Larkspurdiblock — (RWBY Vore) Voracious Vengeance, pt. 3 [NSFW]
#breastvore #rwby #cleavagevore #rwbyvore #absorption #monstergirl #transformation #minigiantess #femaleprey #yangxiaolong #femalepred #neopolitanrwby
Published: 2017-07-28 01:25:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 23290; Favourites: 60; Downloads: 0
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Description This story contains vore, mini giantess monstergirls, transformation, gratuitous amounts of violence, and sweet, sweet revenge. Don't read if you don't like it.
All characters shown here are depicted as at or above 18 years of age, if only for my own peace of mind than anything else.
RWBY is the intellectual property of Rooster Teeth.

Also contains spoilers to Season 3.

Woods of Patch Island, Late Evening
Several days later..

The small patrol moved quietly along the darkened backroad, the mounted lights on their rifles cutting narrow beams of brightness through the gloom as they played over the treeline. Command back in Atlas had finally started to simmer down after the initial scare over a week ago involving the Xiao Long girl, and the patrols through the woods were being cut down from over a dozen men apiece to half a dozen, then halved once again a few days later into three-man teams in the hopes of covering more ground. Hopefully they'd be recalled back home soon - Yang Xiao Long was confirmed to be dangerous when she had somehow dispatched the two guards sent to contain her without leaving so much as a bloodstain behind, but she was alone in the woods and missing her weapons and right arm. In all likelihood, the Grimm had already found the girl and finished their jobs for them.
"Um, boss?" A voice speaking into her wireless headset snapped Noir out of her thoughts, which she recognized as belonging to her second, a man named Jet. "I found something."
"Copy that, Jet." The woman replied, turning towards where her teammate had gone on ahead in front of her. "What have you got?"
"It looks like an ambush, but, well... let's just say that you're gonna want to see this for yourself." Jet replied. The tall, lean man was a seasoned tracker, exactly the reason why Noir had chosen him as her second for this - for him of all people to be confused was significant indeed.
"Alright, Jet, Onyx and I are heading for you now. Run a sweep over the area, check for any hostiles." Noir replied, raising her hand into the air to signal to Onyx, a short, squat man bringing up the rear, and flicked her wrist towards where their teammate had headed out, signaling him to advance. The other soldier nodded once and darted past his commander, his boots faintly crunching against the snow. Noir put her head down and followed Onyx, barely making a sound as she made her way towards the site. Not once did she notice the pair of violet eyes peering through the underbrush some distance away, silently watching the group of Atlesians as they passed.

"Well, what do you think of this?" Jet asked as Noir and Onyx jogged up to him, surveying the scene before them.
"Well, you were right." The taller woman replied, looking out at the ravaged section of road lying before her. "I've never seen anything like it, either."
A large cart was lying on its side in front of the three, with a massive hole in its side as if it had been hit by a cannon ball. The straps and harness on the front of the wagon that a horse would normally be latched onto lay in torn pieces, as if the animal had broken free and taken off into the woods - judging from the hoof prints leading away from the scene, that was exactly what had happened. Several craters were scattered across the road, the largest wide enough for an Ursa Major to sit comfortably inside, and dozens of spent bullet casings were scattered about everywhere. Clearly, a struggle had taken place here, but one thing was missing.
"Why is it so... clean?" Onyx asked, looking around the area. "Aren't there any bloodstains or bodies or... something?"
"Negative." Jet replied. "There's signs of a struggle here, but I couldn't find a single drop of blood anywhere here. Whatever did this, I doubt it was a Grimm." He jerked his thumb towards a massive three-toed footprint, almost like that of a gigantic bird in shape. "Only thing I could find are those tracks, and I've never seen anything like 'em before."
"Judging by the craters, whatever did this was smart enough to detonate Dust crystals." Noir added, picking up a scorched fragment of a storage crate and staring at the barely-visible S.D.C. initials on the half-melted metal plate. "My guess is that this was a White Fang supply train that got ambushed; probably used the same tricks that they've been pulling to hide themselves from us. Looks like it didn't help them this time, though." She turned and walked over towards the nearest crater, crouching down to examine the bottom. Near the center of the depression, the Atlesian soldier could see the blasted-open remains of another crate half-buried in the cold earth; with a start, she realized that it had been tossed hard enough to embed itself in the ground upon impact.

"But what could have done this?" Noir murmured to herself, crouching down to more closely examine the melted ground. "There's no Grimm alive that's smart enough to set off Dust like this, and there's no human or Faunus with the strength or the Aura to just casually toss around crates of the stuff without getting hurt or eat this many bullets without so much as a scratch. Onyx, Jet, any ideas?"
The squad leader's inquiry went unanswered; Noir suddenly noticed just how eerily quiet the road had become. No birds or bats were flapping through the trees, no rodents scurried through the undergrowth. It was as if everything in the woods had fled from the area, like something very big and very dangerous was moving through the woods.
"Onyx? Jet? Do you copy?" The woman asked again into her earpiece, only to be met with silence once again. "Onyx? Jet?"
A gust of warm air suddenly washed over Noir's back; she turned around, only to be met with a great tooth-filled maw lunging towards her and filling her vision.


Yang licked her lips and sighed contentedly as the Atlesian soldier kicked and thrashed against her stomach walls, her shouts considerably muffled by the layers of fat surrounding the smaller woman's prison. It had been laughably easy to get the jump on the soldier - her two companions hadn't even realized that the blonde superpredator was practically on top of them until she had slammed their heads together to knock them unconscious.
"Sorry 'bout that, but - *urp!* - I needed something to tide me over." The blonde brawler told her squirming gut, giving the swollen globe of flesh an affectionate pat. "Snack for the road, y'know?" Her female victim's struggling and muffled yelling redoubled at that, but her fighting was in vain; thanks to her Semblance, Yang's stomach walls just became tougher and tougher with every blow against them.
"Oh, man, keep that up." The dragoness moaned as her meal's squirming became more and more frantic. "It feels freaking - *belch!* - amazing." She turned towards the other two soldiers lying on the road in front of her and licked her lips in anticipation. "Now for part two."
With no further ado, Yang grabbed one soldier in each clawed hand and lifted them up as if they weighed little more than plastic bags. Her jaws unhinged with a barely-audible klick, and she shoved the first one into her mouth headfirst, quickly scarfing the man down before devouring the second one. As the Atlesian's boots slipped down into her throat, the firebrand turned towards the woods and headed for the treeline once again, but not before throwing her head back and letting loose a colossal belch, the force behind the release sending snow tumbling down from the branches above her.
"URRRRRRRRPPP! Oh, man, that was good!" The blonde brawler chuckled to herself. She gave her engorged stomach a slap, enjoying the frantic thrashing within it; already, though, the struggling was beginning to peter out as her stomach acids began to get to work in earnest on her three victims.
"Leaving so soon? Ah, well, hopefully you guys won't go straight to my ass." Yang told her gut, now talking more to herself than the semi-solid mush that the three elite soldiers were rapidly becoming. "Honestly, though, I'm not getting my hopes up."
Her skepticism was well-placed; after eating Emerald, Mercury, and their posse of guards, the firebrand had dozed off in her lair, only to awaken to discover that her ass, already quite large from her transformation, had become nearly half again as big as it had been before, with thighs as thick as small tree trunks to match. Even her tail had bulked up a bit from her binge; it was definitely longer and thicker than it had been before, like someone had attached a decent-sized Taijitu sans head just above the blonde brawler's rump. With a growl, Yang remembered a certain bubbly cat Faunus' words from the tournament months ago; now she really was bottom-heavy.

Ah, who cares where these guys go to? The firedrake thought to herself, continuing on her way through the woods. They're just appetizers; the main course is up ahead.
Neo. Just the thought of the two-toned mute made Yang's blood boil. The half-pint assassin had made a mockery out of her at Mountain Glenn, toying with her like a cat with a mouse, and probably would have killed her if it wasn't for her damn mother. But nooo, that just hadn't been enough for the little midget. At Vale, when everything had gone wrong, Neo had gone after Ruby; and if her sister's account was anything to go by, she had nearly killed her, too. That was the last straw; smacking Yang herself around was one thing, but nobody, nobody hurt her little sister and got away with it. Neo's time had come; she was next on the blonde's menu.
The last time that Yang had fought Neo at Mountain Glenn, the shorter girl's speed and illusions had allowed her to run literal circles around her, easily dodging everything that the firebrand could throw at her. This time, though, the blonde brawler was ready for her. She was stronger now, faster and tougher than ever before, and she had a plethora of tricks up her own scaly sleeves.
Your days are numbered, half-pint. Yang thought to herself, breaking into a predatory grin. I'm coming for you.

Neo was bored. The mute assassin sighed to herself and drummed her fingers impatiently against the wall as she stood and watched the assorted grunts move about the building they were in. The appearance of so many Atlas troops had set Cinder on edge, and Emerald and Mercury's sudden disappearance had made her even more uneasy. As a result, she had ordered the little killer to accompany the Faunus grunts on practically every task they were told to accomplish; currently, she was supposed to watch over a small squad of half a dozen White Fang grunts and human thugs as they raided this warehouse, located some distance away from the rest of civilization on Patch and loaded with all manner of Schnee Dust Company-brand weaponry. Dispatching the guards stationed outside the building had been trivial for Neo, but her fun with those men had only lasted for a few seconds, and by now she had been waiting here for over an hour and a half. At this point, she would give anything for something, anything to happen to break up the tedium - hell, she'd even take that blonde girl from months ago barging in for a rematch.
Neo smiled thinly at the memory. Oh, that had been a good fight - the look on the taller girl's face as the assassin had toyed with her had been priceless. It was a pity that she hadn't gotten to finish the job - Neo always enjoyed watching the last moments of her victims as they breathed their last. Still, she wasn't stupid: the little criminal was skilled, but even she didn't have a prayer against Raven fucking Branwen. Why the bandit leader was all the way out in Mountain Glenn mattered little - Neo wasn't about to seek out the swordswoman and ask why: Branwen was a legend in the criminal underworld for slaughtering anyone who told of their dealings with her.
"Miss Neo, we're almost ready to head out." A brawny White Fang grunt with a set of small deer antlers informed her. "We should be clear to leave in about fifteen minutes."
The small assassin nodded, trying hard not to let out a groan as the masked Faunus walked away to assist his fellows. Oum above, she couldn't last fifteen more seconds, let alone minutes! With another sigh, she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. Right-hand woman to Roman Torchwick himself, and here she was babysitting a bunch of thugs.

It was right about then that the lights went out.
"What the-" Someone called out as the warehouse was suddenly plunged into darkness. "Who killed the lights?!" "Someone get a flashlight!" Another person shouted. The Faunus grunts were just as surprised as the human thugs were at the sudden change in lighting; they might have been able to see in the dark, but it still took time for their eyes to adjust to the blackness. For her part, Neo bolted upright and frantically groped around for her umbrella-dammit, what now?! Had some moron tripped the power for the building or something?
"Report, now!" She barked, noting with some satisfaction how the dark shapes of the grunts snapped to attention at the sound of her harsh, rasping tone.
"S-something happened to the power, ma'am!" A burly Faunus grunt standing by her called out - Fergus, his name was, Neo remembered as he handed her a flashlight. "Some idiot must have tripped the fuse box or something, but there's a possibility that we might have been found out!"
"Shit." The half-pint assassin swore, running an exasperated hand through her hair. "Alright, get everybody gathered together. Abort mission! Abort!" She was already running by the time she had finished talking.

"Yes, ma'am!" Fergus affirmed, signaling for the other soldiers to follow the shorter woman as she took off. "Fall back to the bay door; we're heading out now! Go, go, go!"
Immediately, the group peeled off from their various tasks and ran for the door as one, boots hammering against the concrete floor as they ran.
"Open the door, dammit!" Fergus bellowed, and one of the human grunts standing near the massive garage-style steel door hurriedly activated the opening mechanisms; with a loud groan of machinery, the colossal door began to inch its way upwards....
Only for a massive shipping crate to hurtle out of the darkness and crash through the door with an almighty BOOM, thoroughly ruining any possibility of opening it up.

"What... what the hell?!" Neo snapped as she skidded to a stop, staring up at the crate. 
"Well, at least we know that the lights going out wasn't an accident." Fergus grimly noted.
"Yeah, no shit." The shorter woman replied, walking a bit closer to the crate and playing the beam of her flashlight over its bulk. As she swept the beam from side to side, she noticed that one edge of the crate was dented and misshapen, as if something had heated up the metal around that spot to make it warp and twist like putty. As she looked closer at the strange deformities, Neo abruptly realized that the strange patterns weren’t random; they matched up with a very familiar shape, one that she saw whenever she looked down - handprints.
“Son of a bitch.” The half-pint assassin quietly swore to herself. Whatever it was that had thrown the crate, it was strong enough to squeeze its handprints into nearly a foot of solid steel. She idly wished that she had more soldiers.

It was right about then that the whispering began.

“Neee-oooo…” A faint feminine voice crooned from the shadows, its tone mocking and derisive. “Come on, Neo; come and find meee…”
“Anyone else hear that?” A human thug asked, nervously shining his flashlight around the mammoth crates surrounding the small squad. “Coulda sworn that I just heard someone talk.”
“I heard it, too.” A Faunus grunt replied, his own horselike ears twitching anxiously. “And whoever it is that did it knows who we are; they’re hiding among the crates, not in the darkness.”
“Oh, just great.” Neo sighed, then turned to the group of grunts. “Alright, boys, listen up!” She barked. “We’ve got a Hunter with a strength Semblance that thinks they’re hot shit. Group up and get ready to run a sweep of the place; we’re not leaving until I see a body in front of me.”
“Copy that, ma’am.” The lead soldier replied, falling in line behind the shorter woman as she stalked forwards and signalling the other goons to follow his lead. “You heard her; we stick together and search for the culprit, then fill ‘em with lead.”
“Sir, yes sir!” Was the shouted reply from the grunts as they fell into formation, guns cocked and eyes scanning their surroundings as they moved out.
The human who had first spoke up took the rear of the group, shining his flashlight over the crates one last time before turning to follow the rest of his squad, then stopped and tilted his head in curiosity.
“What the…?” He muttered to himself. Last he checked, Cinder had sent a dozen goons to raid this place, not counting himself and the short one, and he had seen all the others a moment ago. But now, the group only numbered nine.
Before the thug could think any further about that, however, a massive clawed hand grabbed him by the back of his shirt and yanked him up into the air as if he weighed nothing, another hand clamping itself down over the unfortunate man’s mouth before he could let out a scream. The last thing that the grunt ever saw was the gleam of teeth in the moonlight before damp, suffocating darkness enveloped him.

As Neo stalked through the rows and rows of storage crates, it quickly dawned upon her that she and her group were not alone. Every once in a while, the short woman thought she had seen a flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye, and she could occasionally pick up the ever-so-faint sound of something large shifting its weight atop the massive wood and metal boxes. And to seal the deal further, the number of footsteps sounding behind her had been steadily going down; where there had once been a dozen distinct sets of footfalls behind the pint-sized criminal, she could only hear less than half that now. The hairs on the back of her neck were standing on end, and the petite criminal hadn’t lived for so long in her line of work by ignoring that feeling. The nervous look on the White Fang grunt walking next to her told the slight-figured assassin all that she needed to know; he had noticed the same things that she had, and had come to the same conclusion. Regardless, the pair still kept up their march, their gazes fixed on the beam of Neo’s flashlight as it played out across the floor in front of them; whatever it was that was watching the two, they could both feel its eyes on their backs, but neither human nor Faunus dared to break their pace. Breaking into a run would only signify to their mysterious attacker that the chase was on.

“I take it that you noticed it as well, ma’am?” Fergus finally whispered out of the corner of his mouth. Neo could tell by his tone that he knew the answer already - he was asking more for comfort than anything else.
“I did.” She muttered back. “Someone’s picking us off one by one, and they’re doing it without anyone else so much as raising an eyebrow. Like I said; Hunter, and one who knows what they’re doing.”

“Should we alert the others?” The taller man asked, but Neo just shook her head.
“No. Whoever’s stalking us thinks we don’t know they’re here. If the grunts get spooked, they’re going to either disappear or go on the attack, and we can’t afford either one happening.”
“So we’re going to be using the men as bait?” The masked terrorist growled. “I can’t say that I’m in favor of that plan.”
“You got a better one, I’m all ears.”
Fergus growled angrily, but he finally sighed and gave an ever-so-slight nod. "Very well. But if this doesn't work..."

Before the big man could carry through with his threat, however, a crate suddenly tumbled to the ground behind the group and hit the floor with a loud crash, causing every member of the patrol to jump a little bit in surprise.
“Wh… who’s there?!” One of the grunts cried, whirling around and pointing his rifle at various patches of darkness as he started to advance towards the fallen crate. “I’ll… I’ll shoot, man! I’ll fuckin’ shoot!” Neo just sighed and raised her umbrella to block Fergus as he moved to help the underling. The man had not his nerve - she had caused it in people enough times to know when she saw it. There was no saving him now - he was a sitting duck, waiting for someone to finally pull the trigger on him.
For several long minutes, no response came from the darkened warehouse. Then, a low, deep chuckle sounded from seemingly every direction at once, echoing through the empty passages between the immense crates.
“Wh-where the hell are you hiding?!” The grunt shouted back, his knuckles turning white as he gripped his gun tighter.
“You can’t hide in the dark forever!” Another called out, moving to stand back-to-back with his comrade and hefting his rifle.
The chuckling just got louder; behind her, Neo could hear a faint scraping sound, like the blade of a dulled knife being sharpened against a whetstone.

Then all hell broke loose.

With a loud bang, a blast of golden energy suddenly exploded forth from the darkness behind the petite woman, causing her to clap her hands to her ears as the projectile slammed into the outlying pair of grunts before exploding with an even louder bang, sending the two extremists flying apart into the sides of the crates walling them in. The remaining three grunts whirled around and opened fire on the spot that the attack had come from, but as they shot at the rough area where the attack had originated, a faint hiss sounded from atop a row of crates the left before a fireball the size of a washing machine exploded forth, enveloping the trio of soldiers in a raging inferno and filling the air with thick black choking smoke and the men's screams as the flames burned away at their Aura. Neo’s eyes watered as the smoke got into her eyes and quickly moved to cover her mouth with her sleeve, but it was too late; a mouthful of the stuff had already entered the woman’s ravaged lungs, leaving her in a coughing fit that sent her falling to her knees. All around her, Neo could hear the rapid reports of gunfire, heavy thuds as if something huge was dashing around, loud bellowing roars… and screams of terror from the men, several of which were abruptly cut off halfway through.

"Shoot it, shoot it! For the love of god, shoot it!"
"Not like this, not like thi-"
"Sweet Oum above, no, no, no! Not that, anything but tha-!"

The short assassin could do nothing to help the unlucky saps; she could barely see anything through her bleary eyes and the thick smoke that had swallowed her world. All that she could do was try in vain to suck a gulp of fresh air into her lungs and attempt to still her hacking, coughing fit. Eventually, though, after several long, long minutes, the smoke dissipated, leaving the little killer gasping for air in what looked like the middle of a warzone.
She was alone; not a single grunt remained in the area. A few meters away, she could see a White Fang mask lying on the ground, shattered into dozens of tiny pieces as if it had been crushed underfoot. Scorch marks, spent ammunition rounds, loose teeth, small amounts of blood, and crushed, broken pieces of equipment littered the ground; rifles that had been snapped in half, chest plates with massive claw marks marring their surfaces, and sections of body armor that had been crushed like eggshells… but not a single body in sight.

Neo took a few moments to catch her breath, coughing up a dark glob of phlegm in the process, then forcibly pulled herself back up to her feet, using a small amount of Aura to patch up the light singeing that she had received from the fireball’s detonation before grabbing her flashlight and parasol from where they had fallen to the ground, both having miraculously gone undamaged. She was alone; the mission had been a complete failure. Maybe… maybe whatever the fuck had just decimated her men hadn’t noticed her; maybe it had left after taking the grunts to Oum-knows-where and assumed that she had vanished in the chaos. M-maybe she could just vanish again, disappear into Patch and let Cinder think that the entire group had been lost in the raid like wherever the hell had happened to Emerald and Mercury. Y-yeah… this could actually work! She could survive this; she had a chance!
“You’re all alone now, Neo.” The voice called out again, shattering the petite killer’s hopes and turning her blood to ice. “Nobody left to hide behind; nobody left to die for you.” Metal creaked and groaned as something very large stalked across a storage crate. “It’s time to play, Neo. Let’s see what you’ve got.”
Neo hissed through clenched teeth as her head swiveled from side to side, desperately trying to get a glimpse of her attacker. Fine, then, asshole; if that’s how you want to play it, then she could damn well play along. With a gesture, the two-toned assassin quickly cloaked herself, then sent nearly half a dozen illusory duplicates to run off in as many different direction before running in yet another direction. Whoever this psycho was, she doubted that they could see through illusions.

That theory was quickly disproven, however, as another blast of golden energy rocketed out from the darkness with an identical eardrum-shattering BANG, colliding with Neo’s hip with the force of a cannonball before exploding into a blast of searing heat and golden flames. The sheer momentum behind the shot’s impact knocked the half-pint killer off her feet and startled her enough to shatter her command over the illusory doppelgangers, but the explosion sent her flying, tumbling through the air until her momentum was halted by colliding with the side of a shipping crate with a loud, hollow BOOM. Neo fell to the ground with a thud and a pained groan, spitting out a gob of bloody saliva as she forced herself back up to her feet. Her Aura managed to repair most of the damage done to her, but it couldn’t fix everything; the petite assassin sharply sucked in her breath as putting too much weight on her leg sent a stab of pain through her body.
“Neo, Neo, Neo… are you really trying that little trick on me?” The voice tsked; now, it sounded much closer than it had been before. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time now; your disappearing act won’t work this time.” Another deep chuckle. “Emerald and Mercury tried the same thing; oh, they screamed nice and long.”
Neo’s normal calm, cocky air was long gone by this point; in its place there grew an all-consuming sense of complete and utter dread as realization dawned on her. That shot had been deliberately aimed; whoever this was, they had known to limit her ability to move beforehand to even the fight. What’s more, whoever was stalking her had apparently been responsible for taking down Emerald and Mercury - they had experience with seeing through illusions.

“All this time, you put up this cool, confident, insufferable air around yourself.” The woman's voice continued; as it continued on, Neo could faintly hear the thumping of heavy feet impacting wood and metal as her assailant circled her from on high. "You act like you're invincible, like you can't be killed; and the thing is? You've come to believe it yourself. But I know better."

The awful chuckle sounded again; this time, though, it felt like it was right in Neo's ear. "Just like everyone else, you can get hurt. Just like everyone else, you bleed." The short-statured assassin felt the temperature behind her rise, and a dim glow began to appear behind her, turning the blackness surrounding her to a hellish red. "And just like everyone else... you burn!"
Alright, enough was enough. With a growl, Neo whirled around to face the opponent, already swinging her umbrella and fortifying her body with Aura…
Only to be hit in the face point-blank with a blast of flames.

The petite criminal yelled in pain and held her forearm in front of her face as the inferno consumed her, the flames burning through her Aura as if it were kindling. Her eyes watered from the intense heat of the flames, and the sheer brightness nearly blinded her, but the actual force behind it actually pushed her nearly half a dozen meters backwards before the stream of fire was abruptly cut off, only to be replaced by what felt like an immense foot swinging around and nailing the two-toned woman in the stomach with a roundhouse kick, sending her singed, smoking form sailing through the air once again until she finally hit the ground and skidded to a stop.

“I remember what you did, Neo.” The voice sneered, practically dripping with pure unconcentrated scorn. "And I'm here to give you your dues." Just as Neo managed to push herself back up again, something long and heavy suddenly slammed into her side, sending the half-pint assassin tumbling across the hard concrete floor with a series of bone-jarring thuds and thumps until she smacked into the side of another crate.
“I swore that I would get my revenge on you; I dreamed of the day that I would finally return the favor with the damage you did to me.” Her assailant continued; through her still-blurry vision, Neo could see an utterly titanic form slowly advancing upon her. “But then… then Beacon happened.”
A gigantic fist the size of the half-pint assassin’s head flashed forwards and nailed her squarely in the stomach again with a devastating right hook; if Neo hadn’t managed to bring her Aura to bear at the last second, the blow would have doubtlessly caved in her ribcage as if it were an eggshell, and even with that extra cushioning, it still ripped a scream of pain out of the petite criminal’s lungs and slammed her against the metallic wall behind her hard enough to leave a crater as wide around as she was tall.
“You ruined me, Neo.” The stranger snarled; the sheer force behind the impact had sent Neo’s vision blurry once again, but she could still make out a massive indistinct form looming over her. “You and the rest of Cinder’s cronies took everything from me; my friends, my city, my school, my family, my life.” A devastating backhand slammed into the little killer, the dent in the crate behind her widening even more from the sheer force of the impact. In the back of her mind, Neo was surprised that she was still conscious; her Aura had kept her major internal organs from getting too banged up, but it was giving her diminishing returns each time she used it; at this point, she was running on fumes.
“Then again, I suppose that doesn’t narrow things down that much, now does it?” The voice purred. “Perhaps a little face-to-face would jog your memory.”
Neo struggled to push herself back up, to get to her feet and run, hobble, crawl, anything, but it was no use; before she could get up again, a great clawed hand roughly grabbed the short-statured criminal by the front of her jacket and lifted her up off the ground like a toy. Neo writhed and squirmed in a vain attempt to free herself from her captor’s vice-like grip, but as her blurry vision finally cleared up, her struggles slowed and stopped, her mismatched eyes widening in recognition.

“You.” She rasped, her voice trembling with equal amounts of anger and fear.
“Yes. Me.” Yang Xiao Long - or rather, the gargantuan thing that Yang had become - replied with a manic razor-toothed grin, her eyes glowing red like a pair of hot coals. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it, Neo? As you can see…” The blonde brawler waved a hand over her immense form, “I’ve changed considerably since last we met. So far, I’ve been enjoying my new body; I don’t think that your goons can say the same, though."
Neo’s eyes fell to Yang’s midsection, and her face went ashen. Instead of the trim, toned middle that the half-pint criminal remembered from before, the firebrand now sported an immense swollen gut hanging down almost to her knees, its smooth surface disturbed by the constant squirming of multiple living things moving around within it; as the two-toned killer watched, the faint outline of a clearly human face pressed up against the outside of the bloated stomach, its mouth opening in a silent scream before sinking back down again.
“Then again, I can’t exactly hear them from way up here.” The blonde brawler noted with a predatory gleam in her eye, clearly enjoying Neo’s horrified reaction. “How about you go and ask how they’re doing?” With that, she abruptly lowered the two-toned assassin to be level with her bloated stomach, then shoved her up against the taut skin, forcing the petite criminal to feel the movements of the grunts trapped within it.
The hoarse scream that Neo let out as she was crushed against Yang’s belly was muffled significantly by the shifting flesh pressing against her, but her resumed and ever more frantic struggles weren’t hard to decipher No, no, no, no, no, no, no! This had to be a nightmare, it had to be! She was going to get eaten alive, just like Roman had!
Yang chuckled evilly as the panicking criminal squirmed against her stuffed stomach, holding her there for a few moments and enjoying the feeling of the shorter woman’s futile kicks and punches against her scaly skin; when she finally pulled the two-toned assassin back up to eye level, she was trembling like a leaf, her mismatched eyes wide with terror.
“What’s the matter, Neo?” The firebrand jested, shaking the petite killer about a little bit. “C’mon, tell me what’s eating you! Finding this whole thing a little bit hard to swallow?”
“Please… please don’t do this.” Neo pleaded, her already raspy voice sounding even more hoarse then normal. “I’ll… I’ll tell you where the others are; I can… I can get you more people to eat. Just please, please, please don’t eat me!”
The blonde juggernaut’s mocking demeanor dropped at that, and she scowled down at her smaller captive. “Yeah, no. Didn’t you hear what I was saying, Neo? You and the rest of Cinder’s cronies ruined me. Even if I didn’t turn into, well…” She gestured to her reptilian form once again, “This, you made all of Remnant think that I was a monster, that I was too dangerous to keep around. There’s no way that I’m ever going to be able to continue training to be a Huntress or hold down a steady job; hell, even going into town would be almost impossible. And that’s just counting what you did to me; because of you and your gang, thousands of innocent people are dead now, including one of my best friends.” Yang gave the two-toned assassin another rough shake with a vicious snarl. “You reap what you sow, Neo; I’m just giving you your dues. You sent a bunch of Grimm to eat Vale, so now I’m going to eat you.
The firebrand paused from her tirade for a moment, tapping her chin with one clawed finger. “Then again, I don’t think that I could eat another bite.” She gave her tremendous bulging gut a playful slap, causing it to wobble dangerously and invoking another round of struggles from the grunts held captive within it. “I mean, look at me; I’m absolutely stuffed.” Neo let out a breath that she didn’t know she had been holding at that. Regardless of how she had turned into… that, the blonde bitch was full for the moment from stuffing herself with her men. Maybe… maybe she could get out of this alive after all!
“…So I guess I’ll have to make do.” Yang continued, effortlessly crushing Neo’s hopes of escape. “Emerald and Mercury went straight to my ass; might as well balance myself out.”

With that, the blonde brawler unceremoniously stuffed Neo in between her immense breasts, squeezing the smaller girl into her vast cleavage. The heterochromatic criminal let out another shout of surprise as she was shoved in, trying to thrash her way out again, but it was no use - she was trapped like a rat between the firebrand’s breasts, her body enveloped in titflesh from her armpits down to just above her knees.
“Enjoying yourself?” Yang asked jeeringly as Neo struggled and cursed within her fleshy prison, trying to pull herself out to no avail. “Hope you like it in there, because you’re not coming back out.” Before the shorter woman could reply to that, the dragon-girl closed her eyes and concentrated, directing her Aura towards her chest, and…
Jackpot. The blonde brawler grinned triumphantly as she felt a pleasurable tingling feeling build up within her breasts. “And there we go. Goodbye, Neo, and good riddance.”
Before the two-toned girl could utter a response, a dull numbness began to quickly spread through her body, and the searing softness of Yang’s flesh somehow became even squishier and softer to the touch by the second, as if she was being submerged in goo. Wait, not as if; she was being submerged! Somehow, Neo’s limbs were being drawn into the blonde dragoness’ breasts, her legs being folded up within the much larger woman’s breasts into the fetal position as they were consumed. With a muffled scream of terror, the heterochromatic assassin tried to kick and punch at the suffocating softness as she began to sink into it, but when her fists impacted Yang’s breasts, she was unable to pull them back out; each twitch and struggle only caused Yang’s tits to slurp up her petite form a little bit faster.
The golden-scaled apex predator just let out a loud moan of pleasure as her prey continued to struggle, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and a luminescent blush on her face. “Don’t… don’t stop,” She panted out, her tail writhing and lashing through the air behind her as if it had been stuck in an electrical socket. “Wh-… whatever you do, don’t you dare stop - Oh God yes, yes, yes!” Every movement that Neo made, every thrash and every twitch, sent a shudder of raw ecstasy through Yang’s body, leaving her half-delirious with arousal as a result. With a moan of pleasure, the blonde amazon grasped a great handful of boobflesh in each clawed hand, letting out another groan of pleasure and vigorously kneading her great fleshy globes against each other, essentially giving Neo’s entire body the titjob of the century as she continued to be sucked downwards.
Within seconds, Neo’s entire lower half was totally engulfed in the warm suffocating softness, her sense of feeling there quickly fading away. Next, Yang’s breasts began to suck down the little criminal’s forearms and torso, pulling her farther and farther in until only her head and shoulders were left outside as she still desperately tried to struggle her way to freedom.

Finally, with a faint schlrrrrp, Neo’s head was sucked down in between the firebrand’s breasts, cutting the little criminal’s final hoarse scream short as her face vanished into their hungry depths, never to be seen again. Yang let out another gasp of arousal as her hated enemy was subsumed into herself, still struggling for a few more moments before finally going limp from a lack of air; as Neo’s struggles at last came to an end, though, the firebrand felt the tingling of Aura within her chest begin to build up once again.
“O-oh, yeah - h-hah, haaah! - that’s the stuff!” The firebrand panted out. “C-come to mama!”
Sure enough, as if they were two balloons being slowly filled with water, the huntress’ already-large breasts began to swell larger and larger, rapidly breaking down Neo’s body mass and repurposing it into something much greater. The superpredator moaned out in arousal again as she cupped one growing tit in each clawed hand and began to vigorously knead and squeeze her growing breasts as they filled in more and more of her taloned grasp, pouring out over the edges of her palms and extending out farther and farther past her fingertips. Yang panted heavily and let out another pleasured moan as her chest bulged out farther and farther and the heat in her loins grew greater and greater, but just as she was about to reach her peak, the growth finally petered out, and the tingling quickly dissipated.
“Wh-what?! Oh, come on!” The dragoness snapped, glaring down at her newly-enlarged chest. “God dammit, Neo, you just had to screw me over one last time, huh?” After a moment, though, Yang’s angry expression softened and was quickly replaced by a grin, and she jabbed an immense breast with one finger, causing the whole thing to jiggle and wobble. “Ah, fuck it, I can’t stay mad at you; not when you look this good on me. Gotta say, being fat on my tits suits you pretty well.”
Indeed, not a single calorie of Neo’s body remained within Yang’s body; every last bit of nutrients within it had been broken down and repurposed into acres of soft, smooth breast flesh. Each one was nearly twice the size it had been a few minutes ago, larger than barrels and with nipples the size of a grown man’s fists; the firebrand was pretty sure that if the situation called for it, she could probably use her newly improved tits as bludgeoning weapons. Yang hefted her newly grown ‘assets’ for a few more moments, noting their increased weight with no small amount of satisfaction; as she did so, however, she heard a faint sloshing noise sound from within them.
“What the heck…?” The apex predator muttered to herself, giving her immense breasts another experimental heft and hearing the same sloshing as she had before? The hell was this? Was… was she lactating now? Before the apex predator could further investigate her new-and-improved breasts, however, a loud gurgle sounded from her still-stuffed stomach as it began the process of breaking down its immense meal, much to the distress of those grunts that had were still conscious within it.
“Ah, crap, forgot about you guys.” Yang muttered to her bloated belly, turning to the side and lumbering off towards the exit. “As much as I’d like to fool around with you all, I’ve gotta start heading back. I’ve got… things to do.” The blonde brawler’s face flushed a little bit as she imagined herself reclining nude on a couch like an ancient empress as Jaune waited on her hand and foot while wearing nothing more than a tiny loincloth; gently caressing her engorged gut with tender hands, then moving upwards to her massive breasts, trailing light kisses across their heavenly soft bulk and along her neck before placing his lips to hers, then casting his loincloth aside and administering to her ‘other’ needs…

Oh, c’mon, brain, save the fantasizing for the lair! The firebrand snapped to herself with a grimace as she filed away that particular fantasy for later, stalking over to the immense crate that she had thrown through the warehouse door earlier. The firebrand’s claws dug into the metal as she tightened her grip, and with a grunt of exertion, she yanked the nearly five-ton crate out of the hole it had made and placed it down again off to the side, then maneuvered herself through the gargantuan hole it had left behind. As Yang slipped out of the warehouse and into the night, she idly smacked her lips and shrugged.
“Hmm.” She murmured to herself. “She actually tasted like ice cream.”

At the ruins of Beacon...

The last few red rays of the sun disappeared behind the horizon, shrouding the ruined academy in a blanket of darkness that was only pierced the silvery light of the fractured moon above. The petrified dragon loomed over the ruined structure like a massive gargoyle, still utterly untouched by any bird or insect.

As the moon’s silvery light began to light up the night sky, its normal shattered appearance dropped once more in favor of a pure sphere of silvery light, the ambient temperature around the petrified dragon’s perch steadily climbed higher and higher. The wind began to pick up again, kicking up great plumes of soot from the cracked stone floor and sending it swirling through the air. The airborne ashes swirled and twisted lazily through the air like darkened miniature facsimiles of ocean currents and eddies, but when the breeze died down once again, they refused to stay airborne, instead just hovering slowly above the ground in small dusty clouds.
All was silent as the moon’s light washed over the still scene. Then, suddenly, something changed in the air; not a shift in temperature or another breeze, but an undetectable, simplistic gut feeling with an equally simplistic message.
It is time.
As one, the ashes still lying upon the floor of the tower began to slither and shift across the ground, converging upon a bronze circlet lying near the center of the tower. Up above, stormclouds began to gather with an ominous rumble, veins of lightning crackling through them as the smell of ozone began to fill the air and the ash continued to swirl and flutter on an intangible breeze.
Slowly and laboriously, the circlet began to rise inch by inch up into the air, shaking and trembling as its tarnished surface began to clear itself up, the streaks of ash covering its form wiping themselves away as a glow began to emanate from it, starting out dull and nearly unnoticeable but soon building and building as the seconds passed and the crackling lightning building far overhead became more and more frantic in its movements. The ashes around the circlet quickened the pace of their dance as the light coming from it intensified, whirling and twisting around the piece of jewelry like a miniature tornado, and if one looked closely, they could even see tiny arcs of static electricity jumping from fleck of ash to fleck of ash, filling the air with the crackle of static and smell of ozone.

Finally, it happened: the thunderclouds high above opened, and the mother of all lightning bolts, thick around as a telephone pole and supplemented with nearly a dozen smaller bolts feeding into its base exploded forth with a crackling roar. It slammed down into the circlet like the fist of the gods, discharging enough electricity to turn a Goliath to ash within the first split second of contact but somehow not damaging the bronze headpiece in the slightest. From somewhere deep within the circlet, something stirred, and a weak pulse of Aura flared from within it. Aura met electricity in a crackling flash, and the lightning bolt exploded outwards in a blast of brilliant light that could be seen clear as day even down amidst the husk that was once Vale.
When the blast finally dissipated, all was quiet once again atop Beacon Tower; the ashes were gone, evaporated with the sheer heat of the lightning strike. But now, there was something standing before the great petrified dragon… or rather, someone.
An immense figure knelt in the exact spot where the lightning had struck, chest slowly beginning to rise and fall as it took a breath, then another and another. Slowly, it began to rise to its feet, and as it did, it became apparent that the figure was female, but far from human.
She stood at a towering ten feet tall with a figure like that of an Amazon queen; her arms and legs were thick with lean corded muscle, with a broad back, strong, yet smooth shoulders, and a lean stomach with a rock-hard set of abdominals, but with curves that were undeniably feminine - wide hips, thick thighs, and a large fleshy rear end with with massive breasts easily twice the size of her head to match. Each of her legs sported an extra joint below the knees that bent in the opposite direction, giving the limbs a similar structure to those of a dog or a predatory dinosaur, and her feet now each ended in three toes tipped with great hooked eagle-like talons that dug into the stone floor like it was made out of tinfoil; similarly, each finger now ended in a massive wickedly sharp hooked talon, while bony ridges extended down her forearms. Cherry red hair cascaded down the woman's shoulders to the small of her back, and her eyes opened to reveal glowing orbs of emerald green with slit pupils like a serpent's.

Pyrrha Nikos, the 'Invincible Girl' of Beacon, lived again.

Comments: 28

MattX125 [2021-12-27 00:01:33 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

yaboyguzma1 [2020-02-02 07:25:31 +0000 UTC]

Woah, lookimg forward to Part4
If Pyrrha’s back...is Penny gonna return too?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

rtfulk2003 [2019-03-22 23:58:30 +0000 UTC]

Man, I'm really looking forward to the next part.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TW20091 [2018-05-15 22:38:22 +0000 UTC]

I hope you continue. This story is awesome 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DoctorSauron [2018-03-13 18:54:55 +0000 UTC]

.... I saw this coming a mile away, but still.

I love you, man! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

deviantfan16 [2017-08-14 02:55:34 +0000 UTC]

Well, i just caught up with these latest two parts of this and............ i have no words to express this. i don't think the english language is evolved enough to express the sheer amount of thing that went right here. can't wait to see revived Pyrrha in action or to see Yang's next step.
is the dragon-sformation gonna be explained?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Larkspurdiblock In reply to deviantfan16 [2017-08-14 03:24:07 +0000 UTC]

All will be revealed in time.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

deviantfan16 In reply to Larkspurdiblock [2017-08-14 03:30:01 +0000 UTC]

-_- you seem cool.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mallaprax [2017-07-31 09:25:57 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheGreaterEye [2017-07-28 04:38:57 +0000 UTC]


Also...Thic Yang voracious rampage is as glorious as always. This was a lovely read and now I'm stuck tying to figure out what exactly Pyrrha turned into.

Love this series. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Larkspurdiblock In reply to TheGreaterEye [2017-07-28 04:49:46 +0000 UTC]

Essentially, imagine a stacked monstergirl version of the Witch from Left 4 Dead.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheGreaterEye In reply to Larkspurdiblock [2017-07-28 05:16:15 +0000 UTC]

Ooooooooh I like.
Don't startle the witch now Jaune or else she'll run at you, pin you down and not let go till she's done.......wait...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Larkspurdiblock In reply to TheGreaterEye [2017-07-28 05:22:20 +0000 UTC]

Oh, and there's also a bit of General Grievous thrown in with the legs.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheGreaterEye In reply to Larkspurdiblock [2017-07-28 05:23:09 +0000 UTC]

A nice touch.
Plus I love how Yang's so accepting of her ever bigger rump

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Larkspurdiblock In reply to TheGreaterEye [2017-07-28 05:25:40 +0000 UTC]

Yep. Believe me, she's not gonna be bottom-heavy for long, though.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheGreaterEye In reply to Larkspurdiblock [2017-07-28 05:27:24 +0000 UTC]

Daawww Sorta like bottom heavy based gals but any kind of thicc Yang is great. Can't wait for more yet I shall because I know it's gonna be good.

Just gotta finish a certain pirate themed story then I'm doing a bundle of short RWBY villainess stories

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Larkspurdiblock In reply to TheGreaterEye [2017-07-28 20:48:46 +0000 UTC]

RWBY villainesses? Consider me hooked.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheGreaterEye In reply to Larkspurdiblock [2017-07-28 20:53:06 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Larkspurdiblock In reply to TheGreaterEye [2017-07-28 21:19:00 +0000 UTC]


We talking villainous versions of the girls, or the canonical villains?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheGreaterEye In reply to Larkspurdiblock [2017-07-28 21:25:22 +0000 UTC]

Canonical villains 
though villainous versions of the girls would be neat 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Larkspurdiblock In reply to TheGreaterEye [2017-07-28 21:31:57 +0000 UTC]


And yeah, they would be.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheGreaterEye In reply to Larkspurdiblock [2017-07-30 20:55:00 +0000 UTC]

Yup, villains don't have those pesky morals getting in the way of kink related antics 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Larkspurdiblock In reply to TheGreaterEye [2017-07-30 21:02:20 +0000 UTC]

Very true!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RedFighter345 [2017-07-28 01:28:19 +0000 UTC]

nicely done

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Larkspurdiblock In reply to RedFighter345 [2017-07-28 02:25:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RedFighter345 In reply to Larkspurdiblock [2017-07-28 02:32:41 +0000 UTC]

No problem also question u take requests?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Larkspurdiblock In reply to RedFighter345 [2017-07-28 02:44:53 +0000 UTC]

I do. Send me a note with 'em.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RedFighter345 In reply to Larkspurdiblock [2017-07-28 02:59:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0