lakritz69 — Indigo [NSFW]

Published: 2013-02-17 08:59:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 11528; Favourites: 66; Downloads: 27
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Description It was the class on “Treatments of severe cases of self-destructive psychological traumata”, and the Professor walked into the small room where the 9 doctorate students expected him eagerly. His presentation of case studies was famous, and it had been very difficult to be accepted to that class.

The professor walked in, a gentle-looking, silver-haired grandpa in his early 70ies, not at all revealing the fact that he had been working with some of the most dangerous sexual killers and other offenders over the years. He walked slowly and carefully because with him he brought a rather bizarre companion, a middle aged woman in a bizarre outfit. She donned a heavy, well-worn strait jacket reaching from high under her chin not only to her crotch but over her thighs and down to her knees. Her head was bare, and her legs and feet were naked.

She looked rather ordinary, medium built, somewhat on the skinny side, with a pale complexion and pretty short curls dyed into a brilliant shade of indigo blue. She looked frightened and insecure, shivering from nervousness. But she let herself be led willingly to a stout wooden chair in the middle of the stage, put there expressly for today’s lecture. It ominously reminded the students of Old Sparky. Quickly she sat, and the professor knelt and strapped her ankles tight. He then chained the d-rings along the shoulder and torso of her straight jacket to matching eyeholes on the chair, sealing the woman tightly to the bondage chair.

The procedure clearly relaxed the woman, and after the professor made very short introducing remarks, simply telling the class that he would not comment in order not to bias the students, the woman started speaking haltingly, with a hoarse voice clearly not very much in use.

“Good morning, my name is Indigo, I am 44, and I am really indebted  to you professor. He saved my life. And that is why I let myself persuaded to come to you today although I cling very much to my normal secluded lifestyle. But with the great help of your professor I can by now manage without my isolation hood half of the day, and be ungagged and out of my beloved straight jacket for some consecutive hours at least. Although I still do not trust myself, and definitely feel freer and more secure when tightly strapped in.
Your professor has all kinds of complicated theories about the reasons for my … situation, traumatic early childhood issues, but the real reason is the one I am going to tell you today. I rarely do that because nobody ever believes me, and although you may find it entertaining it certainly is completely unimportant. The connection to my home, the planet of Torei, has been cut ages ago, and I am stranded here on Earth no matter what.
But as I said, I am deeply grateful to your teacher, and I am not ashamed to admit that I love him because he never loses his caring ways with me I accepted his invitation to speak to you today. He asked so nicely and convincingly that I overcame my fear of strangers and came along. I never have anything to pay him back. Consider this visit today as my token of appreciation!

I will take you to somewhat remote regions of Torei, and as you don’t know what it looks like you may just imagine remote, deserted parts of some Greek island. That gives you a vague idea of where I come from. Let us move 20 years back in time!

Yesterday was my 18th birthday. i am the youngest of the 12 temple slaves but we were all born in the same year. We were brought up here in the temple area for a life of obedience and chastity to our supreme goddess. That is a very rare thing here on Torei where most of the reverence goes to the male gods. In order not to question the social order and put our temple life in danger our high priestess educated us to be always polite and helpful to men not only helpful but truly obedient and submissive we have to give everything to every male visitor with one exception: our virginity. When i was 12 i got my first chastity belt, and i have worn it ever since when any male was within the precincts. Apart from that we dress in any way that may please men. Our High priestess has a nice little forest within the precincts of natural rubber palms.”

The woman started coughing hard, and her voice failed. She looked at the Professor imploringly and full of distress.

“Please… I just can’t… oh, I am so sorry… I really tried.”

She was weeping, and it was hard to make out her words

“May.. may I please have my hood back on? Or at least the trainer gag?”

The Professor quickly grabbed in his briefcase and got an elaborate contraption of blue leather straps out which centered around a black ball gag.

“Don’t be upset, Indigo!”

He spoke with a warm, soothing voice while he gagged her and pulled the straps around her head tight.

“It was very brave of you and a nice success that you came here today, and I do appreciate your token! You are a wonderful woman!”

He stroke her cheek lightly and tenderly, and then turned to the class.

“Well, I feared that we might not have more of Indigo’s original input. I will instead read the transcripts to you which Indigo created over the last months. You will find her story hard to believe, as she said herself, and sometimes inconsistent when it comes to names and places, shift between present and past tense, and so on. I did not edit the protocols in order not to destroy their raw, spontaneous character. I also have to point out that the story-telling excited Indigo sexually, just as she now is very close to an orgasm. I ask you not to judge prematurely, and to consider that the writing of the story was a complicated procedure which went on over weeks, interrupted by nervous breakdowns and by her constant craving for more orgasms and crushing tight bondage.

So we continue with Indigo’s story from 20 years ago!


The rubber palms are regularly milked for their white stick juice, and that is what all our clothing is made of
each one of us has her colour.
i am Indigo
my corset is dark blue
my hoods are
oh, yes, mostly the men who demand our service may not see our faces
we must not be recognized.
I was prepared to live this life on till i don't know when. Forever probably
but just then the High Priestess surprised us and announced that we have to move.
We are given away. Our prince, master over life and death in our kingdom, offered us as a present to Lady Gynotta
she is a legend, and until now i did not even believe she really existed.
She lives beyond the great desert which stretches out beyond the mountain range on the far side of the river
So here we are: packing and frightened
already two of my sisters sobbed
which of course got them their well-earned gag
We were prepared for transportation
each of us received a sealed jar with the valuable sapping from the palm trees
then we received our travelling outfit
our arms were crossed behind our backs, hand to elbow, forming our underarms to a sort of tray
then the jar was posed on our underarms and fixed to our backs with wide straps
the mistress explained us now we were responsible for our valuable load
if we should lose or break it we would be punished severely
the luckier ones would die
then a wide cloak was wrapped around us, concealing our whole bodies and outfits
we were not to be seen
we were not to be recognized as burglars would be interested in stealing or raping us during  our trip
at the limits of the temple district Lord Kazodd was expecting us
he was the one who sent us to Gynotta
he gave us to her as his token of affection
he had the idea that a valuable present like this might persuade her to move closer to the civilized areas
the temple was not in the densely populated equator regions but only a few days of travelling away.
Kazodd was wooing for Gynotta, and we were his invitation
he inspected us carefully
saw that only the two of uns who had whined were gagged
so he ordered the same gags for all of us
i hate gags
the stuff my mouth so evilly
i feel so full with them
and i hesitated for the fraction of a second before opening wide and receiving my masters gift
a mistake
he groped my exposed left breast – all girls have their left breast exposed
and cinched it till my nipple stiffened
and then he hung an evil clamp onto it
i swayed a bit from the sudden pain and because i could not use my arms to balance
and just barely avoided to fall on my back
Lord Kazodd let the burqua-like cloak fall down again and set himself in march
then came the 12 of us
a few camels and mules carrying our supplies,
and off we went
into an uncertain future


the way started easily, down to the river, through the shallow water, out again on the opposite shore, and up into the hills
we sisters were chained together on our collars like pearls on a giant’s necklace
my nipple ached, my jaws ached
we were not able to communicate
we were constantly in danger to lose the balance and fall
the arms hurt from their unnatural position and from the pressure of the jar
the air under the indigo cloak was hot and sticky
the rubber band around my throat made sure that the laminated hood did not move, which would have impeder my sight and my breathing
slowly as we were climbing the mountain range the air became a bit cooler
up at the highest point we were told to stand, and we hoped for a rest
instead we were shown a gruesome sight
Here, at the border of my realm, I sacrifice a virgin every year
We looked at the crucified skeleton with horror
it is always one girl among the prettiest who refuses some service to me
the lord obviously took great pride in his cruelty
we were determined to be even more obedient after that encounter
we continued downhill on the other side, into no-man’s-land
in the nights we were flocked together like sheep
our throat bands so close together that it was hard to even lie down
and each night Lord Kazodd would take one of us apart, into his tent
it had not yet been my turn but i feared the night
the chosen girl would step out of the tent the next morning
pale, with dark circles under her eyes and a glassy look
and then, when the end of the desert came finally in sight, it finally was my turn

i stumbled forward into the tent and had to get used to the semi darkness inside
for the first time in days my arms were freed - for a short moment
he moved me over to a cross formed like an x
he let me strap out of all my clothing
and then, for the first time in my life
my cunt was revealed to the hungry eye of a man
you are not going to lose your virginity tonight, the lord explained me
but there are two other holes which can be used your master
and to those we will turn now
the mouth holes stuffing you already are used to
he peeled out my gag to replace it with a very natural-looking penis
then hie pushed me against the x, strapped my arms and legs to the wooden bars
and then mounted a banana-shaped object on a short piece of wood
this wood went into a hole at the crossing of the x
and the banana was mushed up and up
until it touched my asshole
he grinned evilly
later tonight you will feel the real thing
but for now you will get used to the shapes and sizes
and with great force he pressed down on my shoulders forcing the plug all the way into me
i screamed into my gag
I was grabbed by the throat
dont wake the other girls, Indigo!
i sobbed uncontrollably
i try to breathe
but then he came up with a whole set of wide leather straps
and started strapping me even tighter
these straps come with a surprise!
on the inside they are coated with ant poison
once you get warm it will start to dissolve
we better do something about that screaming of yours
I was wrapped into a huge padded hood which dimmed my screams further down
it was like being burnt alive on the stake
oh my goodness, such pain!
i never knew a filled ass could cause such awful feelings
and the gag in my face hole is far too long
it touches the back of my mouth and makes me gag
and the straps are too tight
I think I am going to faint any minute
the lord is standing right in front of her now
your future mistress is known for her cruelty
she has to survive in a world of men, you know
so you better be prepared
don’t show signs of weakness, you hear me?
She will most likely give three of you to her beloved sharks
and send the three ugliest down to the mines for the enjoyment of the mine workers
three others will be sacrificed at the next spring ceremony
most likely buried to their throat in the graveyard and then left to starve
so i don't think she will have use for more than three of you
Indigo, I think you may well be part of the lucky trio
I will fuck you now into your mouth and into your ass
and if I like what I feel I will put a little sapphire around your neck
a token of my affection
i understood, and i don’t know how and when, but i grew new forces
i let him bind me in a way that made my ass stick out high
wide open for him
and when he entered me i was able to actually enjoy it
i sucked him in for all i was worth
and later i did the same with his huge wild boar like cock
i nearly suffocated because he blocked out my airways completely
and still, i got the first orgasm of my life
simply by being deep throated by my cruel master
it was unbelievable
i must have looked quite like my sisters when i exited the tent around dawn
soon after we were on our way again, now close to our destination


We are close to Gynotta's manor now
at the end of the desert the way becomes better
a street really. We are halted and fettered together
not only on our collars with 3 or 4 foot of slacks
but ankle cuffs with little slack
tighter iron rings around our necks, too
and then the last girl in the row stumbles forward, bumps into the one in front of her
the jar with the white gluey sap, which has hald all the way through the desert, falls to the ground and bursts
we stand in shock and halt
it is my green sister, and although there was no way she could have prevented it, she is punished
she is stripped from everything she wore, even her chastity belt
and is impaled on a pointed stick which is about 6 inches longer than the length of her legs
when she stands on her tiptoes the stick is in her vagina about 3 inches deep
but when she relaxes, when her feet get tired, the pole will enter deeper and deeper into her
we are not allowed to wait and watch
we are forced to continue
i never learned what became of the green girl
maybe she got lucky and some travelling salesmen or slaver recued her
I sure hope so
at least i want to think that her story has a happy end and she serves now as a prostitute for a gang of brigands
the eleven of us continued through lush forests and gardens until we finally reached an orchard of unbelievable beauty
the jars were taken from us and put in front or our feet
our cloaks were removed, the armbinders too
each of us came to stand in front of a fruit tree, mine was a pear i think
we had to kneel wide, feet and arms behind the tree, where they were cuffed
then one of the jars was opened and we all received a transparent coating over our faces and heads


Now, we have this wonderful ritual around the orchard, and we are covered in lamination sap.
the coating on our facing quickly grew stiff and transparent
as if we were each in our personal glass head prison
the thing is: there was no air going in and coming out
as soon as the white coating grew transparent and dry, it cut off all air flow
we were laminated and limited to the air in our lungs
quickly we became desperate
in this star of near agony we saw our future Mistress approach
she would bent down to us and pierce small holes into the lamination at our nostrils
still not enough to breathe freely but the anguish to being suffocated stopped
only for our white sister who had been chained to the furthest tree
the rescue came too late
she hung there, in her bonds, all limp
Our Mistress did not seem to care - on the contrary
She turned to Lord Kazodd with a smile
Your gift pleases me greatly
I accept it
And I will consider your offer with an open mind from now on.
Then she turned to us.
10 of you still alive! How wonderful! and I hope you liked my welcome present
it was just a bit of fresh air
but I think you appreciated it and I hope
you remember it
i hope you remember always who gave you the gift of air? of air and life?
I am your mother now
your mother goddess
and what I gave  I can take again
So I want you to enjoy my gift
and I want you to make sure it lasts
my extreme, utmost obedience
let us take you as an example! she looked around and chose the pink sister
she uncuffed her and passed her a knife
she pointed at me and told her
kill your indigo sister or I will kill you
But if you kill her I will punish you for damaging my property
and the punishment is death.
Do it! obey me!
i looked into the eyes of my pink sister. she was not the prettiest of us, a bit chubby
but i always had be kind to her
i could see the desperation in her eyes
finally the kneeled in front of the goddess and offered her the knife back on outstretched hands
please, take my life! I would do it myself but then i would damage your property
she let her head hang and held the knife up
the goddess took it from her and approached her white throat
she cut her but only at the outmost layer of skin
she caught the drop of blood and smeared it on her lips like lipstick
you taste wonderful!
and I liked your answer
you may return to your tree
my pink sister went back and looked after the white slave
she embraced her and blew some air into her nostril
suddenly the white slave started breathing again
she blinked confused
we all, including the Lord and the Lady, were struck in awe
the pink slave returned to her tree and assumed the position she had held earlier
The Lady turned to Lord Kazodd
well, my friend, I do like your gift
it proves to be more valuable thatn I first thought
so you included a healer and a blue star in the lot
I am amazed
she walked over to me and took the blue gemstone i had earned in the previous night and which now dangled between my breasts, and took a closer look
so the pink one is a healer and the indigo one is a lover?
As I accepted your gift I kindly ask you to return home now
please come back next year with offers of similar value and I will consider your offer
in our culture it is custom that you ask me three times
so you will need patience
we all were shocked to hear that Lord Kazodd would not have is will right here and now
he did not take rejection lightly
his face showed the hurt pride and it was hard to tell if he would retreat peacefully


three years later, right after my 21st birthday,
i received the greatest honour a slavegirl on Torei can receive
two caravans later Gynotta had finally succumbd to the constant wooing of Lord Kazodd
and had received her collar from him in the temple where we all had been brought up
nine of our sisters were sealed into columms in  an inner circle of the temple, standing witness up to this very day at the place where the holy ceremony had taken place
they are confined in those columns in crushing tight eternal bondage
and they will stay there until either they die or the marriage they witnessed comes to an end
they are greatly cherished and even worshipped by all subjects of our Lord and Lady
my pink sister on the other hand still uses her magic healing powers for everybody in our household
and i was chosen to become pregnant in the same night as my Lady Gynotta
only i, of course, am tightly bound and strapped to the holy altar of pregnancy
my legs held wide and upwards in a way that my cunt is presented to my lord
at the same time my lady sits on my face smothering me
thus i am to carry the child Gynotta will clam as hers
she, of course can't be bothered to go through all the turmoil and pain of pregnancy
so i, the indigo star, am going to bear and give birth to our future lord
at least i hope it will be a boy
wouldn't that be amazing?
me, the humble temple slave
the mother - okay, not the Legal mother - but still
the mother of on of the mightiest princes on Torei?
I feel the huge cock of my lord enter me for the first time into the proper hole while i taste the juices of my Lady
this is where i lose my virginity
i feel how i am losing my breath
because my Lady sits with her full weight and open crotch on my face
they kiss intensely above my bound body
while he is fucking me and I am eating her
i am so happy
and i think i am hitting another orgasm.”

“Well, class, I know I have taken you longer than scheduled, but you see why I could not interrupt this intense receipt.”

The professor unstrapped Indigo and ungagged her as well although she was clearly uncomfortable with that.

“Indigo, you did very well today. The class will write essays commenting on your story and on their own emotional and sexual reaction to it over the weekend. I am under the impression that some of them found it quite arousing. They will also suggest how to continue your treatment. And next week I will come by and visit you at the asylum. We will discuss and consider their proposals.”
Comments: 6

KuminaX [2021-05-18 11:07:49 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

taszjekt [2020-09-27 07:57:49 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lakritz69 In reply to taszjekt [2020-09-27 15:35:46 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

taszjekt In reply to lakritz69 [2020-10-05 17:14:55 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Lawsonwelles [2013-02-17 23:52:32 +0000 UTC]

Nice job here, buddy! Sehr gut!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lakritz69 In reply to Lawsonwelles [2013-02-18 06:26:57 +0000 UTC]

Dankeschön, mein Herr

👍: 0 ⏩: 0