kurutheechidna — Mitch and his Alters

#alters #ana #bev #box #camera #cecilia #chloe #gary #jet #lily #lyles #max #midas #paint #xy #zane #zita #characterwriting #did #kurutheechidna #introjects #dissociative #dissociativeidentitydisorder #eugene #feng #giraffe #ingrid #jeffery #mitch #otis
Published: 2019-04-12 20:09:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 3998; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 3
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Description You can consider this a remake of the Meet the alter's gif i did a long time ago..so this will mostly be a copy paste of the last ones in the description. However, there are new alters to show off and what their roles are in Mitch's system (named the Len's System). I will also be separating the alters into segments to Be Easier to digest. Also, these are full body shots for all the alters so...yeah this is probably the largest drawing i have ever done.

 As i stated in my Reference sheet for him (click here for reference sheet: kurutheechidna.deviantart.com/… ), Mitch suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D. for short) and is seeking therapy to help control his alters tendencies more. his therapist, Dr. Ghental, devised a method for him and others to tell which alter is in front currently. he provided a pendant for Mitch to attach to his bolo tie. one that would change its color like a mood ring. however, it would show which alter is in front currently (mainly to his friends, family and therapist. to others it's just a mood ring). whenever the gemstone in the middle of the pendant is rainbow colored that means it is idle and Mitch is the one in control. he has a total of 19 alters in his system..including himself. these are their descriptions.

(note: the description is in order from left to right of the drawing)

----The Host---- The Core Personality

Mitch,25: Mitch is the Core personality, so his pendant remains idle whenever he is in front..which is often. Mitch is a fairly well-mannered and Friendly young man. He can be fairly nervous about people finding out about his condition. he also suffers from low self-esteem due to frequent bullying as well as the verbal abuse some of his alters dish out in his head. he can be rather forgetful due to his alters switching whenever their triggered forth, making others see him as a "Flake" for ignoring important key events in his life. Despite all the curve balls his condition gives him..he tries desperately to see the positives in his situation, often swallowing his pain to not upset anyone. In order to keep tabs on what his alters were doing, he constantly takes picture of where he was when he switched back, as well as having them write in a journal. this led to him building a passion for photography and made him want to become a photojournalist. Mitch Seems to be interested in both men and woman..but leans slightly more towards woman.

Triggers: None..he is the host alter.

-----The Main 3----- the initial alters Mitch discovered (he is the closest to them)

Bev,18: Beverly (prefers to be called "Bev") is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns orange. she is a plucky girl with a sharp wit and unparalleled enthusiasm. she is extremely interested in photography (just like Mitch) and is greatly skilled at taking great shots. although she does have a tendency to take unnecessary risks, such as climbing up high places with strong winds while standing on the ledge in order to get the perfect shot. other than that, she is levelheaded and always sociable. she is a total tomboy, liking things one would usually call boyish. she does like boys, but she knows Mitch is too old for them so she flirts awkwardly with the older men.if it's one thing that she hates is showoffs and close-minded people, which is why she and Eugene don't really get along well. she also has a slight crush on Revolve.

    Trigger(s): whenever Mitch is overly excited about something, when Mitch is concentrating on a picture.

: Eugene is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns green. he is a Edenian noble who aspires to be a professor/scholar at the college Mitch attends. he is extremely astute and has a pretty expansive vernacular. he is knowledgeable in many subjects, especially when it comes to academics (math,English, science,etc.). however, he is extremely snobbish, often putting other people down whenever they say something "idiotic" in his view (i.e., believing in spirits, non-strategic ideas,etc.) and although well meaning, he is extremely strict with Mitch when it comes to studying as he wants him to succeed in life. he longs to meet a woman whose intelligence is equal to his own.

    Trigger(s): when Mitch is reading an important book, when someone says something Illogical.

Max,30: Max is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns red. He is a rather daring man who is charismatic and boastful. he is a total health nut and always wants to keep Mitch in fighting shape (weightlifting, jogging, boxing,Dieting). he can be extremely aggressive whenever things don't make sense to him which is why he doesn't really do well when it comes to academics (and often never thinks things through). he also is somewhat arrogant, not egotistical, but he always tends to brag about his large muscles (despite only being in Mitch's slender build) despite these flaws, Max is very kindhearted and cares deeply about Mitch, to the point of a one-sided bromance on his part. he also has a soft spot for children and always stands up for them whenever they are abused. Max is sexually attracted towards men, especially those with huge pecs and biceps. 

    Trigger(s): whenever a strong opponent appears, when a child is being attacked.

---- The Trauma Holder----- The lone wolf who holds Mitch's worst memories. (recently started communication)

Jeffrey,14: Jeffrey is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns grey. he is a timid boy who is often reclusive. he is extremely shy around others and speaks in a stutter from not talking so much.he is for the most part, unable to show any emotion, other that despondence, towards anyone he talks to. he tends to be depressed from all the devastation and dread going on in the world and due to being bullied for most of Mitch's life. it has gotten so bad that he often hurts himself and Mitch by cutting his wrists because of the pain he suffers (Ana hates Jeffery because she thinks he has a total disregard for Mitch's safety). however, he doesn't do it out of spite towards Mitch, but to let his emotions come out when they are needed most. in truth, he actually admires Mitch for always looking towards the bright side of things, so he often opens up the most to him. for Mitch, he is willing to change for him and make him happy, with... or without him.

       Trigger(s): whenever Mitch is being bullied. when Mitch is depressed.

----The Parts---Alters that are being watched by the main 3(Mitch hasn't established communication with them)

Lily,8: Lily is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns pink. lily is one of Mitch's little alters. she has a very active imagination and often fantasizes about being a princess. she is super nice and childish, smiling and giggling as any normal little girl would do. however, she is somewhat spoiled and whenever she sees something she must have it, otherwise she will either pout or throw a tantrum. she is also naive when it comes to 'adult things" and frequently is at risk of being taken advantage of. she views Mitch like her big brother, always doing whatever she can to make him happy. Mitch often buys her dollies and toys for her to play with whenever he is sleeping, but she needs to be quiet when she does to not disturb Mitch or his neighbors.

    Trigger(s): whenever a toy is around,when Mitch is sleeping.

Lily is under Bev's watch

Zita,25: Zita is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns blue. she is a young maiden around the exact same age as Mitch. she however insists that she is from the medieval age and talks in early modern English (breaks character when she is flustered). her passion has to be the theater and acting, quite literally getting lost in the role. she is rather sensitive and takes insults extremely personally. she is also rather emotional and often becomes saddened to the point of tears by even small slights. however, she still gentles with others, animals especially, and has a generous heart giving things to the less fortunate. she wants to have a dashing rouge to sweep her off of her feet and carry her off towards the sunset.

    Trigger(s): Whenever Mitch needs to fake an emotion. when Mitch feels sentimental.

Zita is under Bev's watch

Ingrid,29: Ingrid is the alter that takes control When Mitch's pendant turns violet. She is a Chatty woman who constantly calls herself old because she will turn 30 sometime soon. she aspires to become a fashion designer and often sketches outfit ideas for Mitch to try on (much to his dismay when the design is a dress). conversely, she doesn't like antique looks from historical periods and only prefers newer looks. she is sociable but aloof and sarcastic about it. additionally, she has a pretty self-deprecating sense of humor whenever she is getting the chance to tell a joke. she often comes out when Mitch is having trouble talking to girls, so she of course is attracted to other women and lays the charm on thick..of course it doesn't help that she is extremely flirty when it comes to women.

    Trigger(s): When Mitch has trouble talking to girls. whenever Mitch goes clothes shopping.

Ingrid is under Max's watch

Feng,57: Feng is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns cyan.Feng is a Kindakan philosopher who is in a constant state of serenity. he believes greatly in the Buddhist belief of Peace and Tranquility. he often gives his slices of wisdom to others when they need it the most. however, since his matter of speech is quite archaic, it often sounds like nonsense to others. he is strongly against violence; he is a true and true pacifist. however, he enrolled in an aikido course so that he can protect Mitch at all costs. when it comes to romance, he prefers not to make the first move, but he hopes Mitch would find the one his heart longs for the most.

    Trigger(s): whenever Mitch is extremely stressed and needs to calm down.

Feng is under Eugene's watch

Otis,64: Otis is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns brown. Otis is a southern Colosian farmer who loves his job. Despite being a middle-aged man, he is very much a child at heart and makes all sorts of dad puns to the people he meets. he is a strong-willed man with a great work ethic, as he greatly enjoys his job. he doesn't like the produce in supermarkets because they use a chemical that he is allergic to. because of this he only buys fruits and vegetables from the farmers market, roots and all. he is also a stubborn soul and refuses to believe anything about farming other that the traditional way. aside from that he is a fairly kind-hearted man who always puts others first. he wants to set Mitch up with a nice young girl where they can live a happy life.

    Trigger(s): when Mitch is in his garden. when Mitch is at a market.

Otis is under Max's watch

Ana,88: Ana is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns yellow. Ana is a retired nurse; she is the oldest of Mitch's alters (at least in age). she is extremely knowledgeable in the fields of medicine and health. she does have a short temper and a sharp tongue, which many a person has suffered from. she does care about Mitch and is fairly sweet towards him and the other alters but only asks him to not get himself hurt so often. she really doesn't like ungrateful people, especially children who don't thank her for helping them. she has little patience for young people and often scolds them for being bratty (so max doesn't really get along well with her). she is a heavy traditionalist when it comes to marriage, a man and a woman. so, she wants Mitch to find a girl to make them his wife. 

    Trigger(s): whenever Mitch or anyone else gets hurt. when listening to an old song.

Ana is under Eugene's watch

----The Gatekeepers--the alters that communicate between the parts of the main 3(they occasionally front)

Zane, 18: Zane is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns Indigo. Zane is a laid back, aloof and sly young man with a starry gaze. He claims to be Bev's twin brother, however she constantly denies these claims as he has been known by the system as a habitual liar. however, one thing is definitely true about him, he is a rather avid enthusiast of astronomy, so often that he wishes to stare for hours on end at the night sky. He is rather Nihilistic in his approach to things, saying that things have zero meaning in this life. because of this he often lounges around staring at the night sky..so he is fairly lazy whenever he fronts, not even trying to show an ounce of caring. He is quite the notorious player as well, smooth talking any woman he can come across, even if they're already seeing other people.

    Triggers: Whenever Mitch is overly relaxed. when a rare astronomical event is occurring.

Zane is the Gatekeeper between Bev's and Eugene's Part alters

Chloe, 13: Chloe is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns Lime. Chloe is a confident, approachable and preppy young girl. she can be a bit of an over achiever, often wanting every part in the system to go above and beyond in mimicking Mitch whenever they do front. additionally, she is not very easy to impress, so people really have to work in order to get her attention. she really looks up to Eugene, often telling him about all the books she read just to get his attention. although a slight perfectionist, she is not above having fun. in fact, she is quite the avid musician, her instrument of choice being the piano, and thus she knows all sorts of musical trivia. like most preteen girls, she is obsessed with guy's and will stop at nothing until she gets the guy of her dreams.

    Triggers: when Mitch hears the phrase "don't touch that dial", when Mitch hears a piano

Chloe is the Gatekeeper between Eugene's and Max's part alters

Xy, 22
: Xy is the Alter that takes control whenever Mitch's pendant turns Magenta. Xy is Genderfluid, insisting to not go by gendered labels despite their physicality leaning more towards male. they are rather sultry and hyper-sexual in their mannerism's as if they are frequently coming on to the people they meet (leads to a lot of trouble in Mitch's personal life). Almost everything they state is laced with innuendo and double entendre which is why they never fronts in the presence of children . although passionate, they are also vain, often putting their needs over the needs of the others in the system. they seem to have a sassy streak as well, frequently making snide remarks at the other alters and even passerby's expense. Xy is held down by no man or woman, any partner that is willing to roll in the hay with them, then they will unleash their lustful desires onto them.

    Triggers: Whenever Mitch is thinking dirty thoughts, Whenever Mitch is handling a whip or is burnt by candle wax.

Xy is the Gatekeeper between Bev's and Max's part alters

----The Metals--the alters that have metallic colors to their pendants (also serve as part alters)

Midas, 35: Midas is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns Gold. Midas is a highly jolly, Friendly and spontaneous fellow with an exuberant amount of flamboyance. He really seems to have quite the thing for painting, although his works are more on the abstract side. he is almost highly gentle and nurturing with his way of speaking, almost like hes trying to do his best pixie impression. he doesn't seem to mind being messy, in fact he considers it a symbol of how his creativity can be so explosive.he has an odd yet slightly charming quirk where he often makes up words to describe things around him, such as "incredilatiously" and Fablimarious". although sweet, he can behave rather childishly when things don't go well, mainly pouting and giving others the cold treatment. he has exclusive interests in seeking a male partner to sketch and practice his anatomy drawing with.

    Triggers: When Mitch gets paint on him, whenever Mitch's is overly happy.

Midas is under Bev's watch

Lyles, 41: Lyles is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns Silver. Lyles is a cunning and crafty man, always able to get the sneak on people. he holds a very realist view of the world, resulting in him having trust issues and him not having much of an imagination. with his experience as a detective, he learned that every little thing that people do can come into a much sinister and twisted narrative in their plans, regardless of if they know it or not.  even though he claims he's a chain smoker, he would never pick up a pack as Mitch (out of respect for his host's health). he often tries to sneak and "investigate" through peoples belongs rather than talking to them to get a better understanding of the person. He wouldn't mind if Mitch found a dame to go on a Sunday stroll with, but she just has to be attractive.

    Triggers: Whenever mitch smells smoke, when glass shatters near him.

Lyles is under Eugene's watch

Jet, 7: Jet is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns Bronze. Jet is another of Mitch's little alters, being the youngest of the two and the whole system. He has dreams of becoming a general of an army, because of this he often speaks in military lingo (or at least he attempts to). sadly, he is quite naive, not really knowing the requirements it would take to enlist let alone how that would complicate Mitch's life. he also seems to have a rather short attention span, easily getting distracted by several things around him. being only seven, he is unable to sympathize with "bad guys" and is quick to just blindly believe rumors about a person even if they aren't true. Jet thinks Mitch is just a boring grown up who doesn't know how to have any fun.

    Triggers: when Mitch sees a toy pistol. when Mitch gets mud on his face.

Jet is under Max's watch

---The Introjects---The alters based on Mitche's parents (they supress the other parts when they front)

Cecilia, 35: Cecilla is the alter that takes control when Mitch's pendant turns Black. Cecilia is an introject based on Mitch's mother. She often has a apathetic approach to her, often not saying anything even when others are talking to her. she often prefers isolation and wants to be alone most of the time she is fronting. despite this, she ultimately cares for the system at large and thinks that her being uninvolved would help Mitch lead a normal life. she is far too overprotective of Mitch, often wanting to convince Mitch not to seek therapy to remain her "little boy". although the person based on her was a married woman, she has no interest in finding a partner, but does not mind whomever Mitch chooses.

    Triggers: Whenever Mitch is completely apathetic, when Mitch feels hopeless.

Gary, 39
: Gary is the alter takes control when Mitch's pendant turns White. Gary is an Introject Based on Mitch's Father. Gary is a hard-core perfectionist and has to have everything fall into line and go his way. otherwise, he will lash out at Mitch and threaten to punish him. he often feels that this abuse that he's giving Mitch will help him get over his silly delusions. because of this, he will convince Mitch to not seek any further therapy as he refuses to accept that something is wrong with his "son". he has a strong affinity to the person he's based on as he actively believes that he is not a part of Mitch at all, but a part of his father. he desperately want's Mitch to be alone as a way of "protecting" him from being "inevitably" betrayed. often carries a wine bottle to threaten Mitch with.

    Triggers: when Mitch makes a major mistake, when Mitch remembers his father's abuse.

For a copy paste this took me a whole month to type out the other alters info. i may make an animated version of this post later if i desire it so..hope you enjoy and have a great day, Love and Peace everyone ^^

Mitch and his alters belong to me :kurutheechidna:
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Comments: 10

nhamilton [2022-08-05 01:24:34 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kurutheechidna In reply to nhamilton [2022-08-05 18:28:35 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nhamilton In reply to kurutheechidna [2022-08-05 20:08:14 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PuckishProjects [2019-04-14 15:53:04 +0000 UTC]

I really want to go into this universe and meet/get to know this character. He sounds like a nice person who tries his best despite the setbacks that come with switching from one self to another. I just think we’d have a lot of interesting things to talk about. ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kurutheechidna In reply to PuckishProjects [2019-04-14 16:07:59 +0000 UTC]

yeah..he tries to get by despite his "circumstances". although the main three are co-conscious with him so they can mentally converse and comment on things.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PuckishProjects In reply to kurutheechidna [2019-04-14 23:08:06 +0000 UTC]

Is that a helpful thing for him?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kurutheechidna In reply to PuckishProjects [2019-04-14 23:34:24 +0000 UTC]

Well..Bev can help mitch steady his hand for a good shot. and Eugene can direct him places.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PuckishProjects [2019-04-14 15:38:11 +0000 UTC]

Holy moly, that’s a lot of alters!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kurutheechidna In reply to PuckishProjects [2019-04-14 18:41:22 +0000 UTC]

Not really it's actually fairly common for did survivors to have alters in the teen ranges.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PuckishProjects In reply to kurutheechidna [2019-04-14 23:06:34 +0000 UTC]

Well, it was more than I expected. ‘^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0