lakritz69 — The last vacation on Torei [NSFW]

Published: 2012-02-14 15:44:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 25148; Favourites: 131; Downloads: 37
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Chapter 1

The tall, thin woman clutched her trench coat closer around her. Although the shopping center was well heated she appeared as if she was freezing and wanted to vanish into her coat. Her dark blue scarf concealed her face and most of her hair. Only at the corners of the cloth some red curls fell out. She turned left and vanished into the sleaziest corridor of the mall. A few doors before the back exit she finally reached her goal – a small travel agency. A quick, shy look forth and back – no soul was visible this late on a Sunday evening, and she quickly ducked into the shop. The shop attendant, slightly overweight although only in his early thirties, offered her a seat opposite to his desk, dominated by a battered up computer.

"Torei", she said finally, with visible will power. "You offered trips to Torei on your homepage, and I wanted to find out more about it."

"Torei you want, Torei it is," the agent told her, barely hiding his fat and inappropriate grin. "We took it out of the program because of political instability, but if you sign this little waiver we book you in, and off you go to your paradise of female submission."

She glanced at the piece of paper, stating that right now the crisis between Earth and the Torei republics seemed perfectly under control, and there was really very little risk, but that the agency could not held responsible in case or an unexpected turn for the worse in the relations between the two planets.

The woman seemed even more nervous now but to the surprise of the attendant she booked the trip anyway. "The six-week-version, please! For the trip there, I want the low price category - slave transport services only. Then the full package during my four week internship at the fetish factory while I am there. I really want to dive into the Torei female life style. And on the way back, I take the first class service, please. I may need some recovery and pampering by then."

"A very good choice, Miss, and I see you have done your homework. You really studied Torei and our holiday plans, didn't you? Pity we had to take them off our official program. By the way, there is a slight change in the payment plan. Given the political situation, we have to insist on full payment in advance, I am afraid. In exchange, we offer you a 15 % discount. When do you want to go?"

"As soon as possible, please! Before I change my mind. I have been fantasizing about this trip for three years now, and now I fear I might lose my courage again." She interrupted herself, when she realized that the agent could not care less for her undoubtedly sick motives to spend her holidays on the one place in the universe no reasonable woman would set her foot on voluntarily.

"Then let us proceed with the formalities right away, shall we? Who should be your male guardian? You know that on Torei you will legally be treated as a ward, right? And should your guardian not be available, as a state ward? Nothing to worry about!" he quickly added. "That is just standard procedure."

The woman gulped, nodded and signed everything, the waiver, the visa application, the guardian form she filled in for one Mr. Gospodin, and the credit card sales slip. "An acquaintance from my fetish club, you know", she explained, adding another piece of information the clerk was not interested in.
Six weeks later the woman was standing at the small space port serving Torei. Although the war talks had died down, the crisis had visibly reduced the economic exchange. It was a chilly April morning, just after 6 a.m. The concrete was cold under her bare feet, and her freshly shaved scalp felt the cold air as well. She stroke the bare crane with her hand and felt weird.

After passing through customs at midnight she had no longer been protected by the earth's human right conventions, and therefore could legally be treated according to Torei slave transportation rules, just like she had chosen in the travel agency. That had meant leaving all her luggage and even her money and documents behind – with the promise that everything would be stowed away and be returned to her after the arrival at Torei. What a bizarre feeling that had been! Renouncing not only to all of her worldly goods but even to her identity in exchange for the promise of a perverted adventure! What would her oh so emancipated mother have said had she watched her fulfilling this old dream of hers.

The next stop had been the changing rooms. She had stripped naked as ordered, put all her clothing including underwear and jewelry in the metal drawer which then receded into the wall and was no longer accessible, and then had advanced stark naked into the next room, a wide, black and white tiled bath- and examination room. An orderly, looking strong in his tight white crew neck, strapped her tight into the gyno chair. He had given her a friendly smile, and she had smiled back, somewhat awkwardly. While he pulled all the straps tight – not overly tight but definitely inescapable – he had made up his mind and had warned her.

"You seem like a friendly woman! Out of your mind for going through this, but friendly! Let me give you a piece of advice! Better watch your mouth with the Doctor, that crazy bitch. She is moody, and today her mood was bad!"

Before she could ask for details or at least thank him, he had vanished. It was chilly, she was alone and naked at a place she did not know, and strapped so tight into the chair that she had no chance to get off without help. Legs stretched wide in the stirrups, broad Velcro straps holding her ankles, thighs, waist, upper arms and wrists. She pondered the warning.

Then the doctor came in, a bitchy anorexic woman in her 30ies, 5'7 and 100 pounds at the most, introduced herself as Dr. Gisela Streng, and started the examination. At the same second she also started scolding the woman. How could she pass her vacation at a place where women were mistreated, kept as inferior beings or even as slaves. How she was voyeuristic, and how morally depraved and self-humiliating the whole concept of vacations on Torei was. How she was playing the misogynistic game of those chauvinist cowards who run that abdominal place. She talked herself into quite a rage while searching all cavities of her helpless patient, and not too gently.

"I got it!", the woman said, when she finally had enough. "I did not ask for your opinion, and I really am not interested in it. You know, this simply is my knack, and I really can't see who besides myself could get hurt when I finally fulfill my old dream."

"You really don't get it, do you? How you support that inhumane system with your fucking money?" Hatred sprung from the Doctor's eyes, and she seemed to have lost it. Suddenly the woman was frightened.

With a quick move doctor fixed another strap, this one over her throat, and so harsh that it hurt and impeded her speaking and swallowing. The doctor ogled her clip chart with an evil grin. "BALD! You really want to be shaved bald – wow! That will help you rank really low over there. Did you know that the social status of Torei women is determined by the length of their hair?"

"NO, no," she tried to protest but not much more than an unintelligible gargling escaped her throat.

"Yes, miss, it says so – here!" The doctor showed her the chart with the choices of headwear. In the last line there was the option 'shaved bald' but it was not ticked. The doctor got her pen out and xed the little box. "See? You want to become a real low class slut over there!"

The woman was crying like a river when the evil doc got out the machine and without any hesitation cut the long red curls off in less than three minutes. She did not stop there but shaved her poor victim everywhere else as well. The pussy  - the eyebrows even!"
"Glad to help you make your dreams come true – just as you ordered: Complete baldness! Think of it as a good bye present from me! Total blank – no stubbles anywhere on the body!" And she was gone.

The orderly had returned and had unstrapped her. She was thankful to him for not reminding her of his warning. Instead he handed her the knee length short-sleeved light grey cotton dress which now was her only piece of clothing. It buttoned all the way from her throat down to her knees. Fat black letters across her breasts and on her back made her status visible for everybody: TOREI SLAVE.

Everything was just as humiliating and exciting as she had imagined it to be. Her hairless head made her feel even more naked than the lack of underwear. She shivered, not only because of the cold.

The grids of the metal stairs bore into her bare soles as she climbed into the ship.


Inside, two dark, good looking wardens with brown uniform were expecting her. Without a single word of greeting they pushed her with her back against the padded wall, opened her arms wide and pressed her wrists against wide iron cuffs sealed inside the wall padding. Two ominous clicks, and she was standing there with wide outstretches arms like a female Jesus ready to be crucified. The buttons of her dress were opened from her neck to her navel, and then the rest of the garment was pulled down all the way. There she stood, naked. Naked and helpless, under the scrutinizing eyes of two strangers. This whole adventure was getting closer and closer to her daydreams. One of the guards knelt down, pulled the dress away from under her feet, and clipped a large iron cuff around her joined ankles. Two more metal bands went around her waist and a bit higher, right under her breasts. Only now, one guard was breaking the silence.

"So, at least one of you earthen sluts decides to accept her nature-given position and to serve men. We appreciate your state of mind! And as a token of our appreciation we offer you a week of free slut training. What do you say? What, 'thank you'?" He smacked her hard. " 'Thank you, Sir!' is the term you want to use!"

"Thank you, … Sir!" She sobbed, not being able to hold and soothe her burning cheek.

"But I thought…"

Another sharp slap, this time on her right breast.

"Two mistakes, slave! One: The word 'but' does not exist for you. Two: You don't think, you obey!"

"Yes Sir!" A tear dropped on her tit, just where the bright red shape of the tormentor's hand was beginning to show. This undeserved injustice made her incredibly horny. She wondered if it showed on her face. She blushed.

The other guard turned to her with a hard and somehow handsome smile. "My name is Jack, and as comrade Jim here was saying when you interrupted him in that most impolite way, we offer you a free sex slave training, which will facilitate your stay in Torei considerably. After our arrival, you will go through through customs and then through the slave evaluation process, and there you want to reach at least 8 out of 10 quality points. And you won't get the one for long beautiful hair nor the one for ample tits!"

He took her beautifully shaped but rather smallish breasts into his hands, evaluating them like oranges in a fruit shop. "With a score of 7 or less you will not be assigned to one of the equatorial states but most likely be sold into the polar regions. Lots of mine workers, trappers, and the like. That not where you want to go, girl. Nor where you would last very long!"

He let his fingertips wander along her outstretched white arms, towards her axle, then down to her waist and her hip. "No longer than a few weeks, tops.", he added thoughtfully.

Was there genuine concern in his voice? She was not sure, but suddenly felt grateful for the opportunity to be prepared for the exam at customs. But then, wasn't it all a game? She had been booked into the camp she chose at the travel agency, wasn't she? The camp next to the fetish factory? Where she would get to try all the new items and designs that were invented there? She thought it wiser not to ask here and now. Instead she managed a hoarse "Thank you, Sir!"

He grinned. "I know a way how you can thank us! Back home you call it fellatio. On Torei we prefer the expression blow job!" A faint shiver which went through the whole ship was the only signal that they had started and now were on their way.

The guard pressed a button, and the part of the wall with her foot cuffs clapped back and upwards at knee height. Her feet were lifted off the ground, and she hung from her arms and torso bands. Another button, and the wall, with her attached to it slid downwards till she was resting on her knees. Her feet had be pulled all the way backwards, till the soles faced upwards. The position became quite demanding very quickly, pressing her stomach against the waist band with much force, much pulling on her wrists and arms, and her soft, untrained knees on the iron floor.

"Slave, you have an option here!" , Guard Jim said cheerfully. You go natural first, or do you prefer some mechanical help? Making sure you excite me even more?"

She wanted him on his side, and also she was curious. "The.." she cleared her throat "The mechanical help please, Sir!"

He grinned, opened his zip and got the half-flaccid member out. "That's a girl!"
Her helplessness, her absolute loss of control, the abuse while being on this trip into the unknown – she felt very sexy – and horny too.

Guard Jack produced a spider ring-gag with a metal tube in the middle. The tube had a length of 2 inches, and when he inserted it into her mouth, pressed her tongue down. He strapped it tight in her neck. The process pulled it in even deeper, until the tube ended right before the back wall of her mouth. She did her best and concentrated well to avoid all retching.

The nose clamp which came next made her panic. How would she breathe?? But she had no more than a moment to worry, then her mouth was filled well with the member which thickened very quickly cutting her air supply off.

"Don't panic, suck!" Jack warned her. "The better you do the quicker I am going to offer you a nice fresh intake of air."

She concentrated, thought of her diving lessons, and how one lasted always much longer than thought, and sucked as if her life depended on it. Well, in a way it did, didn't it?


Much could be told about the next few days but I will just dummarize that the week of the voyage went by in a whiff, and in those few days she had been busier sexually than ever since her husband had died a couple of years ago. She was almost constantly horny as hell but had not once been allowed to cum – or more precisely been prevented from it physically. She wore a chastity belt with a dildo-like probe which measured her excitement – and shocked her in a very un-erotic way whenever she came to close to an orgasm.

The two guards however who apparently had had nobody else to look after had spurted and spread their semen in abundance – all into and over her, with the exception of her cunt. They had been very precise when teaching and correcting her but not entirely unfair. Jim seemed to almost have taken a liking in her, or at least that is what she wanted to believe. Maybe he was just acting like a professional. She believed what they had told her about the slave evaluation process, and she started to develop a fear which rose the closer it came. How she hated this evil Dr. Streng! She must have known what she did to her when shaving her bald. Now, without her beautiful red curls, she would have to collect all remaining points at the test.

"Don't be too nervous, slave!" Jack consoled her. "It is much easier like this when you are forced to wear tight rubber hoods and your hair does not get into the way."
"Speaking of!" Jim added. "We have a good bye present for you!"

They had already begun their descent towards the space port.

"This corset dress from our lost items fund might suit you nicely. And it will make you look good in qualification!"


The corset was not the only special feature of the dress. It was made from very elegant shiny black latex, but on all strategic parts, steel belts were sewn into the fabric, turning the whole garment much more into a severe bondage device than a mere dress. From bottom to top, it had a hobble skirt which went further down than to the floor, so it could only be worn with 4 inch heels, inner crotch straps, a crushing tight wasp waist corset (more hidden steel bands to maintain the shape of the wearer), a bra with metal cups and spikes on the inside, a high posture collar, and shoulder straps pulling the shoulders upwards and backwards.

The woman walked very consciously across the airfield towards the evaluation barracks, seeing to it that she strode more self-conscious than she felt. The wig with the short black hair helped undoubtedly.

And her appearance made the trick. She received 8 points and passed very closely. She was assigned to her assumed place in the fetish factory – only not in the design department she had applied for but in the underground experimental laboratories where the new designs were tested on her in combination with all sorts of psychic treatment and sensory deprivation, testing how the highest results in confusion, disorientation and sexual arousal could be reached.

"This little change of plans, explained her supervisor to her, was in accordance with your own wishes!" He went through her file again, and grinned. "No, I stand corrected! It was not you but your guardian who made that little arrangement. But that does not make a difference now, does it? You must be happy to fulfill his wishes."


The training days as guinea pig at the fetish factory deserve a chapter of their own. Gentle reader, please be patient!


A few days before Mary's return to earth the crisis between the two planets deepened after a group of Feminist Activists from Earth with a well known female Doctor, one Dr. Gisela Streng, at their top had come to Torei under false pretext and had launched a protest demonstration before the Torei Supreme Court which at that precise date had had a hearing about the privatization of the Torei Penal System. Some tycoon had offered to take the problem of female 3rd strike offenders off everybody's mind and proposed to build his very own system of female prisons and asylums according to the mental state of the inmates/patients, on the condition that he would not allow any public control about the treatments used inside. That seemed like a fair deal to the Torei government but unfortunately caught the eye of some journalists who were investigating the fate of a party of college students who had vanished during a trip to Torei a few years ago. Hence the protests which were not appreciated by the Torei authorities.


When Mary had finished her 4 weeks internship with Fetish Industries she was accompanied back to the hotel and told that her flight would have 3 days of delay. The manager advised her strictly against leaving the Hotel - better not even leave her room. Mary was disappointed -so she spent 4 weeks as guinea pig in the cellar of the factory and now 3 days in her room? She would go home and have seen nothing from Torei?

Luckily, the two handsome guards - brothers, at it had turned out - from the flight to Torei had left her their telephone number. She called them and they were free over the weekend. They accepted the intermediate guardianship over her for the weekend, as her regular guard, the mysterious Mr. Gospodin, could not be reached.

"We will act as tour guides, honey, but only under one condition: you serve us during those days in any way we choose!"

Of course she agreed. They fucked her nice and hard before leaving the hotel and therefore now were very relaxed. She now was clad in a new, tailor-made design from the fetish factury: A provocative steel-blue latex mini dress with a built in square armbinder. One brother on each side, both hooked under through the appropriate holes in the corners of her armbinder, she finally hit the streets of Torei for the first time. Free. Well, relatively free.  

They let her choose. "The amusement park?", suggested Jim. "Hall of Horrors?", proposed Jack.

But she wanted to see some of Torei's real life. The court system intrigued her.
The brothers warned her: "A rather cruel experience, Mary, and a bit unsafe for foreigners as well. Our authorities do not always appreciate aliens, especially not at the core of our society. You Earthlings are so biased that you will see there nothing but human right violations and such crap just because you don't understand our way of life!"

But she persuaded them and in the end they did take her to the Torei High Court.

Mary enjoyed the stroll toward the city center. Even for Torei standards she was pretty slutty, and drew just enough attention. They had to pass a police control close to the court house: Jim and Jack pushed her forward through the female slot and presented her to the controlling officer who made a body search - mainly in order to feel Mary up. She blushed but knew enough now about Torei not to protest. Then they reached the court house - an impressive building from some imperial area 100 years ago - built to make every visitor feel small.

"A nice crowd", said Jim, and the watched the people stremaing in the same directions as themselves. Groups of Law school kids, a high school class even, boys in posh uniforms, girls in very short miniskirts and Mary Jane plateau boots.

"My, are we lucky!" said Jack as he examined the blackboard announcing today's programme.

"Your foe! Dr. Gisela Streng - for uprisal and high treason! Grand Jury!"

"Quick, let us see her!" Mary was excited and intrigued. What had happened to the evil Doctor?

They got nice places in the middle department, Jim and Jack removed Mary's armbinder and instead fixed the wooden yokes around her neck, her waist and her forearms, with which her seat was equipped.

"Only in these seats women may follow the proceedings! They get agitated so easily! Let us make sure and gag you too. You don't want the court to hold you in contempt."
Mary looked around her as well as she still could and saw that all other women, even the students and the high school girls, were sitting in bondage chairs identical to hers.
Just when she had taken the proper female court visitor position, including the gag, a court clerk entered the room.

"All men rise for the Honourable Judge McAlister"!

The women had to stay seated for obvious reasons. In came a nice and gentle looking Gentleman in his early 70ies.

"Please be seated! And bring the defendant in!"

The whole room got excited as in the back part a door opened, and a woman was dragged in. She wore a full leather outfit, skin tight. It consisted of a floor length hobble dress and butterfly sheets for her arms which were doubled in the way that her left hand lay on her left shoulder and her right hand on her right shoulder. Her head was naked but for her long blond mane. The Ass, the breasts, and the crotch parts of her outfit were in bright orange leather, which made them shine a bit like a chimpanzee female in heat. Rings through the ends of her butterfly arms were fixed to her waist belt, so she could not even flap her arms. She was seated and strapped tight against a stool sitting freely in the middle of the room, somewhat lower than everybody else. Already everybody was able to look down to her.

Dr. Streng looked around in the room in desperation and then discovered Mary in the third row. Her expression changed into contempt, and Mary felt her hateful stare. She grinned around her gag. She was content.

The prosecutor read the charges. The defendant had started a women lib manifestation in the middle of the market place of the capital, inviting Torei women to join her freedom movement.

Judge McAlister gave Dr. Streng his nicest grandpa-look.

"Well, how do you plead?"

"Not Guilty, you chauvininst Asshole!", Dr. Streng blurted out

That was the last thing she said in her life.

"Warden, please sew the defendant's mouth shut! Use the sharp wire! No anesthetics!", the gentle grandpa said with the sweetest of smiles. Two orderlies approached, apparently well familiar with the procedure, one pressed Dr. Streng's chin and head together, the other took a rather large needle and joined her lips together. For good.

"Add some of the permanent body glue too! The kind with the tabasco taste!" Still sweet old man.

Mary's eyes watered with fear and excitement. She almost felt sorry for the poor doctor, but Jack whispered to her: "Remember what she did to you?"

McAlister gave a sharp look in their direction.

"That bald lady with the pink ball gag over there! Were you listening to the undue interruption from your neighbour?"

Mary's heart stopped for a heartbeat. She quickly nodded as well as she could.

"Good! I like people who admit their guilt. I will fine the man who talked in my court room with one dollar."

"And I will fine you for listening with the level two seating punishment! Orderly!"

Within seconds, Jack had paid the dollar. And Mary felt the strap of the garrote built  into the back rest of her wooden seat tighten. Her eyes bulged, and her throat started to hurt badly. She understood that she was sitting on an executioner's device. All women in the room were…

"Sir, is that latex slut your warden?"

"Yes, your Honour!" Jack nodded with a bit of a bad conscience.

"Then would you please remove this ridiculous little toy gag and shove something serious into her face hole?"

The orderly passed Jack a huge black penis gag, and Jack stuffed it in, all the way till it touched her throat, and buckled it tight. Between the huge rubber intruder in her mouth and the garrote, Mary thought she would suffocate. Every air stroke was hard labor.

"And I said punishment grade II!"

Obediently Jack pulled Mary's skirt a bit back till she felt the wood of the seat under her naked ass, and then turned a little handle molded in the middle of the seat,  between her thighs. With every turn two dildos protruded from the seat into Mary's naked crotch. After a dozen turns he felt completely impaled.

Luckily the attention turned back to Dr. Streng

"How does the defendant plead now, as order is restored?" the judge asked again.

Dr. Streng was completely wasted. Blood dripped from the wounds in her lips. Her tears were trickling down and on her leather dress. The glue had to burn her like fire.

"No reply? Attorney, will you please answer in her place?"

A short fat man who nobody had paid attention to until now rose and declared:

"My client pleads guilty, your Honour, and humbly begs to be punished with the full force of the law. She also requests to be exposed as a constant reminder to those visitors which consider questioning our ways of life and the good planet of Torei."

"You mean, she is asking to be put to death?" The judge asked in mock disbelief.

"If it pleases the court!"

"Dr, Streng, we do not like visitors from earth too much these days, you know? And especially not that kind which explains us how to live our lives!"

"Now, putting you to death, even slowly, would end your sufferings, and then? We'd bury you or throw your body into the sewer. You'd serve no more purpose at all! No, we will put you to better use - your permanent suffering as a permanent warning for those who want to follow your evil ways. You prefer that too, right? As you Earthlings are so concerned about the inhumane death penalty!"

"You will be branded and exposed as living piece of amusement of the visitors of the capital! Executioner, proceed!"

A man with a hangman's hood and bare arms entered the room and removed Dr. Streng`s butterfly jacket. He laid her left hand on her armrest, took a hammer and drilled a hole right through the middle of her hand. Her hand was nailed to the armrest now. He did the same thing to her other hand. Dr. Streng did not have the luck to pass out put screamed and screamed through her closed mouth. The executioner removed the nails and made her bend forward till her upper body lay on her thighs. He brought her hands behind her back, palm to palm, and took a large screw. He entered the screw through both holes and joined her palms behind her back, in a back prayer position.

Mary watched as the executioner continued with his helpless victim. The whole crowd stared at her breathlessly. Dr. Streng was pushed back onto her stool and the executioner started shaving her head: the sides, the back, the front. Her long strands fell to the floor.

"Serves you right," Mary thought, remembering the evil events before her departure to Torei.

Dr. Streng cried again.

In the middle of her head the hangman left a circle with a two inch diameter untouched. When he was done with the rest he braided that part into a long single ponytail, weaving leather laces into the tail.

Mary watched as the end of the hair and leather band was knotted to a solid brass ring. He hooked a hook into the ring and pushed her forward till she nearly fell off the stool. He removed the orange leather pad from the ass part of her dress which had been held there by poppers.

Her ass is bare now. He pulls the ring backwards till she has to raise her head. He hooks an ass ring into her tight asshole and joins it to the ring coming down from her head. He uses a short chain for that. The braid-chain combination runs along her back between her skin and the welded hands. He pulls her up hard so she stands again. Her head is forced up high, facing upwards in a slight angle. If she tries to look down or if she slumps out of her very erect posture she pulls the ass hook deeper in.

The executioner has a red hot iron ready and brands the woman with the letter T for Traitor. He brands her on her high forehead where an hour ago she still had beautiful hair, and on both cheeks. The sizzling sound fills the completely silent court room. You could hear a needle drop. Everybody smells the odor of the burning flesh.

The executioner now turns to her breasts. He removes their orange pads  as well and pushes strong meet hooks through her nipples, rather far away from the tip so the tissue does not tear too easily. He then hangs a wooden panel from the hooks.

The panel now dangling from her bare breasts reads: "I learned to respect the ways of Torei!"

And then the humiliated victim which once was Dr. Streng is released into "freedom". She has the permission to walk the streets of Torei. She is pushed out of the court house and left to her fate.

* * *

The ambassadors from all Earth republics protested sharply against the verdict the minute they learned about it. A week later the Torei government cut all diplomatic ties with the Earth. All means of communication were severed, and the planet of Torei was never again heard of on Earth.


In the very last space ship flying out of Torei, one bald, skinny, distraught woman was sitting in the corner in the last row. She still could not believe how closely she had escaped the doom of one of the Torei Prioner of War camps.

Until the end of her quiet, boring and undisturbed life the woman would never stop fantasizing what her fate would have been there, in  permanent bondage and torture of one of those camps. There were very few people who were interested in the tales of the last known survivor, and those who would be willing to lend her their ear did not believe a single word.
Comments: 56

Reifgrimm [2021-10-10 06:01:29 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

0formant0 [2020-04-28 15:19:26 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

institute5 [2019-04-21 17:31:39 +0000 UTC]

i can see a lot of thought goes into your works

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lakritz69 In reply to institute5 [2019-04-23 12:16:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. I appreciate the compliment. 

On the downside: I overthink stuff and then become really slow with my writing and can never finish anything...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

institute5 In reply to lakritz69 [2019-04-23 12:26:51 +0000 UTC]

I have a similar problem.  Ideas the pop out strong get
half finished and then often sit idle indefinitely.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

montycrusto [2017-05-25 12:51:17 +0000 UTC]

Wow - amazingly hot story!  Very rewarding and inspiring, well written and sexy .
I love chain-man  's work too and this is one I'd never seen before - perfect!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lakritz69 In reply to montycrusto [2017-05-25 13:13:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you - you are too kind - and thanks to Chain-man yet again. You really caught the spirit I had in mind when writing.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Toszum [2016-10-02 13:11:32 +0000 UTC]

Nice work. A little gruesome but well written.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lakritz69 In reply to Toszum [2016-10-02 22:01:23 +0000 UTC]

I take gruesome as a compliment as well. I tried to create a nightmarish atmosphere. Wish I had the strength to continue.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Toszum In reply to lakritz69 [2016-10-03 04:42:24 +0000 UTC]

I would probably read it. I like crazy ideas.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

a1993 [2016-04-19 08:25:23 +0000 UTC]

Wait what happened to Mary then? Wasn't she originally an earthling? Did they just decide to keep her?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

a1993 [2016-04-19 07:20:29 +0000 UTC]

Uh what happened to Mary then?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

a1993 [2016-04-19 07:05:08 +0000 UTC]

Uh what happened to Mary then?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

mrhungry56 [2013-06-11 13:37:52 +0000 UTC]

Excellent story! The concept was really good (fetish vacation) and the activist doctor shaving her head was very devious! Seeing the doctor sentenced in the end was a real treat. Well done.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lakritz69 In reply to mrhungry56 [2013-06-11 14:12:12 +0000 UTC]

That is very kind of you, Mr. hungry! I have more in store for her while she errs outside helplessly. I imagine a Torei style Luna park with her as an attraction. It is not going to be funny for her !

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Rubbella [2012-11-05 11:17:47 +0000 UTC]

Yes, that is great story! Thank you about sharing it

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lakritz69 In reply to Rubbella [2012-11-06 08:40:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, Rubbella, for your compliment! I appreciate it.

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jaypunk [2012-10-16 15:42:12 +0000 UTC]


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lakritz69 In reply to jaypunk [2012-10-17 05:53:19 +0000 UTC]

thank you! I am flattered

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uksmile [2012-10-13 09:58:47 +0000 UTC]

Great story, have you written more?

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lakritz69 In reply to uksmile [2012-10-14 21:14:00 +0000 UTC]

Glad you liked it - thank you. Many more stories, but stored in my head until now...

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TwistedPerfections [2012-09-05 05:06:59 +0000 UTC]

... Woah... nice...

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SpartzPet [2012-09-01 23:29:56 +0000 UTC]


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lakritz69 In reply to SpartzPet [2012-09-02 05:28:21 +0000 UTC]

a sound as if you liked the story...

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SpartzPet In reply to lakritz69 [2012-09-02 14:40:46 +0000 UTC]

Very much so. It blew my mind.

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BritBastard [2012-08-05 11:48:51 +0000 UTC]

Fascinating story. I was sorry to come to the end. I hope you plan to write more. Please?

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lakritz69 In reply to BritBastard [2012-08-05 12:02:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you . Support means a lot - especially when coming from a renowned bondage master.
Next, mary and her two guardians are planning a trip to the best known amusement park - Magic Kingdom meets London dungeon. It is all in my head, I just have to find the power to write it down.

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BritBastard In reply to lakritz69 [2012-08-05 12:06:55 +0000 UTC]

What can I do to encourage you, Maria? Perhaps you need a bondage holiday to get some new real-life experiences?

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lakritz69 In reply to BritBastard [2012-08-05 12:27:47 +0000 UTC]

i think an afternoon (plus evening plus night) of being tied and chained to my desk, teased and tortured thoroughly while i write, might sparkle the creative process.

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BritBastard In reply to lakritz69 [2012-08-05 13:06:51 +0000 UTC]

Having read some of the writing you shared with me I think you might overload the entire system!

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lelenaanatolievna [2012-08-02 13:08:59 +0000 UTC]

I didn't read such arousing pext since monthes, I give you my felicitations Sir Lelena

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lelenaanatolievna In reply to lelenaanatolievna [2012-08-02 13:12:37 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, Lady, not Sir !!! . Sind Sie aus Deutchland? Ich lebe in das Fransösiche teil aus der Schweiz. Viele küssen, Lelena

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lakritz69 [2012-08-02 05:34:52 +0000 UTC]

i prefer to be a bad girl and get punished for it. Like in the picture.

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chain-man [2012-07-29 09:10:58 +0000 UTC]

Lovely story. Although I have to admit that I am a bit disappointed that she has escaped

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lakritz69 In reply to chain-man [2012-07-29 09:49:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Yes, I am more into losing and regaining freedom - otherwise you can't lose it again
No, the main reason for this is that I like to reflect how the experience of past bondage influences your following life. Do you enjoy the new-found freedom? Or is it dull, and you would prefer to return to slavery?

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chain-man In reply to lakritz69 [2012-07-29 11:54:34 +0000 UTC]

I guess the life must have seem pretty boring for her after a trip like that. What surprised me about her happy return is that I expected that the culture which treats women like slaves would not honor any agreement made with her about her return. Esp. after few hints about things being a bit different than she thought on the way there...

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lakritz69 In reply to chain-man [2012-07-31 10:06:37 +0000 UTC]

Boring? Maybe, but not necessary. I have worked on stories "after the slavery", but never finished any. Failed attempts to return to a normal life, still being controlled by the former master, becoming a torturer myself, or maybe an especially cruel dominatrix.
I prefer such endings to those most people in here like ("and then she rested in that terrible, cruel bind for the rest of her life"). I think open ends are nicer because they offer more possibilities.
But everybondy his taste..

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GospodinP In reply to lakritz69 [2012-07-31 10:43:47 +0000 UTC]

Glad to see that you updated this with the new ending! Clearly our little creative process was just the thing!

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lakritz69 In reply to GospodinP [2012-07-31 11:59:07 +0000 UTC]

It surely did! But wait! Is that stupid little smilie of yours lashing out at me?

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GospodinP In reply to lakritz69 [2012-07-31 12:00:50 +0000 UTC]

It's just keeping you in line, pet. Take your licks and be a good girl!

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jarvik2009 [2012-06-26 22:08:47 +0000 UTC]

really liked this story!

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lakritz69 In reply to jarvik2009 [2012-07-14 13:16:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, jarvik!

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dublatex [2012-03-20 05:01:41 +0000 UTC]

hi. I would say this one is even better for a comics with option to explore more of Torei world

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lakritz69 In reply to dublatex [2012-03-20 22:17:15 +0000 UTC]

Well, if I could paint I would definitely give it a try...

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cardimart [2012-03-18 22:27:43 +0000 UTC]

i really liked this story and some of the scenes it set. I'm reading the whole Torei story with interest and hope to contribute. This was helpful; ta!

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lakritz69 In reply to cardimart [2012-03-19 08:57:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you fro your support I am trying to come up with episodes set into the frame of this story. But writing is slow...

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GrymtheGray [2012-02-15 05:06:57 +0000 UTC]

Nice ideas in this story and good characterization from the start. Then just as you were getting past the intro you skipped right to the end. I'd like to suggest that you think on your story some more and come back to it later? I think you could flesh it out into a much longer and more involved tale.

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lakritz69 In reply to GrymtheGray [2012-02-15 06:38:18 +0000 UTC]

Of course, you are right. I have tried that many times, and always got stuck in the middle. So at least once, I wanted to finish something. It is really slow to write in a foreign language..
But if somebody would want to help me - elaborate the ideas and the details - that would be more than welcome.

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GrymtheGray In reply to lakritz69 [2012-03-04 20:33:18 +0000 UTC]

lazkritz, how about fleshing out the time the two fellows spend training the heroine. Perhaps things like making her walk down regular passenger corridors naked, maybe bearing a tray of crops and offering them to various passengers for them to crop her? Maybe the fellows make her crawl across a room to pick up the item they are going to use on her, and make her pick from a selection of items?

Then on the planet have her actually test some unusual items, some bizare form of isolation, pleasure machine? Then before her time with the test group is compete, the crazy doctor and her team arrive and 'liberate' the heroine and others before being captured? And due to the interstellar ramifications when the Toreans punish the assault team, they return all off-worlders connected with the raid as a gesture of 'good-will'. The heroine having made a friend in the two fellows on the trip out, maybe they become her 'connection' for Torean bondage gear for her to setup back on Earth?

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lakritz69 In reply to GrymtheGray [2012-03-04 22:07:39 +0000 UTC]

i love your ideas - i am thinking in similar directions. If i only found more willpower to continue my writing - i am so slow. do you want to elaborate some of the stuff you mentioned, and i try to follow up?
Thank you for your interest in my story line!

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