KylieKattu — FWV Application- Zhayne

Published: 2012-08-12 18:23:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 1778; Favourites: 51; Downloads: 9
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Description EDIT:: changed his picture and a lot of information on his app!

    Name : Zhayne

    Nickname : None

    Gender : Male

    Age : 26

    Race : Pruna Creatura [live coal creature]

    Orientation : Pansexual

    Accessories :

    Glasses: Zhayne is near-sighted, and has been since he was small. Too much reading in the dark, maybe? He doesn't really mind having them. But no contacts. Never contacts. Those things get stuck in your eyes, man. That's freaky.

    Gloves: Whenever a stranger asks about his gloves, Zhayne just says it's for his job. Or hobby. Because he doesn't have a job. But really he just doesn't want to touch you with his bare hands.

    Belts n' things: He carries little things in the pouches of his belt sometimes. Mostly tissues and things. Because if you're sneezing everywhere then he's going to shove some kleenex in your face.

    Occupation : Tourist

    Talents :

    Intelligence- Is this efven a talent? It should be. Zhayne's love for knowledge is remarkable, and he is one of the smartest guys he knows. Haha. Hahaha. Zhayne doesn't know many guys.

    Engineering- Zhayne has a little talent for creating things and fixing machines and all that. It's really just a skill his species are all born with, he doesn't really like it all that much. But if he can be of use to someone then he should make sure he practices, right? Maybe Avidi will want him to do something important one day. He can't let himself get rusty!

    Skills :

    Smarts - ****** - Yeah. We went over this. He's a scrawny nerd.
    Vigor - **** - He doesn't do much to keep himself fit, but his species were built for working.
    Energy - *** - Zhayne doesn't go out of his way to use up a lot of energy, but he does get the work done.
    Creativity - ** - Meh. He's alright. Not the most creative guy out there, but that's okay. At least he's smart about things he already knows about.
    Temper - *** - If you're generally polite to him, then Zhayne will not blow up on you. It takes more to do that. Once you do get him angry, though, it might take a while for him to chill out.

    Personality : | Germaphobe | Polite | Cowardly | Loyal | Kind at Heart |

    | Germaphobe | Zhayne is one of those people that will turn on a faucet with their elbow and sanatize their hands regularly. He avoids touching strange objects and if you give just the tiniest cough he will stare you down until you convince him that you're not really sick. Strangers especially. If his friends or family get sick then he'll still act a little uneasy...but he won't be rude about it. Zhayne is more than willing to take care of sick people if they want his help.

    | Polite | Zhayne will not go out of his way to get on your bad side, and it super polite about mostly everything. He calls everyone Mrs, Miss, Mr, Sir, Ma'am, whatever fits at the time. He's always polite, but that doesn't mean he loves everyone. He's probably just being polite so you won't get pissed at him. If you show him any disrespect then the politeness will shut off and he'll probably sass you for the rest of your conversation.

    | Cowardly | He does not want to get into fights, because that would risk people touching him and getting their germs all over his body! Plus he might get hurt, and getting wounded is not something that happens to him often. If Zhayne thinks you're going to hurt him, he'll go to the nearest cop or close tough friend and hide behind them, daring you to make a move then. If that's not possible, he'll start lecturing you on proper manners and the law and then he'll probably get beaten up anyways. He's a bit ashamed at the fact that he's used friends to his advantage. It's something he tries not to do anymore because of certain...events. He's still trying to meet all of the founders, though... There can't be any harm in that.

    | Loyal | He's very loyal to the friends he makes, of course! He needs to have people's trust, how else would he avoid getting in trouble? Perhaps someone can do him a couple favors if he's loyal to them. Who knows. Zhayne likes to have his little allies.

    | Kind at Heart | Despite any sneaking around or other shenanigans he might do, Zhayne is pretty nice. He wants real friends but it's really hard to make them if you don't trust others easily. It's hard for him to actually open up to anyone, because if you do any little thing to make him feel doubt, then he'll shut off his emotions to you forever.

    Likes :
      Useful information
      Other rocks and minerals
      Steampunk related things

    Dislikes :
      Sick people
      Most little kids
      Getting wet
      Crazy old sea dudes
      Being described as 'bunny-eared'
      Being called out for his cowardliness

    Motto : "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

    Backstory : He was born in the District of Exhalar, on a planet in a different universe! The location of this planet is unknown! Pruna creaturas work under the guidance of a man who calls himself Avidi.

    Avidi doesn't live inside the District, but he does visit at times. He is a wizard, or so he claims, but it is clear to everyone that he knows how to use some kind of wonderful magic. It is said that Avidi spends his time travelling to other lands so he can become stronger and make life for the Prunas even better! No one is allowed in or out of the District except Avidi, and it is very heavily guarded. So it feels really safe!

    Life for the Pruna Creaturas was pretty good for them. They were built to work, so work they shall. No one wants to make their savior, the great Avidi, angry! Under the District is miles and miles of coal beds and other valuable rocks that they mine for a living. The Prunas are all educated well and know how to build things and power them with their coal! This is why they're so successful. Avidi helped them with pretty much everything going on in thier district today. Zhayne is aware of this, and he's very thankful!

    As a child, Zhayne was very soft-spoken and studious. He just wanted to get good grades in school and work hard so he can please Avidi. Because out of everyone in the district, all he wanted was to be praised by that wizard. Sadly, he never got that praise... But that was okay! There were tons of Pruna Creaturas and the great Avidi just didn't have time to talk to him. He understood that. So Zhayne just kept on trying to build things and mining his coal.

    One day it was rumored in the district that creaturas were starting to think about leaving...for other universes! This interested Zhayne quite a bit. He was hungry for knowledge, and if it would help his people, he would go out and explore other places! He thought he could find out some useful information in another universe... This rumor floated around for a few weeks until Avidi let out a televised announcement that travelling to other universes was A-okay! However, leaving to explore this planet was not. It was apparently too dangerous.

    Zhayne was super excited about this!! He finally had permission to leave! So he kissed his home goodbye and took off to gain more knowledge! Mmm...then he got lost. The creatura ended up on an abandoned island of some sorts, and had to survive by himself for a while. That was okay... He totally lived through it... Barely. Zhayne read nothing about alien plants and resources. He had to figure things out on his own! Almost got poisoned a few times by strange leaves and flowers. Also, not everything is edible. Whoops. He wrote a lot of things down in his journal, and even learned a few tricks to cure sicknesses and stuff! Nothing really for wounds, but he had sicknesses down. Good enough. Just when Zhayne thought he'd be living on this island forever, some strange sea man came on a tiny boat and invited him on. He seemed really crazy and looked like he was probably going to make him feel really uncomfortable, but there was no way Zhayne would let this guy go now. He could push him off the boat and steer it himself if he wanted to, but this was his escape! It took a couple days for the strange old guy to take him to their destination... There was food and stuff to live off of, of course, but he was just so weird. This was when Zhayne's germaphobia started up, because the boat was really nasty and there was probably layers of germs all up on that thing. But. He. Couldn't. Leave. Zhayne almost went insane listening to this guy's crazy sea stories and when they got to another island he literally jumped out of the boat and cried.

    Only, the new island was Wa-Kiki-Tiki. Zhayne looked around for a bit and deemed it worthy of his time. He could get some work done here. So he picked out the cleanest and most fancy hotel, the West Hotel, and settled in for a while. Perhaps he would find work, perhaps not. But Zhayne would be here until he was satisfied. Vacationing was...a little weird. He was so used to working down in mines or building things...Or surviving alone on an island... The hotel was a strange change. But he could deal with this. It was cool.

    Over the years Zhayne has kept many journals, and he used to write in them every day. In these books are pages and pages of his experiences in the District, on the desrted island, and really nothing on Wa-Kiki-Tiki....until recently.
    He's hidden his journals well.

    Homeland : District of Exhalar

    First Language : Pruna Creatura's native language.

    House Number : West Hotel

    Shop Number : N/A

    Family :
    [ Mother ] Dead: Over-worked-- Collapsed in coal mine. Died when Zhayne was 8 and in school.

    [ Father ] Believed to be Dead: Left one day to do a task for Avidi, never returned. Disappeared when Zhayne was 10, but he was already in his grandfather's custody by then.

    [ Grandfather ] Alive: Zhayne's guardian, and the person he lived with most of his life. He loves his grandson very much and made sure he was well taken care of in education and health. When his mother died, his grandfather told Zhayne that she had gotten too sick and didn't tell anyone, so she couldn't handle the coal mines. And when his father left and never returned, Zhayne's grandfather said that Avidi has been sending him all over the world to gather important information. Neither of these explanations are completely true...but what were you supposed to tell a little boy who's parents had seemingly died? Because of this, Zhayne get's extremely paranoid when him or his friends are sick, and he believes that his father is still running around the universe, being a loyal subject to the wizard. Zhayne's grandfather still lives in the District of Exhalar, but he is believed to be retired from work.

    Relationships :

    -Unknown | Uneasy
    - Acquaintance
    -Good Friend
    -Crush | Attraction
    -Hate | Rivalry | Enemy

    Feeling | Name - Occupation - Roleplayer

    | Conner - Tourist - ~SnowAngelRika

    "This human-like boy intrigues me, no doubt about that... He's very friendly and I enjoy talking to him. I would say he is... my first friend on the island? How nice. I feel like he is keeping some information from me... For my own safety, perhaps? Or to save himself from embarrassment? We'll see."

    | | Cheshine - Crew Member - ~SweetBerry888

    "Cheshine is a very nice lady and I enjoyed talking to her. Maybe that fight with Saya got a little out of hand, hmm... But at least she defended me. That was good. I owe her for that. I honestly don't know what I'd do if I was left alone with Saya in that bar. Goodness. I uh, promise to not mention that kiss between the two to anyone... That was a little weird. Not that I was really staring, but..."

    | | Saya - Crew Member - ~Shadetiger

    "Don't even get me started on what happened the first time we met. First the girl tries to flirt with me, and then I'm taken captive by that demonic tail of hers! She was just using me to entertain herself, I'm sure. Then she picked a fight with Cheshine, and I don't even know what went on after that. I was flung around a lot and it got me pretty ticked off. And then she asked for a kiss! Well, miss Saya, have anything you want as long as that doesn't happen again!"

    | Raven - Souvenir Saleswoman - ~sparkytail63

    "She gave me a thumbs up. As I was trapped in the evil grasp of Miss Saya's tail. TWICE. THANK YOU FOR THE HELP. I'm glad she enjoyed watching that little show."

    | | Split - Tourist - *Pandaskeeper

    "He honestly looks like the type of guy who would gather all his jock buddies and stuff me in a trash can while his blonde cheerleader girlfriends watched and laughed. That is really the impression I have of this man."

    | Nicolette - Contortionist - ~koolkat4321

    "She's a very friendly girl! From what I've seen, anyways. And she's a contortionist... Interesting. Circus folk have that reputation of being... well, 'freaks', but Nicolette isn't a freak at all. I would say that we became friends in the short time of talking to each other. I would like to see her around again, too. Also, apparently lemonade isn't the same where she comes from. For some reason I remembered that."

    | | Taskkier - Crew Member - ~mosspool900

    "Oh, it, uh, it appears I have asked mister Taskkier out on a date. Or something. Hm... That must've been the saddest excuse of asking someone out in all of history, but at least he didn't say no. I think he is starting to trust me as well? That's good. I hope I don't give him a reason not to."

    | | Aeon - Pirate Captain - *KylieKattu

    "Aeon is insane. And she probably knows that."

    Role-Play example :
    Aeon leaned back in her chair, her feet resting on her writing desk as she read this magazine she picked up earlier from some tourist that left it behind. She wasn't really sure if that counted as stealing, but the pirate didn't really care either. Anyways, this magazine was really ridiculous and filled with gossip, but it was enough to entertain her while she avoided doing anything productive. The ship was a little more wobbly than usual... The waves were hitting it pretty hard. Was there going to be a storm or something? She looked up from her reading material to peer outside the window... It did seem a little dark. Oh well. She was inside. The captain was slightly startled by the sound of someone knocking on her door, and she flung the magazine to the side as she sat up straighter and pretended like she was actually busy doing something. "Huh? What is it? Come in!" she called out, picking up a pen and frowning at the door. The door creaked open a bit as one of her crew members looked inside the quarters and told her that some ginger guy asked to see her. Aeon assumed that this could only be HS, so she nodded and put down her writing tool to go see what was up. He had a lot of guts coming over to her ship by himself! What if she wasn't even around? Hm. Well, Aeon didn't really care. She might even be looking forward to seeing what he needed. The creatura headed out on deck, pausing to look at the sky and hold out a paw to feel the gentle sprinkle of rain as she walked over to her visitor. She shooed her intimidating crew member away as she crossed her arms and stared at the orange feline. "Ahoy, Sailor Heatedstar. What brings ye here?" She was aware of some of her crew staring at the two, curious to see if she would talk to him more or throw him overboard or something. But Aeon ignored that. She gave a little chuckle. "I'm surprised ye came to find me all by yerself."

    Time Zone : Pacific Standards Time

    Extra :

    His back is covered in a special coal-like substance that only Pruna Creaturas are born with. It grows more as a Pruna gets older, and stops when they reach adulthood. If Zhayne is ever near fire then the fire will be attracted to the coal bed on his back, and he might kind of catch on fire. It doesn't hurt him, but it's pretty alarming because he looks like some fire demon. All pruna creaturas freak out when they're set on fire, even though it's a natural thing. Weird.

    A pruna creatura's tail is used as a tool or a weapon back in the District. Zhayne prefers not to use his for anything, and has dulled it so that it won't really hurt you if you bump into it. It's not a sharp blade. He does make sure it's nice and shiny, though.

    His ears are really sensitive. Don't pull them or he'll bite you.

    You know you have his trust if he touches you without gloves, or touches you at all! He'll shake peoples hands, sure...but usually nothing beyond that.

    It surprises him greatly when he is wrong about things, and he'll probably spend a day or two sitting alone in his room as he reflects on the situation and makes himself feel like shit.

    His accent is fake-british. You can't actually be british on his planet.

    He actually blows out steam whenever he sighs or sleeps. It's usually not that noticable unless he's feeling some strong emotions.

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Comments: 27

Judgement-and-Geckos [2012-10-24 23:51:33 +0000 UTC]

"until recently"?????

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KylieKattu In reply to Judgement-and-Geckos [2012-10-25 00:14:17 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Judgement-and-Geckos In reply to KylieKattu [2012-10-25 03:00:31 +0000 UTC]

somebody needs to find those journals

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KylieKattu In reply to Judgement-and-Geckos [2012-10-25 13:06:13 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Judgement-and-Geckos In reply to KylieKattu [2012-10-25 21:15:57 +0000 UTC]

((omfg also if you get the time
i have realized how amused i am by aeon and zhayne's conversations
if you wanted to write another one
u have my full support jus sayin))

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Judgement-and-Geckos [2012-10-24 23:49:55 +0000 UTC]

((why is he pouting he has a hot soldier pirate boyfriend what more could he want))

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KylieKattu In reply to Judgement-and-Geckos [2012-10-25 00:15:05 +0000 UTC]

((maybe hes pouting because i havent had a chance to reply to that rp))

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Judgement-and-Geckos In reply to KylieKattu [2012-10-25 00:31:41 +0000 UTC]

((omfg yes
that must be it))

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SnowAngelRika [2012-10-24 21:52:58 +0000 UTC]

OMG he looks so sexy now! Before adorable
but now |D

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Steampunk-Stopwatch [2012-08-12 21:15:51 +0000 UTC]

I think Zhayne would be great friends with my Steam Punk character StopWatch (not his official name though) they both like to create things, are very smart and studious, and speak in british accents.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

fluffyattackify [2012-08-12 21:14:25 +0000 UTC]

I seriously need to get my application done DX Great job by the way!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Darkmask7 [2012-08-12 19:18:31 +0000 UTC]

Naida: *hugs* *secretly*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SweetBerry888 [2012-08-12 19:02:17 +0000 UTC]

It's canon everyone is a cutie at FWV. I also really like his species uwu

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KylieKattu In reply to SweetBerry888 [2012-08-12 19:18:30 +0000 UTC]

yes of course |D
and thank uvu

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

mockinqbirdd [2012-08-12 18:32:02 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KylieKattu In reply to mockinqbirdd [2012-08-12 18:32:20 +0000 UTC]

kills u

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Pandaskeeper [2012-08-12 18:30:31 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh he's so awesome *o* <3

and omg that tail
and those ears
he's definately kinda CRAZY

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KylieKattu In reply to Pandaskeeper [2012-08-12 18:32:09 +0000 UTC]

hehehe thank |D <3


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mistedmoon-butts [2012-08-12 18:26:33 +0000 UTC]

*pulls ears*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KylieKattu In reply to Mistedmoon-butts [2012-08-12 18:28:28 +0000 UTC]

Zhayne: *screeches and flails around*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mistedmoon-butts In reply to KylieKattu [2012-08-12 18:30:08 +0000 UTC]

U mad Zhayne?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RoamingFox [2012-08-12 18:25:17 +0000 UTC]

I thought Panda said no more characters for people already in the group? lD

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Pandaskeeper In reply to RoamingFox [2012-08-12 18:29:47 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RoamingFox In reply to Pandaskeeper [2012-08-12 18:32:07 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KylieKattu In reply to RoamingFox [2012-08-12 18:28:10 +0000 UTC]

Pfft we're admins xD

Also he's a tourist so he's not taking up any unnecessary space~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RoamingFox In reply to KylieKattu [2012-08-12 18:29:18 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I know xD I just thought it was funny c:

He's really cool though ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KylieKattu In reply to RoamingFox [2012-08-12 18:29:49 +0000 UTC]

haha yeah |D

Thank you uvu

👍: 0 ⏩: 0