Comments: 61
Red-Jirachi-2 [2014-03-07 10:31:53 +0000 UTC]
Moffat on Series 5-7: I will write the most convoluted, timey-wimey story ever...then when everyone is bitching resolves it in a way that makes up for it completely. And they'll stick the whole way through
Moffat on relationships: OK first I'll start a love triangle. Then I'll kill one of them off continuously. Then I introduce a fourth member before the love triangle even starts, and make her the daughter of the love triangle. Then I kill some more off as the feels pour in
Moffat on Day of the Doctor: Extremley heartwarming moment that ends angst? Half the fanbase is whining about it. I have sucseeded 35 minutes ago
Me: You magnificent bastard I read your script!
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weharry [2014-03-07 05:15:39 +0000 UTC]
Β the best thing yet
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Lalai-chan In reply to weharry [2014-03-07 14:36:33 +0000 UTC]
thank you! 8D
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DANGERcomics [2014-02-06 10:55:07 +0000 UTC]
The Time of the Doctor was only saved by Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman's performances and the final five minutes. Other than that #11 (my personal favourite of the modern Doctors)Β went out with a whimper rather than a bang.
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Little-Sasa12 [2014-01-19 09:35:30 +0000 UTC]
WTF? This just- Moffat... WUT?!
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ScreamJohnson [2014-01-17 17:09:59 +0000 UTC]
No, he got dressed when he materialized the TARDIS around him when the just after the Weeping Angels. I thought that was pretty obvious? Love the art though!
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Lalai-chan In reply to ScreamJohnson [2014-01-17 20:33:18 +0000 UTC]
sorry, I totally missed that part!
And thanks! (:
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Mountainlord92 [2014-01-16 10:07:40 +0000 UTC]
I've said that Moffat needed to go for years, I'm only sad that we had to put up with this before everyone else realised.Β He has no concept of plot control, just a load of ideas that do all work in the time scale.Β
I recently heard that Neil Gaiman's original script for Nightmare in Silver was a two parter, but it was Moffat who insisted on cramming it all into one episode.Β It makes you so made when you hear this sort of thing.
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WiseGirl15 In reply to Mountainlord92 [2014-01-16 16:03:46 +0000 UTC]
Honestly, I preferred the show when Russel T. Davies was the writer. I feel like Moffat just likes to make whovians cry.
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Lalai-chan In reply to Mountainlord92 [2014-01-16 12:11:52 +0000 UTC]
yeah, since he began directing the show I felt he wasn't a good series director, even though his "solo" episodes on Russel T. D. era were very good.
I really wish he would leave with Matt like Russel did with David ):
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Mountainlord92 In reply to Lalai-chan [2014-01-16 12:47:27 +0000 UTC]
That's the mistake that we all made, we saw his good individual episodes and didn't realise that good writing on individual episodes doesn't always mean that he can extend this to an overall plot of several episodes (and we do not know how much influence RTD had on the final cut of Moffat's episodes in the first place).
Initially I fooled myself into thinking that it was the poor acting from Matt that was why I disliked the series (I was still getting over David Tennant not being in it any more) once I realised that Matt's Doctor was actually alright it became clear that it was the writing from Moffat that had been the issue.
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Lalai-chan In reply to Mountainlord92 [2014-01-16 16:46:18 +0000 UTC]
yeah, I believe so too!Β
I don't like the way he always puts those aliens he created on episodes for no reason,Β
like the weeping angels on the last episode, I can feel it was just for his ego ):
Poor Matt, he was a good doctor...
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Mountainlord92 In reply to Lalai-chan [2014-01-16 17:50:13 +0000 UTC]
There was no reason for any of those aliens in that story, least of all the Weeping Angels, or the Sontarans, which were portrayed as idiots.Β They all seemed completely irrelevant if he was just going to make the final showdown with just the Daleks.Β His explanation of the Silents was rushed and made little sense.Β And don't let me start on the wooden cyberman.
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Lalai-chan In reply to Mountainlord92 [2014-01-17 16:41:19 +0000 UTC]
yeah, I know, it was so ridicously desnecessary that it was painfull to watch....
I bet he only added so many monsters to be epic or something, but just adds more and more plot holes.
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Mountainlord92 In reply to Lalai-chan [2014-01-17 16:50:23 +0000 UTC]
It's a publicity stunt as much as anything, like in Pandorica opens, we heard that every single villain was going to be in it so we had high expectations of epicness, and none of them did anything...... It's insecurity on Moffat's part I think, he's clearly never heard the expression 'Less is more'.
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Lalai-chan In reply to Mountainlord92 [2014-01-17 20:32:43 +0000 UTC]
I agree! I bet It was to hook the children or something... sad, just sad.
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Gazelle1583 [2014-01-16 04:15:42 +0000 UTC]
Poor Matt.Β He got out of there while the getting was good, I hope.
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Son-Neko [2014-01-16 04:11:25 +0000 UTC]
And then sexually assault your companion in front of her family while naked...ugh throw the bum out!
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Lalai-chan In reply to Son-Neko [2014-01-16 12:09:20 +0000 UTC]
hahahaha true! (:
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HarrySaxon1234 [2014-01-16 03:29:46 +0000 UTC]
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Ask-The-10th-Doctor [2014-01-16 00:55:19 +0000 UTC]
Typical Moffat.
Always bein' a perv.
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Hazardousthing [2014-01-15 23:02:15 +0000 UTC]
*shakes fist*
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Lalai-chan In reply to stormus [2014-01-15 22:22:17 +0000 UTC]
yayy thanks!! 8D
And get well soon! (:
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PuppyMintMocha [2014-01-15 22:07:48 +0000 UTC]
LOL Matt's face is priceless.
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crazyartist12 [2014-01-15 21:51:32 +0000 UTC]
ah....We should stuff in a dalek casing, throw away the lock and left him in the australian outback.
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crazyartist12 In reply to Lalai-chan [2014-01-15 22:27:53 +0000 UTC]
He will be the second bbc writer victim
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Lalai-chan In reply to crazyartist12 [2014-01-15 22:28:50 +0000 UTC]
second? I didnt know there was one already! o__o
but I believe so too, if he continues ruining doctor who >:
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crazyartist12 In reply to Lalai-chan [2014-01-15 22:37:29 +0000 UTC]
the writer for the Sixth doctor... Β (coiln wanted black not the blazing colour coat!)Β
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Hazardousthing In reply to crazyartist12 [2014-01-15 23:00:38 +0000 UTC]
Ah... The Sixth and his Technicolor dream-coat....
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crazyartist12 In reply to Hazardousthing [2014-01-18 07:48:26 +0000 UTC]
I'm stuffing the writer in the Dalek casing anyway.
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yournarrator35 [2014-01-15 21:34:40 +0000 UTC]
To some small degree I liked the episode, but for the most part yeah it kid of blew, because I feel like Moffat fucking half asses a lot of things. Hell even the last episode of the third season of Sherlock felt like it could have been just a little bit better or more explained maybe more episodes. I just think the Doctor Who deal was like "maybe if I throw every character ever made into one episode people won't notice I'm half assing it plot wise" and that blows.
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Lalai-chan In reply to yournarrator35 [2014-01-15 21:51:22 +0000 UTC]
eeexaaacly what I thought!
there was so many things that nothing was well explained.
They could have deleted A LOT of useless scenes and silly ones like killing the daleks with regeneration energy....
It really doesn't seem it was written by the same person who wrote Blink and other brilliant episodes that he did!
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yournarrator35 In reply to Lalai-chan [2014-01-15 22:11:55 +0000 UTC]
Everybody says that it wasn't that good beccause he was too busy working on Sherlock so he didn't care that much about Doctor Who at the moment. So I'm like "why the fuck didn't you just get somebody who would be really hyped about this write the episode instead" then again Moffat likes money so that answers that question I guess. Just the wooden bots and the doctor aging then being young again and then revealing his name to literally just be the Doctor and just....Like ugh it's like bad alt universe fan fiction to a DW episode.
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Lalai-chan In reply to yournarrator35 [2014-01-15 22:17:33 +0000 UTC]
truue! looks exacly like a bad fanfiction!
Yeah, Sherlock is no excuse in this case... if he at least made THE BEST sherlock episodes ever.... but not really.
And he had literally YEARS to think about them.
Worst of all, I find people who actually thought this episode was PERFECT and much much better than 10th's regeneration...
I mean, REALLY?
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yournarrator35 In reply to Lalai-chan [2014-01-15 22:30:09 +0000 UTC]
Matt Smith is awesome, a lot of his part of the show was awesome and then a lot of it was really bad.
Sherlock new season was....I really liked it a lot, but then to some extent I don't. Like I just started watching Sherlock and in the first season and first episode they said Sherlock's gay but in this season it's like "oh maybe him and Molly or him with that girl" and then it felt like they were shoving fan service everywhere and it's kind of a shame and I don't like the seasons are so short that it's like "eh whatever just cram it in there" y'know like they wanted more questions than actual plot and character and relationship development. Even Mary just was out of nowhere, like I know two years passed show wise but seriousy she came outta nowhere and they still didn't explain much about what happened to Sherlock and yeah i have my own problems there...But yeah Doctor Who is just....I feel it could have been so much better and I still don't know how I feel about the guy playing the 12th doctor mostly because he was introduced badly. LIke your drunk grandpa who doesn't remember things.
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Mountainlord92 In reply to yournarrator35 [2014-01-16 10:22:36 +0000 UTC]
Errr.... They never said Sherlock was gay that was just a theory on how he survived the fall, put in for a laugh.Β The reason the series is so short is because each episode is so long, they are effectively making three individual films and that is a lot of work.Β Its partly why Sherlock is currently working better than Doctor who in my opinion, because Moffat can cram all the content he tries to on Doctor who and he has more time to spread it out so we don't feel bombarded by stuff.
And the Doctor is always disorientated by regeneration.Β Jon Pertwee was bed ridden and grew obsessed with shoes, Tom Baker never recovered to an extent, Peter Davison kept suffering memory loss and exerting the personality of previous lives, Colin Baker tried to kill his companion, Paul Mcgann had no memory at all for his first few scenes, David Tennant was catatonic for most of his opening episode.Β Just because Capaldi couldn't remember how to fly the TARDIS doesn't mean he won't remember when the regeneration stabilises.
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yournarrator35 In reply to Mountainlord92 [2014-01-16 12:40:10 +0000 UTC]
I mean the first episode of the first season of Sherlock when him and John met. People kept assuming he was Sherlock's boyfriend or his date and then the guy at the diner said the same thing and when John asked if he had a girlfriend he said something about that not being his area then John was like "Oh so you like..." then Sherlock asked if he had a problem with him being that way and he said no and got all rambly Β about it. So they sort of spent a good portion of the very first ever episode saying "yeah he's gay, now let's move on"
I know in Doctor Who regeneration messes them up a lot, but I guess I just think it wasn't the greatest way to introduce the new Doctor like it could have been better.
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Mountainlord92 In reply to yournarrator35 [2014-01-16 16:42:15 +0000 UTC]
He meant he's not good with relationships, which is certainly true, but John misinterprets it, for the sake of humour, and Sherlock being who he is challenges John on the idea of someone being gay (not him specifically).Β But that was all my take on it, I didn't see any strong evidence that Sherlock was gay, only misunderstandings for the sake of humour.
I thought it was funny.Β But after the trash we had had to put up with I have to take enjoyment from somewhere.
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yournarrator35 In reply to Mountainlord92 [2014-01-16 16:44:34 +0000 UTC]
The guy who owned the diner seemed to think he was gay like he'd taken boyfriends there before, but eh whatever. It's hard to find shows with casually gay characters.
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Lalai-chan In reply to yournarrator35 [2014-01-15 22:57:28 +0000 UTC]
yeah, there was a LOT of fan service in sherlock for my taste. All those scenes with sherlock kissing moriarty and molly were completely useless and everything was so slow that made me nervous watching it.Β
I heard that in his defense from the critics about the episode of Doctor Who he said that he does not explain everything because he assumes the viewers are not stupid, but I think this can't explain how awful his direction and script were.
And yeah, I hated that he lost his memory, it's just ridiculous! But I hope Capaldi will make better of it (:
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