! So shut your mouth’’ the bigger one shouted. ‘’what!?’’
was the last thing understandable until the started fighting and punching each
other like two rabbit over an apple. A snapping noise followed by a high
pitched cling made them stop as a crossbow bolt flew between them ‘’Stop it!’’
shouted another guard that was witnessing the scene. ‘’Yes Sir Cedric Sir!’’
the two saluted, just answered by shaking head of Cedric as he walked off
again..’’My brother did the right thing’’ he mumble to himself. The day slowly
ended and the taverns filled themselves as the streets went empty, leaving  the town loud, and the outskirts quiet. The last
rays of  light were shining upon a
granite plate, stucking in the ground.  A
figure, slowly getting embraced by the darkness of the light was standing there
in silence. After the sun had gone completely, so did the figure leaving
nothing there but a bouqet of peach blossoms.

the plate had written on it ‘’Elisabeth Ferrel’’


The Nightmare

Turning an ambush around, getting the remaining Guards together ….Driving the Attackers
into a tight situation…forcing them to consider talking, making a deal…offering
them the dukes gold reservoir…to let the people save and free..was that the
right decision? Was it worth all that? Getting kicked out dishonorable out of
the townguards? Letting the town suffer for years from the missing goods…he
asked the grave…yes, yes it was. Richard ensured himself, and placed the bouqet
on the ground. ‘’thanks’’ he said before he went back to the farm. Ever since
Lizzy has died a year ago he had been visiting her grave if he needed advice…or
just someone to listen.  Getting back in
his room he lay down in his bed, and watched the stars from the windows. The
life on the farm still hasn’t changed at all, and since Cedric voluntarly
joined the Town Guards and made his way up to the top very fast, Richard was
glad he was able to help his parents out. Slowly falling asleep, he smiled. Yellow…red…smoke
…heat…flames, he woke up again at the middle of the night. ‘’The farm!’’ light
was entering his room, from the flames that violently tore down the Ferrels Ground.
The Farmboy jumped out of his bed and ran into the hallway, his parents were
already awaked, coughing heavily from all the smoke ‘’Come on’’ he said,
supporting his mother together with his father to get them out of the house. As
they arrived outside thinking to be in safety, they saw the Nightmare only just
began. The town was burning, demons were in the sky, monstrous screeches coming
from every directions. ‘’its like…its like in grandpa’s storys…’’ Richard
thought aloud. ‘’Quick!’’ his father shouted and walked towards a secret cave ‘’Here
we are safe! We just have to wait’’ He said as they shivered in fear…just…just
Richard was calm, he had an uneasy stare in his eyes ‘’Is everything alright
Richy?’’ his mother asked. Pondering, he stood up and looked out of the Cave ‘’wait!
What are you planning to do!?’’ his father shouted. Richard sighed…and  looked back at them..’’I cant..i have to go,
Cedric is there…and the others..’’ he replied in soft but sad voice. Just as
his mother wanted to stop him he secured the entrance…’’If you follow the
cave..it will lead you to the shores…it should be safe…’’ he said swallowing
the fact he has to leave them behind he walked back to the farm. The old barn
where the old belongings were stashed was still standing, and he grabbed the old
armor and weaponry he kept, getting ready for whatever awaits him in this
Nightmare. Taking one last deep breath, he opened his eyes and marched in the

//rest will follow OTL i am in the middle of moving into another flat and really wanted to submit in time



Richard is a mere Human and thus has no Supernatural Powers or such himself, however he made himself a name as ''Ironeyes'' speaking as a metaphor of his unbreakable will. His willpower has made it nearly impossible so far to alter his behaviour or even control him through spells and such, therefore leaving him immune to Siren Songs or other mind controlling abilitys.




Solaris The incarnation of faith, said to be forged out of the Sun
(The longsword, description will follow)

Aegis The wing, holding the winds of the West to protect its children
(The Shield, description will follow)

Honor Guard Armor of the Order of the Hidden Phoenix
(The armor, description will follow)


-sings when he showers


Background by
Souls of Chaos by and
Character by
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Comments: 23

Kuroo-Ryu [2013-11-25 12:03:22 +0000 UTC]

How do you keep creating such awesome characters!!! He's so cool!!

I want to join SoC during the enrollment... but I keep failing at designing a character I like...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kruzack In reply to Kuroo-Ryu [2013-11-25 13:03:55 +0000 UTC]

I just have too much time id say xD 

And yeah sometimes it takes some time to create something you are satisfied with. But the time is worth it ^^ 

Sadly im not in Souls of Chaos anymore but i wish you hood luck and hope you have a great time there

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kuroo-Ryu In reply to Kruzack [2013-11-25 15:38:35 +0000 UTC]

Wish I had time too!...

It sure is

Aww!! that's too bad! how come??

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kruzack In reply to Kuroo-Ryu [2013-11-25 17:36:02 +0000 UTC]

Ah well i just had not enough time anymore to participate like i should have and the bit of freetime i habe i didnt want to stress it with that stuff

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kuroo-Ryu In reply to Kruzack [2013-11-25 17:53:38 +0000 UTC]

Aww, too bad! 

But I totally understand! Life shouldn't be too stressful  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kruzack In reply to Kuroo-Ryu [2013-11-25 21:42:59 +0000 UTC]

yeah i miss it, but its better this way ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kuroo-Ryu In reply to Kruzack [2013-11-26 07:39:06 +0000 UTC]

Then it's fine

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RawringCrafts [2013-09-07 01:24:16 +0000 UTC]

Ohne die wand an text gelesen zu haben:
Super arbeit! Das gesicht is perfekt. Liebe das badass lächeln. Die metall effekte sind auch klasse.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JBeanSV [2013-08-15 18:58:10 +0000 UTC]

Ello handsome ......

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kruzack In reply to JBeanSV [2013-08-15 20:38:58 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JBeanSV In reply to Kruzack [2013-08-16 09:46:19 +0000 UTC]

... //stare

//touch touch


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Fortranica [2013-08-15 18:48:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kruzack In reply to Fortranica [2013-08-15 20:40:37 +0000 UTC]

thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fortranica In reply to Kruzack [2013-08-30 11:50:26 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Orzephlen [2013-08-14 20:02:52 +0000 UTC]

hjhgjtger I'm under so much pressure to give a meaningful comment now amg

Okay first off I just want to say how amazed I am at the speed of your improvement, it's kind of unbelievable. Even in streams I can practically see you getting better with every stroke. Next, AMG DIS ART HGJYGJB IT'S SO GREAT His eyes! Dat sword! everything looks so great wow. I love all the little details that you've put on him as well. The little dents and scratches in his armor, the stunning detail of the flames on his sword (WANT), and of course his eyes! The written part of the app is also great, it's been written really well. Anyway, I love seeing artists put the kind of effort into their art that you do. It's not something that you see enough of here.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Reiji-Minato [2013-08-14 19:12:33 +0000 UTC]

cool dude

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kruzack In reply to Reiji-Minato [2013-08-14 19:23:10 +0000 UTC]

thanks man

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PhantomMuze [2013-08-14 18:53:22 +0000 UTC]

Oh, this is Richard!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kruzack In reply to PhantomMuze [2013-08-14 19:23:01 +0000 UTC]

yes its him

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PhantomMuze In reply to Kruzack [2013-08-14 21:13:47 +0000 UTC]

I've only heard about him, so it's nice to see him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Kruzack In reply to PhantomMuze [2013-08-14 21:26:15 +0000 UTC]

So you have heard of him and its nice to finally post him too~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PhantomMuze In reply to Kruzack [2013-08-15 03:07:50 +0000 UTC]

Indeed, I have. Also, that armor man...OuO

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WolfShadowYuma In reply to PhantomMuze [2013-08-14 21:15:34 +0000 UTC]

Or at least to sit and oogle~ = w=~ <3
Love the work Kruz<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0