Writer-0f-Prophecy [2018-01-06 09:09:51 +0000 UTC]
Okay, but lets talk about this. Pink is a brat, acting like a whiney teenager wanting to be given more responsibility, but lacks the experience, knowledge, and mentality to do so. I tend to dislike these characters on principle because they tend to be one note and annoying. But something interesting did come up and this picture capitalizes on it. It's not just she feels inferior and wants to prove herself, she also wants attention, which she lacks. Yellow was presented as her mother, but obviously wasn't really raising her well. All that ever is seen between them is her yelling and scolding Pink and if not, just ignoring her, not teaching her the proper care and authority that goes along with the responsibility that Pink wants. So as much as I hate this annoying whiny teenage edge to Pink, I can understand the deeper cause of this, a bad parent that scolds her for doing something wrong, but never teaches her what's right.
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