KsKaBeLL — Rox's and Moby's profile

Published: 2007-11-07 13:26:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 5058; Favourites: 54; Downloads: 64
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Yep! Con éstos dos ya casi acabo los profiles!!
No se porqué pero la pose de Moby no acaba de gustarme....aún y así, cabe aclarar que me he basado en el diseño de MOby de .

Nombre: Rox (Melvin Kresnik)
Edad: 23 años
Color de ojos: Marrón
Color de pelo: Negro
ADN: humano + Bull shark
Historia: Melvin era un cantante de rock que nunca acabó de cuajar entre el gran público. La música, el punk, el rock y su guitarra eran toda su vida. Siempre había preferido tocar solo, pues su exigente ego musical nunca permitía que otros músicos subiesen con él al escenario. En sus últimos años cómo humano, obtuvo algunos fans.
La mutación de Melvin fue tan repentina cómo indeseada, a causa de injerir el mutágeno (sin inyectarlo) accidentalmente Melvin adoptó el aspecto de un Tiburón toro, pero su larga y oscura melena permaneció en su mismo lugar, hecho que lo distingue de la mayoría de mutantes a los cuales se les inyectó el mutágeno. A partir de entonces, tomó el nombre de Rox y su carrera musical subió como la espuma a causa de su nuevo aspecto.
En uno de sus conciertos conoció a los hermanos Bolton, que se desplazaron al lugar curiosos por ver a otro tiburón (puesto que la Guerra Genética aún no se había llevado a cabo). Después de un choque frontal con Streex, a causa de una rivalidad de egos y de filtreo con las fans femeninas de Rox, ambos se convirtieron en amigos inseparables y Streex empezó a tocar la batería con Rox, siendo el primer miembro al que Rox permitió en vida subir al escenario junto a él.
Comparte multitud de similitudes con Streex, y no solo la pasión por el punk y el rock, sino también el enorme ego, la necesidad de mantenerse peligrosamente cerca del sexo femenino y así como las bromas pesadas y oscuras. Ambos forman un dueto extrañamente peligroso y de poca confianza que, uno de sus mejores pasatiempos, es hacerle la vida imposible a Sasha por cortesía de Streex (aunque Rox siente mucha más compasión por la chica de lo que su compañero sentirá nunca).
Alegre, engreído, con buena voz y una capacidad innata para tocar la guitarra eléctrica y permanecer en el centro de atención de cualquier multitud. Su pelo es lo más importante para él y lo cuida sin escatimar esfuerzos. Para el resto de los Bolton, no es más que el mejor amigo de uno de sus hermanos y suele pasarse largas horas en casa de la família cuándo no se encuentra vagabundeando por las calles, conciertos y bares en compañía de Streex.
Conocer a Dawn será lo mejor que le haya pasado en vida.

Nombre: Moby (Jets Taylor)
Edad: 22 años
Color de ojos: Azul
Color de pelo: Negro
Color de piel: Negra (humano)
ADN: Humano+Orca
Jets estudiaba en la Universidad de Fission City el último año de Biología. Era aplicado. Inteligente y dedicado. Solía pasar el tiempo libre con los amigos y Clint (Jab) era uno de ellos, aunque siempre se mantuvo apartado delas peleas y las salidas nocturnas que Clint llevaba a cabo con su grupo de amigos.
Jets sufrió la mutación antes de la Guerra genética, junto a los Hermanos Bolton y a Rox, fue uno de los primeros mutantes que existió. A causa de sus conocimientos de biología, uno de sus profesores, el Dr Paradigma, le requirió para algunos asuntos y Jets aceptó. Completamente engañado, se le inyectó el mutágeno en el cuerpo del mismo modo que había ocurrido con los Bolton, jets se convirtió en una Orca ,pero Paradigma provó con él algo nuevo: un mutágeno capaz de desarrollar el criterio de obediencia. Jets resultó ser un muñeco a manos del Dr. durante una éoca. Pero lo que Paradigma no supo esque ese desarrollo de la obediencia era temporal y era completamete nocivo para el cuerpo de un ser vivo, al poco tiempo y sucumbido por los dolores Jets se revotó huyendo del laboratorio. Pasó a llamarse Moby y a rondar completamente independiente y moribundo por la ciudad. Hasta en un principio se mostró astío hacia los Bolton, no queriendo confiar en nadie y tratando de hacer pasar su inmenso dolor corporal con inútiles métodos. No fue hasta que supo que uno de los conocidos cómo Street Sharks era Clint, que abrió los ojos y se dejó ayudar. Gracias a los conocimientos de Ripster, Jets consiguió auyentar el dolor y llevar de sobremanera su nuevo cuerpo. Pasó entonces a llamarse Moby por ocurrencia de Jab.
Bonachón, amable y cariñoso, suele preferir la soledad, pero cuando se junta con Jab ambos hacen una curiosa mezcla en la que Moby piensa y Jab actua. Siente simpatía por el resto de la familia pero, a diferencia de Rox, Moby prefiere pasar más rato en intimidad y en pocas ocasiones pasa largos períodos de tiempo con los hermanos. Encontró una nueva manera de sobrellevar su nueva vida: dar clases de biología en la universidad de Fission; añl ser mutante, los estudiantes que también lo eran no se sentían desplazados por ello.

Yep! At least!! With the profiles of those two i have already finished all the profiles!!! (only miss Liss and Dawn)
Dunno why but i don't like so much the poses of Moby in here....anyway! have to say that i have chose the Moby's style for da comic! I like it!

Name: Rox (Melvin Kresnik)
Age: 23 years
Eye color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
DNA: human + Bull shark
History: Melvin was a rock singer who never had a lot of fans among the general public. The music, punk, rock and his guitar were all his life. He had always preferred playing alone because his musical ego never allowed other musicians go up with him on stage. In his later years like human, won some fans.
The mutation of Melvin was so sudden how unwelcome, because of eat the mutagen (without injection) accidentally Melvin took the appearance of a bull shark, but his long, dark hair remained in the same place, a fact which distinguishes it from most mutants in which they injected the mutagen. Since then, took the name of Rox and his musical career grow up as a result of his new look.
In one of his concerts he met the brothers Bolton, who moved to the place curious to see another shark (since the War Genetics had not yet been carried out). After a shock front with Streex, because of a rivalry of egos and flirt with female fans Rox, the two became inseparable friends and Streex started playing the drums with Rox, becoming the first member he allowed came on stage next to him.
He shares many similarities with Streex, not just a passion for punk and rock, but also the enormous ego, the need to remain dangerously close to the female as well as heavy and dark jokes. The two form an oddly dangerous duet and little confidence that one of his best hobbies is making life impossible for Sasha courtesy of Streex (although Rox feels much more compassion for the girl what her partner never feel).
Cheerful, goof, with good voice and an innate ability to play the electric guitar and remain at the center of attention in any crowd. His hair is the most important thing for him and cares for sparing no efforts. For the rest of Bolton, is just the best friend of one of his brothers and often spend long hours at home with their family when it is not vagrancy through the streets, bars and concerts in the company of Streex.
Knowing Dawn is the best thing that has happened in his life.

Name: Moby (Jets Taylor)
Age: 22 years
Eye color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Skin color: Black (human)
DNA: Human + Orca
Jets studied at the University of Fission City last year Biology. It was implemented. Intelligent and dedicated. He used to spend free time with friends and Clint (Jab) was one of them, but always remained paragraph of fights and nights out that Clint performed with his group of friends.
Jets suffered mutation before the Genetic War, along with the Bolton Brothers and Rox, was one of the first mutants existed. Because of their knowledge of biology, one of his teachers, Dr Paradigm, he called for some issues and Jets agreed. Completely deluded, he injected the mutagen in the body the same way as had happened with Boltons, Jet became an Orca, but Paradigm tried with him something new: a mutagen able to develop the test of obedience. Jets was a doll at the hands of Dr. During an epoch. But what Paradigm failed was that development of obedience was temporary and was entirely harmful to the body of a living being, and soon, succumbed for the pain, Jets escaped from the laboratory. He went around completely independent and dying by the city. Even in the beginning was skeptical to Boltons, not wanting to trust anyone and trying to cure his immense body's pain with useless methods. It was not until he learned that one of the known how Street Sharks was Clint, opened his eyes and was left to help. Thanks to the expertise of Ripster, Jets could "throw away" the pain and bring about his new body. He then called Moby per occurrence Jab.
Good person, kind and loving, often preferring solitude, but when they get together with Jab both make a curious mixture in which Moby thinks and Jab acts. Feel sympathy for the rest of the family, but unlike Rox, Moby prefer to spend more time on privacy and rarely spends long periods of time with the brothers. He found a new way to live with his new life: teaching biology at the University of Fission; Beein' mutant, mutants students also felt they were not displaced.

Rox and Moby (c) DIC
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Comments: 42

OWanwaEldo [2007-11-16 22:46:47 +0000 UTC]

Yah, I have said it before; your profiles are pure METAL! I wish I could sit down and make profiles for my Foot Ninjas characters, but it is too complicated for me.

However, AWESOME as always Yas

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KsKaBeLL In reply to OWanwaEldo [2007-11-17 11:53:24 +0000 UTC]

well, if ya have some time, is not so complicated!!
only have to do a couple od pics and write a profile!

thanx a lot luv!!! happy ya like it!!

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TsumilkenClover [2007-11-14 17:27:01 +0000 UTC]

A todo esto.... T///T
Te agregue a messenger para poder conversar mejor....

No es es que conversar por aca e latea, pero ayer empece a guardar las conversaciones nuestras el el word...
Y tal vez dije que seria mejor conversar por otra menera n_n

Ojala no te moleste...^^

Nos vemos....

See ya


*Raph mira a Rox* o///////o

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KsKaBeLL In reply to TsumilkenClover [2007-11-14 18:36:54 +0000 UTC]

hahahahaha!! en el word??? y eso???

naaah! ok! trankila! no me importa!
nos vemos en el msn pues!!!

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TsumilkenClover [2007-11-13 17:46:57 +0000 UTC]

Acabo de cachar que era una serie ultra antigua.....
Y encontre tan feo el diseño de los personajes...

O sea, hay que ver a Rips... esta horrendo...
Vi el tuyo y te juro que me enamore de el completamente y despues vi al bello de Rox....*baba*

-Ahhh Rox.....-

Te quedan diez millones de veces mejores los personajes a ti....Tiene mas vida y expresion n_n

Nous vemos...


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KsKaBeLL In reply to TsumilkenClover [2007-11-13 18:03:53 +0000 UTC]

seee, era una serie ochentera que salió a la luz por una masiva ola de juguetes...n_ñU, la verdad esque la serie era mala (tanto en el diseño como en el argumento) y se notaba que había poco presupuesto....de seguro que si le hubiesen dado más vida hubieran conseguido algo mejor!!
me alegra que te guste mi versión!! la verdad esque trato de hacer una especie de re-make más moderno y con mejor diseño y argumento

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TsumilkenClover [2007-11-13 04:12:05 +0000 UTC]

LO AME!!!!!

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KsKaBeLL In reply to TsumilkenClover [2007-11-13 08:57:42 +0000 UTC]


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DarkMirime [2007-11-08 19:35:11 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, Con justa razçon Rox cuida tanto de su cabello, si està hermoso se ve muy bien. Ya me imagino el dueto dinamita que han de ser él y Streex
En cuanto a Moby, se ve muy joven y delicado Oxo, me sorprende gratamente que sea maestro X3

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KsKaBeLL In reply to DarkMirime [2007-11-09 11:24:04 +0000 UTC]

bueh, digamos que ha causa de la escasedad de profesores mutantes después de las Guerras Genéticas, cualquiera con un poco de conocimiento sobre el tema puede dedicarse por libre elección a dar clases n_ñU
me alegra que te gustase Rox!! quería darle un aspecto más punk, pero que a la vez no se viera descuidado, además, realmente en el show su pelo era intocable!

gracias chica!!!

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DarkMirime In reply to KsKaBeLL [2007-11-10 00:12:18 +0000 UTC]

oh, y le pagan por dar clases o lo hace por el buen corazon que tiene???
Hiciste un gran trabajo con su pelo, se ve tan bien, sobretodo en la imagen inferior sin colorear

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KsKaBeLL In reply to DarkMirime [2007-11-10 11:36:22 +0000 UTC]

XD empieza de gratis, por amor a la counidad, y, por supuesto, luego le pagan , aunke por el hecho de ser mutante no con tanta frecuencia ni la cantidad que debería ser pagada....n_ñU
maldito racismo!!!

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DarkMirime In reply to KsKaBeLL [2007-11-10 14:16:11 +0000 UTC]

Pobre tipo, ¿cómo sobrevive? ya de por si los maestros son mal pagados

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gothkittykat [2007-11-08 09:20:21 +0000 UTC]

So Awesome!!

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KsKaBeLL In reply to gothkittykat [2007-11-08 12:33:43 +0000 UTC]

thanx a lot luv!!!

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gothkittykat In reply to KsKaBeLL [2007-11-08 12:51:57 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome, hon!

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Maxime-Loonatic [2007-11-07 21:25:16 +0000 UTC]

Son una pasada!!! Sin duda Rox parece un chulo como Strex pero tambien esta tan bueno como el!!

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KsKaBeLL In reply to Maxime-Loonatic [2007-11-07 23:54:01 +0000 UTC]

tal para cual! XD
sería super bueno hacer un yaoi de éstos dos
muuuxas gracias!! que bueno que te gusten!!! se aprecia un montón el apoyo!!

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Patoshop [2007-11-07 21:08:41 +0000 UTC]

Ey Moby ¿de mobydick? jeje, bah no se se me hace muy lindo Moby *_* dan ganas de abrazarlo jeje, tal vez no te convence la pose por las piernas cruzadas como si quisiera ir al baño jeje nuse nuse supongo es lo que no te convence.

De todos modos estan cool ¿ya has encontrado videos de la serie por cierto?

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KsKaBeLL In reply to Patoshop [2007-11-07 23:57:45 +0000 UTC]

Seee XD de hecho es Moby Lick XDXD
pero quedaba muy feo poner el nombre entero....asi ke....jusjusjus!

sep, creo qe puede ser eso....se ve un "paso" demasiado forzado no??

ke va....aún no he encontrado ningun video...ando peleándome con el ordenador para poder subir yo algunos n_ñU
grax chica!!

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Patoshop In reply to KsKaBeLL [2007-11-08 04:09:35 +0000 UTC]

see algo, ahorita me puse en la posición XD para ver si es posible o que tanto se enreda la pierna XD, y pues creo que si es un poco incómodo jeje, no se, no importa, de todos modos está bien el Moby *_* jeje

Jeje sigue buscando, yo tb me puse en la faena...pero la verdad es que no hay mucho eh? O_o estara dificil -_-u pero no imposible

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the-last-jennicorn [2007-11-07 18:32:48 +0000 UTC]

JAWSOME!!! Yaaaayyy!!! Rox and Moby are here!! I LOVE it! The combination of the profiles was an excellent idea Because Moby and Rox are the best friends of the main Street Sharks, it's good to put these 2 on the same profile. Plus, the red, black and white look really great together! Rox looks sooo cool!! His pose and facial expressions are tres sexy Oh, I like his necklace, too! I was planning on giving Rox a long necklace, too, with a shark tooth at the end of it Great job on the guitar and the clothes, too!! I love Rox, you did an amazing job with him

As for Moby, "jawsome" job as well, hun!! Wow, he looks sexy, too D will have some difficulty choosing, since Moby is very smart and knows about biology, like her Bwahahaha Just kidding, just kidding, my love I love his full body pose and his expressions, too, esp. the one at the bottom where he's smiling Adorable!

The profiles are really good, too! I liked how you made the mind-control serum have a sickness side effect and made Moby into a professor and how that helped mutant students feel more comfortable @ Fission University BtW, excellent job on Rox/Melvin's profile, too!! So the other musicians were afraid to stand up to Rox's musical ego? LoL Too good, great idea!! Heehee After reading the part about how Rox and Streex like to bug Sasha, I suddenly got inspiration to draw something new, involving Streex, Rox, Sasha and D Oh, speaking of D, I saw that you added her into that cute little line of Rox's profile! Thanks, hun!!

JAWSOME job once again!! I'm so glad you like drawing Street Sharks and we can share the fandom together We're also adding a few more to the fandom through our works so I'm happy that we can do that together, too Love ya!

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KsKaBeLL In reply to the-last-jennicorn [2007-11-07 19:32:11 +0000 UTC]

haha!!! thak ya honey!!, yeah, first i want to pit them togetter to have less work to do , but then i thought that wasn't a bad idea after all, 'cause they both are relationed in some way...one is da best friend of Streex, and the other the best friend of Jab...so, are the friends of da family n_ñ
yep!! i was planin' to put to Rox a necklace like the one you have put him in your comic! but i dunno if it was a necklace without importance or somethin' different, so, atheet huh?? good idea!! maybe i'll adopt it too, hushushus!
So, you like Rox's clothes?? hahaha, it's funny 'cause i "let him" a shirt of mine XD, i have one like that, with red and black streaps, and is one of ma favorites!!!(looove the black and red convination in da clothes!!! *_*)
So, yeah, it's not exactly that the musicians were afraid to go up near him in da stage, was 'cause Rox nver had find anybody who he considers that is good player enought to play with him...well, yeah, that's it anyway, for his musical ego n_ñ

and for MOby, yeah, i have to put the "pain" of his transformation to motivate him to trust in SS...and to give a more dramatic look to his story (seems so childish the original one...n_ñU, the bad that becomes good...ya know)

so, you have an idea with sasha, streex, rox and D??? OMG!! Sure these four are able to have a lot of funny scennes togetter , can't wait to see in what you're thinkin', hushus!!

glad you like it hon!! and yeah!! i'm so proud too to can give to da ppl another fresh look of the show, maybe this way we will be more fans in a couple of months!!! I'm happy that ppl catch the atention for SS thru our pics!!!

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the-last-jennicorn In reply to KsKaBeLL [2007-11-07 19:47:06 +0000 UTC]

Well, I was gonna wait to post the profile up to explain Rox's necklace, but while we're on the subject, I'll tell ya Yeah, for Rox's necklace, I decided to give him a shark tooth, because its a reminder of the "true" beginning of his successful career after transforming and gaining his new look that grabbed the attention of his fans. Also, his necklace will also be like a guitar pick when he wants to use it as one Sure you can adopt it! Isn't it cool that sometimes we have the same ideas for little things?

Yes, the red and black looks great together!! BtW, is that the same shirt in your DA avatar pic?? Yeah, the bad guy turning good is overdone I changed D's profile up a teeeny bit so that it wouldn't be so typical and dumb, but the story is almost the same Yep, the Quartet (Streex, Sasha, Rox and D) can create some funny moments together, I have an idea for them I'm going to type it up to get it perfected, then once I've got the idea down officially, I will let you know

You're welcome, hun I look forward to creating more SS stuff with ya

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KsKaBeLL In reply to the-last-jennicorn [2007-11-07 19:53:08 +0000 UTC]

that's cool!!!!!!
Love the idea of the tooth!! It's so original!!!

yeah, hahah, it's da same shirt that i have in the avatar!
want to know about this idea (of the quartet) once you have it!!!

me too!!! maybe this night i'll start with Liss and Dawn's profile....i was wornerin' if these two will look good in a same profile as Rox and Moby...dunno...Liss like Rip's girlfriend and Dawn...well, like a "posible" girlfriend for Rox , but, anyway, i would like that, if ya can, type the Dawn's profile for me, i'll put your type in mine profile (i'll translate it in spanish too), this way, i won't do any error!! do you mind??

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the-last-jennicorn In reply to KsKaBeLL [2007-11-07 20:01:08 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thank you!! I appreciate it, hun I knew it was the same shirt once you told me that you owned one like it! Heehee Cool! No prob, I'll let you know about the idea I like the concept of these 4 together! No I don't mind Liss and D being on the same page at all!! I'll type a mini version of that book of a profile I sent you LoL When do you need it by? Oh oh oh, in D's profile, do you think you can draw a tiny/chibi pic of Rox and D together (doing something funny, etc.) pleeeeeeaaasseeee? If not, it's okay, cause the profile is already a big project Nope, I don't mind at all, just let me know when you need it by and I'll type it up for ya

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KsKaBeLL In reply to the-last-jennicorn [2007-11-07 20:08:16 +0000 UTC]

of corse!!
i hope it will be space for it 'cause if I put D with Liss, both of them will have a small space for the expresions (like with Rox and Moby), but well, i think that it's posible to put it!!
cool!!! I'll start to draw so early i can, i will tell ya somethin' when i need it, but if ya have free time, start it! 'cause it won't be too late
but, oh well, don't stress, finish your things first!!

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the-last-jennicorn In reply to KsKaBeLL [2007-11-07 20:20:21 +0000 UTC]

Yaayy Graciaaaaaaaaaas Sure, only if you can fit it in there, go ahead, but if there's no space, don't worry about it I'll try and get it typed up today for ya! No stress, working on Rox's profile calms me down because I gave him an expression that whenever I look at it, kinda relaxes me so it's all good

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sophisticada [2007-11-07 18:25:21 +0000 UTC]

los dos se ven muy atractivos, sobretodo Moby que me recuerda a "Liberen a Willy" XDDDDDD

Conseguí una canción que le pega un montón a tus tiburones, en cuanto pueda te la paso^^

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KsKaBeLL In reply to sophisticada [2007-11-07 18:46:03 +0000 UTC]

uaaaah!!! si???

genial que te guste, porque en moby especialmente no me quedé muy convencida del resultado n_ñU

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sophisticada In reply to KsKaBeLL [2007-11-07 19:01:22 +0000 UTC]

ya te puse el link en tu página de DA ^^

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KsKaBeLL In reply to sophisticada [2007-11-07 19:37:33 +0000 UTC]


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LapisBufonis [2007-11-07 15:08:34 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow! I love your take on them!

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KsKaBeLL In reply to LapisBufonis [2007-11-07 18:46:23 +0000 UTC]

thax a lot!!!
just tryin' to give them a refreshed look!!!

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Ap4dlmr [2007-11-07 14:33:05 +0000 UTC]

rox se ve moy lindo

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KsKaBeLL In reply to Ap4dlmr [2007-11-07 18:47:02 +0000 UTC]

seee, tenía que ser atractivo por fuerza!!!
gracias chica!!

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Ap4dlmr In reply to KsKaBeLL [2007-11-07 20:51:29 +0000 UTC]

hahah ..bueno algo es algo sierto??..i si es muy atractivo><

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KsKaBeLL In reply to Ap4dlmr [2007-11-07 23:58:39 +0000 UTC]


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Ap4dlmr In reply to KsKaBeLL [2007-11-08 15:13:39 +0000 UTC]

de nada ^^

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Sharky7 [2007-11-07 13:28:44 +0000 UTC]

Olèèèèè!!!!! So now the profiles are all done, aren't they?

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KsKaBeLL In reply to Sharky7 [2007-11-07 13:39:56 +0000 UTC]

it reminds Liss and Dawn's profile!!!
then, all profiles will be finish!!! n_ñU

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Sharky7 In reply to KsKaBeLL [2007-11-07 13:41:56 +0000 UTC]

Ohu, that's true

C'mon, I know you'll can do it ^^

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