Lady-Hanaka — Forbidden..The Party

Published: 2008-08-14 05:35:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 26294; Favourites: 316; Downloads: 181
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Description “Okaasan! Okaasan!”

Sakura pursed her lips in thought as she stared at herself in the full length mirror, holding the dress up to her bare form. She heard Atsuko running down the hall and gracefully pulled a robe over herself before the door opened and the breathless boy stumbled inside.

“Okaasan, do I really get to go with you tonight?”

“Yes, Atsuko-chan. We’ve been invited to a very big party and I wanted you to show everyone how smart you are.”

“Mmm.” Atsuko nodded. “I’ll be sure to make you proud, okaasan. I feel really smart, after all those books I read.”

Sakura nodded, before turning to Sasori, who was sitting down on the settee, fiddling with one of his puppets. “Sasori-kun, could you take Atsuko-chan to Matsuri-chan and have her help him get dressed?”

Sasori nodded, standing and walking towards the small child. He turned back at the last second, as he stood in the doorway with Atsuko. “Sakura-hime, are you taking Kimimaro with you?”

“I haven’t decided. He is not entirely comfortable with me at the moment. I fear Orochimaru has ruined him beyond help.” At this her face scrunched up in distaste, the look not marring her pretty face. “But he seemed excited by the idea of becoming a vampire.”

“Will you do it?”

“I will begin the process in a few days.” Sakura nodded. “Turning someone with black blood is…a time consuming process. I must first get his body used to my blood so that he does not reject it subconsciously during the actual turning process. It could take up to a year or so, depending on the strength of his blood. But since he is a sickly child I believe it will not be more than that.”

“So…the more powerful the blood the longer it takes?”

“Yes.” Sakura said, before smiling softly at Atsuko. “Now go, Sasori-kun. I want Atsuko-chan to look handsome for the party.”

Sasori nodded, “Of course, Sakura-hime.” Sakura waited for the door to close, before giving a soft sigh and letting the robe slip from her body once more.


She looked to where Gaara sat by the fireplace with Tomokazu sitting on the chair’s arm. “Yes?”

“How long did it take you to turn?”

“Don’t sit on the arm of the chair. You could break it.” Was Sakura’s only response, before she held up the fourth dress that evening to her body, scrutinizing it in the mirror.

Gaara looked to gauge Tomokazu’s reaction. But the other man’s face was impassive, his silver eyes glinting as he continued to watch their queen.

“Do you like the black dress or the red better?”


“Okaasan…why aren’t there any other children here?” Atsuko tugged on the skirt of Sakura’s dress.

“Shhh, Atsuko-chan. Do not complain. Hasn’t Gaara-kun come back with your sweets?” Sakura asked, even as she patted him on the head.

“No, okaasan.” Atsuko pouted, even as he let go of her dress, afraid he might wrinkle it. It was very pretty, and he didn’t want to hurt it. “This is different than other parties I’ve been to.”

“Everyone likes you very much, Atsuko-chan.” Sakura smiled softly. “They say you are very charming.”

Atsuko beamed under her praise. “Thank you, okaasan. I’m glad that I can make you proud.”

Sakura merely frowned a bit as Gaara walked up to them, holding a small plate of cake in his hands. He handed it to Atsuko impassively, and the boy grinned and thanked him before digging into the dessert with enthusiasm.

Gaara felt a cool hand placed upon his cheek and looked to see Sakura standing right in front of him, pursing her lips a bit. “You seem worried about something, Gaara-kun, what is it?”

Gaara’s normally clear jade eyes seemed troubled as he remained silent for a moment, as if thinking over his words carefully. “The Hunters have become more active.” He saw his hime’s eyes darken a bit, before she sighed softly, running a thumb over his bottom lip.

“You are cute when you worry, Gaara-kun, but you needn’t worry. Besides, I have the three of you to watch me, do I not?” She looked from Gaara to Sasori and Tomokazu, who stood beside them. Sasori nodded, while Tomokazu’s eyes merely narrowed dangerously, glowing bright silver as he looked passed Sakura at something.

“And I also have such powerful acquaintances, I doubt any harm would come to me, isn’t that right, Madara-kun?” She turned slightly, a smile forming on her lips as she saw the Uchiha walking up to her, another man behind him.

“Why of course, Sakura-hime.” Madara bowed, taking her hand in his and kissing it softly. “But what could have you so distraught that you would be worried for your safety, may I ask?”

“Oh nothing, the crime rate merely seems to be increasing in the area.” She pouted. “But with such strong men I am not truly worried.”

“Of course.” Madara nodded, before turning to the man behind him. “Sakura-hime, I have a business associate of mine that I wished for you to meet.”

“I see.” Sakura nodded, before holding out her hand to the man. “I am Haruno Sakura, a…long-time friend of Madara-kun.”

The man kissed her hand softly in greeting, and Sakura studied him as he straightened, nodding his head in the direction of her companions. His hair was a soft titian, and his eyes were nothing more than a series of gray, concentric circles. They were rather hypnotizing, if she did say so herself.

He also had multiple piercings—strange for a rich business partner of Madara’s—including three on his nose, and many in his ears. She found the glinting metal to be…quite attractive. The man himself was quite beautiful, and he held himself with confidence. She had noticed his powerful gait and the way he seemed to know his own strengths and would not be humbled before someone else.

In fact, if Sakura didn’t know better, she would believe he thought himself a god. He held himself in such a way. As if everyone else in the room were lowly mortals not fit for his presence. It made her inwardly smirk, even as she graced him with a cool smile.

“A long-time friend? You hardly seem more than 20 years old, Haruno-san.” The man drawled out, and his voice was a deep timbre. “I am known as Pein.” He couldn’t help but stare at the woman in front of him. He had never seen someone with quite that color of hair. She wore a bronze dress with a black lace overlay that swirled patterns across the fabric. But what shocked him more than her beauty and elegance, was the way that Madara addressed her. Madara was a ruthless business partner and a man that—even if begrudgingly—held Pein's respect. For such a man as him to call her hime, he knew she must be powerful. An intriguing woman to be sure.

“A pleasure.” Sakura murmured.

Pein smiled, eyes glinting. “The pleasure is all mine, Haruno-san. Of that there is no doubt.”

She laughed softly, before reaching out and gripping his chin between her fingers. He blinked at her sudden movement, even as she reached up with her other hand and brushed a few auburn locks from his face.

“You have beautiful eyes.” She murmured, her voice soft, before she released him. She took a sip of her wine, and Pein watched as she licked a droplet from the corner of her mouth.

It was then that he noticed that, even if she smiled, her eyes seemed to remain dead. Her smiles were cool and genteel, never kind. An interesting woman indeed. He would surely have to thank Madara for introducing them.

The woman merely turned to Madara. “Madara-kun, A…colleague of mine has told me great things about, oh, what was his name…Uchiha Sasuke? He’s related to you, isn’t he?”

“Indeed.” Madara nodded, knowing who Sakura’s ‘colleague’ was. “He is my second-cousin I believe.”

“Do you know him well?”

“Quite. His father and myself are close friends.”

“Oh wonderful.” She smiled— Pein noticed once again it was cold—“ Perhaps you can introduce me to him one day. I hear that he and his brother are quite the young prodigies. I’ve become very interested in them since I’ve read about them in the papers so much lately.”

“Ah yes, once you have lived here for a while, you get used to hearing about them in the news so often.” Madara acknowledged.

“So you have not lived here long, Haruno-san?” Pein asked calmly, picking up on the little piece of information.

She shook her head. “No. I have owned some real estate here for quite some time, but I haven’t had the pleasure of coming down here to view it before now. I’ve only been in town a few months, but I quite like it.” Owning ‘real estate’ wasn’t quite true, she supposed. It was more like she owned all of this city alongside Madara. But it was true that she hadn’t come here for a while. She had been living in her own lands and had only come to look upon this town due to Madara’s insistence urgings that she see the place.

She was rather glad he had pushed her so hard to come visit. She was beginning to enjoy her stay here immensely.

“Where are you originally from?”

“Kumogakure.” She answered back smoothly. “It’s a beautiful place, but sometimes it’s dreadfully cold. Konoha is much warmer, especially in the summer.”

“Indeed. But I doubt any of our landscapes here can compare to Kemurigakure’s mountains.”

“True, true.” She laughed—it sounded hollow to his ears, even if to anyone else it would seem sincere.

“Come, I have some others I would like you to meet.” Madara tucked her hand into his elbow as he began leading her towards a large crowd, Pein following diligently behind, while Gaara, Sasori, and Tomokazu followed them with their eyes.

Atsuko merely helped himself to another piece of cake.


The entire room was silent, as the young man knelt in front of the council. His forehead touched the ground, and his eyes were closed as he waited for the head to speak. He could say nothing himself, for that would be a disrespect against the powerful men sitting on the raised dais before him.

He felt someone shifting and opened his eyes slightly, looking out of the corner of his eye to the young woman sitting against the wall, feet tucked under her, chewing her lip nervously. Her eyes were lowered, head bowed in respect as well. Even she could not speak out to the clan council.

“You have heard the rumors, I presume.”

The young man did not move from his spot, but answered, knowing that the question was directed at him. “Yes. I have. Vampire activity has increased in Konohagakure.”

“And not just low-level vampires. We have come to believe that there is at least one Elder here, perhaps more.”

The man stiffened, eyes widening as he slowly looked up to meet the gaze of the head. “Truly? Is…is that possible?” It was said to be impossible to kill an Elder. They were the elite, the most powerful vampires in existence. If there was one here they were in trouble. And if there were two…

He heard the young girl sitting against the wall gasp, putting a hand to her mouth as her eyes widened in horror. A younger girl was sitting beside the older one, and her own eyes widened in shock at the news.

“But we both know that Elders rarely attack humans. They do not deem us worthy enough to deal with. That is why we believe that something wrong is happening here. Until recently, the place has been calm. But a few weeks ago there was an attack on a very prominent family. The Yamagara family was completely massacred.”

“Massacred?” he heard the older girl gasp out. “Even…even little Atsuko-chan?”

“They were one of the most powerful Hunter clans in Konoha. They were killed effortlessly. That is why it is believed that an Elder was involved.”

“What could the Elder’s plan be?”

“We believe…that the Elders are trying to eradicate all of the Hunter Clans in Konohagakure.”

“Impossible…” the young woman gasped out, even as the younger girl beside her held onto the other girl for comfort, eyes still wide.

The clan head shook his head. “We knew this would happen eventually. That is why we have decided it is time for you to test your true strength.” He looked to the young man sitting in front of him.

“Neji, it is your duty to not only protect my daughters and the rest of the Hyuuga clan, but to also discover the meanings behind these attacks.”

The man in fron of him nodded, his gaze solemn. “Of course, Hiashi-sama.”


The soft sounds of a cello reverberated throughout the lavishly decorated room. It was lit only with candles, basking everything in a soft golden glow. The fire had been snuffed out, and the room was chilly, though its inhabitants failed to notice.

The man playing the cello sat up a bit straighter in his chair, as the song ended, fading into silence.

“ Play another one for me, Sasori-kun.” Came a soft call from the doorway. He turned to see her watching him from within the bathroom, whose double doors were wide open so that his hime could hear the music.

Sakura closed her eyes and leaned back in the steaming bath, against a warm muscled body as Sasori began another song. She faintly heard the beginnings of the oratorio Die Israeliten in der Wüste by Bach. She didn’t think on it much, however, as the body behind her shifted, running a cloth up and down her arms.

“You seem tense tonight, Sakura-hime.” Tomokazu murmured, nuzzling her neck.

“Truly?” Sakura questioned, “I had thought that you, Sasori, and Gaara were the ones who seemed tense. I was afraid I was going to have to send you home early. You all behaved horribly in front of Madara-kun.”

“I am sorry, Sakura-hime.” Tomokazu spoke, but they both knew it was a lie. “It won’t happen again.”

Sakura merely sighed, sitting up and getting out of the tub. She didn’t both to grab a towel, merely walked out of the bathroom and into the lounge where Sasori was playing his music. She picked up an apple from a bowl of fruit on the coffee table before sitting herself down on her favorite red velvet settee.

Sasori turned to look at her as the song ended. She hadn’t dried off, so droplets of water continued to slide down her body, dripping from her hair. She didn’t seem worried about any damage to the settee as she bit into her apple.

“Tomorrow I will go and…meet the young Uchiha child.” Sakura murmured, as she watched Sasori begin to put his cello away. Tomokazu walked into the room, a towel wrapped around his waist. He sat down on the ground, back against the settee as Sakura began to play with his hair. “Madara-kun told me where he goes to school, so it will not be difficult to seek him out.”

“Is he really that important that you wish to go and see him?” Tomokazu finally asked, sounding like a pouting child that wasn’t getting his way.

Sakura tugged on a lock of his brown hair. “Actually, his older brother sounds much more interesting.” She sighed, “But I cannot have everything, I’m afraid.” And that was when the door opened and Gaara walked inside, holding a bundle in his hands.

Sakura smiled, standing. “It’s time for bed.” And then she walked through another pair of double doors, her three servants following behind silently.


So? The plot thickens…the Hyuuga family are vampire Hunters, muwahahahaha! I’m just glad I got my little Neji-kun in here. This story is rather…macabre isn’t it? I love it. XD It’s just that…well, to me vampires are dark and sensual, and that’s what I’m trying to portray. Pretty soon I’m going to have to put some major Mature warnings on these, lol. *sighs* no doubt DA will remove them and I will have to put them somewhere else because of it.

Anyway, before I go, here are the couples that will be somewhere in the story so far (besides the ones that have already been mentioned like KimiSaku, SasoSaku, GaaSaku, TomoSaku, etc…, as voted by all of you. And remember, I said ANY pairing, so don’t be surprised. XD I will try my hardest to fit them in here somewhere. I asked for dark secret crack pairings…and I got a few.

Itachi x Sakura x Sasuke
Sakura x Itachi
Sakura x Deidara
Sakura x Suigetsu
Juugo x Sakura
Tomokazu x Sakura x Hidan
Sakura x Kakashi
Sakura x Neji
Sakura x Sai
Ino x Genma
Sakura x Ino
Suigetsu x Karin
Sakura x Kiba
Sakura x Genma
Sakura x Shino
Sakura x Shikamaru
Sakura x Hinata

XD And if you have any more of them, please feel free to message me or put it in a comment. This story is going to be sooooo fun. XD

And if anyone thinks Sakura is a whore in this…they’re just mean. >.< I mean, I bet you if I had made the main character ITACHI or something and he slept with a lot of people they would think he was just soooooo sexy. I hate when that happens. If a girl sleeps with a lot of guys she’s a whore, if a guy does it, people think he’s cool >.<. besides that…she’s a VAMPIRE and they are HUMANS. Of COURSE she’s going to play around with them. Besides, vampires, to me, just OOZE sexuality. They aren’t going to have like…ONE lover. XD And besides, it’s not like she’s sleeping with all of them anyway. So there. XP

© Naruto characters belong to Kishimoto
© Artwork and storyline belong to Lady Hanaka

Forbidden...the Gift [link]
Forbidden...the Party [You're here!]
Forbidden...the Students [link]
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Comments: 140

DeidarasBitch7799 [2010-08-20 15:55:30 +0000 UTC]

you can post the stories on a site called fanfiction.net (just to let you kno) its a good site. you can have up to rated M or NC-17 or AO-18(i think thats wut it is) and post mature stories there. great story...love it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to DeidarasBitch7799 [2010-08-21 01:28:20 +0000 UTC]

haha I know. I have most of my stories on FF.net. I just wanted to leave this one here for now.

I'm glad you like the story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

luvkazekage [2010-07-04 00:07:49 +0000 UTC]

was it sakura kissing gaara?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

aRtfaN-4lIFe [2010-06-21 04:43:44 +0000 UTC]

i want to read the first one, but there not numbered. D:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to aRtfaN-4lIFe [2010-07-16 20:53:50 +0000 UTC]

Forbidden the Child is the first and then there is a link in the author's notes to the next chapter.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

aRtfaN-4lIFe In reply to Lady-Hanaka [2010-07-16 21:33:23 +0000 UTC]

thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FaeAmtutz-Artz [2010-01-31 19:47:13 +0000 UTC]

have you ever concidered puting your stories on fanfic.net they are really good.
love the story line for this!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to FaeAmtutz-Artz [2010-02-04 00:55:47 +0000 UTC]

Most of my stories actually are on ff.net. This is just a series that I decided to put on here instead.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Alexanders-Lover [2010-01-14 03:30:54 +0000 UTC]

I have always fallen in love with NejixSaku GaaxSaku or ShikaxSaku I see any or all of those and I'm happy! ^^ Nice read you got here.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GaaraFanILG [2010-01-07 06:01:05 +0000 UTC]

Oh...my...Leme get a hold of her...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

smethy32 [2009-07-22 12:20:18 +0000 UTC]

holy crap, that little slut! lol the amount of pairings there this story seems really awesome and i cant wait for more!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to smethy32 [2009-07-22 23:35:53 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ninjaman144 [2009-07-12 18:27:45 +0000 UTC]

can u send me a link ithot will there be some naruto kyuubi action (fighting)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Spy-X-Ninja-X-Leigh [2009-06-23 07:58:17 +0000 UTC]

Awesome story. I love it so far, and I agree with the whole girl screws to many guys then shes a whore, but if a guy screws to many girls then he's cool thing. I don't believe the guy is cool for that, and yes I believe Sakuras a whore in this, but like you said thats how some vampires are. If she were human in this that would be another story, and I probably wouldn't be reading this... anyways like I said awesome story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to Spy-X-Ninja-X-Leigh [2009-06-23 22:11:12 +0000 UTC]

lol, thanks. Yeah, I think along the same lines.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Spy-X-Ninja-X-Leigh In reply to Lady-Hanaka [2009-06-24 04:12:50 +0000 UTC]

They are good lines to think along. That didn't makes any sense did it...?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to Spy-X-Ninja-X-Leigh [2009-06-24 14:46:00 +0000 UTC]

I understood...but maybe that's what doesn't make sense.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Spy-X-Ninja-X-Leigh In reply to Lady-Hanaka [2009-06-25 21:23:46 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DillyIsADinosaur [2009-05-07 17:27:29 +0000 UTC]

i love this it just keeps geting beter and beter wow wooooooooo ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to DillyIsADinosaur [2009-05-07 22:34:08 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DillyIsADinosaur In reply to Lady-Hanaka [2010-03-20 16:01:23 +0000 UTC]

still love the story ur arsome at writing them ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

prosopopeiaofthesqee [2009-01-07 01:47:52 +0000 UTC]

gagawd I love this story so much! It's like a real book, with chapters, and a real storyline instead of a fanfic. but you want dark twisted pairings? HidanxSakuxMadaraxOrochi XP I am sooo messed up! You really *italicized* really don't have to use it if you don't want to, but I would fall in love with you if you did XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to prosopopeiaofthesqee [2009-01-08 00:36:22 +0000 UTC]

lol, I said every pairing and I meant it. I'll somehow try and work that one in.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

prosopopeiaofthesqee In reply to Lady-Hanaka [2009-01-08 20:48:47 +0000 UTC]

awwwwwwwwww, thanks, you really didn't have to, I wuz just making a weird comment like I always do ^.^ lol, I'm totally raiding your gallery and reading/looking at everything XP your an amazing writer and a wonderful artist

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to prosopopeiaofthesqee [2009-01-08 23:44:32 +0000 UTC]

thank you. I'm glad you like my work.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

prosopopeiaofthesqee In reply to Lady-Hanaka [2009-01-10 01:22:07 +0000 UTC]

np, only stating the truth XP I personally think that I suck, but on fanfiction.net I'm LinkinParGurrl51 if you ever wanna check it out I would like some constructive critisism from someone who's got so much experience with writing

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to prosopopeiaofthesqee [2009-01-10 15:43:20 +0000 UTC]

I'll definitely look at them if I have time. constructive criticism is always good to improve a person's writing.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

prosopopeiaofthesqee In reply to Lady-Hanaka [2009-01-10 17:50:21 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the consideration! XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to prosopopeiaofthesqee [2009-01-10 17:58:07 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TehBlkAngl567 [2008-11-24 02:24:41 +0000 UTC]

SakuraXGaara...definately...I love all of these, they're great!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to TehBlkAngl567 [2008-11-24 03:31:28 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TehBlkAngl567 In reply to Lady-Hanaka [2008-11-28 04:45:16 +0000 UTC]

your welcome, love the story, it's great!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to TehBlkAngl567 [2008-11-28 09:50:02 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Thot-Shop [2008-11-08 01:14:44 +0000 UTC]

what order do you read them in

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Lady-Hanaka In reply to Thot-Shop [2008-11-08 02:07:08 +0000 UTC]

begin with Forbidden...The Child and then there should be a link for each at the end.

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Thot-Shop In reply to Lady-Hanaka [2008-11-15 18:16:56 +0000 UTC]


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Lady-Hanaka In reply to Thot-Shop [2008-11-15 18:35:31 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CVtennyo [2008-10-04 14:48:55 +0000 UTC]

hehehe i love these forbidden series! i have only just started reading them as they don't appear on your ff.net account(where i originally read your works)

nice au story. But could i request a story of MadaraxSakura lol! Of how they meet or their joining/partnership of the city. or... anything really! i would love to read it XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to CVtennyo [2008-10-04 18:38:44 +0000 UTC]

alright. I'm glad you like it so far.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SoraDarkrose [2008-10-02 13:38:22 +0000 UTC]

i so love your story...saku has been protraid as a lil helpless twit, in your mind she is way other than that.
love love love garra...
too bad he is with saku, id ask for a tsunade/garra pairing lol
my friends call me tsunade..as im blonde big boobs..lol so yeah hehe my fantacy....garra.....*drools*
*looks around*
love it cant wait for more!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to SoraDarkrose [2008-10-02 20:14:11 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

psoriasis [2008-08-23 07:34:23 +0000 UTC]

Normally I hate Vampire stories, but this is really pretty.
I know you're used to getting requests for pairings, but can I suggest not doing a particular pairing?
NejiTen. Ugh. Hate it. |D


👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Lady-Hanaka In reply to psoriasis [2008-08-23 08:23:55 +0000 UTC]

lol don't worry, there won't be any NejiTen...I'm not a big fan of that either. I'll try and fit in a little InoxAnko and smidgens of NejiHina for you too, eeven tho I've never really written NejiHina before...or yuri for that matter. But this is helping my writing so challenging pairings for me are always good.

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psoriasis In reply to Lady-Hanaka [2008-08-23 20:36:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!
I've been following your fanfictions for ages now.

InoxTemari and InoxHina are also fun pairings.
You're actually inspiring me to write some fanfiction, hopefully.

Also, expect fan art from me <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Hanaka In reply to psoriasis [2008-08-23 20:56:29 +0000 UTC]

oh yay! I can't wait. And I'll definitely have to think about those other Ino pairings too XD

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psoriasis In reply to Lady-Hanaka [2008-08-23 20:59:17 +0000 UTC]

She's just a great flexible character!
Most people see her as only vain, loud and bossy, but I think she does it for show.

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Lady-Hanaka In reply to psoriasis [2008-08-23 21:10:52 +0000 UTC]

she's not one of my fav characters, but I always seem to have her playing a very strong supporting role. XD I think without her the manga just wouldn't be the same. Although I like Sakura more. XD But Ino is fun to play around with too, just like Sakura.

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psoriasis In reply to Lady-Hanaka [2008-08-23 21:14:06 +0000 UTC]

They're both very malleable characters.
I mean, even given traits from the manga, they can be manipulated in fanfiction.

And I wonder, is Konan going to be in this fan fiction?

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Lady-Hanaka In reply to psoriasis [2008-08-23 21:38:13 +0000 UTC]

hehehehehe, if you WANT Konan to be in, than sure. I love her too, so Konan love is always good. I would have tried to fit her in here somehow. Are there any Konan pairings you prefer?

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psoriasis In reply to Lady-Hanaka [2008-08-23 22:54:52 +0000 UTC]

Well, KonanxPein is always a sure fire one.
Konan and Tomokazu might be interesting?

This is going to be great! Well, it already is great, so it'll be better? Haha, I don't know.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

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