Kuraiko-chan349 — Star Wars || [OC] || Neil || [BIO]

#starwars #femaleoc #maytheforcebewithyou #starwarsoc #jedioc #greyjedioc #ocforstarwarsmovies
Published: 2019-04-10 18:59:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 7691; Favourites: 48; Downloads: 0
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Hey guys,

I said I probably would make a Star Wars OC and well, here she is. Her name (at least for now) is Neil and she's a former Jedi apprentice, who never really finished her Jedi training after a certain accident, which lead to her eventually becoming a Bounty Hunter. Said accident changed her view and personality and turned her into a bitter and selfish person. She's neither Jedi nor Sith - The probably best way to describe her would be to call her a trained Force Sensitive.

I have a few others ideas, for example that Neil once was a shy/ timid and reserved girl. As it can be seen in the picture above, Neil prefers longer, more traditional and thus discreet clothes.

Neil is a female Force-sensitive human, who used to train under the supervision of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker alongside fellow Force-sensitive Ben Solo / Kylo Ren.  She is the great-grandniece of former Jedi - later Sith Count Dooku. Her parents fought for the Rebellion during the Galactic Civil War, during which they've met and fought alongside Princess Leia Organa, the smuggler Han Solo and the Jedi Luke Skywalker.

After the War against the Galactic Empire was won, Neil's parents married in 2 ABY and left the Rebellion to life the rest of their lives in peace in 6 ABY, two years before their daughter was born.

Name: Neil Dooku (last name added after claiming the title of Countess)
Gender: Female
Height: 1,73 meters
Weight: 73kilograms

Hair color: blonde
Eyecolor: blue

Age: 7 (beginning of her training under Luke Skywalker)
~ 21 (destruction of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple)
23 - 27 (the beginning and peak of her career as a bounty hunter)
27 (unwilled involvment with the Resistance and the first time meeting Rey, Poe and Finn)
28 (during the events of TROS; currently)
Species: Human

Birth Date: 8 ABY
Birthplace: unknown
Home(world): Serenno (base of operation )
Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple (previously)
Her X-wing (unnamed, previously)
Lambda-class T-4a shuttle*  also known as the Imperial Shuttle (spaceship of the Bounty Hunters)

- New Republic

- Jedi Padawan (previously)
- Bounty hunter (currently)
- Adventurer (currently)

- House of Dooku (curently)
- Jedi Order (previously)
- BountyHunter Guild (currently)
- herself (currently)

- Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master)

(* I'm to lazy to explain what exactly a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle is, so here's the link for those interested ^^ starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Lambd… )

Neil is a tall and young woman with blue eyes and long, blonde hair that reaches several centimeter past her shoulder.  She wears it in a side crest towards the right side of her face and the hair strands on the right side of her face are longer than the ones on her left face. Some strands of her hair ae braided and are lead together at the back of her head.

At some point of time, the female Force sensitive  received severe combustions, which later turned into burning scars, that went from the one side of her face, going down her neck as well as her shoulders and upper arm. Since Neils burning scars weren't seen completely, it can't be said how far they reach. It can be assumed, however that they reach down at least to her cleavage.

Neils regular outfit when she wasn't collecting Bounties consists of brown sleeveless robes, as well as a arm warmer of the same color and a three-layered belt.
Underneath those robes, Neil wears a white, sleeveless shirt with a dark blue top underneath. said blouse. The outfit was completed with dark brown trousers and brown boots. Whens he was on Serenno, Neil would additionally wear a Serennian Cloak as proof of her being a descendant of the House of Dooku.

Her outfit when being on a Bounty Hunt consists of a brown, sleveless jacked that almost reaches down to her butt. Added to that are two brown belts. At least one has a small pocket on the left side. Underneath the jacket, Neil wears a dark grey turtleneck top and trousers in the same color. She wears boots with a similar design as her jacket. Her Bounty Hunter outfit does not consist of an arm warmer, like her previous outfit.

Before Ben Solo burned down Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple, Neil was a relative tall young woman with long blonde hair, which she wore open. Her hair fell down from the side crest and over her shoulders.
Like all Padawan, Neil had the significant Padawan tail and wore the usual brown robes with her dark blue top underneath. Unlike her current outfits, Neils robes had sleeves.
She carried her lightsaber on the left side of her robes.

At the age of 27, Neil appears to be cold and ruthless, not being afraid to use intimidation to reach her goal or to receive access to certain areas. The former Jedi prodigee is willed to go as far as to injure or even kill other people, though she does so only if necessary. Deeply affected and traumatised by witnessing the fall of her masters' Jedi Temple and witnessing her friends being killed by the First Order, Neil keeps her emotions bottled up and to herself, as a coping mechanism. This tendency only adds to her cold and ruthless appearance perceived by others.

Losing everyone but Cynan and Grogu to the First Order, Neil became overly protective of the Child and needs to have him by her side all the timeor at the very least needs Grogu to be with someone she trusts (namely Carnage). Willed to go to great lenghts to protect Grogu, Cynan and the rest of her crew, showing the lingering loyalty she feels towards those she's feeling connected with.

Though initial distrustful of strangers and initially behaves rude and annoyed towards them. One can prove themself to her however, meaning her loyalty might expand to others if they impressed her/ gained her trust.

Neil enjoys the thrill of an adventure and is not afraid to take risks, especially if it means protecting what or who is important to her.

She values knowledge and power believing that with enough knowledge and power, she'll be able to return Ben Solo to the Light Side of the Force. It is another reason why she tries to learn as much about the Force and it's powers as possible.

Familial Background
Neil is the great-grandniece of Count Dooku. Her father is Vidic, grandnephew Dooku and son of Nelis and Ne-Vonkan.. Nelis was the daughter of Jenza Dooku, who herself was the daughter of Count Gora and Countess Anya. This made Jenza the one year younger sister of Dooku. Gora and Anya had another son, whose name is Ramil
Upon the discovery that Dooku was Force-sensitive, his father Gora was scared, calling Dooku a "freak". Gora contacted the Jedi Order on Coruscant and told them to get his son. Instead to wait for him, however, Gora abandoned the infant, placing him outside of the palace without clothes or any kind of protection. Fortunately, however, Dooku was found  and brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

He and Jenza wouldn't meet until 82 BBY, where Dooku attended the funeral of his mother, Anya on Serenno. The two encountered each other and Dooku quickly discovered who Jenza was. Despite Gora physically and verbally assaulting Dooku as well as Jenza forbidding to speak with her brother, the two siblings secretly remained in contact throughout the years..

In 72 BBY, at the age of 29,  Jenza met an unknown noble whom she married shortly afterwards. It was a political marriage and thus one lacking any feelings. Arguments arose quickly between the newly wed couple, leading to their marriage being annuled years years later (66 BBY).
This was one year after the birth of their daughter, Nelis in 67 BBY. The annulation of the marriage was a huge disappointment for Gora and Anya. Both parents had awaited more from the daughter and especially Gora was insisting of throwing his daughter out, stating that she was a "freak" just like her brother, Dooku. Fortunately, however, Anya was able to convince her husband that throwing Jenza out of the palace would only increase the shame brought upon the great House of Dooku. And so, Gora allowed his daughter to continue living inside the palace, though he did begrudgingly.
Jenza would eventually tell her brother about her situation, hoping that he could somehow help her. Unfortunately, Dooku was unable to help his sister, since the Jedi Order kept sending him on missions. Nevertheless, he was shown a Hologram of his niece, though he wouldn't meet her in person until in 41 BBY.

In 41 BBY, Dooku returned to Serenno alongside Master Kostana and Sifo-Dyas. Jenza had pleaded for his help. She, as well as her daughter Nelis, were leading a resistance group of Serennian refugees against the forces of her brother, Ramil.
Ramil, who at some point at time had been grievously injured during racing competition he participated in, was forced to wear a life-preserving suit of armor, despite his brother, Jedi Master Dooku, saving him.
However, Ramil succeeded his father Gora, becoming the Count of Serenno. He hired a group of Abyssin pirates, hoping he could turn the people of Serenno against the Galactic Republic. Ramil allowed pirates to repeatedly raid Serenno. Its Great Houses called in Abyssin mercenaries to protect them due to Ramil's inaction. Ramil subsequently bought out the mercenaries, who took control of Serenno and its capital city.
With  her brother's help, Jenza and the  refugees began regaining control of Serenno, but Ramil dispatched his droid army to end the supposed insurrection. Dooku allowed the droids to take him, despite his sister's protests. Dooku faced his brother aboard the airship Windrunner, where he killed the Count and disabled his army. Following Ramil's death, the Abyssin retreated, and Dooku departed from the Jedi Order, proclaiming himself as the new Count of Serenno.

Nelis, the niece of Dooku is also the paternal grandmother of Neil. A lifely young girl, Nelis was a born adventure, who would often try to sneak out of the palace and into the nearby forest. Sharp-witted, Nelis would often trouble her mother, uncle and grandparents with her antics. They disapproved of the adventorous nature of the young girl, often grounding her, in hopes of controlling her temperament.
However, her lust for adventures as well as her bravery would come in handy in 41 BBY, when Ramil, her uncle, claimed the title of Count and hired a group of Abyssin pirates, letting them raid the whole planet. Without any hesitation, Nelis aided her mother in building a resistance and contacting her uncle, Jedi Master Dooku.
Despite Nelis' young age, she lead a group of refugees against the droids of her uncle, aiding her other uncle, Dooku in his attack.

Once the fights had calmed down and her uncle had disappeared from public life after his resignation, Nelis would give up her position as a Noble and instead would start a new life as an adventurer: Sneaking aboard a starship that left the planet, Nelis wouldn't return to Serenno until 26 BBY.
It is unknown what exactly Nelis was doing during the fifteen years gap between 41 BBY and 26 BBY, however it is known that she met and married a pilot, Ne-Vonkan,  with whom she had a child - Neils father, Vidic. Vidic was born in 30 BBY, fifteen years prior to his grandmothers death.
In 26 BBY, Nelis was  contacted by her mother. Jenza told her that something wasn't right with Dooku, he had changed, becoming cold and merciless. Worried about her mothers safety, Nelis and Ne-Vonkan tried to reach Serenno as fast as possible. However, they've been too far away to save her mother in time, and thus had to witness her death via their shared Comlink.
Jenza, who planned to reveal the secrets of her brother to the Republic, pleaded with Dooku, asking him not to continue the Dark Path he was on and instead  told him to contact the Jedi. Dooku however was not persuaded by his sisters words and instead let his assassin Ventress slay her.

Neils father, Vidic, was born in 30 BBY. As the son of Nelis Dooku and the pilot Ne-Vonkan, Vidic was taught how to fly and be independent early on. He did not learn about his mother lineage until he discovered his own Force-Sensitivy at the age of 15, four years after the fall of the Republic. Neither Vidic nor his father had expected. With none Force-Sensitive Individual in his lineage, Nelis eventually had to reveal her heritage to both her husband and son. Both were understandably shocked by the revelation but agreed to keep Vidic's Force-Sensivity a secret. They did not want the Empire to find them and take their son, like so many other Force-Sensitive children. Thus, both Nelis and Ne-Vonkan repeatedly reminded their son not to use the Force.

Vidic , who had witnessed the Clone  Wars first hand, knew about the Force. He had heard the tales about the Jedi and all the things they were able to do. And while he did dream of being able to do the same things, he also knew what had happened to the Jedi Order. He remembered how all of a sudden, the Jedi were called enemies of the Republic and how many Senators who did not sided themselves with Palpatine and the Clone Army soon went missing or have been found killed over the years. Vidic also remembered that the Jedi had been accussed by Emperor Palpatine to have tried to take his life, which alone was reason enough not to act on his dreams and wishes of being trained in the way of the Force. He wasn't even  that strong in the Force to begin with, mostly due to his lack of training, but as he silently noted,he did know when danger arose around him. Proudly calling it a "bad feeling", Vidic stated that his neck was tickling whenever he was in a dangerous situation.
However, despite his family's carefulness, the Galactic Emperor (and thus, it's most dangerous enforcer, Darth Vader) learned about his Force-Sensitivy, as well as his parents involvement with the Rebellion.  both, Nelis and Ne-Vonkan  joined the Rebellion early on and with Vidic having inherited his mother's spirit of adventure and his fathers ability to use a Blaster, Vidic himself soon became a trusted member of the Rebellion.

He participated in many dangerous missions of the Rebellion, often times barely escaping death until eventually, he met young Luke Skywalker at the base on Yavin 4. Like many others, Vidic had been forced to flee from the Base.
He successfully participated in the Battle of Hoth, but was seriously wounded during the evacuation of the base. Luckily, he was saved by fellow Rebel Venya, whom he'd marry two years after the Battle of Yavin. Four years after marring, Vidic and Venya left the Rebellion to life the rest of their lives in peace.
They'd become parents in 8 ABY, naming their daughter Neil.

- languages Neil speaks  and/ or understands include Galactic Basic (most common), Durese (a popilar language among space travelers), Mando'a (understood but not spoken) and Twi'leki (partly spoken and understood)
- over the time Neil spent as a Bounty Hunter,, she learned how to fly different kinds of star ships. She knows how to fly an X-Wing, their Bounty Hunter ship and two other types of ships. But while she improved her piloting skills, Neil still remains an average pilot, leaving it mostly to Carnage to drive their main shoip.
- Neil has no technical understanding, which means that she has no clue how to repair droids, space ships and other technical instruments. .
- She doesn't think of Ben as a monster; says Kylo is it ["Ben isn't the monster. Kylo Ren is. As long as Ben is alive, there's still hope for him"] and believes it's still possible to save him
- Despite her coldhearted appearance, Neil does show and express Empathy, even though in her own way. She did save the life of the Dathomirian Zabrak Carnage twice. One time by Force Pushing him out of harms way and another time by preventing the Mother of the Nightsister Clan from killing him by claiming that, since she had saved  his life, his life was in her hands.

You can find the version without Neils robes here:


And her Bounty Hunter outfit can be find here:

All Rights to their rightful owners:
Star Wars and it's characters belong to George Lucas as well as Disney, while
Neil belongs to me.

Please do not steal or claim as yours, thank you!

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Comments: 12

SkySabri9 [2020-09-23 23:17:24 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Kuraiko-chan349 In reply to SkySabri9 [2020-09-24 03:03:19 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

SkySabri9 In reply to Kuraiko-chan349 [2020-09-24 14:36:53 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Kuraiko-chan349 In reply to SkySabri9 [2020-09-24 15:14:43 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Cambion-Hunter [2019-04-11 02:01:54 +0000 UTC]

I like her design here. She looks modest. ^^

Also, the scars make an interesting touch.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kuraiko-chan349 In reply to Cambion-Hunter [2019-04-11 03:40:45 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, dear I wanted her design to be simple, because I imagined she would prefer a simple hair style and clothing. Neil did not seem  like  a person  who would wear  flashy clothes and stuff. Instead, I decided to give her one outstanding detail (the scars).
As for the colors of her clothes, I wanted to show somehow that she is seither a Jedi nor a Sith and that she dies not prefer one sie over the other. So I gave her one dark piece  of clothing and a light one and colored the other parts of her outfit more neutral (or at least, that was my intention ^^). Same goes for the background ^^

Thank you a lot for your comment and your favorite
I appreciate both

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cambion-Hunter In reply to Kuraiko-chan349 [2019-04-11 12:50:58 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome and I like the contrast of sides here, Kuraiko. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kuraiko-chan349 In reply to Cambion-Hunter [2019-04-11 13:22:47 +0000 UTC]

It is refreshing, to be honest ^^ I like the "symbolic" behind it  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cambion-Hunter In reply to Kuraiko-chan349 [2019-04-18 22:59:50 +0000 UTC]

Well done work and I like the tie in to Count Dooku's home world of Sereno. Takes me back.....

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kuraiko-chan349 In reply to Cambion-Hunter [2019-04-19 19:25:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you
Takes you back where?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cambion-Hunter In reply to Kuraiko-chan349 [2019-04-19 21:54:14 +0000 UTC]

Reading the books of Star Wars like the novelization of Episode III.

You are welcome, my friend. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kuraiko-chan349 In reply to Cambion-Hunter [2019-04-19 22:47:07 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah, that's an idea! Guess I'll read Episode I - III next :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0