LastingEnchantments — Tayten (Cheetah)

#african #anthro #character #cheetah #female #girl #recolor #writing #lookingforroleplay
Published: 2016-08-28 01:49:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 5893; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 0
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Description *Currently looking for roleplays (one on one mainly) to use these character in.*

“Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run         with them."
        -Carrie Bradshaw.

    General Information
Name: Tayten
Pronunciation: TAY-t-eh-n
Name Meaning:  Beautiful joy
Name Origin: African.
Other Names: Te-Te, Tay, and Chase.
Gender: Female.
Titles: "Wonder-er", "Outcast".

Birth Name: Until Dawn, or "Dawn."
Birth Date: July 30th, 1998.
Birth Length: Runt, exact length unknown.
Birth Weight: Runt, exact weight unknown.
Birth Place: Kruger National Park, Africa.
Manner of Birth: Normal, no difficulties. Father away hunting.
First Word(s): "Human."

Death Date: -----
Death Place: -----
Manner of Death: -----
Resting Place: -----
Last Words: -----

Dominant Hand: Right.
Astrological Sign: Leo.
Catchphrase: "Leave."
Autograph: Three vertical slashes on a tree, plant, or ground.
Handwriting: Never learned how to write.
ID Number/SSN: -------
License Plate Number: ------

Picture: Above.

Height: 5'0".
Weight: 95 lbs.
Species: Anthro - cheetah.
Race: African.
Blood Type: -AB.
Symbol:  🐾

Skin Color: Underneath fur, caramel color.
Birthmarks: -----
Extra Anatomy: ------
Somatotype: Ectomorph.
Locomotion: Plantigrade.

Hair Color: Blonde.
Hair Length: Past her waist.
Hair Type: Straight.
Hair Style: Commonly, braided.
Widow's Peak: No.
Ear Shape: Large, rounded.
Ear Type: Feline.
Eye Color: Amber.
Eye Type: Feline.
Eyebrows: Sophisticated, natural.
Nose Color: Grey.
Nose Shape: Feline.
Teeth: Carnivorous.
Face Shape: Triangle.
Complexion: ----
Facial Hair: -----

Hat Size: Small.
Shirt Size: Medium.
Waist Size: 33 in.
Shoe Size: 7.5.

Fur Color: Tan.
Fur Designs: White underbelly, throat, inner-thighs (up to her knees), muzzle, paws and hands, tail, inner ear, and around eyes. Black spots and stripes (cheetah).
Fur Length: Short.
Fur Type: Coarse.
Tail Color: Tan.
Tail Design: White tail tip, black stripes on tip, black spots on rest.
Tail Girth: Thick.
Tail Length: 2.8 feet.
Tail Type: Long, straight.

Alternative Appearances: -----

    Health and Image
Diet: Antelope, commonly.
Exercise: Daily, running and climbing.
Fitness: Fit.
Maximum Load: 40 lbs.
Running Speed: 65 mphs.
Posture: Always straight posture.
Dexterity: Able to balance easily, graceful movements, light on her feet.
Reflexes: Sharp, typically able to respond in four seconds but can be longer.

Abnormalities: -----
Vulnerabilities: Mature physically, but not mentally. Can be easily frustrated or angered.
Handicaps: Nearly deaf in left ear.
Aids: ----
Medication: ---- 
Augmentations: ---- 
Allergies: Unknown.
Diseases: Unknown.
Illnesses: Unknown.
Disorders: Post-dramatic stress disorder.
Imperfections: Small, nearly invisible scar on the base of her tail.
Broken Bones: Broken tail (healed) and paw (healed).
Reason for Health: Near loss of hearing was the result of a poorly executed leap to catch an antelope, received a swift kick to her head. Scar resulted in an confrontation with a lioness defending her cubs (accidental). Post-dramatic stress disorder occurred when her father was killed by a horde of stampeding buffalo. Broken tail due to an elephant stepping on her tail (accidental) and broken paw was a result of a misstep.

Wardrobe: None.
Accessories: None.
Equipment: None.
Musical Instruments: None.
Amulets: None.
Piercings: None.
Hygiene: Bathes in river or other type of naturally sourced water when she stumbles across it.
Makeup: None.
Perfume / Cologne: None.
Scent: Earthy.
Scars: Small, nearly invisible scar on the base of her tail.
Tattoos: None.

Accent / Dialect: African accent.
Voice: Honeyed.
Pitch: Messo-soprano.
Range:  A below middle C.
Volume: Medium, measured.
Laughter: A soft grin or low chuckle.
Impediments: None.

IQ: ----
Languages: Arabic, English, and Somali.
Vocabulary: 10,000.
Memory: Sharp short-term memory, horrible long-term.
Temperament: Black bile (despondent, analytical, quiet, serious).
Learning Style: ------
Emotional Stability: Decent, but typically able to remain calm unless provoked or teased/taunted.
Mental Health: Average.
Instincts: Knows better than to remain close to buffalo and prefers to be on her own, yet known to show slight compassion to those she trusts.

Bodily-Kinesthetic: Rarely clumsily.
Interpersonal: Shy, quiet, and indifferent at times.
Intrapersonal: Uncertain of her origins and her body itself. Seems to grasp how she is personality/mentally, however.
Linguistic: Sharp, though prefers to use sharp and short phrases.
Logical-Mathematical: Talented when left on her own; when left to monitor others, unable to think critically.
Musical: Sharp, though prefers soft and calming tones and rhythms.
Naturalistic: Sharp, able to easily blend into her natural surroundings/scenery.
Spatial: Average, difficultly picturing abstract objects she has not seen before.
Existential: Horrible, believes there is something/someone out there but does not think about it.

Audition: Excellent, able to hear sharp sounds that originate from several miles away.
Gustation: Average, eats only because it is needed.
Olfaction: Excellent, able to pick up scents a few hours after it rained, even if they are almost completely faded.
Tactition: Average, simply does not care how something "feels."
Vision: 20/20, "normal."
Intuition: Able to deduct and reason well, but unable to predict humans or others of her species well.
Synesthesia: Misophobia, unable to withstand the sound of chewing or humming done by others.

Religion: Traditional Berber.
Devotion: Only because her parents were part of the religion.
Superstitions: Karma.
Spirit Animal: Deer.
Deathwish: Quickly.

Allegiance: Herself.
Political Party: -----
Political Awareness: None. 

Morality: For Happiness.
Etiquette: Curt and rude to strangers, cautious around known.
Alignment: Middle - both good and bad.
Attitude: Type 1.
Outlook on Life: All have lived or are living, people die, and one should be only worried about themselves.
Perception: The glass is too big.
Philosophy / Motto: "I will."
Taboos: "Nothing is worse than killing for no reason."
Vices: Permits herself to ignore her mother and siblings' location.
Virtues: Chastity, humility, diligence. 

Primary Objective: To move past witnessing her father's death.
Secondary Objectives: To have the courage to confront her mother and family.
Priorities: Thrives on what is needed to physically continue living.
Motivation: Avoiding capture.
Self Confidence: Overestimates her analysis, fails to realize that "shit just happens" sometimes that can't be planned, relies on her speed too much.
Self Control: Only acts on what is needed to survive physically. Does not eat, drink, or bathe unless it is needed at present or soon will be.
Self Esteem: Knows that she lacks several key points, yet does not think she is useless, humble.

Quirks: Typically able to travel while keeping a barring on surroundings, unable to trust the words of another (which typically causes her to end up in awkward situations), bites lip when not active, cracks knuckles and neck from time to time, taps foot when nervous or uncertain, and typically wakes up at dawn and falls asleep a few hours after dusk.
Hobbies: From time to time, claws trees or dirt to create a messy "drawing."
Closet Hobbies: When alone and secluded, she at times sings or hums lowly to herself.
Guilty Pleasures: Loves to sit on the highest branch and swing her feet as she monitors her surroundings, loves to sun bathe during the hottest hours.
Habits: Runs or climbs at least twice a day, commonly brushes aside issues that cannot be fixed and leaves them be, observes from far before engaging.

Desires: To fall in love, see her mother before her mother passes on. 
Wishes: To travel, to be a normal, feral cheetah.
Lures: Foreign languages or accents.
Manias: Running, the feel of wind and sun on her fur.
Afflictions: Humans visiting more often, constantly being forced to move.
Traumas: Witnessed her father be trampled to death at the age of ten, nearly killed by a lion when five.
Worries: Never seeing her mother, always being on her own and continuing to brush others off.
Nervous Tics: Lip biting and tapping of her right foot.
Instigators: Stampede of any type of animal, a lion's roar.
Soothers: Physical contact of a hand to her shoulder, gentle touch on her tail, or the smell of water/rain.
Savvies: Analyzing, observing, stealth, and effortless speed.
Ineptities: Unable to communicate properly/well with others.
Soft Spots: Newly born mammals.
Cruel Streaks: Snakes, monkeys/primates, and fish.

Accomplishments: Able to avoid humans finding her, fought off a leopard to protect and guard her territory, and was able to kill a buffalo.
Greatest Achievement: Visited the place her father died.
Failures: Attacked and killed a pregnant cheetah, let a severely injured rabbit escape, avoided meeting her mother and family.
Biggest Failure: Overestimated the length she had to jump and nearly drowned in an flooded river.
Obituary: "Never one to embrace change, and left family far behind."

Favorite Dream: A reoccurring dream where she is curled into her father's side after a successful hunt.
Worst Nightmare: Re-living her father's death (happens at least once a week).
Earliest Memory: Grabbing her father's nose and the sound of his laughter.
Fondest Memory: Her father teaching her to hunt at the age of eight.
Worst Memory: Watching her father being trampled and killed by stampeding buffaloes.
Funniest Moment: Getting distracted by a butterfly and managing to get tangled in a thorny plant/bush.
Happiest Moment: Catching her very first rabbit by herself.
Saddest Moment: Telling her family of her father's death.
Most Prized Possession: None.
Most Valuable Possession: None.
Collections: None.

Embarrassments: Love (or the suggestion/idea of it), being reminded of her clumsy childhood. 
Mannerisms: Biting lip, tapping foot, cracking knuckles, "tsk" sounds when frustrated and annoyed.
Humor: Dark.
Regrets: Killing when it could have been avoided, avoiding family.
Secrets: Hides self-doubt with a deadpan or tranquil expression. 
Darkest Secret: Played a part in her father's death by causing the stampede (accidental).
Pet Peeves: Chewing with mouth open, humming off key, nails tapping against something, hearing distant sounds but unable to make out what they are/what is being said.
Phobias: Astraphobia, Aphenphosmphobia, Metathesiophobia.
Greatest Fear: Tokophobia.

Confidence: Average, knows limits.
Creativity: Nearly non-existent.
Generosity: Poor, selfish with food, water, or other basic necessities.
Honesty: Poor, rarely speaks the truth.
Loyalty: Average, commonly defends her father and family, however.
Insecurities: Height, chest, intelligence, not being loving/caring enough.
Patience: Average, typically will not waste time on a hopeless case, however.
Predictability: Above average, any one able to see things practically will be able to see right through her.
Reliability: Horrible, takes care of self and, commonly, does not aid others.
Respect: "Respect is earned, not given."
Responsibility: Able to take responsibility if she injures herself or fails to do as she planned.
Trustworthiness: Above average, does not believe in gossiping, "people's business are their own."

Compliments: "Impressive."
Insults: "You couldn't catch an antelope if it were already dead!"
Expletives: "Doos", "poepol", "blerrie", "fokenwil", "kak."
Farewells: "Macsalaamo!", "Fair winds.", ""Tawdie."
Greetings: "What are you doing here?"
Mood: Deadpan, tranquil, calm.
Words: Leave, food, water, rain.
Emotional Status: Content, typically.

Likes: Food, rain, climbing, running, the sun, antelope.
Dislikes: Humans, snakes, monkeys, lions.
Favorites: -----
Least Favorites: -----

Ability: -----
Element: -----
Martial Arts: -----
Immunities: ------
Resistances: Heightened reflexes, analytical mindset.
Strengths: ------
Weaknesses: Lion roaring, buffalo appearing (even when at a safe distance).
Futilities: ------
Restrictions: Claws on hands are weaker and cannot be used offensively.
Origin: Birth.
Source: Birth.

Specialty: Close range.
Signature Move: Back kick.
Special Attack: May kick up dirt, sand or grass to either escape or avoid injury.
Courage: Will not fight if it is not needed.

    Home, Work, and Education
Abode: Africa, Kruger National Park.
Hometown: -----
Citizenship: -----
Culture: Africa.
Traditions: May sit and mediate while submersed in water.
Routine: Wake up at dawn, sunbathe, hunt, bathe, rest in tree or in shade, observe the stars, fall asleep before midnight.
Sleep Patterns: Sleep a full eight hours, always.
Eating Habits: Eat when hungry, only.
Pets: ----

Employer: ---
Job Title: ----
Experience: ----
Community Service: ---- 
Rank: ----
Supervisor: ----
Hours: ----
Work Ethic: ----
Transportation: ---
Criminal Record: ----
Dream Job: ----

Income / Salary: -----
Net Worth: ----
Budget: ---
Debt: ---
Savings: ---- 
Dependents: ---
Splurges: ---

Elementary School: ----
Middle School: ----
High School: ---
Colleges: ----
Special Education: ----
Extracurricular Activities: ----
Graduating Year: -----
Study Habits: -----
Grades: -----
Degrees: ----

Mother: Ayo.
Father: Masozi
Guardians: None.
Siblings: Yamikumi (brother, older), and Ikenna (brother, twin).
Children: None.
Close Relatives: None.
Distant Relatives: None.
Ancestors: None.

Best Friend: None.
Close Friends: None.
Confidantes: None. 
Friends: None.
Allies: None.
Acquaintances: None. 
Followers: None.
Subordinates: None.
Rivals: None.
Enemies: None.

Inspirations: Masozi.
Role Models: Masozi.
Heroes: ----
Mentors: Masozi.

Family Dynamics: Hasn't seen family in four years.
Communication: Typically avoids others, and, when forced to confront others, speaks in short, sharp phrases.
Discriminations: Believes that those who rely on others are fools, monkeys are easy prey, and snakes mean evil or impurity.
Reputation: "Isolated", "Mean", Practical", "Pragmatic."
Dominance: Prefers to be on her own, only relying on her own talents and skills.
Expression: Deadpan, rarely reflects true emotions.
Cooperation: Works best alone.
Sociability: Shut-in.
Status: Survivor.
Class: -----
Livelihood: Active, usually working.

Memberships: Loner.
Community: Everyone's out for themselves, there is no cuddling, there is only survival or death.

First Love: No one.
Love Interests: No one, romantically.
Marital Status: Single.
Orientation: Heterosexual.
Significant Other: No one.

Love Style: Ludus, agape.
Flirtiness: Never.
Turnons: Tall, fur, understanding, respectful, capable of being independent.
Turnoffs: Snakes, scales, hooves, chewing with mouth open, lions, buffaloes, cowards.
Fetishes: Fluffy tail and ears.
Virginity: Virgin.

    Story Information
Verse: Any.

Archetype: "The Loner." 
Enneagram: Type 3.
Flaws: "Because I'm good at it", "Can't take criticism", "Don't dare you dare pity me!", "Emotionally tongue tied", "God is flawed", "Humans are flawed", "I work alone", "Paper Tiger".
Tropes: Adaptational Intelligence, Cuddle Bug, In Harmony with Nature, Knuckling Cracking, Work Hard Play Hard.
Clichés: Fierce temper, recluse.

Role: Any.
Fulfilment: Varies.
Significance: Varies.
Advice: "Everything takes time, don't rush it or blame yourself for being unable to do something at first."

Analogue: -----
Inspiration: None.
Voice Actor: None.
One Word: Dishonest.
Tagline: "Damaged, but work the effort to repair."
Theme Song: Re-education by Rise Against.
Soundtrack: Warrior by Demi Lovato , Monster by Skillet , Pride by American Authors , Home by American Authors , Born to Run by American Authors , Ignorance by Paramore , For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic .

Date of Creation: 8/26/17.
First Appearance (Date, Location, Event): ----
Earliest Appearance (Date, Location, Event): ----
Last Appearance (Date, Location, Event): ----
Latest Appearance (Date, Location, Event): ----

Centric Stories: 0
Centric Episodes: -----
Episode Count: -----

Angry: Rarely violet, typically sharp words and distances self physically. May have tears welling up.
Anxious: Lip biting, foot tapping, unable to meet gaze or adverts gaze to the left.
Conflicted: Sighs, eyes narrow and relax several times.
Criticized: Eye/eyebrow twitch, may lash out physically, sharp and demeaning words.
Depressed: Deadpan or eerily tranquil or calm expression. Does not speak, merely listens.
Embarrassed: Cheeks turn red/rosy, crosses arms, looks at the ground, pursed lips, tail stiff or wrapped around a leg.
Excited: Carefree grin, slight waving of tail, relaxed physically.
Frightened: Prepares to fight, may launch attack first, ears back, fur stands on end, tail wrapped around a leg.
Guilty: Deadpan, attempts to be unreadable.
Happy: Small smile, relaxed physically yet remains on guard slightly.
Mistaken: Dark red blush, holds hand in front of muzzle with  the other hand placed under elbow, adverts gaze to the side.
Nervous: Lip biting, may kick up grass or dirt, holds arms/hands behind herself.
Offended: Eyebrow twitching, stiff posturing, arms held stiffly at sides, may lean forward.
Praised: Deadpan, but may vary according to person.
Rejected: Shocked, eyebrows raised, may blink several times, at a loss for words.
Sad: Ears drooped, tail drags on the ground/floor, may have a vacant look to her eyes.
Stressed: May bite nails or pace.
Thoughtful: Typically sitting with legs swinging back and forth, eyes lifted upward.

First: Rude, dark, recluse, socially awkward.
Self: Confused with own actions at times, but typically forced self to think of something else besides her own opinion of herself.
Family: Holding too much in, guilt ridden, denying her true self, unable to move on from father's death.
Lover: -----
Friends: -----
Associates: -----
Authority: -----
Strangers: Rude, incoherent, prideful, ignorant, hostile.
Enemies: Self-centered, ignorant, hostile.
Post Mortem: -----
Creator: Interesting but common, a medley of different and new traits, daddy's princess, loyal but trait has dulled over years, forcing self to live in isolation and push everyone away.

MBIT Personality Type: ISTJ.
Anima: Practical, traditional, and organized. Likely to be athletic. Not interested in theory or abstraction unless they see the practical application. Have clear visions of the way things should be. Loyal and hard-working. Exceptionally capable in organizing. High levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, and goal-directed behaviors. 
Personas: Distant, cold, rude, curt, and rather insensitive with strangers and those who she view as enemies or possible threats. Indecisive, nervous, uncertain, awkward, and nearly a mess with family.
Idiosyncrasies: Wishes to fall in love despite being afraid of commitment and trusting others, or being around others.

Infancy (0-3): Born in a small cave at the side of the National Park in Africa. Middle child, only daughter. Mainly slept and was near her father as her mother was occupied with her oldest child. Not much remembered.

Childhood (4-12): Picked on by brother, isolated from family besides father who typically took her out to hunt and merely to escape her siblings and mother. Watched father get killed by stampeding buffalo. Carries guilt as she disobeyed her father's orders and caused the buffalo to begin to stampede.

Adolescence (13-19): Currently 18, left family at age of fourteen. Learned how to survive on her own, grew more isolated as time passed and her personality developed into a strange one.

Adulthood (20-54): ----

Seniority (55+): -----

Personal: ----
Social: ----
Physical: ----
Spiritual: ----

Defining Moment: -----
Other Information: -----

Lineart here .
Character Sheet here.
Related content
Comments: 11

Syreneln [2016-10-09 22:23:34 +0000 UTC]

If you are still looking for RPs, I do play them one on ones.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LastingEnchantments In reply to Syreneln [2016-11-05 01:11:56 +0000 UTC]

Never saw this! So sorry! I am still interested if you are.

Again, apologies!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Syreneln In reply to LastingEnchantments [2016-11-05 01:15:58 +0000 UTC]

Yes I am.

No problem I know how RL is. So is she the only one you will be playing or are there others as well?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LastingEnchantments In reply to Syreneln [2016-11-05 01:20:29 +0000 UTC]

I can create more. I have a bit of free time next week to do so. If only using her will be fine, then no, aside from background characters. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Syreneln In reply to LastingEnchantments [2016-11-05 04:23:50 +0000 UTC]

We can use anyone you like. I will have to set up a character or so to see what one we should use. Do you rp in notes or Skype or some such?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LastingEnchantments In reply to Syreneln [2016-11-05 06:48:44 +0000 UTC]

Unfortunately, I don't have a Skype. Will notes be fine, then?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Syreneln In reply to LastingEnchantments [2016-11-05 08:16:51 +0000 UTC]

Notes are more than fine! I just wondered what you liked using. I like notes.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LastingEnchantments In reply to Syreneln [2016-11-05 14:02:05 +0000 UTC]

Great! Let me know when you're ready to begin!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Syreneln In reply to LastingEnchantments [2016-11-27 22:27:29 +0000 UTC]

Just making sure you know I'm not ignoring you. I've just been distracted with RL. Oy lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LastingEnchantments In reply to Syreneln [2016-11-29 13:25:20 +0000 UTC]

It's fine. So have I.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Syreneln In reply to LastingEnchantments [2016-11-30 02:26:18 +0000 UTC]

That makes it easier on me that I'm not the only one =^-^=

👍: 0 ⏩: 0