Lampent12 — The Flowery Assault Team Part 2
#pokemon #sakurawars #fanfiction
Published: 2017-04-30 18:57:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 350; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description As confused as he was, Ogami had his first assignment. What was it again? Everything happened so fast, clipping something? Stepping out of Manager Yoneda’s office, Ogami almost literally ran into Sakura, Iris, Rinbo, and Jean Paul.

Startled, Sakura begins to stammer, “Ack! Ogami! I-I kept telling these 3 that it was impolite to snoop on other people.” Rinbo and Iris respond in kind, “Cherrrrr!” “Yeah, it was Sakura that said we should stick around!” Jean Paul just shrugs his shoulders in exasperation.

So they were all eavesdropping, well, that’s not important right now. “Would one of you kindly show us to our station?” Iris scoops Jean Paul up and nods excitedly, “Yes, Follow Iris, Onii Chan!” She takes off towards the direction of the main entrance. Sakura calls out after her, “Iris, slow down, you’ll hurt yourself!” and follows after her with Ogami and Jumaru.

Back at the front door, Iris and Jean Paul show Ogami his work station, “This is where Onii Chan will be clipping the tickets of the people that come to see the performance!” Then it finally sinks in, “Wait, ticket clipping?! What kind of job is that? What’s Jumaru supposed to do?” Sakura turns back to him, “Sorry Ogami, Iris and I have to get ready for the play. The scissors are in the drawer, good luck.”
Ogami sighs, “Well, might as well get to work.” Jumaru nods, wearing a brown sash with the words STAFF POKEMON printed on it while Ogami sports a yellow vest and black suspenders makes them feel more like ushers than leaders. Before too long, their first patron step up to the stand, “Hello sir, here’s my ticket!” Ogami puts on a smile, “Thank you ma’am, (Where do I cut this? How about here.) Enjoy the show.” Then another one, “Hey, here’s my ticket, and make it quick, I want a good seat in the front.” Holding back a scowl, Ogami clips the ticket, “There, enjoy… (What arrogance.)” After a handful of patrons, the ticket stubs start to pile up, “What do I do with these?” Jumaru thinks for a moment, then starts tossing the stubs into the air, skewering them with his horn as they fall. “Jumaru, smart thinking.”

After what felt like hours, the rush of people finally starts to subside, the number of ticket stubs that have built up on Jumaru’s horn would have made a stationary store envious. “Whew, finally done… Whatever the main objective of this station is, the girls must put on a pretty good show to attract this many fans.” Jumaru nods and grunts in agreement, almost knocking the topmost stubs off his horn. Ogami smiles and pats the back of his partner’s head, “And I couldn’t have done it without your help, Jumaru. Let’s find a place to dispose of these stubs and maybe find out more about the assault team.”

Just as they are about to start wandering, voice from behind stops them, “Hello, are you Ogami?” They turn to meet another young woman in a brightly colored orange and blue kimono. She had maroon hair and freckles on her face. A Panpour hangs from her shoulder. “Yes, who are you?” She gives a short bow, “My name Tsubaki Takamaru and this is my partner Hiyap the Panpour, we run the gift shop right off to the left here and we just wanted to meet you personally.” Ogami responds, “Ah yes, we were meaning to check it out, do you have time now?” Tsubaki smiles and nods, “Right this way, valued customer!”

Back in the shop, Tsubaki gets behind the counter and Hiyap leaps up on the shelves and comes down with six different bromides. “As you may have heard, the actress bromides are the biggest sellers in the shop, if you can only buy one thing, you’ll want to make it a bromide. Keep in mind though that to make supplies last, it’s only one per customer every month, even the staff, so choose wisely.” Ogami nods, “Only one, huh. Well let’s see.”

The four ladies and their partners he met today are instantly recognized; Sakura and Rinbo, Iris and Jean Paul, Sumire and Yakoma, Maria and Kapmo, but the other two sets of names aren’t as familiar. Kanna Kirishima and Dage, Ri Kohran and Xiâo and Cí and Guài. That last one in particular was very interesting, that name is definitely Chinese and it’s accompanied by three other names. Since you can’t actually see the image on the bromide until you buy and open the package, Ogami decides to play it safe and pick a name he knows, “I’ll take one of Sakura and Rinbo’s bromides.” Tsubaki nods, “Great choice, that’ll be 50 sen please.”

The picture inside shows Sakura holding Rinbo in her lap, both smiling at the camera, sitting in front of a cherry blossom tree with petals falling all around them. A simple pose powerfully accented with shafts of sunlight and the pink blossoms. “Thank you Ogami, and Jumaru, you can take those stubs to the office by the kitchen, Kasumi and Yuri will be able to help with that, see ya later!”

At the office, Ogami met Kasumi Fujii, Yuri Sakakibara and their partners Yanap the Pansage and Baop the Pansear. While there they were able to dispose of the ticket stubs and learn a few interesting rumors, but got no closer to finding out about the true nature of the Assault Team. He decides that he has to start asking more pressing questions to the ladies, maybe Maria…

As he exits out into the hallway, someone comes up from behind and covers his eyes, he also feels something sitting on his head, “Hehe, guess who.” Caught off guard, Ogami says the last name that was on his mind, “Umm uh, Maria!” The voice replies with shock and… anger? “What!?” Released from her grip, Ogami turns around to face a sad looking Sakura and a very livid Rinbo jumping back into her arms, if looks could kill, Rinbo would have murdered Ogami just now. Jumaru had his face in his hand, embarrassed. “E-Eh? Sakura? Sorry, you caught me mid-thought, I just said the last thing on my mind!” Somehow, that didn’t sound as reaffirming out loud as it did in his head. “Well, I’m glad Maria made such a lasting impression on you.” Her hurt expression turning to one of ire. “Well, if you just can’t get her out of your mind, she’s back stage getting ready for the performance. Don’t worry, we’ll be practicing in our room, so we won’t interrupt.” She storms down the hall and up the stairs.

“Well that could have gone better…” He wanted to go apologize, but she probably didn’t want to talk right now anyway, and besides, he DID want to talk to Maria about the assault team before the performance started, he heads off to the back stage.

On his way there, Ogami spots Iris and Jean Paul playing in the dressing room, if Iris is part of the assault team, he’d like to know more about how she ended up here. “Hello Iris, what are you up to?” A child like look of joy fills her face. “Ah, hi Onii Chan! I was preparing for my role in the play today with my friend. Do you remember the name of my friend?” Ogami was ready this time, “It’s Jean Paul, right?” Her smile widens, Jean Paul nods with affirmation, his arms crossed. “Yay, you remembered! Jean Paul is my special friend from all the way back home in France, we’ve been together as long as we can remember.”

That is interesting, Pokémon typically live very secluded lives away from people and areas inhabited by them are left alone by people. Some of the very few areas where the two cultures even interact at all are huge metropolitan cities like Teito and Paris and for a person and a Pokémon to become partners, it takes a very special bond that is only apparent when the two meet. It’s said that the more powerful the bond, the more quickly the two are to meet. If there’s any merit to that theory, then Iris’ bond with Jean Paul is very powerful.

Ogami is brought out of his musings by Iris, “Well Onii Chan, Jean Paul and I have to get ready for the show, you and Jumaru should come and watch, we’ve worked really hard, bye bye!” She skips off with Jean Paul in her arms. Talking with Iris has partially explained why she’s here, but what the team does is still a mystery, hopefully Maria can fill in the blanks.

Backstage, Maria and Kapmo are moving props into position for the performance, it seems like there’s not much time left before curtain call. Maria spots Ogami almost immediately, “Ensign? What are you doing here, back stage is off limits during a performance.” She seems really busy, but he can’t wait until the play is over for this, “Sorry Maria, but this can’t wait, I only have one question.” Maria glares, but agrees, “Fine, but make it quick. Kapmo, you finish setting the last of those pillars.” Alright, now’s the time, “Maria, what is the purpose of the Imperial Assault Team? I’ve been here all morning and have no clue what my main duties are.” Maria turns her head in response, “I’m sorry Ensign, but I’m not at liberty to tell you that, now please leave, we have a lot more to do before the performance.” Unsatisfied, but with few options left, Ogami has no choice but to leave.

After wandering the theater and finding the library, bedroom hall, terrace, and (surprisingly) a training battle field set in the center of the theater, the duo make their way to the salon where they meet Sumire and Yakoma once more, “Well hello Ensign…Ogata, was it?” “It’s Ogami…” She just laughs it off, “Ohoho, my bad, I think I’ll just call you Ensign for now on. I was just having some tea with Yakoma before the play to calm our nerves. Was there something you needed?” Might as well ask if she knows anything, “Well, do you-” He’s cut off by Sumire, “Excuse me Ensign, what’s that in your pocket?” She snaps, and Yakoma takes off like a blur from the seat it’s perched on, plucking the bromide of Sakura he had put in his pocket and placing it on the table. Sumire examines the picture, “Hmm, I see you’ve taken a liking to the country girl, but you can’t possibly think she’s more attractive than me, right?” How is Ogami supposed to answer that?! To avoid digging a deeper hole for himself, he keeps quiet. “Sumire, that’s a loaded question and you know it!” To his surprise, Sakura seems to have heard the conversation and stepped in. Oddly no Rinbo, he must still be in their room.

Sumire, realizing that she was out numbered, let it drop, “Fine, but think about, alright Ensign?” She takes off to the play, Ogami turns Sakura, “Hey uh, sorry about earlier, I…” Sakura shakes her head, “No I’m sorry, I was acting immature. I better go get Rinbo, the play is about to start, I hope you and Jumaru come and watch.” She takes off towards her room. Although another awkward situation was thankfully avoided, Ogami was no closer to finding his role here. It was time to stop beating around the bush and go directly to General Yoneda for some answers.

                                            * * * * * *

Back at the General’s office, Ogami is about to knock when he hears Yoneda talking on the phone, “Yes, he arrived here a little while ago… I understand, but… Yes, but these girls are tricky to deal with… I know you’re not comfortable with this, but they are the only ones who can do it!… I gotta go, it seems some’s here to complain. After he hangs up, Ogami knocks, “Yes, come in.” Ogami approaches the desk, “Well, that uniform looks fitting, and I trust Jumaru’s sash fits properly.” Now the chance, “Lieutenant, tell me what’s going on here! Ticket clipping, plays, Iris is eleven years old! I thought this was supposed to be a covert assault team!” Yoneda just grins, “Take another look at the banner above my head.” Ogami looks, Imperial Assualt… Theme!? “Wha-what does…?” Yoneda starts to look serious, “Boy, there’s more to a war than fighting. Our job here at the theatre is to make sure the people’s spirits stay up in times of crisis, and we do that by reenacting famous stories of battles with people and Pokémon.” Ogami is numb with disbelief, “Th-there’s n-no attack force…” Yoneda just laughs, “Hahaha, I’m afraid not, we generate military funding through our performances.”

Not prepared for this realization, Ogami stumbles out of the office, Jumaru desperately trying to keep him from falling over, “This can’t be happening, this must be a terrible dream…” On her way to the stage, Sakura notices Ogami barely standing on his feet, “Ogami, are you alright? You look terrible. Let me help you to your room, Rinbo, use heal pulse and try to keep him awake.” Somewhat begrudgingly, Rinbo releases a soothing aura on Ogami, who immediately begins to relax.

Back at Ogami’s room in the theatre, Sakura helps him onto his bed, Jumaru takes a spot at the foot of the bed, Sakura addresses Jumaru, “Please keep an eye on him, we have to get to the play otherwise I’d stay to help. Be sure to get some rest Ogami, a gloomy face doesn’t fit you…” As she’s about to leave, Ogami calls out, “Sakura, I’m sorry to have bothered you with this, I know you have a job to do, thank you.” She smiles, “It’s OK, we were glad to help, right Rinbo?” The Cherry Blossom Pokémon just shrugs and hops out of the room, “We’ll talk later, sleep well.” After Sakura left, Ogami starts to think to himself, “I am glad that you and the others have found your way of helping the world, but I don’t think Jumaru and I will find our job here.”
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